Who let him play Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 130 Maze Brothers

The day has come for team duels.

Although it was said to be a punishment duel, many people were interested after word spread in the academy. Many students who were fine came here to watch, and teachers and leaders from the college also gathered here.

Judai and Yugen are already somewhat famous among the freshmen, especially the students who have been beaten personally so far. Whether it is for study and observation or for fun, there is no reason to miss today's duel.

Only Mr. Kuronos, who had proposed this card game in the first place, had a very ugly expression on his face.

Because he was originally designated to be sent away together with Yujo Judai, the ten thousand year crane Omaru Fujisho, who was replaced.

Chronos looked at Yugen and Judai who had already walked onto the stage, with a grimace the whole time.

Judging from the current unexpected development, even if they lose, it is obviously unlikely that they will be able to expel the poor students.

So why on earth did he go to all the trouble to organize this duel, and even made a special trip to invite the big shot Noone?

Watching the two people below take the field, the crowd in the stands clenched their fists unconsciously, and veins popped out on their foreheads.

Damn it, he actually fucked the opponents No. 1 and No. 2 that he had to defeat in one go.

"Damn Chronos, this is obviously my duel." Wan Zhangmu gritted his teeth, "Whether this or that, they are all opponents I should defeat."

The younger brother B next to him was confused: "Huh? But neither of their two eldest brothers can defeat each other. If the two of them combined together, they will be hammered. Uh-huh."

As soon as the words left his mouth, the younger brother beside him quickly covered his mouth with quick eyes and quick hands. But it was still a step too late, and Wan Zhangmu, who was poked at the painful spot, glared at the two of them viciously.


He had a cold face.

Just wait, one day, he will definitely pin them all down under his body.

When the time comes, he will become the new king of this academy!


"Okay, I think the students are all ready." Principal Samejima rubbed his hands expectantly, "Professor Kuronos, please call up the duelist you invited."

"Ahem, of course."

Chronos took the microphone.

"This time I specially invited experts who are very knowledgeable about team duels. Take a look!"

As soon as he finished speaking, two bald heads appeared in the crowd!

The two of them jumped onto the stage, one to the left and the other to the right. They performed several somersaults on the stage like acrobatics, and then stood back to back.

One of the two bald men has "MI" written on his forehead, and the other has "Gong" written on it.

"We are wandering guardians, Maze Brothers!" The two bald heads crossed their arms with confidence on their faces, "We have no grudge against you, we are just fighting with all our strength."

"As long as we defeat us, the road ahead will open!"

The whole place was in an uproar.

"That's the legendary duelist!?" A student stood up in surprise.

"That's right, the Maze Brothers are legendary duelists who fought against that Duel King Muto Yugi." Chronos introduced, "Experts in team duels!"

The students in the entire stadium were shocked.

Although it is a punishment duel, the opponent is actually a legendary duelist!

Isn't that too outrageous?

"I've heard that," Asuka said, "It is said that he is an opponent that even the King of Duels has struggled with."

"Indeed, such an opponent would be arranged."

Misawa paused, frowned and looked at Yugen and Judai on the field.

Having said that, he had also collected intelligence and knew that Yu Xuan had a history of defeating legendary duelists before he came to the academy.

"If we can surpass the legend, let us see it." Misawa said to himself.


Judai's eyes shone brightly: "It's me! It's really me! We can actually duel with the legend. Isn't it amazing?"

"Haha, okay." You Xuan smiled.

The value of the Maze Brothers' "fighting against the Duel King" can only be said by different people. Moreover, when they met Yugi, they were still in the Duel Kingdom, and they had to go through the maze to play cards. The rules were completely different from today's, so it wasn't necessarily much different. High reference value.

"Don't get too excited, remember our tactics." You Xuan reminded.

Judai smiled and nodded: "Remember, remember."

The four people on both sides stood still, and Chronos came to the center of the field with a microphone.

"Both camps share 8000 LP each, and the field and cemetery area are shared. Neither camp can attack in the first round. So now, if everything is ready."

Chronos' arm fell off.

"Team duel, let's begin!"

After saying that, he quickly jumped off the stage to avoid it.

"Duel!" x4

[You Xuan x Tenth Generation, LP 8000]

【Maze Brothers, LP 8000】

"It's my side to attack first, draw cards."

The eldest of the Maze Brothers takes the initiative.

"Summon 'Mine Spider', the round is over."

[Landmine spider, attack power 2200]

The opening is exactly the same as the Maze Brothers' opening move in the anime.

Judai: "Oh, it's a monster with an attack power of 2200!"

Misawa in the stands raised his eyebrows.

"Landmine spiders have high attack power with four stars, but when attacking, you have to toss a coin to guess the right or wrong. If you fail to guess, you need to halve your LP before continuing to attack, which has very risky side effects.

It’s a suitable venue for the first round, but..."

Asuka: "Just?"

"Well, it's nothing. It's just that the next round will be that Yugen's turn." Misawa frowned, "The first round was passed so easily. They may not have such an easy opportunity again in the future."

Asuka immediately understood what he was referring to and couldn't help but nodded: "Indeed."

Only those who have personally dueled with Yu Xuan can understand how luxurious happiness it is to have the upper hand when facing him and to be able to operate at will without resistance.

And this pair of legendary duelists actually wasted such a round by just shooting a monster. Maybe they will soon realize what a waste it was.

You Xuan: "My turn is to draw cards.

Activate the magic card "Pot of Desire" and draw two cards from the deck. "

Then he revealed a monster card.

"Summon 'Disturbing Yellow' for defense."

A little golden monster with thick lips jumped out onto the field, wearing bright red briefs.

