Who let him play Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 128 Did you make a scientific breakthrough by copying it?

"Yu Xuan-san looks really calm~"

Teacher Daitokuji was sitting in his chair in the alchemy laboratory, holding his cat named Pharaoh in his arms, stroking the chubby cat with one hand.

Daitokuji has been paddling almost the whole time since he entered Duel Academy. The laboratory claims that it is a scientific research resource provided to him by the college, but in fact it has been basically gathering dust over the years.

After all, Dadeji's character in the college is that of a dawdling fish, and he must maintain this image both in front of students and the college. Therefore, no one has ever seen him doing scientific research seriously, and this laboratory is basically the same as an abandoned one.

Until now.

When You Xuan opened the door for the first time, he was almost greeted by a musty smell. The floor was covered with dust, and the sunlight shone through the gaps in the glass to form streaks of light and shadow, with countless dust particles flying in the light path.

You Xuan spent some time cleaning up the laboratory, and from then on it was basically used by him.

"What?" You Xuan, who was working intently on the experimental table, raised his head.

"It's about teaming up for a duel." Daitokuji tilted his head and continued to play with the cat, "You don't look nervous at all."

"Oh, that's right. There's nothing to be nervous about."

You Xuan said while lowering his head and continuing to work.

"And Judai seems to be quite calm," Yugen said casually, "I invited him to study the deck for the team battle yesterday, but he refused. What did you say? Hayato's father is here or something like that. Anyway, he didn’t come because he had something to do.”

However, Judai mentioned that Yu Xuan was also impressed by the plot. It seemed that the father of Brother Kaola in their dormitory felt that his son was not interested in making progress in the college all day long, so he wanted to ask him to drop out and go home.

Afterwards, Hayato played a game of cards with his father. Although he lost, he succeeded in getting his father to change his mind and allow him to stay in the academy.

Hayato's father uses a drunkard deck of some kind, and it is also a series of unknown meaning that has not been implemented yet.

According to Mr. Daitokuji, Hayato's father seems to be the successor of the "Satsuma Dimension Style" and is said to be a very famous duelist in the world. It is said that it is a one-hit kill style duel that was learned from the famous sword skills, and it has the powerful ability to kill the opponent instantly.

However, from the perspective of the duel in the animation, the performance of the deck seemed to be a bit stretched.

You Xuan felt a little strange. The so-called world-famous duelist's strength seems to be different, but after thinking about it, it seems that I can't be completely sure.

After all, there were only two monsters summoned by Hayato's father in the anime. The audience actually doesn't know what's left in the deck. Maybe it's because he was dueling with his son and he deliberately let it go.

Over the years, K Club has proven more than once that as long as they want to, the strength of the deck, no matter how old it is, can soar for several generations with just a few incredible cards.

You still can't underestimate this world-renowned top duelist.

"Haha, Judai is different." Daitokuji smiled, "That child has such an innate talent, and there are very few things that can make him nervous.

However, there are rumors that the opponent you team up with may not be easy. Are there any countermeasures already in place? "

"Well, that's right." You Xuan smiled.

He already had a bold idea. If all goes well, with a little help from Judai's divine power, it should be able to bring double happiness to the Labyrinth brothers.

"Let's not talk about it for now. I'm done here."

You Xuan stood up and handed a card to Dade Temple.

"Teacher, please give me some advice."

Daitokuji took the card and adjusted his glasses: "Let me take a look."

You Xuan has not been exposed to card making courses for a long time. Although he has shown extraordinary talent and has a small stove in Dade Temple, the technology is still at the "copying" stage for the time being.

That is to say, try to copy some low-rare cards that are relatively easy to copy. Only when you are technically proficient can you consider more advanced card production.

Daitokuji glanced at the card he handed over: "The trial version this time is a bicycle. I heard that you really like this card. Not bad, not bad, you can successfully copy it so quickly. Huh!?"

Teacher Daitokuji's narrowed eyes almost didn't open again, and his glasses almost fell down the bridge of his nose.

Because he clearly saw the effect of the [Double Cycling Robot] handed over by You Xuan.

"This card can attack directly".

Wait a minute, isn't this thing going to reduce the attack power by 500 points?

He looked up at You Xuan in astonishment, and then seemed to realize something.

If you let me copy what you learned, will you directly achieve a scientific breakthrough?

You Xuan only smiled.

He successfully proved that one of his earlier conjectures was correct.

Many early viewers of Yu-Gi-Oh! know that it is common for the same card in animation to have contradictory effects when it appears on different occasions.

The representative monster in GX is the famous monster [Cyborg-Psychic Shocker]. The animation effect when it appears in the GX animation is different from that in DM.

The effect of Cyborg Soga in DM is "When this card is on the field, all cover and face-up trap cards on the field are destroyed, and the activation and effects of trap cards are invalid."

In the GX period, the artificial human Suojia, who appeared twice in the early and late stages, has the same effect as the real card, that is, "the trap card cannot be activated and the effect is invalid", but it will not be scanned like in DM. Destroy all cards on the field.

There is also "Future Fusion", the effect is different when used in Caesar's hands and when it appears in the hands of Mr. T in Darkness later.

There are many similar examples, countless.

In the past, as an audience, I just watched it for fun, and it didn't matter if I just looked at the many inconsistent bugs in the animation. Now that he has come to the real world of Yu-Gi-Oh!, of course he cannot be satisfied with this statement. Especially after understanding and studying the principles of card making, he came up with a new idea.

As mentioned before, the effects of card design in this world are not something you can fill in at will, but are the manifestation of the power of the cards.

Is that possible? When designing the same card, a certain designer only awakened part of the card's abilities, while another designer developed greater potential when designing the card. So if the same card is designed by two designers, will the effect intensity be different?

Or maybe some cards actually have more potential, but they have never been explored. In the process of replicating and resetting this card, will there be room for improvement?

During the past period of time, he was studying Inka from Dade Temple while trying to research this topic.

It turns out he was right.

For example, after his unremitting experiments, he found that this card is relatively simple to modify, [Double Cycling Robot]. It is not a very strong card in itself, and although it improves the potential, it only removes the "reduce the attack by 500 points" It's just a limitation of "power", and it's not a major enhancement, so it's relatively easy to develop.

But it was enough to prove his conjecture.

There was room for further development of animated cards that were weaker than the real card versions he remembered.

"What a surprise."

Teacher Daitokuji adjusted his glasses, and when he looked at Yu Xuan again, there seemed to be a faint light in his narrowed eyes.

In fact, the impact of reducing the attack power of the bicycle by 500 points is not that big, but it is a scientific research breakthrough after all. Moreover, in the initial stage of card-making learning, scientific research results were directly produced. This kind of thing is really rare even for Daitokuji Temple.

Are so-called geniuses so unreasonable?

"Maybe you really have a talent for alchemy."

"Teacher, thank you. I just followed your instructions and treated Ka with my heart." You Xuan smiled.

But in fact, it is largely because he knows what direction to work towards. As for others, let alone the direction of strengthening, there are thousands of cards in the world, and there is no way of knowing which of them has potential for development.

"By the way, teacher, I also tried to make some other cards."

You Xuan silently took out a few more cards.

"Look, I have two more pictures that are a little different from others."

Daitokuji: "???"


Even the well-informed Dade Temple was silenced for a moment.

After a long while, he raised his head and spoke leisurely.

"Yu Xuan-san."

"What's the matter, teacher?"

"Have you ever considered becoming a professor?"


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