Who let him play Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 121 Invitation from the Academic Affairs Department

【Dragon Fang, LP 0】

Dragon Fang, whose HP was reduced to zero, let out a long sigh.

It took him several seconds to realize that his fist had hardened without him noticing.

On the one hand, he had the urge to beat up the guy in front of him who looked like a decent person.

On the other hand, he wanted to beat up Professor Chronos, who had said that he had high hopes for him and arranged such a duel for him.

Are freshmen in the Duel Academy at this level these days?

And what's the matter with his duel? Has he been away from his alma mater for too long, and the education policy has changed now?

Who taught him to play cards like this! ?

Rong Fang felt that he had reason to suspect that Chronos, who looked like a smile, had bad intentions from the beginning.

Thinking about it this way, it was no wonder that guy had an inexplicable smile on his face when he talked about the students he arranged to fight against. At that time, Long Fang was immersed in his own world, fantasizing about his dream of becoming a powerful figure and reaching the pinnacle of life after entering the academy, and he didn't pay attention. But now thinking back, he suddenly felt that there might be a trick.

But Longya felt that although he had ambitions, he should have hidden them well. He was always respectful in front of Chronos, with a humble attitude of respecting the leader, and it seemed that there was nothing to reveal.

So what hatred did the professor have to use this new weapon to deal with him! ?

Asuka in the stands was silent for a while.

"This time it is a deck with water attributes as the main means of blocking and controlling."

Asuka looked a little strange.

Although it was in line with the autistic tactics that Youxuan gave people, and it was also a happy deck that broke the mentality before killing LP, it was a new routine that she had never seen before.

She became more and more curious about what this person's brain structure was like, why he could always come up with various strange ways to make people's blood pressure soar, and at first glance, his combat effectiveness seemed to be not low.

She couldn't help but look at Misawa beside her.

"Speaking of which, you are the same type of duelists. I remember that you also have many decks with different themes, right?"

Sanze shook his head with a depressed look on his face: "Don't mention it."

Since he lost the last time, he has been worried about You Xuan's endless and varied countermeasures. He hadn't figured it out before, but today he saw that his strange routines have increased again.

It feels a bit like the math teacher left three final questions yesterday. You racked your brains and spent the whole night to solve one question, and you still have no idea about the rest. But today the teacher gave you three more questions, and your blood pressure rose suddenly.

And this is just the tip of the iceberg that You Xuan showed today. God knows how many new dirty things he has developed behind the scenes.

Sanze feels very stressed.

After the duel, You Xuan happily received the pre-booked reward. After reading the cards, although Mr. Chronos seemed to be hesitant to speak, he seemed to want to comment on something, but he didn't know where to start, so in the end he didn't say anything, but just nodded slightly to show his approval.

As for the old senior Longya, he obviously had to say goodbye to his teaching career plan.

And it would have been fine if the old senior left on his own, but he was so considerate that he offered a deck of cards. Although You Xuan wanted to refuse, he considered that this might be disrespectful to the duel and the opponent, so he had to accept it with a smile.

To be honest, Longya's most valued ace rare card "Electronic Dinosaur" was actually a bit of a stale fish in You Xuan's eyes. He was already thinking about finding an opportunity to sell it for money after getting it. However, the "Condor Feather Brush" used by the opponent in the duel was a good thing. It was a backfield cleaning artifact that was still active in the real card environment today.

After getting a large number of new credits, You Xuan's first thing after returning was, of course, to exchange a wave of Dp points for shopping in the academy, and then he scanned the new products in the academy department as usual.

He collected a few loose cards that he was slightly interested in, and then found a new interesting deck when he swiped to the construction area.

Disruption series.

This is one of the signature series of Manjomu, who completely transformed into a comedian in the later period. He called it a deck series that "small fish also have their uses", but it actually has some unique features.

And this deck may be just for the sake of numbers in the academy department, and it is quite cheap compared to other decks.

But it is normal when you think about it. Disruption seemed to be a very common and unpopular small fish series in the GX era. Even the Disruption Black and Disruption Green in Manjomu's hand were garbage thrown away by others because they were disliked and useless. He picked them up.

And there are many auxiliary cards in the GX animation that have not yet been implemented. Although it is difficult to say that the combat power alone is strong, there are indeed some routines to play.

Anyway, it is cheap, so You Xuan bought a deck first.

Disruption may not be strong, but it is definitely good at messing with people's mentality. Especially the three ugly and humorous brothers, in this duel environment summoned by three-dimensional projection, their three images themselves can fully taunt the opponent with the animation performance effect.

Apart from anything else, in the anime, whenever Manjome uses the Disruption Brothers to beat someone, the opponent will often feel insulted and very angry.

It's just that the composition itself is too mediocre and has no combat power. If you want to gain actual combat ability, you still have to use your imagination.

When You Xuan saw this composition, several interesting ideas came to mind, all of which came from the wisdom of his predecessors. Early disruption has really appeared in the competitive environment, and from the characteristics of the disruption deck itself, it is not difficult to imagine that most of the constructions in which they participate are related to autism and mentality.

Just trying to complete a mature build with a few missing components.

Speaking of Wan Zhang Mu, it seems that in two days it will be time for the first round of the Duel Club. If nothing else happens, You Xuan should have to fight him for the second time.

I wonder how Wan Zhangmu’s progress has been so far after school started.

But before that, the Academic Affairs Department finally took action against trespassing in the old dormitory.

Early the next morning, a truck that looked like a troop carrier parked menacingly downstairs of the dormitory. A large group of men in black wearing sunglasses rushed directly to the door of Hong's dormitory and took pictures when they came up, which frightened the bleary-eyed teacher Daitokuji.

"The academic affairs department of the college is responsible for handling desperate situations." Daitokuji looked horrified, "Why would such a scary guy come to our dormitory?"

Youdao says that life is like a drama and it all depends on acting. Teacher Daitokuji is so dedicated that he never forgets to maintain his character even when no one is watching.

"Open the door."

Someone hammered on the door.

Judai's classmate woke up from his sleep, rubbed his eyes, and jumped out of bed with some difficulty.

"What are you doing?"

Judai yawned.

The voice from outside the door came again: "If you don't open the door, the blast will be carried out."

Judai was still rubbing his eyes.

"Blast blast!?"

As if suddenly awakened, Judai jumped out of bed and opened the door.

What came into view was a serious-looking female teacher with long, white legs, surrounded by a large group of burly men.

"You are the mastermind, Yujo Judai, right?" the female teacher asked coldly.

Judai was confused: "Huh? The mastermind?"

"You have to come to the Academic Affairs Department with us." The female teacher's voice was unmistakable, "Immediately."

at the same time.

You Xuan got up early, washed up and was about to go to class when he received a call through the student terminal.

"Hello, are you Yu Xuan?"

"It's me, who?"

"Oh, that's it. I'm a teacher from the Academic Affairs Department of the college. I heard that you seemed to be at the scene about the abandoned dormitory the night before. Could you please come to the Academic Affairs Department and describe the situation?"

"But I have class in the first period in the morning, and I'm going to class now."

"That's it. Can you come to the Academic Affairs Department at a convenient time today?"

"There's nothing wrong with the second class in the morning. Is it okay to go at that time?"

"Of course, thank you very much for your cooperation, Mr. Yu Xuan."

A beautiful female voice came from the other side.

"I hope you have a great day at the Academy as well."

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