Who let him play Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 131 Guardian of the Gate

"I haven't performed a Normal Summon yet this turn."

Maze brother took a deep breath and drew another card.

"I summon 'Emperor Seahorse' in attack position!"

[Emperor Seahorse, 1700 attack power]

"Then cover a card on the field, and the turn is over."

Maze brother ended this turn with a cold face.

He began to feel that he might have underestimated the student team in front of him.

When he accepted the commission, he heard that it was a punishment duel of the Duel Academy, and the opponents were only two first-year students, so he didn't take it too seriously. But although it was not a formal confrontation at this time, the two of them had already begun to feel a little nervous.

It hasn't even started yet, and two of the three great demons of the two brothers were pitted in one turn, one went to the underworld and the other went to another dimension. This kind of thing is also rare in their previous team experience.

Miya and the eldest brother looked at each other, and they understood each other's thoughts through eye contact.

This duel may not be won so easily.

Of course, it is impossible to lose, at most it will take a little more effort. They are legends who have fought against Yugi Muto. Isn't it funny that they lost to two freshmen in the academy as a team?

It's Judai's turn: "My turn, draw a card!

First, activate a magic card 'Pot of Greed' and draw two cards from the deck.

Then I also cover a monster to the front field, and then cover two cards on the field, and then the turn is over!"

Same as in the animation, the doubles rule adopted by the academy this time is the type of "no one can attack first". The battle phase can only be carried out after the turns of the four people in the first round have passed - that is, after Judai's turn is over.

Many of the students watching held their breath at this time.

The real battle really starts from this round.

"My turn, draw a card."

It's the turn of the maze brother again.

"Activate the magic card 'Reincarnation of the Dead'!"

The Labyrinth Brother drew a card from his hand and threw it to the graveyard: "Reincarnation of the Dead allows me to discard a card from my hand and return a monster from the graveyard to my hand.

The card I want to return to my hand is, of course, the 'Water Demon-Siga' that was discarded by your 'Psychic Break' last turn!"

The illusory shadow of the Water Demon appeared on the field, as if it was about to be recovered from the graveyard area. But before he could do anything else, he heard Judai interrupt him suddenly.

"That won't work! I also activate the face-up card, the trap card 'Hero Rule 1-Five Freedoms'! (Original card)

A total of up to five cards in both parties' graveyards are removed from the game!"

The Labyrinth Brothers' faces changed again: "Nang Duo Da (what did you say)!?"

"Therefore, remove the 'Water Demon-Siga', 'Sacrificial Doll', 'Mine Spider', and 'Designator of Darkness' in your graveyard from the game!" Judai shouted.

The whirlpool in the graveyard opened, and the shadow of the water demon floated out, and was instantly dug out of the underworld and taken to the other side of the other dimension.

By the way, all the cards in the opponent's graveyard so far were dug out in one breath, and the grave was dug through directly.

In this way, "Reincarnation of the Dead" lost its target and became a blank, and the labyrinth brother lost two cards in vain.

It seemed that the word "well" appeared on his bald head again.

Misawa in the stands had a complicated expression.

"Well, it's a beautiful treatment, but." He was a little hesitant.

Asuka: "You think it's a bit unlike his style, right?"

"I don't have an illusion, it must be my illusion." Misawa shook his head and didn't want to talk more.

What else can I say?

Is it said that people who are close to ink are black?

But to be honest, it is very interesting to see the two legendary duelists being defeated and angry, and he also watched with relish.

"You have solved our two demons so quickly. I have to give you some praise." The eldest brother of the labyrinth said in a deep voice, "But if you think it will be so easy, you underestimate us." He glanced at his younger brother beside him. "Lend me your monster this time." "No problem, big brother." The eldest brother of the labyrinth shouted: "The effect of 'Emperor Seahorse', when this card is used as a sacrifice for the advanced summoning of light attribute monsters, one can replace the weight of two sacrifices. Therefore, I will use 'Emperor Seahorse' as two sacrifices and advanced summon!" The Emperor Seahorse seemed to have transformed into a clone, splitting into two on the field, each turning into a beam of light and sinking into the vortex opened on the ground. Strong light burst out, thunder and lightning surged, and the demon with the golden word "thunder" written on his chest appeared in a thunder from the sky. "Thunder God Zanga, summon!!!"

[Thunder God Zanga, attack power 2600]

"Not over yet!" Labyrinth brother shouted, "I'm going to borrow your card again!"

