Who let him play Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 122 A matter of dignity

"Today Yujo Judai and others entered the special dormitory where entry is prohibited. They violated the college regulations and the circumstances were serious."

Judai and Sho Marufuji stood in the middle of the empty room, surrounded by huge screens. Behind each screen is someone high up in the academy, including Principal Samejima and Professor Kuronos.

"I'm sorry, I will listen to whatever you say." Judai clasped his palms together with a sincere attitude, "Give me a chance."

In fact, Judai probably doesn't care that much about whether he will be kicked out of school. What he cares about more is that if he is kicked out of Duel Academy, he won't have as many interesting opponents to date.

"Since all the poor students have asked for it, I will mercifully give you this opportunity Noone." Professor Kronos next to him said with a smile, "I will arrange a team punishment duel as soon as possible, no problem. Bar?"

Judai: "Eh? Team up for punishment. Duel?"

"Exactly. Yujo Judai and Marufuji Sho will have a dormitory duel with the combination of your dormitory. If you win, you will be acquitted."

When Judai heard that there was a card to play, he immediately became excited and immediately forgot about the crisis of dropping out of school.

"A dormitory duel? It seems like it would be fun!"

"Eh?" Marufuji Xiang whispered, "Doesn't this feel good, brother?"

Professor Kuronos: "Principal, you see that I agree."

Principal Samejima pondered: "Well, there's nothing we can do about it."

"Great." Professor Chronos was very happy, "Then you just wait for the notification, and I will arrange for None, my opponent in the dormitory duel, as soon as possible!"


At the end of the first class, You Xuan sat in the office of the Academic Affairs Department.

The long-legged female teacher welcomed him in politely and even made tea for him.

The morning sunlight slanted into the Academic Affairs Office, and golden light spots danced on the wooden floor, like a warm carpet. The exquisite ceramic tea cup is steaming, and the aroma of tea is mixed with the fragrance floating in from the window.

".That's probably all there is to ask."

The female teacher smiled politely.

"I'd like to ask You Xuan to make a trip in person, please."

"Where." You Xuan waved his hand, "Cooperating with the college's investigation is what I should do."

"But you still have to pay attention. The abandoned dormitories are dangerous areas. The school regulations say that entry is strictly prohibited. Forget it this time, but don't go to those dangerous areas casually next time."

"Don't worry, it won't happen next time." You Xuan promised, patting his chest.

"That's good." The female teacher took a sip of tea and smiled slightly, "I heard that classmate You Xuan is the future star of the college, one of the most shining freshmen this year. If you have three strengths and two weaknesses, this college It’s not easy to explain.”

"Thank you for your concern, teacher."

"Oh, there's a digression at the end."

The female teacher sat up straight and came forward, looking mysterious.

Then he lowered his voice and asked.

"They said you and President Kaiba are friends? Is that true?"

"I don't know him for sure." You Xuan thought for a moment.

To say they are friends would be an exaggeration. But to say that he wasn't familiar with it, he had received a lot of benefits from the president and he couldn't tell anyone about it.

Just let it be that way.

There are still three years to go in the academy, so there is nothing wrong with having a strong backstage.

The female teacher didn't say anything else, but she clearly showed a "horrible" expression.

Regardless of the fact that this Duel Academy was largely funded by the president, even if there was no such connection, there is no need to say much about President Kaiba's status in this world. You said that the high-level politicians behind the scenes may not know the president well enough.

"By the way, I heard that the final punishment decided by the Academic Affairs Department is a dormitory duel?" You Xuan asked.

"Oh, only Judai Yujou, the mastermind, and Sho Marufuji, who lives in the same dormitory with him, need to accept it." The female teacher smiled, "You don't have to worry."

"I heard that it is possible to invite a legendary duelist to be your opponent?"

The female teacher was surprised: "How could you do this? Oh, is this what Professor Kuronos revealed to you?"

It was Chronos's idea to invite the legendary duelist to participate in the battle. Even the principal has not informed him yet. So far, he has only communicated with the Academic Affairs Department. Moreover, the matter is still in the preparation stage, and we don’t know whether we can hire anyone.

However, the long-legged female teacher also immediately remembered that Yu Xuan was also the subject of Chronos's special care. Maybe it was not impossible that the professor had let it slip during the chat.

"Then if I win, shouldn't I get a lot of credits?"

The female teacher was stunned: "Uh-huh, probably."

Although it is a punishment duel, the opponent scheduled is a legendary duelist after all. If Judai and the others lose, they will naturally be expelled from school, but if they win, it will be a proud thing for the academy, and it is unjustifiable not to reward them.

