Who let him play Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 115 The Truth

[Shell, LP 0]

The life value returned to zero, and the duel ceremony ended. Oliha Gang's barrier began to twist and shrink, slowly closing in on Xie'er.

But at the same time, a powerful force also burst out from his deck.

The flames of the phoenix transformed into the sky and briefly transformed into the shadow of the phoenix in mid-air. The fire swept across the entire place, and the dazzling light enveloped the three people in the duel.

After a burst of bright light that blinded people, there was a picture.

It looked like a distant ancient battlefield, and the world fell into endless wailing. The sky was torn apart like a broken picture, revealing a shocking crack.

In that crack, there seemed to be a terrifying evil god living vaguely. His eyes were deep and cold, like a creature that wanted to devour everything.

The army of monsters surged onto the battlefield, their figures looking extremely hideous under the afterglow of the setting sun. Some were wearing armor with horns, some were flying in mid-air with wings spread, and some were bloody and ferocious demons, their roars shaking the heaven and earth.

A cruel war broke out on the earth, and flames swept through everything. A burning phoenix fell in mid-air, its feathers flashed dazzlingly in the flames, and its mournful cry echoed on the battlefield for a long time.

"Is this an image of the past?" Judai murmured.

Although it was just a guess, they all seemed to understand what it meant.

The forces of evil gods invaded the world of elves, and a fierce war broke out in a dimension unknown to humans. The fallen phoenix may be the Phoenix God of Nephthys.

This image may be Phoenix God's way of saying that it wasn't really that I didn't want to help you at the beginning, I was just a simple vegetable and I had sent it a long time ago.

The fallen phoenix dissipated, and the flames it released were absorbed into a certain stone slab.

It seems that since that battle, the Phoenix God's spirit has entered a sealed state. The reason why they are able to convey this to everyone now is with the help of the remnants of the Phoenix power they just absorbed from the statue at the tribal ruins.

Immediately after the scene changed, he came from the elven world to reality.

It was an ancient village surrounded by mountains.

The warm sunshine was suddenly obscured by thick dark clouds, and monsters poured in from all directions like a tide. The figures of various monsters loomed in the dark mountains and forests, and the villages were turned into ruins under the trampling of the monsters.

And behind all the monsters, under the cloud-shrouded sky, a dark giant shadow was watching everything with a grin. The black figure's forehead reflected Oliha Gang's six-pointed star mark.

"How could it be like this?" Sher murmured with a look of disbelief on his face.

Suddenly he understood.

No, or it should be said that he should have thought that there were many doubts about the invasion of his village. It's just that so far, his spirit has been under the influence of Oliha Gang, and he has been deliberately led to ignore these things, and he can't think in this direction at all.

Now that he was defeated in the duel and his soul was about to dissipate, Oliha Gang's contact was finally interrupted. The Phoenix God was able to find a gap and convey the truth to him.

From the very beginning, the evil spirits that invaded his home were summoned by the god Oriha Gang.

They orchestrated the invasion themselves, and then emerged as saviors in times of despair, providing Shel with a chance for power. Only in this way will he be willing to sell his soul and work for New Dorma.

You Xuan was not surprised at all. He had more or less guessed it.

Because this is the old trick that old Thomas also loved to use.

The Three Musketeers of Old Doma were all recruited in similar ways. Relying on his power to see the direction of destiny, Dazi saw the potential of Barong, Rafilu and Amaluda respectively, and decided that the three of them were destined to become the Three Musketeers of Doma.

So Dazi manually created the childhood tragedies of these three people, planted the seeds of darkness in their hearts, and then guided them step by step to voluntarily join Doma in pursuit of power, and became his strongest three swordsmen.

An old trick, nothing new.

After another burst of bright light, the image disappeared, and the illusory body of the Phoenix God gradually dissipated. It looked like what little power it had had burned away.

At the same time, Oliha Gang's barrier had also shrunk to the point where it was almost attached to Sher's body.

"Am I wrong?" He closed his eyes gently and sighed.

"Xiel!" Judai tried to reach out to him.

Shel gave Judai one last look and smiled.

"You have a good partner." He said, "I hope your future will be different from mine."

After saying that, the soul left the body, mixed in the green light pillar, soared into the sky, and disappeared into the sky without a trace.

This may be the first time Judai saw with his own eyes the appearance of a person who lost a duel losing his soul.

It seemed like it had a big impact on his young mind.

Judai looked a little complicated for a moment. But Yu Xuan was as calm as ever. He just walked forward calmly, leaned over and pulled out the card deck.

"There is nothing else we can do." You Xuan inserted the deck into the empty card box in his arms and said solemnly, "We can only inherit his legacy and move forward."

Inherited along with his deck.

Judai was silent for a moment.


"Okay, it should be daylight over at the college now. Let's go back."


This time, I probably stayed in the elf world for an entire night, but I actually gained a lot. A bone deck, an insect deck, and then the Phoenix God and the King of the End.

But the latter two are not so much a deck. If you look closely, there are only a few cards in total, so it is hard to call it a deck. Strictly speaking, Sher's deck is also a bit of a mess. He can mix several axes that are not related at all, and then put in a bunch of magic traps that are even more unrelated.

Yes, it is the proof of a strong man.

In fact, You Xuan now has the blessing of the elves and has practiced in the academy for so long, so he is no longer a complete layman when drawing a card from the God. Now even he can be a little bolder when building a deck, but even if he thinks it is bold, it is at most to put in a few more meaningless unpopular cards to increase the upper limit.

Every time I see this kind of pure Eight Immortals Crossing the Sea-style master construction, I can't help but be amazed.

The remaining power in the Phoenix God's card seems to have been released just now. Although it can be used, it has turned back into an ordinary card. But after watching the images shown by the Phoenix God just now, when I get this card again, I suddenly feel like I have picked up a strange déjà vu item in an RPG game that triggers a hidden branch quest. It’s hard to say about the King of the End. Although "King of the End·Demis" now looks like it has returned to normal in You Xuan's hand, and there is no sign of a spirit boarding. But it can be seen from the duel just now that this card seems to be not simple. You Xuan decided to be cautious and not use this kind of card with an unknown background for the time being. Go back and study and test it first. Some cards in the world of Yu-Gi-Oh are very dangerous. Some evil cards require a price to control, and may even backfire on the duelist. This "King of the End·Demis" looks like this type. You Xuan summoned the Great Opening and split the space with a sword. The moment before stepping into the crack, Judai's footsteps suddenly stopped. You Xuan looked sideways: "What's wrong?" "Oh, nothing, just..." Judai pondered for a few seconds. Then he raised his head and restored his usual sunny and optimistic smile. ".Although I still can't figure out a lot of things that guy said for a while. But I suddenly feel that it's great to come to Duel Academy and meet a guy like You Xuan." You Xuan smiled slightly. "Yeah, I think so too." He turned around. "Let's go, don't let them wait too long." Judai: "Okay~" The two walked in, and with a dizzy spin like when they came, they soon fell back to the ground in a daze. It happened to be the place where they left, the abandoned dormitory of Duel Academy, the room full of ancient characters and symbols of thousand-year-old artifacts. But after landing smoothly, the first person I saw when I opened my eyes was a bit unexpected. It was Kaiba Keipi. Keipi turned his head and saw the two landing, and his eyes lit up: "Ah, you are back?"

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