Who let him play Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 114 The Reflection of Destruction

[You Xuan, LP 4000→LP 2500]

Sher: "."

Looking at the "Proclaimer of the Abyss" that You Xuan coldly took out, his facial muscles twitched a few times, and he hesitated to speak for a long time, but he was speechless for a while.

The Proclaimer of the Abyss, as can be clearly seen from the effect description, is an effect on the player. It forces the opponent player to choose one of their monsters to send to the grave. Its nature is similar to that of a duelist who sacrifices his own monster.

In other words, this thing can solve the kind of all-resistance brother that is "not affected by any card effects".

They just said that a duel is a collision of souls. Through a duel, you can read each other's hearts and understand each other.

So if we can read anything from the duel with the guy opposite, it's probably that his whole soul is saying: I don't want to do all that mess, I just want to win.

It would be better if you can create a little happiness while winning.

“But it’s not that easy to get rid of the King of the End using this method!” Sher shouted, “Activate the Gaika, the trap card ‘Mirror Swamp Man’!

Declare an attribute and race, and turn this card into a normal monster with that race and Special Summon it.

I declared "Dark" and "Demon", and specially summoned "Mirror Swampman" as a dark-attributed Demonic Trap Monster! "

[Mirror Swamp Man, attack power 1800]

"Then the effect of 'Abyss Proclaimer' will be processed! In this way, I will have two dark demon monsters on the field."

Sher calmly drew out this Swampert trap card again and sent it to the graveyard area of ​​the duel plate.

"Therefore, I chose to be sent to the graveyard as a 'mirror swampman' of the dark demon clan."

The Swampman who just appeared was immediately swallowed by the abyss and dragged into the endless darkness. A substitute exited the scene, and the King of Ending was saved.

"Ah, even this move was neutralized." Judai said regretfully, "This guy is really strong."

You Xuan: "Then I usually summon the 'female warrior from another dimension'."

Sher: "!"

The effect of this thing

He remembered that both parties to the battle were excluded from the game. After a violent end, the King of Ending could not be saved after he came up and slashed him.

"Hey, it's such a troublesome monster again." Shelson said calmly, "Then activate the cover card and the trap card to 'fall into the hole'. When the opponent summons a monster with an attack power of more than 1,000, it will be destroyed directly!"

As a result, the female warrior from another dimension did not get a chance to show off her skills, and fell directly into the pit and was blown to pieces.

But You Xuan didn't take it seriously and just raised another card in his hand.

“Then remove the two monsters from the game, the light attribute ‘Female Warrior of Another Dimension’ in the graveyard and the dark attribute monster ‘Stubborn Old Magician’ that was previously discarded to the graveyard by your ‘Transformation Pot’.

The souls of light and darkness sacrificed themselves in the field of chaos, calling for the arrival of the strongest warrior in the legend! Opening up of heaven and earth——

——Chaos warrior-the messenger of enlightenment, summon! ! ! "

The souls of light and darkness merged into one place, and the magic power of chaos burst into the sky. The sword blade of light and darkness split open the light curtain, and the flying particles condensed into powerful arms, heavy armor plated with golden lines, and the sword blade swung down with overwhelming force.

[Chaos Warrior-Emissary of the Opening, attack power 3000]

"Has he finally appeared? The legendary warrior spirit."

Sher said solemnly.

"Then I will accept this elf in this duel."

"If you can win, of course." Yu Xuan waved his hand, "In the battle stage, use 'Chaos Warrior-Herald of Opening' to attack 'King of the End Demis'!

Open up the double slash! "

Judai on the side held his breath and watched intently.

He knew that the envoy he created had the effect of destroying monsters in battle and then attacking additionally. Shel has 2,500 health points left. After destroying the King of Ends through battle, if additional attacks pass, the victory or defeat will be decided by the sword of the Chaos Warrior!

But of course Sher also has a way to deal with it: "Open the cover card! Quick attack magic 'Command Silencer'!" (Original card)

The quick-attack magic that Kaiba used against Yugi in the Sky Arena in the original game was described by Kaiba as "can cancel the duelist's attack declaration." He said that even Osiris would not be able to attack if he could not hear his master's command to attack.

“According to the effect of ‘Command Silencer’, you cannot declare an attack on the ‘Chaos Warrior’ this round!” Sher said, “The Chaos Warrior cannot accept your attack command, so it will not launch an attack.

And, after that I can draw a card from the deck. "

Although it is an original card that has not been actualized, the effect processing method may be equivalent to the "Intimidating Roar" that affects a single target. It's just that "Intimidating Roar" can only be used before the opponent declares an attack to prevent the attack, but this card can be used by the opponent to cancel the order after the opponent has already issued an attack.

Analyzing it from the perspective of actual cards is somewhat unscientific, and it can be considered a card with anime characteristics.