"Take it, big brother, don't be polite to your younger brother!" Labyrinth younger brother said.

Labyrinth brother: "Activate the Gefu card left by my younger brother, the magic card 'Dimensional Fusion'!

Pay 2000 LP, both sides special summon as many monsters as possible that are excluded from the game!"

[Labyrinth brothers, LP 8000→LP 6000]

The students outside the field were shocked when they heard this.

"Monsters excluded from the game, right?"

"That's right, thanks to you, only our monsters are excluded from the game, so only our side can perform special summons!"

Labyrinth brother laughed.

"Come back from the other dimension in one breath! Show up here!

Water God Saga!

Wind Demon God-Shuga! "

A storm of wind and water broke out into the sky, and the two demon gods, green and blue, appeared one after another! With green whirlwind air waves and tsunami-like torrents, the three characters "wind", "water" and "thunder" are clearly printed on the chests of the three demon gods, as if they formed a three-color barrier.

[Water Demon God-Sijia, attack power 2500]

[Wind Demon God-Shuga, attack power 2400]

Three demon gods, summoned at the same time!

Some students couldn't help but say: "I summoned three demon gods in one go!"

"As expected of a legendary duelist, it is indeed not that easy to deal with." Misawa said solemnly, "It seems that irritating them made them attack even more fiercely."

Brother Maze: "Enter the battle stage!

The first is 'Wind Demon God-Shuga', attacking the fish monster 'Disturbing Yellow' that acts as a wall! "

The Wind Demon God crossed his palms. In an instant, dense clouds seemed to be projected over the venue, like a dark and heavy sky. The wind roared, kicking up dust all over the sky. The wind blades in the storm were like countless sharp blades cutting the air, making a sharp whistling and sweeping towards the monster on the opposite side.

[Disruption yellow, defense power 1000]

Of course, poor Huang Huang had no ability to resist the storm. He was shattered into pieces and exploded into golden light on the spot.

Yu Xuan: "Activate the cover card, the trap card 'Disruption Group'! When the 'Disruption' monster on the side of your field is destroyed and sent to the graveyard, return that monster to the deck and shuffle it!" (Animation card)

The destroyed disruption yellow turned into a beam of golden light and flew back to the deck, and then the deck was automatically shuffled in the duel board.

The top two cards pop up automatically.

"And after that, draw two cards from the deck and discard one card from your hand."

You Xuan drew a card, then picked one from his hand and discarded it to the graveyard.

"What I just discarded is the magic card 'Disruption Magic'!"

A burst of golden light bloomed in the graveyard area of ​​the duel disk, and the magic cards were automatically withdrawn again.

"With the effect of 'Disruption Magic', if this card is sent from your hand or field to the graveyard, add one card each of 'Disruption Green', 'Disruption Yellow', and 'Disruption Black' from your deck to your hand."

Three more cards popped up automatically, and after being pulled out into his hand, the deck was automatically shuffled again.

"What's the point of getting so many fish monsters?" Brother Maze didn't care, "The attack continues.

Then use ‘Water Demon God-Sika’ to attack the monsters covered on your field! "

The one who was hit this time was Judaigai's monster. The cover monster opens, and what appears is a small fluffy ball with flapping white wings.

"Kuri Kuri!"

[Wing chestnut ball, defense power 200]

The small chestnut ball was destroyed in the storm, but immediately released a milky white energy shield to protect the two of them.

Judai: "The effect of the Winged Kuribori Ball! The round this card is destroyed, all combat damage you receive becomes 0!"

"Is it an ability that has no effect on damage? In that case, there is no point in continuing to attack. The combat phase is over."

Maze Brother raised his arms.

“Then now let’s show you our ultimate trump card!

Use the ‘Thunder Demon God-Sangha’, ‘Wind Demon God-Shuga’ and ‘Water Demon God-Sika’ on the field as sacrifices! "

The three demon gods were engulfed by the light beams of thunder, wind and water respectively, their energy soared into the sky, and they merged into one under the duelist's command.

"When the power of the three demons merge into one, the power of guardianship for generations appears here! Appear, our brother's trump card——

——Guardian of the Gate! "

The combination of the three demon gods, with the words "Thunder", "Wind" and "Water" printed on the chest and abdomen in turn, the three-color demon gods descended suddenly, and the entire duel venue seemed to tremble under the power of the demon gods' arrival!

[Guardian of the Gate, attack power 3750]

Gatekeeper, summon! ! !

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