Who let him play Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 116 Invitation from Headquarters

As Yugen expected, Hayato and Sho contacted the academy not long after they left.

The disappearance of students in the old dormitory was naturally a serious matter, so the matter was reported to the college board of directors. The Haima Group sent a relevant team to investigate, and Keppei, who happened to hear about the incident, also came with him.

Yu Xuan briefly explained his experience and knowledge of going to that elf dimension, and after finishing the note, he chatted with Keppei.

"So, the evil god of New Doma has invaded many elven dimensions at the same time," Keppei pondered, "Did you actually encounter one of the new Three Musketeers?

It's a shame you guys actually won. I heard that the Three Musketeers didn't have a fuel-efficient lamp."

"Lucky, lucky." Yu Xuan looked frightened, "But the situation at that time was extremely dangerous and difficult. My classmates Judai and I suffered a lot as two against one, and finally struggled to win."

As a result, this time he interrupted Keppei's singing before he finished speaking.

"Hmm, it's better to strengthen the deck as much as possible. We still need rare cards, right?"

You Xuan smiled.

As expected, things are easier to do with acquaintances, and Keipei has a tacit understanding with him.

"I thought you might say that before I came here." Keppei smiled, "Just in time, I heard that the research team on the Chaos Warriors side has made some progress recently, thanks to the information you provided before. I guess it won't be long. , the research team should also contact you.

Then when the time comes, you can drop by the headquarters and I'll see what I can get for you. "

You Xuan's eyes lit up.

The headquarters of Haima Company, this is possible.

Then take a look and see what good stuff there is.

You Xuan has actually listed some ideas for different decks these days. He sometimes thinks about the shortcomings of the deck he has in hand when facing different situations, and then naturally comes up with various new routines and construction ideas to make up for the shortcomings when facing specific opponents.

Sometimes it is based on new ideas derived from newly acquired cards, and then starting to try to form a new structure with a certain card as the core. Just like the [Abyss Control] deck he just completed recently.

This deck is fairly easy to put together because its components are versatile and easy to use, but he still has many ideas that lack key components, and he has a long list of missing cards.

Especially the "Phoenix God of Nephthys" he got this time made him feel that his main deck could be further upgraded.

It happened to be the world champion deck that year, [Mutated Chaos Phoenix God].

You can tell from the name that the three components that are the core of this deck are Sudden Mutation, Chaos Warrior-Herald of Opening, and Nephthys' Phoenix God.

Needless to say, it's a big opening, the absolute main output, and the strongest thug in the environment. Nephthys's Phoenix God had an attack power of 2400, which was considered very powerful at the time, and it also had resurrection resistance against various mainstream clearing magic traps, and it also had a "big storm" type magic trap clearing effect. Very powerful.

Sudden mutation can transform the monsters on your field into fusion monsters according to different situations, and easily pull out various fusion monsters to deal with various situations. It can be said to be a top deck that performs very well both offensively and defensively.

But he still lacks a lot of things in the concept of this deck.

For example, fusion monsters. I don't know if it was because GX was also called the "Fusion Era", but he soon discovered that the fusion monsters in this era were particularly expensive. Even the prices of the fusion mortal bones that he didn't like at all were frowned upon. And overall it's relatively scarce.

He didn't like the fusion monsters that were relatively easy to buy at the moment, and even if he bought them, they felt like they were too expensive. Most of the fusion monsters he wanted were not available.

This is a good opportunity provided by Keppei. The headquarters of Kaiba Company should not be short of these things. It looks like there will be another big wave of purchases by then.

Professionals from Haima Company have surrounded the room in the old dormitory, and people are constantly coming in and out with equipment to investigate. Yu Xuan and Kei Ping were chatting on the outside, and asked about the president's current situation, especially the progress of the investigation into New Doma.

But Keppei just shook his head when he said that.

"We can't say there is no progress. We have destroyed many dens and removed many dark duelist forces that have colluded with them. I think it will still have an impact on the actions of their organization, but it is difficult to say that it has damaged the roots."

Keppei sighed.

"The main reason is that we noticed it too late. Dazi established Old Doma's power all over the world, and he penetrated into the bones of both the business and political circles.

Later, although my brother and Yu Yu joined forces to defeat Dazi, it was impossible for such a large organization to just disappear. We think that the current New Doma was probably rebuilt from the remains of that organization, which is why it is so huge and not easy to deal with. "

After a pause, Keppei frowned.

"In addition, the hacker incident has also distracted us a bit recently."

You Xuan asked: "Is this the hacker who broke into the Hippocampus Paradise Arena that time? Have you found who it is?"

"It's just because I haven't found it yet. It's so strange. How could such a powerful hacker appear out of nowhere in the world? There is no trace of it yet."

Keihei put his hands in his trouser pockets, feeling a little depressed when he said this.

"And it happened to be at this key point in the development of the 'link system'."

"'Link system'?" You Xuan asked.

This word has never been seen in the academy or on the Internet. This is the first time he has heard of it.

"Oh, by the way, this hasn't been made public yet. It's a trade secret, so I won't tell you too much." Keiping smiled, "But you should be able to see it next time you come to the headquarters, so just for now Just look forward to it as a surprise.”

While they were chatting, an expert quickly came forward to report.

"The preliminary on-site analysis has been completed, and the subsequent data will be processed after returning to the headquarters." The person reported, "However, we speculate that the main reason should be that what happened in this old dormitory many years ago caused the space in this place to be relatively limited. Stablize.

Therefore, if there is a supernatural power similar to that of elves approaching, there is a certain probability that dimensional cracks will appear. But that was probably an accidental phenomenon, and now the readings have returned to normal. "

What happened in the old dormitory many years ago.

Yu Xuan thought about it based on the original work, and estimated that he was referring to the big hole that runs through the entire GX main line, the Darkness incident.

Back then, a group of students seeking death were conducting research on dark forces here, and got in touch with Darkness, the ultimate villain of GX. All the students involved later disappeared here, and this abandoned dormitory became a weak point in the dimension.


Keihei looked at Yu Xuan.

"I hope you are all fine. This should probably be the end of today's investigation. Go back and rest first. See you in a few days."

You Xuan also yawned long: "Okay, it's time for me to go back and catch up on my sleep. Let's go."

I unexpectedly went to another dimension tonight and have been tossing my mind until now. After returning from such a trip, I am now very sleepy. Fortunately, tomorrow is the weekend, and he plans to go back and at least sleep for a whole morning.

The teachers and students who came to watch after hearing the news saw the person coming out of the dormitory from a distance and couldn't help but point.

"Hey~ He was actually chatting and laughing with that Kaiba Keihei. What is this student's background?"

"I heard someone say that he seemed to be attracted by the legendary Seto Kaiba."

"I'll go, is it true or not?"

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