Who let him play Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 137 Aren’t all the disruptors just trash?

It is indeed the world of Yu-Gi-Oh!, where everything can be solved by playing cards.

However, just when Yu Xuan thought that what was going to happen next would surely lead to the exciting card playing session, he heard Kei Ping interrupt with a disgusted face: "No."


Wait, why don't you follow the routine?

It is said that everyone in Kaiba is a card-playing brain, so there is no reason not to accept the idea of ​​playing cards.

"First of all, I already know who you are."

Keppei put his hands in his pockets and said calmly.

"Kak Dixon, right? He's not under the command of the International Illusion Society. To be more precise, he should be one of the elites of Pegasus Ye Xing's 'Card Professor Team', right?"

Pegasus Yakou is the adopted son of Becas who appears in the DM Gaiden story. He is also the holder of the "Three Evil Gods" card that opposes the "Three Illusion Gods" in the original work.

Ye Xing has a whole team of elite card professors under his command, and all of them are the leading duelists at the time. Back then, Muto Yugi had gone through five stages and killed six generals, killing all the elite teams before finally coming to Ye Xing.

Well, so if we follow the Maze Brothers' logic of "having fought with the duelist king", Tianma Yexing's entire team that was killed by the game that year should be classified as "legendary duelists".

The man was shocked: "How did you know!?"

"Hey, hey, I think you guys underestimate the capabilities of our Kaiba Company, right?" Keihei stared blankly, "What makes you think you can deceive us with this simple disguise?"

"Tch, have you been seen through? Those technicians are really unreliable at all."

After saying that, a stream of data rolled over the man's body, the avatar was lifted, and the tough guy agent in black and sunglasses instantly turned into a short man with glasses on the bridge of his nose and a somewhat wretched appearance.

"Yes, my name is Kak Dixon, an elite card professor under Lord Pegasus."

Keihei frowned: "Haima Company and International Illusion Society have settled their differences many years ago and have maintained a stable cooperative relationship. Why do you want to invade our system?"

"Hmph, do you want to know?"

Kak adjusted his glasses and sneered.

"If you want to know, just..."

"No need, I'll just go to the International Illusion Society and ask Becas at your door." Keppei said and raised his hand, "I'd better kick you out first."

Kak: "!"

Nani? Still unwilling to play cards?

Why is it different from the routine?

Of course, if President Kaiba were here, he would most likely not refuse a duel challenge. But Keihei is not a Kaiba, or rather, his normal duty is to serve as a hostage for the villain to blackmail the president into playing cards.

As we all know, there are eight of the seven thousand-year-old artifacts in DM's main story. The grandfather of the game and Kaiba's younger brother are both called the eighth artifact, the "Millennium Hostage". The effect is to greatly promote the development of the plot.

"How about," You Xuan interrupted, "Shall I try with him?"

Keppei glanced sideways at him.

In fact, there is nothing to lose if you just play cards. If you win, the other party can tell the truth truthfully, which will save a lot of trouble. It's just that Keppei is not very confident in his dueling skills.

"Is it okay?" Keiping asked.

"Of course, it's rare to come to the link system. I haven't tried the duel experience here yet." You Xuan was eager to try.

".I see."

Keihei nodded and smiled.

"Then please, it looks like I owe you a favor again."

"piece of cake."

You Xuan stepped forward.

"I will be your opponent."

Kak was relieved.

Okay, okay, finally I have a card to play.

"Okay." Kak sneered and looked him up and down, "Are you a duel fighter under Kaiba Company?"

"No." You Xuan said seriously, "Just an ordinary first-year freshman at Duel Academy."

Kak: "?"

What the hell? First-year students?

He looked at Guiping a little suspiciously, as if asking, are you sure?

Although he knew that Duel Academy accepted elite students, they were still just students after all. And he, Kak Dixon, is an expert in becoming famous after all, and he was also a man who suffered severe beatings at the hands of the duel king back then. Is this a bit disrespectful to you?

"Then come on, senior, let's fight quickly."

