Who let him play Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 125 It’s better to use this when fighting with you

Wan Zhang Mu’s new ace, the Dark Terminator Dragon!

"Look at Yu Xuan, my power is now different from what it used to be! I activate the effect of 'Dark Terminator Dragon'!" Wan Zhangmu shouted, "Once per round, my own attack power is reduced by 500 points, knocking the opponent's field. A monster on the screen is sent directly to the graveyard!

Reduce the Dark Terminator Dragon's attack power by 500 points and send the 'Mecha Troop Fortress' to the grave!

The darkness evaporates! ! ! "

[Dark Terminator Dragon, attack power 2600 → attack power 2100]

The dark dragon let out a high-pitched roar, and the dark power erupted in the middle of the battlefield like a black hole in the night sky. The majestic steel fortress seemed so small under the majestic undercurrent, and all the struggles became futile, like a lonely boat swaying in the storm.

"But at this moment, the effect of 'Mecha Troop Fortress' also applies." Yu Xuan waved his hand, "When the Fortress becomes the target of the opponent's monster effect, you can check the opponent's hand and discard one of the cards. !”

The mecha swaying in the dark storm seemed to be fighting to the death, and the huge heavy cannon was locked in the direction of the target, as if it was about to release the last ripple before being destroyed.

"I won't let you get what you want!"

Wan Zhangmu quickly played another card in his hand and quickly inserted it into the duel plate.

"Quick Attack Magic - Book of the Moon! Change a monster on the field to the inside defense position!" Wan Zhangmu said, "Change the 'Mecha Troop Fortress' to the inside defense state!"

The tomes of magic emerge, and the new moon rises. The huge mecha struggling in the undercurrent was suddenly covered with a card, completely losing its ability to resist and drifting with the current in the dark vortex.

"In this way, the 'Mecha Troop Fortress' will no longer exist on the field when the effect is processed, so the effect of discarding cards in your hand can no longer be applied."

Wan Zhang Mu points to the card covered on Yu Xuan's field.

"Be buried under the power of the 'Dark Terminator Dragon'!"

The last struggle of the mecha fortress was in vain. Even the surrounding air seemed to be solidified in the pitch-black darkness, leaving only the low roar coming from the center of the vortex, like the whisper of a devil.

"Well, I've really made some progress." You Xuan nodded slightly.

Perhaps there was also the factor of underestimating the enemy when Wan Zhang Mu first played against each other. This time, Wan Zhang Mu felt more powerful and seemed to have become a lot stronger.

"Combat phase, come on! Dark Terminator Dragon's direct attack!"

The jet-black dragon opened its mouth, and its jet-black breath was like the black flames of the abyss! Flames swept through You Xuan's half of the court, and the dark flames burned blazingly.

[You Xuan, LP 4000→LP 1900]

"The condition looks good." You Xuan said.

"It goes without saying that I have been preparing for this second battle for a long time, and my condition has been adjusted to the best!" Wan Zhangmu said, "My battle phase is over, but the round is not over yet.

Then activate the quick-attack magic 'Super Regeneration' from your hand!

At the end of the turn when this card is activated, draw the corresponding number of cards from the deck based on the number of dragon-type monsters you discarded from your hand this turn and as sacrifices!

This round, I discarded two dragons through 'Notes Obliteration', I discarded 'Tyrant Dragon' through bargain shopping, and I discarded 'Alien Dragon' due to the effect of Hard Armored Dragon. The sacrifices included 'Hard Armored Dragon' and ' Dorudora', six cards in total.

So at the end of the phase, I start from the deck."

He swiped the ground and pulled out a handful of cards in one breath.

".Draw six cards!"

"Well, it is indeed the strongest card drawing engine in the Dragon Clan." You Xuan held his chin.

It's really a brutal card replenishing ability.

"It's about time you put away your leisurely attitude." Wan Zhangmu hummed, "I said, now I have transformed into an unprecedented state.

You are only valuable if you defeat you who go all out! "

"Hey, why do you all think I'm not serious? My turn is to draw cards."

You Xuan drew the card.

"The magic card 'Pot of Desire', draw two cards from the deck."

Because the "hard-armored dragon" was used as a sacrifice, the current "Dark Terminator Dragon" has acquired damage resistance and can indeed resist a large number of removal traps in the current environment.

"Sure enough, it's more appropriate to use this set when fighting you."

You Xuan showed a card.

"The permanent magic 'Gnaku of another dimension'!

When activated, select three level 4 or lower allied monsters from the deck and remove them from the game. ” (animation card)

Three cards automatically popped up from the deck, and after being drawn out by him, the deck was automatically shuffled. You Xuan revealed the trio of allies who were supposed to be Wan Zhang's target.

"Exclude 'Y-Dragon Head', 'Z-Metal Track' and 'W-Ejection Wing' from the game."

The red, gold and blue mechas were sucked into the whirlpool in mid-air, and Wan Zhangmu's expression immediately became solemn: "Is it the combination used in the duel with Tianshangyuan?"

Yu Xuan: "Normally summons 'X-Boss Canon'."