"Then the combat phase ends and we enter the main phase 2." You Xuandao, "Since the attack declaration has not been conveyed, it means that the Chaos Warriors have not attacked this round.

So I can use Chaos Warrior for another effect. Once per turn, remove one monster on the field from the game! "

His target is once again the King of the End.

"Exclude 'King of the End, Demis' from the game!

Chaos Dimension Slash! "

The Chaos Warrior unsheathed his sword, one side of the blade was light and the other was dark. The space cracked wherever the sword light struck, leaving a broken sword mark. The boundless and powerful gravity was released, and even the King of the End who brought about the doomsday was unable to resist, and had to be sucked into the sword mark.

"Beautiful!" Judai praised, "If you exclude him from the game, the King of Ending will be almost completely eliminated! Now you should wake up a little bit, right?"

Indeed, as the body of the World-Destroying Demon King disappeared, the blue flames on Shel's body also dissipated. He staggered, and his breathing became heavier.

You Xuan drew two more cards from his hand.

"Break two cards onto the field, and the round is over."

Sher brewed for a few seconds, seeming to be gathering strength.

Then he slowly raised his arm again.

"My turn, draw a card." Shelson said calmly, "Activate the magic card 'Preparation for the Ritual' from your hand.

Select a ritual magic card from the deck, then select the ritual monster corresponding to that ritual magic card from the deck or graveyard, and add the two cards to your hand. "

He draws one card each from the deck and the graveyard.

“I added the ritual magic card ‘End of the World’ and the ritual monster ‘Goddess of Destruction, Luin’ to my hand.”

Judai hasn't given up yet: "Why don't you just refuse to face your heart? Deep down in your heart you still love dueling, and you also want to believe in your own monsters."

"Shut up." Sher said in a deep voice, "So what if you want to believe it? The meaning of trust is to be betrayed one day.

Heroes are destined to be lonely. As long as you have a sword in your hand, those you care about and are protected by you are destined to become increasingly alienated. "

He paused momentarily and stared at Judai for a moment longer.

"You are right. A duel is a collision of souls between both parties, allowing both parties to understand each other deeply. So because of this, I can also understand you through this duel.

May I have your name? "

"Yushidai Judai."

"Yushidai Judai? Maybe you are really similar to me." Xie Er said, "On the surface, you seem to be very enthusiastic, always willing to take the lead in other people's affairs, willing to pay for others, and everyone around you seems to be on the same page. partner.

But in reality, you never let anyone really get close to you, right? "

Judai was startled and frowned: "I don't understand what you are talking about. I am different from you. I have many trustworthy friends."

"Is that really so?" Shel said coldly, "I was once the same as you. I was once the chosen one, the one in our generation who inherited the power of the Phoenix.

I am always surrounded by many friends. I stood up for them, helped them countless times, and was even willing to give my life for them.

But in the end, when I had to throw myself into the darkness for the sake of power, when I truly gained the power to protect them, and fought bloody battles, I found that everyone had left me. "

Sher smiled to himself and closed his eyes.

"It's quite ironic, right? I sold my soul to the devil just to protect them, but in the end I became alienated. After that, there were even rumors that I was the one who caused the enemies and the disaster in the first place.

Those friends who I once considered my closest relatives and partners who had sacrificed for them countless times, they all believed it to be true. In the end, it became what it is now. "

Judai: "How could that happen?"

"Later I realized that it wasn't just their problem, it was mine too. I seemed to treat everyone warmly, but in fact, no one ever really got close to me or got to know me.

Maybe because of this, they stayed away from me so easily in the end. "

Sher's tone had returned to calmness, as if he were an outsider telling something that had nothing to do with him.

"I can feel that you and I are the same kind of people. If you want to protect the people around you, you have to pick up the sword, but at the same time you also keep them away.

This is the fate of heroes. If you are also walking on the road of being a warrior, you may be like me one day. "

"Not really." You Xuan interrupted him.

Sher frowned: "What?"

"I said you were wrong, that won't happen." You Xuan said calmly.

Xie Er pondered for a few seconds, then narrowed his eyes and looked at him for a moment.

Then he spoke slowly: "You don't mean to say that it's because you are here, do you?"

"What do you think?"

"Hmph. Hahahaha!"

Sher threw his head back and laughed, then his expression twisted again.

"Ridiculous. You can't even last this round, what else can you do?" Sher yelled, "This is a cruel world, you don't understand it at all. How long do you think that cheap friendly game can last?" ?

Okay, if you can do it, then try to survive this round first and show me! "

Schell drew out the two cards he had just retrieved and revealed them along with the other one.

"The ritual magic 'Doomsday' is activated!

Sacrifice the level 8 ‘Beast King Barbaros’ in your hand as a ritual sacrifice and perform a ritual summons of destruction!

