Who let him play Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 129 The next generation is terrible

The other card that You Xuan took out was "Carbon Dragon".

Because it is a relatively cheap card, and it reminded Yu Xuan of having used it in the Misawa Duel before, so I used it for testing.

The current effect of Carbon Dragon in the original animation is that when this card exists in the graveyard and there are more than ten cards stacked above it, you can remove this card from the game and special summon "Diamond Dragon" from your hand or graveyard. .

Diamond Dragon is just a mortal bone with 2100 ATK. This activation condition is not only troublesome but also restricts it to being special summoned from hand cards and the graveyard. It is a bit difficult to use in comparison.

But after upgrading to a real card effect, the annoying premise of "stacking ten cards in the graveyard" is cancelled. Just remove it from the graveyard to activate the effect.

The summoned targets are not limited to Diamond Dragons, but any normal dragon-type monsters with seven stars or lower. The range is not limited to the hand graveyard, and you can even pull monsters from the deck, which can be said to be a great enhancement.

The other one he took out was the ritual magic "Ritual of the Mechanical Angel".

The first effect is not much to say, it is "until the total level becomes the level of the ritual monster or higher, use the monsters on the field as sacrifices to perform ritual summons." It is a very conventional ritual effect, consistent with the original work.

But after a period of experimentation, he successfully added a hidden second effect to this ritual magic.

[If a light attribute monster on your field is destroyed by battle or effect, you can remove this card from the graveyard from the game instead. 】

The added layer of damage resistance protection is a pretty good enhancement for the Electronic Angel deck used by Asuka.

In fact, when the idea of ​​"enhancing the original card" came up, Yu Xuan first thought of electronic angels. First of all, this deck is sold in the academy department, and secondly, among the decks that he has access to, the real cards have the most outstanding and obvious enhancements compared to the original animation.

If developed according to the actual card route, this deck has the potential to directly leap forward to an entire generation.

But in fact, when Yu Xuan first started, the first thing he tried was of course the "electronic angel-Bentian". Benten, a real card, has the effect of "when he is sacrificed, he can retrieve any light-attributed angel-type monster from the deck", so he is a good partner.

It didn't take him a few experiments before he realized that the research difficulty of this card was quite high.

Yu Xuan soon concluded that generally speaking, monster cards seemed to be more difficult to develop than magic traps, and the higher the level and the more powerful the monsters, the more so.

So in the end he only tried to successfully upgrade this ritual magic card.

But it was enough to shock Teacher Daitokuji.

"Ah, I didn't expect that Yu Xuan is not only a duelist, but also a genius in scientific research."

Daitokuji quickly recovered from the shock, adjusted his glasses and returned to his usual squinty eyes.

While stroking the cat, he said: "This progress alone is enough to produce several good papers. I am so envious of the teacher, haha. After all, I have not achieved anything yet since I entered the academy and the teacher has done so."

You Xuan smiled.

Here we go again, the boss pretends to be cute every day.

But he didn't point it out, just smiled and said: "Thanks to the teacher's guidance. But actually, teacher, I have another idea, which is to ask if it is possible for me to apply for a laboratory from the college and then set up a team or something. To do research?”

"Oh?" Dadeji raised his eyebrows.

He tilted his head and thought about it.

"Well, no student has ever done this in history. After all, students like you are unique in the academy. But as long as you show the results you have achieved, even the research department will be shocked. I think so. There is no reason to refuse.”

Daitokuji said with a smile.

Duel College actually has graduate students. After graduating from the college's advanced department, you can continue to graduate school, and then have the opportunity to stay at the school to teach. When everyone was planning their future in the final season of GX, Asuka had considered this route.

Scientific research and development also requires resources and funding, and may also require manpower. You Xuan considered that although he could predict the potential of many cards based on the reserves in his mind, he had only just started card making and his personal energy was limited.

If you can have your own laboratory and have the college allocate research funds and resources to conduct research, you can save money, effort, and efficiency many times over.

When Yu Xuan left the alchemy laboratory, Dadeji stroked his cat and stared at his back for a while until he completely disappeared from sight.

Then he smiled slightly.

"What a terrifying future life~ Do you think so, Pharaoh?"

Pharaoh: "Meow~"

It wasn't until two days before the team battle that Yu Xuan finally exchanged decks with Judai.

"Judai, stop this."

Yugen handed Judai a card.

Judai took it and took a look, his face was full of question marks.

Something with unclear meaning.

Judai hesitated: "But this thing doesn't seem to be very compatible with my heroes."

You Xuanxu stared. What are you afraid of? You won’t get stuck anyway.

However, Judai seemed reluctant, so Yu Xuan patiently explained his tactical arrangements and thinking to him.

Judai listened, and at first he nodded blankly, then his expression became more and more excited as he listened, and his eyes gradually became gleaming with excitement.

"Eh? Is it possible to duel like this?" Judai said excitedly, "It sounds so fun!"

"Right." You Xuan laughed.

Sure enough, Judai is a typical card-playing brain. As long as he feels the joy of dueling, especially a new duel that he has never tried before, he will easily cooperate.

"Okay, I understand!" Judai happily accepted the card he gave, "Then let's frighten them all with our perfect cooperation.

Hahaha, it must be interesting to see how surprised they all are.”

"Yes, yes." You Xuan smiled, "Oh, by the way, there is also 'that'. You must remember 'that' when the duel is over."

Judai was stunned: "What?"

"That's your signature." You Xuan said with a smile, "'What a pleasant duel'. I believe that when the duel is over, the other party will also be able to experience the joy of the duel."

"Oh, that one, hahaha, of course I must not forget it." Judai said with a smile.

You Xuan Shen agreed: "Yes, yes, duels should be played with a smile."

"Just saying."

Judai just seemed to find it more pleasing to his eyes the more he looked at him.

"I have long thought that we might accidentally get along. As expected, my intuition has always been very accurate."


As the sun sets in the west, the sky is dyed orange-red, like flames dancing on the horizon. The figures of the two sitting side by side on the hillside were stretched very long by the afterglow.

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