[X-Boss Cannon, attack power 1800]

"At this moment, the effect of 'Alternate Dimension Gnaku'. When a monster is Summoned or Special Summoned on your field, you can Special Summon the related Alliance Monster from the Excluded Zone.

Therefore, I specially summoned ‘Y-Dragon Head’ and ‘Z-Metal Crawler’! "

[Y-Dragon head, attack power 1500]

[Z-metal tracks, attack power 1500]

"Then the three monsters X, Y, and Z are removed from the game and transformed and merged!"

The robotic arms are connected to each other and the parts are precisely docked. With the roar of mechanical operation, the three mechas began to assemble tightly, as if pulled by electromagnetic force, every part and every piece of armor was spliced ​​together with millimeter precision.

The three-layer mecha landed heavily on metal tracks. The dragon head on the abdomen and the leader Cannon's two cannons were pointed at the enemy's position, as if they were ready to fire at any time.

XYZ-Dragon Cannon, combined summon!

[XYZ-Shenlong Cannon, attack power 2800]

Wan Zhangmu frowned slightly.


However, he also remembered the effect of XYZ-Dragon Cannon, a powerful ability that can explode any card on the opponent's field by discarding a card in his hand.

But he also hides the "Hard Armored Dragon" backhand, and the damage effect is ineffective against the current Dark Terminator Dragon. When the Dragon Cannon fires, it simply loses cards in the hand.

Thinking of this, Wan Zhangmou narrowed his eyes.

Come on, fire at the Dark Terminator Dragon

But then he noticed that You Xuan smiled slightly at him.

Wan Zhangmu's heart was trembling.

What does this kind of smile that seems to see through everything mean?

"Open the cover card." Yu Xuan activated the backfield, "Trap card 'Gathering of the Clan'! Select a face-up monster on the field, and get a monster with a different card name but the same race as that monster from your hand or graveyard. Special summons.

I choose the "XYZ-Dragon Cannon" of the Machine type on the field, and special summon this card that was discarded last turn from the graveyard——

——V-Jet Tiger! "

[V-Jet Tiger, attack power 1600]

Wan Zhang Mu's pupils shrank: "This guy is also an ally."

"That's right, the effect of this instantaneous permanent magic 'Dimensional Gnaku' is also activated again, and the alliance monster 'W-Ejection Wing' related to 'V-Jet Tiger' is specially summoned!"

[W-catapult flying wings, attack power 1300]

"The monsters specially summoned by Gnaku cannot attack and cannot be sacrificed, but they can transform and merge." Yu Xuan said, "Except the 'W-Ejection Flying Wing' and 'V-Jet Tiger' from the game——

——'VW-Strike Tiger', combined summon! "

[VW-Strike Tiger, attack power 2000]

"Then there's 'XYZ-Dragon Cannon', 'VW-Strike Tiger', further transformations and combinations!"

You Xuan waved his hand.

"The gathered power turns into the indestructible Shenlong heavy artillery. Use the roaring fire to release the power that crushes everything! The five-layer combination——

——Level 8, VWXYZ-Dragon Power Cannon! ! ! "

There was a harsh sound of metal friction. The two combined mechas were disassembled and reassembled. The bodies gradually merged into one, and all the parts and armor were spliced ​​accurately. There was a deafening roar on the battlefield, and the fused giant covered in heavy artillery stood on the ground, and every piece of armor shone with a cold light.

[VWXYZ-Shenlong Assault Cannon, attack power 3000]

Wan Zhangmu looked ugly: "He actually summoned the VWXYZ five-layer combination in one turn."

Yu Xuan said what a fuss, this is the Combo you invented yourself, it’s just another world line.

"VWXYZ-Shenlong Assault Cannon, the effect is activated.

Once per turn, remove one card from the opponent's field from the game. "

Yu Xuan pointed at the Dark Terminator Dragon.

"The selected target is the 'Dark Terminator Dragon'!

Boundary bombing! "

The steel giant fired the electromagnetic heavy cannon, and the electric light and energy seemed to penetrate the space. The armored dragon's resistance can only resist effect damage, but directly excluding it is beyond its capabilities. The Dark Terminator Dragon was completely unable to resist and disappeared out of thin air under the gorgeous artillery fire and dimensional distortion.

"Then there will be a direct attack from the Shenlong assault cannon!" You Xuan ordered, "Justice from heaven!"

Of course, the original skill is not called this name, he made it up himself. Anyway, the monster skills are not written on the card and are always compiled by duelists. No one can care if you want to call it "Fire in the Castle".

The Shenlong assault cannon was at full fire, like an awakened steel behemoth. The colorful cannons were as brilliant as a rainbow, and countless colorful beams of light shot through the sky like meteors, engulfing thousands of eyes and intertwining into a gorgeous pattern, like countless fireworks blooming.


【Wan Zhangmu, LP 4000→LP 1000】

He was thrown backwards by the exaggerated wave of air. After a while, Wan Zhangmu got up in embarrassment and grinned: "Hun Dan."

You Xuan: "Cover two cards, the round is over."

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