The intertwining of destruction and rebirth, the goddess who controls the fate of all things, comes at the end of the world——

——The goddess of destruction, Lu Yin, ritual summons! ! ! "

In the doomsday ceremony, amidst the energy vortex of destruction, the goddess's figure stepped out, her white hair fluttering, and every step was like a countdown to destruction.

[Goddess of Destruction·Lu Yin, attack power 2300]

"And Luyin also accepted the power of Oliha Gang's barrier, and her attack power increased!" Sher almost shouted at the top of his lungs.

[Goddess of Destruction·Lu Yin, attack power 2300 → attack power 2800]

Judai calmed down his confused mood and tried his best to focus on the duel: "However, even if the attack power has increased, it is still no match for Yu Xuan's Chaos Warriors."

"My awareness is not just this level."

Schell raised another card in his hand.

"Equip the magic 'Psychic Sword'!

I pay a multiple of 100, up to a maximum of 2,000 life points, and equip a monster on the field, which increases the equipped monster's attack power and defense by the amount of life I paid! "

He gritted his teeth.

"I use my blood and my soul in exchange for the final power!

Pay the maximum 2,000 health points, and all of them will be converted into Lu Yin's attack power! ! ! "

[Shell, LP 2500→LP 500]

[Goddess of Destruction-Lu Yin, attack power 2800 → attack power 4800]

Judai: "Attack power 4,800"

"Yes, this is the final attack that burns my soul!"

Scheer steadied his legs, which were almost unsteady, and shouted.

"And the effect of 'Goddess of Destruction: Luin' is that when you destroy the opponent's monster in battle, you can attack again."

Judai immediately realized what this meant.

The Chaos Warrior's attack power is 3,000. If the battle is destroyed, it will cause 1,800 points of damage. In this case, Yu Xuan's remaining health will be 700.

If the second attack passes, one of them will fall here.

"What kind of bonds and what kind of friendly games are nothing in the face of strength." Shel shouted, "Without strength, no matter how many beautiful words you say, they are just empty words!

If you are as confident as you say, then prove it to me this round!

fighting! The Goddess of Destruction, Lu Yin, attacks the 'Chaos Warrior, Messenger of Development'! "

The world-destroying power, mixed with Oliha Gang's divine power, all poured into the hands of the goddess, turning into a devastating blow. The Chaos warriors were ready, but with his current strength it was obviously difficult to compete.

You Xuan: “Then it’s as you wish.

Activate Gaika! Trap Card - Trap in the Dark!

When your health is below 3000, you can pay 1000 health points to remove another trap card in your graveyard from the game to gain the effect of that trap card! "

The golden light stream rolled over the trap card, and the card quickly transformed into another trap in the graveyard.

"Of course the card I want to turn into is this one——

——Trap card ‘Magic Barrel’! "

[You Xuan, LP 2500→LP 1500]

The trap in the darkness transformed into the image of a magic barrel, and gorgeous and deadly magic barrels appeared on the field.

The fatal blow of the Goddess of Destruction, Lu Yin, was rebounded and turned into Shel's own finale!

"I see, this is... ahem, is this the answer you gave?"

At this point in the fight, Schell could barely stand, as if he was still staying on the court through perseverance.

"But... it's not enough!"

Blue flames ignited in his eyes, which were bloodshot.

"Open the cover card! The trap card 'Wheel of Destruction'!

Destroy a monster on the field, and all players will bear the damage equal to that monster's attack power! (Old version effect)

I choose to destroy Lu Yin, the goddess of destruction! "

[Goddess of Destruction·Lu Yin, attack power 4800]

[Shell, LP 500]

【You Xuan, LP 1500】

【Ten generations, LP 1100】

"Do you want to die together?" You Xuan frowned.

"If you can't stop me, it means that your consciousness is only at this level!" Xie Er said ferociously, "In the end, there is still nothing you can do!"

"Not always."

You Xuan interrupted and raised his hand to open the last backfield card.

"Quick Attack Magic - Soul-Paining Spell!

When your opponent activates the effect of a card that inflicts damage to you, the opponent will bear the damage instead of the damage you received! "

Sher's pupils contracted.

After the attack is rebounded, the damage can also be rebounded! ?

"Based on the effect of the 'Destruction Wheel', the damage equal to the attack power of the destruction monster - that is, the 4800 attack power points of 'Goddess of Destruction Luin' - is borne by both parties.

Under the team rules, the effect damage to our team is regarded as the AOE damage to both people in our camp. But the part borne by us was rebounded by the 'Soul-Paining Curse'. Therefore, the final damage you take is 9600 points. "

You Xuan said.

"You lost."

The flames of the destruction wheel blast swept across the entire field, but the flames that billowed towards Yugen and Judai were intercepted by the magic cards in the backcourt, and then rebounded along the original path, backfired in the direction of Shere. And go.

Xie Er opened his mouth, and finally seemed to want to say something.

But in the end he said nothing and gently closed his eyes.

[Shell, LP 500→LP 0]

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