Who let him play Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 124 The evolution of Wanzhangmu?

When it came to the finals, the venue of the duel club was already surrounded by more melon-eating people.

"That one who has a thousand-foot-long eyes is pointed at Fujiki Yugen. They are both newcomers who have attracted much attention this year."

"Haven't you heard? They have fought this grudge game before."

"Eh? Is there any?"

"Before entering school, at the Yuehua Cup. The top eight of the ten thousand-foot-eyes guy was defeated."


At this time, the university sister was also sitting in the high bleachers and analyzed: "However, I have also observed it during the period after coming to the Duel Club. The ten thousand-foot-long gaze is also very different from the beginning."

The companion next to her asked strangely: "Why is it different?"

"From the deck to the tactics, there are many aspects that I don't know how to describe. I should say it has undergone an all-round transformation. But how much stronger it has become, I can't say.

Well, since it’s a grudge match, Wan Zhangmu definitely doesn’t want to lose in this match, right? "

The college girl said this with a look of expectation.

"Let us take a closer look at where this duel will go."

At this time, both warring parties have arrived at the final venue.

"Thanks to you, I didn't have a good time in front of my two brothers after the last game." Wan Zhangmu said in a deep voice, "But this time it will be different."

"What a coincidence, I thought so too. Today is different from last time."

You Xuan smiled and unfolded the duel disk.

Wan Zhangmu snorted: "Your calmness can only last so far. I have completed my transformation since I entered school. Let you see, I have transcended myself, the duel of the elite among the elite. Way!"

"Duel!" x2

【You Xuan, LP 4000】

[Wan Zhangmu, LP 4000]

"The first attack is from my side, draw cards!" Wan Zhangmu said, "Activate the magic card 'Magic Sealed Treasure'!

Draw two cards from the deck. But this turn of activation, I cannot activate any magic cards other than this card, nor can I add cards to the field. ” (animation card)

He adds the drawn card to his hand, and then draws another card from his hand.

"I summon 'Dorudora' in defense position!"

[Dorudora, defense power 1200]

"The round is over."

You Xuan: "Then my turn is to draw cards."

He showed two cards in his hand at once.

"The effect of 'Mecha Troop Fortress' in the hand. This card can be special summoned from the hand or the graveyard by discarding Machine-type monsters with a total level of eight or above from the hand.

I discarded the level 7 "Mecha Troop Fortress" itself and the level 4 machine type "V-Jet Tiger" in my hand to the graveyard.

An indestructible fortress was built in the endless flames of war——

——Mecha Troop·Fortress, Summon! "

The heavy tracks rolled over the field, the thick and heavy barrels locked on the target, and the heavy fortress lay in front of You Xuan.

[Mecha Troop·Fortress, attack power 2500]

Wan Zhangmu frowned: "Is this deck a combination of the Machinery Alliance?"

Of course, when Banzhangme saw the thrown "V-Jet Tiger" at this time, he didn't realize that to a certain extent, this was a deck that was passed over from his own hands.

To a certain extent, it can be said to be NTR that spans time and space.

"Mecha Force Fortress, attack on 'Dorudora'!"

The mecha troop's cannon barrels fell, and the golden bombardment entangled with the dancing arc of electricity. The dragon's body was penetrated and exploded into pieces on the spot.

You Xuan: "Then cover two more cards and the round is over."

"At this moment of the end phase, the effect of 'Dorudora' is activated!" Wan Zhangmu said, "When this card is destroyed from the field and sent to the graveyard, at the end of the phase, it can use its own attack power and defense power. All become 1000 status special summons.

But this effect can only be used once in a duel! "

[Dorudora, defense power 1000]

This is a Last Word monster that was also very popular in the early real card environment. Because it can trigger Last Words whether it is destroyed by combat or effects, it is not easy to completely remove in the early stage. And its regeneration ability is only activated at the end of the stage, making it even more difficult to interfere with it.

Yu Xuan looked at the reborn Dorudora in front of Wan Zhang.

It's the Dragon Clan again, is it really moving closer to the Wan Zhang Eye of the comic world line?

Wan Zhangmu in the manga is a proper second male lead, much better than the comedian in the anime. Ever since he got his own exclusive spirit "Dragon of Light and Darkness", Judai in the manga has been unable to defeat Wanzhangmu. Even the final BOSS battle at the end was two-on-one between Judai and Manzhangmu, giving the second male lead a lot of cards.

It would be a good thing for Wan Zhang Mu if he could evolve in that direction.

"My turn!"

Wan Zhangmu draws cards.

"The first is the quick-attack magic 'Whirlwind', which destroys the cover card on your left!"

The storm rolled up a cover card, dark thunder and lightning fell, and the trap card was chopped into pieces.

