Who let him play Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 123 Taking the lead in betrayal

So the changes to the punishment duel in the Academic Affairs Department were happily decided.

The two "masterminds" Yu Xuan and Judai formed a team to accept the punishment duel.

Judai also happily accepted this result. First of all, Judai-san is happy as long as he can play cards. Secondly, he has just entered school not long ago, and he and Sho Marufuji are just roommates, but they are not very familiar with each other. Besides, he has never even fought a duel with Sho Marufuji. Saw it.

In contrast, if there is a choice, Yu Xuan, who has experienced life and death together in the elf world, is definitely a more suitable teammate.

And Sho Marufuji himself was even happier. He was already extremely timid, and the decision-maker was already half wilted upon hearing that the duel date had not yet been decided. Now that I heard that I was replaced and I didn't have to worry about holding back my elder brother, I felt a lot more relaxed.

Everyone is happy with this decision change, and a world where no one gets hurt is achieved.

But because dueling opponents still need to contact and make an appointment, it is of course impossible to arrange a duel immediately. Therefore, the notice given by the Academic Affairs Department is still to be determined. They still have time to get to know each other and adjust the deck specifically for team battle coordination.

According to the habits of Judai classmates, he certainly had no intention of adjusting. He feels that no matter who comes, they will play the same game, so he can just perform at his usual level and be done with it.

Even if the opponent really has any special tactical combination that needs to be targeted, he doesn't need to deliberately use his brain. As long as a true duelist believes in his deck, he will always have a chance no matter what the situation.

To translate, a mature deck should learn to target the opponent on its own, without the need for a duelist like him to put in extra effort.

But You Xuan disagrees.

Although the opponents have not been made public, Yu Xuan knows that 80% of them should still be the pair of maze brothers from the original game who are said to have "fought against the first Duel King Muto Yugi".

The two players who appeared in GX used the Gate Guardian deck. Although this deck received a wave of reinforcements inexplicably more than ten years later, the Maze Brothers who appeared in the GX animation should not have those advanced cards in their hands.

Viewed in the animated world, future booster cards should belong to the untapped potential of this deck.

Playing doubles with Judai, Yu Xuan's mind immediately became active. From his point of view, Judai's destiny power should overwhelm the Labyrinth duo, and this duel should have quite a lot of room for the Divine Draw.

So if you properly borrow Judai's power of magic, you might be able to design some happy combinations that are usually difficult to achieve by yourself.

There is no rush for this at the moment. The date of the duel has not been announced yet, so I should still have a few days to prepare.

On the contrary, the exchange match for the first-year students in the Duel Club has begun.

The big senior sister is still in charge of hosting the competition. She looked a little happy when she saw Yu Xuan at the scene: "You're here. I heard about the team duel, and I thought you were busy with the duel over there and might not be able to come and have to take leave."

"How can that be done? Such an interesting duel is also an opportunity to communicate and mingle with the new members. How could I miss it?" You Xuan laughed.

Besides, there are points for playing games, and the champion can also choose cards from the Duel Club’s dedicated inventory. There was no way he could miss it.

However, the new members next to them had different expressions when they heard these words.

Go away, who wants to communicate with you?

The college girl smiled so hard that she couldn't close her legs: "That's good, I'm afraid you won't come."

She didn't finish the second half of the sentence.

If you didn't come, how much less fun would this year's competition be?

"Okay. Then the Duel Club Rookie Cup competition has officially begun. Now everyone can prepare for the first round based on the list."

Then the happy duel time began again.

The first person You Xuan faced was one of his own, a student from Huang Dormitory.

He remembered that this student seemed to have fought against him during the dormitory exchange war, but this time his style was different from last time.

The first is Yu Xuan’s turn. He directly took a shot of "Abyss Soldier" and passed after two shots. As a result, the other side actually started taunting me, saying that it was only to this extent. I have surpassed you now and let you see my evolved duel.

After saying that, he waved his big hand and clicked it into four blocks in the backcourt.

You Xuan pondered.

Well, it seems like I have seen this scene before somewhere.

The students in the Huang dormitory laughed loudly: "This time I am different from last time. Come on, don't show mercy. If you can, cross my defense line and attack me! Do it in the face!"

You Xuan said that he had never heard of such a strange request, so I had no choice but to be respectful and obey.

"Open Gaika, Perpetual Trap - Announcement from the Royal Palace."

The student in Huang dormitory spurted blood several feet high.

He stared at Yu Xuan in disbelief.

How do you bring something like this with you?

Did you actually take the lead in betrayal? ?


Winning the first game smoothly, Yu Xuan felt that it was easier than the last time he played against the opponent. The combination of the announcement and the Abyssal Soldiers was basically overwhelming, and the intensity instantly returned to the abuse game in the gym before enrolling in Duel Academy.

Friendly intra-departmental exchanges continue. The college girl was propped up on the edge of the high bleachers, most of her attention focused on the duel on You Xuan's side.

Sometimes there were screams caused by bicycles being run over, and sometimes there was the sound of the one-eyed leader Zalug's revolver. Submarines were swarming with torpedoes, and abyssal soldiers waved their tridents, bringing roars to the opponent again and again.

Others don't know it, but the college girl becomes happier the more she watches it.

She knew that this year's competition with this newcomer would never be boring.

Looking around, I found that this year's Rookie Cup attracted more attention than in previous years. After hearing the news, many senior students in the department came to watch. The seniors pointed at the wailing newcomers below. The smiles on their faces were in sharp contrast to the mournful expressions of the newcomers.

The college girl even discovered Shuichi Watanabe, the main force who was the first to be persecuted during the war. Senior Shuichi watched the duels one after another by Yu Gen without blinking his eyes, smiling brightly and looking happier than his colleagues next to him.


Yu Xuan, who had won consecutive games, gradually reached the semi-finals and faced a girl from the Obelisk Blue dormitory.

"Activate the equipment magic 'Explosive Flame Penetration' to equip the 'Dark Demon Kilfa Demon' on the field.

Then I activate the effect of the No. 1 "Abyss Soldier" on my field, discard the "Killer Snake" in my hand, and bounce "Explosion Penetration" back to my own hand.

At this moment, due to the side effects of 'Explosive Flame Penetration', the 'Dark Demon Clan Kilfa Demon' was eliminated from the game. "


“Then activate ‘Explosion Penetration’ which bounces back the cards in your hand, giving you the ‘Warrior Raz’ equipment on the field.

Then use the effect of the second unit of 'Abyss Soldier', 'Explosion Penetration' to bounce back to the hand, and 'Warrior Raz' is also removed from the game. "


You Xuan: "The third time I activated the 'Explosion Penetration' that bounced back cards in my hand, this time I equipped the 'Abyss Soldier' ​​Unit 1 on my field, and the attack power increased by 400 points."

[Abyss Soldier (No. 1), attack power 1800 → attack power 2200]

[Abyss Soldier (No. 2), attack power 1800]

"Two abyssal soldiers attacked directly."

[Girl, LP 4000→LP 0]

The girl who was instantly killed by two consecutive hits and a blurred face sat down on the ground, her expression almost as messy as her hair.

who I am? where am I? Why duel?

Mom, I want to drop out of school.

Wan Zhangmu, who had also won consecutively all the way to the finals, watched this scene and clenched his fists unconsciously.

This was the second chance he had been waiting for.

This time, it has to be different.

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