Who let him play Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 126 The devil’s hand wiped

Wan Zhangmu: "My turn, draw a card!"

The scene was suppressed again, and the health value was reversed into a headwind state. Wan Zhangmu gritted his teeth.

Wouldn't it be no different from before?

So much effort, so much preparation.

He could never allow himself to fall again. It can't be here, it can't be in front of this guy again.

"The quick-attack magic 'Burial from Another Dimension' returns up to three monster cards from the exclusion zone to the graveyard. I return the 'Dark Terminator Dragon' that was excluded by VWXYZ to the graveyard!"

The shadow of the black dragon reappeared and sank into the vortex of the cemetery again.

"Then activate the equipment magic 'Premature Burial'!"

Wan Zhang Mu revealed a card in his hand.

"Pay 800 life points, select a monster in your graveyard, Special Summon it in attack position, and equip this card!"

【Wan Zhangmu, LP 1000→LP 200】

Taking the initiative to pay his life points to the remaining candle in the wind, a dark vortex broke out in the cemetery area, and the dark and ferocious dragon appeared for the second time in the surging undercurrent!

"Resurrect the Dark Terminator Dragon!"

[Dark Terminator Dragon, attack power 2600]

The college girl in the stands said: "The Dark Terminator Dragon has been resurrected again, so if you use the Dark Terminator Dragon's ability to eliminate VWXYZ, if you directly attack it, it will be a reversal of the Jedi on Wan Zhangmu's side."

"Indeed." The senior next to him also nodded, "Dark Terminator Dragon, that new trump card with uncanny eyesight, is really a monster with terrifying abilities."

"But the damage resistance of the 'Dark Terminator Dragon' that was resurrected through this method has also disappeared." You Xuan said, "Then activate the cover card and the trap card 'Naraku's Cave'!

When the opponent summons a monster with an attack power of 1500 or more, it is directly destroyed and removed from the game. "

A pitch-black pit opens at the feet of the Dark Terminator Dragon, leading directly to the cave of another dimension. The Dark Terminator Dragon, which has lost its armored dragon resistance, is completely unable to resist.

"Sure enough, I knew it wouldn't be possible to pass so easily," Wan Zhangmu shouted, "The quick-attack magic 'externally and internally integrated'!

By sacrificing a light or dark monster on your field, you can special summon a light or dark monster with the opposite attribute from your hand! ” (original effect)

The same card in the comics has been transformed into a real card after more than ten years of effect modification.

"Use the dark-attributed 'Dark Terminator Dragon' on the field as a sacrifice!"

The dark storm rolled up, and the black dragon was swallowed up instantly. Then there was a dazzling burst of light, a shining and holy light, like the rising sun, piercing the curtain of darkness.

"Dispel the darkness, let the light shine, illuminate the road to victory——

——The glorious end dragon, summon! ! ! "

Appearing from the radiance, the huge and majestic dragon has eyes like bright diamonds and its spread wings like huge wings of light, blooming into a dazzling light curtain, like a sacred halo, showing its majesty and power to the fullest.

[Brilliant Terminator Dragon, attack power 2600]

This is also the first time Wan Zhangmu has shown his new trump card in public. With such a powerful and beautiful posture, the sacred and glorious dragons form a sharp contrast with the dark dragon that just went down.

"Do you still have a strategy for traps?" You Xuan chuckled, "Isn't this a big improvement?"

"Huh, that's the end of your irritating attitude!"

Wan Zhangmu showed two more cards in his hand.

"The magic card 'Strange Clover'! By discarding the level 4 plant-type monster in your hand, a monster on your field can attack twice this turn!

I discard the plant-type ‘Killer Tomato’ in my hand, so that the ‘Brilliant Terminator Dragon’ can attack twice! "

The university lady on the stage frowned and said, "But even so, the attack power of the Radiant Terminator Dragon is no better than the Shenlong Battery Cannon, so it is meaningless to increase the number of attacks."

But no one doubted that Wan Zhang Mu had a back-up plan.

"Fight, use the 'Brilliant Terminator Dragon' to attack the 'VWXYZ-Shenron Power Cannon'!"

Crowd outside the venue: "Attack with a monster with low attack power!?"

Wan Zhangmu shouted: "At this moment, the effect of 'Brilliant Terminator Dragon' is activated! When the Radiant Terminator Dragon fights, its own attack power is reduced by 500 points, and the attack power of the opponent's monster it fights is reduced by 1,500 points until the end of the round!"

Wan Zhang Mu raised his arms.

"Expansion of Light!!!"

Dazzling white light erupted from the white dragon's body, and the dazzling light dominated the entire scene, enveloping the huge steel machine.

