Who let him play Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 120 The teacher is too polite

Ryuga: "My turn, draw a card!"

After drawing the card, he paused for a moment, and then immediately showed a smile.

"Hey, the blockade of 'Super Gravity Network' and 'Legendary City-Atlantis', plus the combination of 'Abyss Soldiers' and 'Killer Snakes'. It's a shame you can come up with such a terrifying lineup

But unfortunately, in front of this card, such a blockade is fragile!

I activate a magic card from my hand——

——Condor Feather Sweep!

Destroy all magic and trap cards on the opponent's field! "

The super powerful backcourt cleaning magic owned by Peacock Dance in DM belongs to the Eagle deck. The effect description is only one sentence, but what stands out is that it is simple and crude.

The most powerful backcourt cleaning tool!

"Hahahaha, destroy all the legendary cities and super-gravity networks for me!" Longya laughed, "It's hard for you to come up with such a blockade formation, but it won't work in front of me!"

"Then activate the set card in a chain, and the trap card 'Thunder Break'." Yu Xuan opened the set card in the back field, "Discard a card in your hand and destroy a card on the field."

He draws a card from his hand and places it on the duel plate, and the card automatically slides into the graveyard.

"Destroy the 'Dark Triangle Bird Dragon' on your field."

Black clouds billowed in mid-air, and a devil's hand reached out, and thunder struck from its fingertips. The ferocious strange bird dragon was completely unable to resist the thunder and lightning, and exploded into pieces with a loud bang.

"Uh, is there actually a trap?"

Ryuga frowned and curled his lips.

He was a little depressed that a rare high-level monster that he had summoned could retire so easily, but it wasn't a big problem.

"However, your backcourt will be swept away by the power of Feather Sweeper! Destroy it for me!"

The trap of the hypergravity net exploded into pieces, and the constraints of gravity on the field disappeared immediately. The feathers of the condor swept through the air, and the clear water body in the three-dimensional projection suddenly turned into turbidity. The beautiful underwater city was destroyed by the storm and collapsed in the violent torrent.

"This will put an end to your disgusting unilateral blockade!"

Ryuga smiled again.

"Indeed. But the cover card you just destroyed was the magic card 'Summoning Magic'." Yu Xuan said, "When the cover card on the field is destroyed by the opponent's effect and sent to the graveyard, select two magic cards from the deck. Cover your own field" (original effect).

The duel disk executes the retrieval process, and two cards pop up.

“I used the second field magic ‘Legendary City-Atlantis’ and the sustainable magic ‘Level Restricted Area B’ from the deck to cover the field area and the back field respectively.”

Ryuga's smile that lasted for only a few seconds disappeared immediately.

[Sustainable Magic-Level Restricted Area B

Effect: All face-up monsters with four stars or higher on the field must be put into defense position. 】

It's basically the magic version of the Super Gravity Network, a must-have main partner for early-stage autism.

Coupled with the other Legendary City card just retrieved, it means that the autistic blockade formation will still be established in Yu Xuan's next turn, so Ryuuga-sensei will no longer be able to duel.

The corner of Longya's mouth twitched.

No, who taught you to duel like this?

"Teacher's round is still going on." You Xuan reminded with a smile.

"There's no need for you to talk."

The character "well" appeared on Longya's forehead.

Calm down, this brat is just trying to piss himself off.

He discovered that the sunny and polite image of the other party at the beginning was nothing more than a disguise. This guy is actually dark to the core. Whether it is dueling tactics or seemingly random words, he is trying to disrupt his rhythm.

The sustainable magic cannot be activated until the opponent's next turn, and he still has room to operate in this turn.

"Activate the magic card 'Angel's Alms', draw three cards from the deck, and then discard two cards from your hand."

Ryuga drew a card, picked out two cards and discarded them, then took a shot of a monster card in his hand.

"Summon the 'Rogue Mercenary Troops'!"

[Rogue mercenary unit, attack power 1000]

"The effect of the mercenary unit can be used as a sacrifice to destroy the monsters on the field!" Ryuga waved his hand and said, "I will use the 'rogue mercenary unit' as a sacrifice to destroy the 'abyss soldiers'!"

A violent one-for-one elimination card, crude but effective. A large group of mercenaries swarmed up and immediately surrounded the Abyss soldiers. They exploded like a human bomb, immediately creating a huge crater with black smoke on the field.

"Then the soldiers who have seen the ghost should leave here first!" Ryuga said, "Then activate the magic card 'Ultimate Evolution Potion' from your hand!

Remove one Machine-type and Dinosaur-type monster from your hand or graveyard from the game, and Special Summon one Light-attributed, Dinosaur-type monster from your hand or deck! ” (animation effect)

It is also a magic card used by Kenzan in the GX animation, but it took ten years for it to become a real card in reality.

“I have removed the Dinosaur Tribe’s ‘Dark Triceratosaurus’ from the graveyard and the Machine Tribe’s ‘Mobile Robot Gunnerosaurus’ that was just discarded in the graveyard from the game!

The combination of dinosaurs and machines can achieve the ultimate evolution! Let me show you my trump card! "

A golden light flew out from the Dragon Fang deck.

"A perfect masterpiece of the integration and evolution of technology and life, a posture that has evolved over endless years——

——Electronic dinosaur, summon! ! ! "

The huge dinosaur in pure white armor shimmered with a cold luster, and its body made of countless precision electronic components flashed with blue electric arcs, and every step seemed to be stepping on thunder.