You Xuan has ended.

"Hey, okay. It's up to you."

Kak narrowed his eyes.

"I'll let you know how cruel the world of real duels is. Come on."

"Duel!" x2

【You Xuan, LP 4000】

【Kake, LP 4000】

"I'm the first to attack, draw a card!" Kak said.

Carker Dixon is the original user of the mecha deck in the original work, and it was in his hands that the entire mecha deck series debuted.

"Let you see the full suppression of the 'mecha'!

The effect of the 'Mecha Fortress' in the hand can be used to special summon the fortress from the hand or the graveyard by discarding the mechanical monsters in the hand with a total level of eight or above! "

He showed his hand and drew the other of the two cards, then quickly threw it into the graveyard after showing it.

"I discard the level eight 'Mecha Troop-Cannon' and special summon the 'Mecha Troop-Fortress'!"

The heavy fortress crashed to the ground, causing the earth to tremble violently.

"Then cover another card, and the turn is over."

After completing the operation, Kak crossed his arms and showed a confident smile like a superior.

"Okay, then, first-year students of Duel Academy, try your best to show me your learning results."

"Okay, try your best not to disappoint senior." You Xuan smiled, "My turn is to draw cards.

First, the quick-attack magic 'Hand Note Kill' is activated. Both parties send two cards from their hands to the graveyard, and then draw two cards from the deck. "

Kake followed his instructions and chose two cards to send to the grave, and You Xuan did the same. However, after the operation, his tomb area quickly emitted a burst of golden light.

"The magic card I just sent to the grave is 'Disruption Magic'. When this card is sent to the graveyard from your hand or field, take one 'Disruption Green', 'Disruption Yellow', and 'Disruption Black' from your deck. Add to hand.

Therefore, I added the Three Brothers of Disruption to my hand. "


Kak was surprised.

It's not that he didn't know about this popular deck, but in the GX animation world, it was obviously the kind of waste that was stuffed into a card box to make up numbers. Even Wan Zhangmu was surprised when he saw others using Disturbance and said, "How could anyone else use this kind of fish monster besides me?"

As a card professor, Kak naturally came into contact with the circle of relatively elite duelists. Although he knew that such a deck could be disrupted, this was the first time he had actually seen someone use it in actual combat.

Kak couldn't help frowning more tightly, and looked at Kepping with some displeasure.

As if to ask, what level of trash did you just drag into a duel with me? Do you look down on me?

"Activate the magic card 'Thug Agent' again." Yu Xuan said, "I can activate it when I have more than one card in my hand. I draw two cards from the deck, but then I need to put the three cards in my hand back. The top of the deck” (original card).

He drew a card from the deck, then took out the Three Brothers of Disruption and stuffed it back into the deck.

"Then activate the magic card 'Devil's Fitting Room'!" You Xuan continued, "Pay 800 life points, turn over the top four cards of the deck, special summon all normal monsters below level three, and return the remaining cards. Shuffle the deck!”

[You Xuan, LP 4000→LP 3200]

"The three cards at the top of my deck are the three cards I just returned in order. So of course these three are normal monsters."

You Xuan revealed three monsters in one go.

"That's why I specially summon the three disturbing brothers!"

[Disruption yellow, defense power 1000]

[Disruption green, defense power 1000]

[Disturbing Black, Defense 1000]

"Summoned three monsters in one breath." Kak frowned, "It's a somewhat creative combination. But it's just three miscellaneous fish. So what if there are more of these monsters?"

For some reason, seeing these three disturbing fish made him feel a little dazzled, as if the image of these three things squatting there was an invisible mockery in itself.

"Don't worry, trash fish also has uses."

You Xuan smiled and showed another card in his hand calmly.

"Activate the magic card 'Disruption Triangle Hurricane'!

If there are "Disruption Green", "Disruption Yellow", and "Disruption Black" on the field, all cards on the opponent's field will be destroyed! "

Only then did Kak's expression change.

Do these miscellaneous fish still have such ability?

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