[Brilliant Terminator Dragon, attack power 2600 → attack power 2100]

[VWXYZ-Shenlong Assault Cannon, attack power 3000 → attack power 1500]

Onlookers: "The attack power has surpassed us!"

"This is the advantage of the Brilliant Terminator Dragon. Let's smash that mecha!" Wan Zhangmu said.

The incandescent light was as fierce as fire, instantly penetrating VWXYZ's thick armor. There was a series of explosions, and the indestructible body was riddled with holes. It collapsed like a dilapidated fortress that had been damaged by strong winds and rain.

【You Xuan, LP 1900→LP 1300】

"The final blow!"

Wan Zhangmu shouted loudly.

"Come on, accept the effect of 'Strange Clover', and the glorious Terminator Dragon attacks again!!!

The sublimation of glitter! ! ! "

The white light swept across like a raging wave, and there seemed to be thousands of sharp blades in the light curtain, slicing towards You Xuan. At that moment, Wan Zhangmu couldn't help but hold his breath, and his eyes widened as if he was afraid of missing even a single moment.


But no.

boom! ! !

The bright light hit the illusory barrier, and a translucent mechanical body appeared in front of You Xuan, blocking his fatal blow.

"Nani!?" Wan Zhang was shocked.

"The 'Kite Robot' in the cemetery can only have 0 combat damage from a direct attack on the player once." You Xuan smiled, "Your 'Notes Obliterate' was thrown away. It seems that there is a hand replacement effect on both sides. What’s the risk?”

"Uh" Wan Zhangmu's face twitched.


This feeling is so close, and the moment my long-cherished wish finally comes to an end, I suddenly realize that it feels like a daydream, and I need a quick-acting heart-saving pill.

But the advantage is still mine!

".Then cover a card and put it on the field. The round is over." Wan Zhangmu said coldly.

He still has one last trick, one last chance.

"Then on my turn, I will draw a card." Yu Xuan said, "The magic card is the 'Treasure of Adversity'. If the opponent has a specially summoned monster on the field and you have no monsters on the field, draw two cards." (Original card)

After drawing the card, he showed one of the cards in his hand.

"Equip the magic 'Dimensional Destruction Cannon-Super Thunder Alliance'!

This card can revive the [VWXYZ-Dragon Power Cannon] in your graveyard in attack position regardless of the summoning conditions, and equip this card. The effect of the equipped monster is invalid. ” (original card)

It is also a support card used in the Wanzhangmu animation, but it has not been implemented as a real card.

"According to the effect of this card, [VWXYZ-Dragon Power Cannon] is resurrected!"

[VWXYZ-Shenlong Assault Cannon, attack power 3000]

"Then there is the effect of 'Mecha Troop Fortress' in the graveyard. This card can be specially summoned from the graveyard by discarding the mechanical monsters in the hand with a total level of eight or more.

I discarded the level 8 ‘Mecha Troop·Super Transformation’ in my hand, and the ‘Mecha Troop·Fortress’ was resurrected! "

The whirlpool leading to the underworld opened, and the fortress with live ammunition returned to the field.

[Mecha Troop·Fortress, attack power 2500]

The college girl swallowed: "In an instant, two such powerful superior monsters were summoned back to change the situation."

These days, it is quite difficult for most duelists to summon a high-level monster. Those who can continuously summon monsters like the two on the field are already elite-level leaders.

Are all the freshmen this year really monsters?

"Fight." You Xuandao, "'VWXYZ-Shenlong Assault Cannon', attack the 'Brilliant Terminator Dragon'!"

All the barrels of the Shenlong Assault Cannon were locked together, and the brilliant energy beams and rocket barrages were fired at the same time. The offensive was like a roaring fire dragon trying to devour the Glory Terminator Dragon.

College girl: "I know the effect of the Radiant Terminator Dragon but I still attack"

In this scene, according to calculations, it seems that the mecha fortress should be used to attack first.

If you use Mecha Fortress to attack first, the Radiant Terminator Dragon will activate its effect, and the Mecha Fortress's attack power will drop to 1000, while the Radiant Terminator Dragon's attack power will be 1600. The fortress will be knocked down, and Yu Xuan will take 600 points of damage.

Then VWXYZ attacks again, and the Radiant Terminator Dragon activates its effect again. The Shenron Power Cannon's attack power will drop to 1500, but the Radiant Terminator Dragon only has 1100 left. There are 200 LP left in Wan Zhang Mu. If the attack passes, it will be Yu Xuan's victory.

So why attack with VWXYZ first? Miscalculation?

"I don't know what your intention is. But at this moment, the effect of 'Brilliant Terminator Dragon' is activated!" Wan Zhangmu said, "Reduce its own attack power by 500 points and reduce the attack power of the Shenlong Power Cannon by 1500!