You Xuan took a deep breath: "Teacher, I'm ashamed!"

Female teacher: "?"

What are you ashamed of?

"I actually didn't go to the dormitory with Judai and the others. I just trespassed into the restricted area on my own initiative and happened to meet them." Yu Xuan looked guilty, "So I was not actually instigated, just like Yu Cheng Judai. It's the mastermind.

On the contrary, everyone else in his dormitory is just an accomplice, so I should be the one to accept the punishment! "

The female teacher opened her mouth and held it in for a while before she made any sound.

"Well, haha, it's good to know your mistake. It's good to know your mistake. Since you Xuan is so sincere in admitting his mistake, the punishment will be waived."

You Xuan raised his eyebrows.

"No, it's unavoidable! What will other students think of this in the future? Where should we put the majesty of our school rules? In the future, won't you set an example for others that 'violating school rules is nothing more than this'?"

Female teacher: "."

She wanted to say that she was not a classmate, and our lines were reversed?

Why are there still people rushing to get punished?

"Ahem, I'm glad you have this awareness." She said, "But once a decision is made by the Academic Affairs Department, it cannot be changed, and it also affects the majesty of the Academic Affairs Department. So let's forget it this time."

You Xuan made a gesture of regret.

"Okay, okay, I understand."

He immediately stood up, said goodbye and left.

Seeing that he was finally ready to leave without any further entanglement, the long-legged female teacher let out a sigh of relief.

Are you kidding? You are going to participate in a punishment duel. If you lose, can we really expel you?

If Yu Xuan and Judai lose the doubles together, it will not look good in terms of face if one of them is expelled from the academy but the other is not.

In this case, what is the point of the punishment duel?

Fortunately, this kid didn't bother me anymore.

Just when she thought about this, she heard the voice of You Xuan who had just left the house coming from the corridor.

"Hello? Is it Keppei? It's me. That's right. Regarding the incident of trespassing into the restricted area before, the academy arranged a team duel as punishment, but they didn't let me play. Oh no, they didn't give me a chance to atone. .

But I feel guilty after thinking about it, so I want to ask you if you can ask the board of directors to contact the college to give me a chance to bear the responsibility with my friends."


The long-legged female teacher squirted.

The tea I just drank sprayed out all the way. She hurriedly got up and chased her out: "Classmate, please wait a moment, this matter can still be discussed."

You Xuanzuo turned around in surprise and put down his phone: "Eh? Teacher, why are you out?"

The moment he put down his cell phone, the female teacher glanced sharply and saw that it didn't seem to be turned on at all.

Female teacher: "."

Got tricked.

Originally, Yu Xuan had no intention of calling Guiping for such a trivial matter.

"So teacher, what do you mean, can I accept punishment?"

The female teacher waved her hand weakly: "Okay."

Forget it, it doesn’t matter what happens.

She doesn't care anymore.

The same day, the principal's office.

Corago Hayato is surrendering in front of Principal Samejima: "I am also in that abandoned dormitory, so please let me be a group with Judai! Let me accept the punishment!"

"Me too!"

Asuka-san walked in just at this moment.

"I also went to the abandoned dormitory last night, but I was not discovered." Asuka said seriously, "Please punish me too."

Asuka's senses about Judai are pretty good at the moment, but she can tell at a glance that Sho Marufuji next to him is a loser. Letting Judai team up with Sho Marufuji is just a burden. Even if he is stronger than Judai, she can't help but feel a little worried.

So she wanted to take Sho Marufuji's position by herself, which would increase Judai's chances of winning anyway.

Principal Samejima smiled: "I understand your intentions. However, the punishment has been decided by the Academic Affairs Department, and in this school, once decided by the Academic Affairs Department, it will never be changed at will."

Asuka and Brother Koala looked at each other with helpless expressions.

It's not like they haven't heard of the famous names in the Academic Affairs Department. They are said to be a group of ruthless characters. Generally, they will only show up in person when serious situations arise, and they are known for their vigorous and resolute style.

If the Academic Affairs Department makes such a decision.

However, just at this moment, the automatic door opened.

The female teacher from the Academic Affairs Department came to the office.

"Mr. Principal, the Academic Affairs Department has held an urgent internal meeting and wants to apply to withdraw the penalty decision on the dormitory waste." She said, "We are going to re-designate Fujiki Yugen and Yujo Judai to form a team for a team duel. "

Principal Samejima: "?"

Asuka x Hayato: "??"

No, is it agreed that the decision of the Academic Affairs Department is absolute? What if once the deal is finalized, it cannot be changed?

Isn’t it related to the majesty of your academic affairs department?

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