The Maze brothers couldn't help but frown when they saw this thing.

What kind of fish monster is this with unknown meaning?

"Disturbing me?"

Even the students who knew You Xuan in the stands were stunned.

Everyone knows that the Disruption series sucks, but is generally regarded as a bad fighter. But based on experience, no one dares to despise it now that it is in Yu Xuan's hands.

What kind of weird trick will it be this time?

Yu Xuan drew three more cards.

"The backfield covers three cards, and the round is over."

Start with three caps to show friendship. Asuka and Misawa both had expressions of "Look, I'll tell you", and the students in the yellow dormitory couldn't help but look forward to it.

However, the two outsiders, the Maze Brothers, have not yet realized the seriousness of the problem.

Maze Brother: "Then my turn is to draw cards.

This is the card I want to use first.”

He showed a card in his hand, and the projection of the magic card appeared on the field with a burst of golden light.

"Magic Card - Sacrifice Doll!

Sacrifice a monster on your field, and Special Summon a seven-star monster from your hand that can be normally summoned, but that monster cannot attack this turn. "

Brother Maze paused and looked at his elder brother with a smile: "Brother, I want to borrow your monster."

Brother Maze laughed loudly: "Why are brothers so polite? Just use it."

"Okay, then I'll give my eldest brother's 'Mine Spider' as a sacrifice! Special summon one of our brother's trump cards from my hand!

The guardian who controls the wind will appear here——

——Wind Demon God-Shuga! ! ! "

A green whirlwind rolled up into the sky, and the green demon with a big word "wind" clearly written on his chest appeared on the field with strong and powerful arms.

[Wind Demon God-Shuga, attack power 2400]

Gong Huan crossed his arms and said proudly: "Wind Demon God - Shujia! This is one of the three demon gods of our brother's ace, with unparalleled..."

"Activate the cover card, the trap card - Naraku's Cave." Yu Xuan opened the backfield, "When the opponent summons a monster with an attack power of 1500 or more, destroy it and remove it from the game."

The pit opened, and the Wind Demon God, one of the three great demon gods, roared in and roared out. As the green storm fell into the huge pit, it disappeared without a trace.

Gong Yi, who kept his pretentious pose and hadn't even finished speaking his lines, was embarrassed on the stage.


"Uh-huh, there were a few moments."

After a few seconds, he coughed calmly, trying to maintain his image as a legendary duelist.

"Then I activate the magic card 'Named One of Darkness'! Declare the name of a monster card. When the opponent's deck contains the declared monster card, that card is added to the opponent's hand!"

Judai was surprised: "Huh? Declare the opponent's card?"

"No." You Xuan reminded him, "In team duels, teammates can also be regarded as opponents."

"Is that so?"

Gong laughed loudly: "That's right! That's why I want to name the monster."

He reached out and pointed sharply at the eldest brother beside him.

"'Water Demon God-Sika'!"

The elder brother who was calmly folding his arms next to him hummed and chuckled for a while, and said: "Oh, it's really rare. I happen to have 'Water Demon God-Sijia' in my deck, so thank you to my brother.

Then based on the effect of "Named One of Darkness", I added "Water Demon God-Sika" to my hand. "

He smiled and pulled the retrieved card from the deck, briefly displayed it and added it to his hand.

Off-site gold medal commentator Misawa frowned: "You can actually make clever use of the rule of 'teammates can also be regarded as opponents' in team duels."

"Using teammates' cards to achieve any precise retrieval of the deck, it is really a deck built for team building." Asuka also looked worried, "These two are really powerful. I don't know if Judai and Yugen can fine."

After completing the search, the Maze Brothers raised their arms arrogantly.

Brother Maze: "Just let us!"

Brother Maze: "Come and tell you!"

The brothers said in unison: "The true meaning of team duel!"

"It's amazing. You can use the opponent's rule search in team battles so cleverly. It's so powerful." You Xuan praised, "Then I will activate the trap card 'Mind Break'!

Declare a card name, and if the declared card exists in the opponent's hand, the opponent must discard that card.

If not, I must randomly discard a card from my hand. "

The faces of the two people in Maze changed: "Nani!?"

Mind Break, a super versatile card that once wreaked havoc in the real card environment. Although this card was not favored by card players in the early era when it was first released, as the later game of Yu-Gi-Oh has gradually accelerated its environment and deck search effects have become more and more common, the potential of this ancient trap has slowly begun to gain traction. What the guys discovered.

In Yu Xuan's memory of playing cards back then, the treatment of this thing in its heyday was even a bit like the modern Yu-Gi-Oh!

In particular, the early storyteller decks often did not have the resilience to survive several resistances and still keep jumping around like the mainstream decks of modern Yu-Gi-Oh! At that time, even if many mainstream key searches were frustrated, they would sometimes suspend trading directly, and could only hand over the power of playing Yu-Gi-Oh to the opponent with a look of resentment.

So the name of this card is actually quite appropriate, "Psychic Break". Back then, it was really possible to have a mental breakdown on the spot if you were hit by this thing.

You Xuan: "What's better than a declaration? Sure enough, this is it.

I declare ‘Water Demon God-Sika’. "

The two mazes looked at each other and gritted their teeth.

"whispering sound"

With a cold face, Mi revealed the "Water Demon God-Sijia" that he had just retrieved but it was still warm in his hand, and threw it to the graveyard of the duel plate.

"Oh, it's really rare. I happen to have the 'Water Demon God-Sijia' on my hand."

You Xuan laughed, sounding like he was imitating the tone of voice that Brother Maze had when he was searching.

"What a blessing."

The Maze Brothers each had a "well" character on their bare heads.

The anger gauge accumulates.

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