It is the ace monster used by Ryuga in the original work.

However, the electronic dinosaurs in the original work are dinosaurs, and were summoned using the effect of the "super evolution potion" in the comics, but the actual card was changed to a mechanical family. And the actual card effect is "you can attack directly when the opponent only has a defending monster on the field", which has the same effect as Kenzan's "Dark Terror Beast".

However, the effect of the electronic dinosaur after becoming a real card was changed to "When the opponent special summons a monster from the hand, this card can be special summoned."

[Electronic dinosaur, attack power 2500]

"It's not over yet! Next comes the magic card 'Double Attack'! Discard the monster card in your hand and select a monster on the field with a lower level than the discarded monster. It can attack twice this round.

I discard the level 8 ‘Dragosaurus-Brachiosaurus’ in my hand, allowing the ‘Electronic Dinosaur’ to launch two attacks this round! "

Some students outside the venue were already agitated.

"Continuous attacks after cleaning up the backcourt, isn't this OTK?"

"This new teacher is pretty awesome."

"Then if this attack passes, wouldn't it be possible for Mr. Yu Xuan?"

The electronic dinosaur's two combos can produce a full output of 5,000, while the only one on the game field is the Bubble Man with an attack power of 800.

Longya looked fierce.

Before the autistic blockade is restored, the winner will be determined in this round!

"Then the battle started! First, the 'Electronic Dinosaur' attacked the 'Elemental Hero Bubble Man'!"

The electronic dinosaur rushed forward and bit with its powerful mechanical mouth. The sharp fangs crushed Bubble Man into pieces, and the ensuing impact made Yu Xuan take half a step back.

[You Xuan, LP 4000→LP 2300]

After the attack passed, Long Ya couldn't restrain the joy on his face, and he couldn't wait to shout: "The electronic dinosaur attacks again! The second combo! Direct attack! I will win this duel."

"Don't worry, teacher. You may not have noticed, but the card I just discarded to the graveyard as the cost of activating 'Thunder Break' was this card."

You Xuan smiled and showed a card from the graveyard.

"'Executioner - Demon Shura'. During the turn when this card is sent to the graveyard, I can activate a trap card from my hand."

Ryuga: "!!!"

Activate from your hand! ?

"So, the moment I received a direct attack, I activated this card from my hand."

You Xuan played a card in his hand, and the image of the trap card appeared in front of him.

"Trap card, ripple shield - the power of waves!

When the opponent's monster declares a direct attack, all attack position monsters on the opponent's field are returned to the owner's deck! "


Ryuga instantly put on a mask of pain.

Yeah (stop)! ! !

But it was already too late, the light blue water flow protective shield had already been generated on You Xuan's field. The silly electronic dinosaur hit the water flow shield and was instantly overwhelmed by the water. After being washed away by the water, it turned into a beam of golden light and flew back into Longya's deck.

Teacher Ryuga's eyes turned red.

My electronic dinosaur.

This time it wasn't even a card returned to the hand, it was returned directly to the deck.

And in this way, he will be left empty-handed with no cards left. One second it was a comeback, and the next second it was a mask of pain. The duel was just like life, with ups and downs.

In this case, Mr. Ryuga has no cards left, and obviously has nothing to do. He can only pass by gritted his teeth under the sunny and friendly urging of the other party.

"Then my turn is to draw a card. During the preparation phase, the 'Killer Snake' in the graveyard returns to the hand again."

You Xuan smiled and recovered the killer snake from the cemetery. Teacher Ryuga's eyes seemed to turn redder when he saw this thing again.

"Then the second 'Abyssal Soldier' ​​is usually summoned."

[Abyss Soldier, attack power 1800]

"Then activate these two cards that the teacher helped me retrieve last round.

First, the field magic ‘Legendary City-Atlantis’ caused my Abyss Soldier level to drop to 3 again.

Then there is the continuous magic 'Level Restricted Area B', which changes all level 4 or higher monsters on the field to defense position.

Oh, by the way, due to the effect of the Legendary City, the attack power of the Abyss Soldiers has increased again. "

[Abyss Soldier, attack power 1800 → attack power 2000]

Ryuga's facial muscles twitched.

Back, back again.

It’s still this familiar formation, familiar smell.

"Direct attack from the soldiers of the abyss."

The trident pierced his heart, almost chilling his whole body.

【Dragon Tooth, LP 4000→LP 2000】

Ryuga clutched his heart and gritted his teeth.

"Cover a card, the round is over." You Xuan smiled, "Teacher, please."

Ryuga had a cold face.

It's not over yet.

He can still draw cards and still have a chance.

It's just a combination of a one-way autistic blockade, a three-star RBI of 2000, and an infinite player. Look at me turning the tables with one card.

"Open the cover card, trap card - knock down." You Xuan said politely, "During the opponent's card drawing phase, the card drawn by the opponent is directly discarded."

Dragon Ya: "."

Onlookers: "."

The card he had just played went to the graveyard before he could see it clearly, and the field fell into a long and strange silence.

There was a bleak cold wind blowing across the field.

"Hey, teacher, you're not going to do anything this round? You're too polite. Then your waiting time has expired, and it's my turn again. Draw a card."

You Xuan waved his hand.

"Abyss soldiers, attack directly."

【Dragon Fang, LP 2000→LP 0】

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