A "bottomless hole".

You Xuan was not surprised and just shrugged. After all, you are playing cards with yourself, so it is not surprising that the Wan Zhang Mu deck is full of strong winds and small winds.

"Then activate the magic card 'Notes Obliteration'! Discard all the cards in both sides' hands, and then draw and discard the same number of cards from the deck."

You Xuan Yiyan and Wan Zhangmu discarded and changed the cards in their hands together.

"Then activate the magic card 'Bargain Shopping'! Discard the eight-star monster in your hand, and then draw two cards from the deck!" Wan Zhangmu said, "Discard the level eight 'Tyrant Dragon' from your hand."

He drew a monster card and sent it to the graveyard area of ​​the duel board.

".Then draw two cards!"

He pulled the card hard, causing the invisible whirlwind to lift up the cloak-like hem of the blue uniform.

Wan Zhangmu twitched the corner of his mouth when he caught a glimpse of one of the two cards drawn.


Wan Zhangmu shouted.

"Ever since I met you again in this academy, I have been thinking about that moment on the Moonlight Cup every day, and I have been unable to sleep because of it countless nights."

You Xuanzuo looked surprised: "Why do you think about me every night?"

The word "well" appeared on Wan Zhang Mu's forehead. He just wanted to run away but immediately suppressed his anger.

No, this is this guy's usual trick. If you lose your mentality, it's only the small things that mess up the momentum of the duel that are the big deal. Don't be fooled.

"Today will be the day when I cross this hurdle and move forward. Watch, I will use the new and strongest power I have obtained to completely defeat you and destroy my unbearable past!

The effect of the ‘hard-armored dragon’ in the hand! This card can send a level 8 or above monster in your hand to the graveyard and special summon it from your hand!

I discard the level 8 ‘Alien Dragon’ in my hand and special summon the ‘Hard Armored Dragon’! "

[Hard-armored dragon, attack power 1500]

You Xuan: "You have quite a few high stars on your hands."

But he recognized this card.

Armored Dragon, monsters with seven stars or higher summoned as a sacrifice using this card will not be destroyed by the card's effects. In the early days of Yu-Gi-Oh!, it already provided quite strong resistance to higher-level monsters. Many common magic traps that remove the field would fail in the face of this resistance. In that era, it was still a very considerable protection.

Of course, in modern Yu-Gi-Oh!, even the fully-resistant brother who is "not affected by any effects" is often untenable.

It can be seen that Wan Zhangmu’s classmate has really worked hard to guard against pitfalls. Not to mention bringing a lot of wind, the monster effects also have various types of pit resistance.

Wan Zhangmu raised a card in his hand, and at that moment there seemed to be an undercurrent surrounding his arm.

"Look, I have gained the new and strongest power!

Use the ‘Dorudora’ and ‘Hard Armored Dragon’ on the field as sacrifices!

The Dragon of Ending in the boundless darkness, use the power of darkness to turn into a sharp sword that cuts through everything, and bring victory into my hands——

——Dark End Dragon, summon! ! ! "

The dark vortex soaring into the sky is like a terrifying entity transformed by darkness itself! Every inch of the scales shone with a cold light, as if the essence of the night had been condensed to form an indestructible pitch-black armor.

[Dark Terminator Dragon, attack power 2600]

You Xuan: "!"

He had to admit that he was a little surprised when he saw this thing.

Because his first reaction was, why can you use synchro monsters?

But then I immediately remembered, oh, the Dark Terminator Dragon was originally an effect monster in the original work.

The "Brilliant Terminator Dragon" and "Dark Terminator Dragon" in the GX comics are both similar to the ace "Dragon of Light and Darkness". The two vests represent the light and dark sides respectively. They are both Mysterious Cards, and both have eight stars. superior monster.

However, after it was transformed into a real card, it was changed into a synchro monster, and Yu Xuan almost forgot about it.

"This is the incarnation of my current power, the 'Dark Terminator Dragon'!"

The hem of Wan Zhangmu's clothes flew under the air current, and he stood in front of the Dark Terminator Dragon with his arms folded.

“Today, I’m going to cross that barrier and keep moving forward!”

This book’s second friendship PY~

"The Witcher: Beginning with the Lord Marrying a Wife"

After traveling to the wizarding world for eighteen years, David never imagined that even with the support of a large number of resources, he was still a waste and could not activate the Frostwolf bloodline in his body.

Just when he was getting married and planning to have children, the system suddenly awakened. He only needed to keep communicating with his wife to become stronger.

Only at this moment did David realize that he had not found the correct way to practice.

PS: Don’t be strict, farm in a royal way and fight for hegemony, there are benefits

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