Expansion of light! "

[Brilliant Terminator Dragon, attack power 2100 → attack power 1600]

[VWXYZ-Shenlong Assault Cannon, attack power 3000 → attack power 1500]

"I don't know what backup plan you are considering, but this blow will be the finale!"

Wan Zhangmu shouted, and opened the final backcourt with a wave of his hand.

"In the damage calculation step, activate the cover card! Quick-attack magic - 'Forbidden Holy Grail'! The attack power of a face-up monster on the field increases by 400 points, and the effect is negated!"

"Oh? This card." You Xuan quickly understood Wan Zhangmu's intention, "So what you want to invalidate is..."

"Hahahaha! That's right, what I want to invalidate is the effect of my own 'Brilliant Terminator Dragon'!"

Wan Zhangmu laughed.

"The effect of the Radiant Terminator Dragon becomes invalid, so its attack power reduced due to its own effect is restored, and its attack power increases by an additional 400 points!"

[Brilliant Terminator Dragon, attack power 1600 → attack power 2600 → attack power 3000]

The onlookers couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Invalidating one's own effects to restore attack power, cleverly utilizing side effects to increase additional attack power."

"The Radiant Terminator Dragon's reduction of its own attack power is a continuous effect, so once it is invalidated, its attack power will be restored. However, its effect of reducing the opponent's monster's attack power is a type that takes effect when it is activated, so the Shenron Power Cannon's attack power is until It will remain at 1500 until the end of the round.”

If the battle is established, Yu Xuan will suffer 1500 points of damage and become a deadly counterattack!

Wan Zhangmu: "This is the end! The Brilliance Terminator Dragon, fight back! The Sublimation of Flash"

"Don't worry." You Xuan smiled and interrupted the chanting, "Activate the cover card, the trap card - the shield of attack!" (original card)

It was a trap used by Atum in the original game. Wang Yang used this card to cover Kaiba. It was also an old card from the DM era.

"Sacrifice a monster on your field, and the defense of that monster is added to the attack of the target monster." Yu Xuan said, "Because it is an attack power change type effect, it can be activated during the damage calculation step.

And because it is within the damage calculation step, even if the number of monsters on the field changes, it will not cause the attack to be rolled back. "

Wan Zhangmu's face changed slightly: "Nani!?"

"Therefore, I sacrificed the 'Mecha Troop Fortress', and its defense power was increased to 1,600 points by the 'VWXYZ-Shenlong Assault Cannon'."

The mecha fortress turned into golden light and dissipated, and energy poured into the body of the Shenlong assault cannon. The originally sluggish steel giant was instantly filled with energy!

[VWXYZ-Shenlong Assault Cannon, attack power 1500 → attack power 3100]

Everyone couldn't help but exclaimed: "The attack power has surpassed us again!"

The college girl couldn't help but caress her rising and falling chest: "It's unexpected under such circumstances."

"Damn it." Wan Zhangmu's expression was distorted.

You've made it this far, but you still can't overcome this barrier?

But it's not over yet.

In order to activate the "Onslaught Shield", the mecha fortress has been sacrificed, and Yu Xuan has no means to attack anymore. Although the Glorious Terminator Dragon cannot be saved, he will still have his last 100 health points left.

It's not over yet

"Why do you think I chose to attack with the 'VWXYZ-Shenlong Assault Cannon'?" You Xuan suddenly asked.

Wan Zhangmu was stunned.


How do I know your why?

"I don't know why, but I just think it's more appropriate to use this guy to finish the final blow in the duel with you." You Xuan smiled, "Of course, the premise is that you have the confidence to kill, otherwise you are disrespecting your opponent, right? Bar?"

Wan Zhang Mu's pupils contracted.

What is the confidence of killing?

At this point, is there still any backup plan?

"Activate the trap card 'Skill Succession' from the graveyard." Yu Xuan showed a trap that popped up in the graveyard, "During your turn, remove this card in the graveyard from the game, and keep one monster on your field until your turn. The attack power will increase by 800 points until the end!"

[VWXYZ-Shenlong Assault Cannon, attack power 3100 → attack power 3900]

Wan Zhang's eyes widened.

How come you still have holes in the graves when you launch it from the graveyard?

Could it be that it was just hand wiping from the beginning again?

Wan Zhang Mu is about to vomit blood.

What kind of insider tricks?

"This is the finale." You Xuandao, "VWXYZ-Shenlong Power Cannon attack!

Justice from heaven! "

Rocket barrages swept across the place, and artillery fire swept across the place. The Brilliant Terminator Dragon was helplessly swallowed up by the intensive firepower, causing a series of explosions in the half-view field.

【Wan Zhangmu, LP 200→LP 0】

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