Who let him play Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 138 Face-riding output trio

Disturbing the mysteries and disrupting the triangle hurricane!

This move can be said to be the ultimate secret to disturbing the brothers. The three brothers bumped their butts together in that classic funny posture, stood up and spun around like hot wheels. The irresistible three-color storm suddenly blew towards the opponent's half, destroying everything with overwhelming force.

"Tch, this kind of miscellaneous fish can't even hope to break through my mecha's defense line!"

Kak also responded quickly.

“Open the cover card and the trap card ‘rides’!

Select an allied monster in your graveyard and equip it to the face-up equippable monster on your field! "

A card pops up from the graveyard area of ​​his duel board.

"I will equip the 'Mecha Troop-Peace Guard' in the graveyard to the 'Mecha Troop-Fortress' on the field!"

The small transforming mecha immediately appeared from the cemetery, like a layer of red armor covering the outside of the heavy fortress.

“When a mecha fortress equipped with alliance equipment is destroyed by battle or effects, the ‘mecha troop-peace defender’ equipped on it can destroy it instead!”

A three-color storm swept through the mecha field, and the equipped alliance armor burst into pieces. But with this layer of protection, the crumbling mecha fortress finally withstood the storm.

"Oh, it seems that trash fish will be trash fish after all." Kak adjusted his glasses, "It seems that my countermeasures are better."

Yu Xuan remained silent and only played one more card: "Then activate the magic card 'The Price of Horse Bones', send monsters other than the effect monsters on the field to the graveyard, and draw two cards.

I sent 'Disruption Green' to the grave and drew cards from the deck. "

Then he grabbed a handful of four cards in his hand.

"Cover four cards onto the field, and the round is over."

Kak: "!"

Cover four cards?

Keppei knew that this was the duelist his brother cared about, so he was actually a little curious about what Yugen's duel would be like.

Seeing this scene, he couldn't help but think about the two old friends.

One of them is the six-year-old sunny boy who always had a smile on his face during Duel City. Now his voice and smile are still vivid in his mind, but he has lost sight of himself.

There is another person who needs no further introduction. He is naturally the legend who has already closed his cards and retired. He is obviously a person from the upper world but uses the tactics of the underworld to send the people from the underworld who are playing the cards of the upper world back to the underworld.

Keihei glanced at Yu Xuan a little strangely.

Is it possible that this guy is the same type of duelist as Yugi?

That's really rare.

"My turn, draw a card!" Kak snorted, "No matter what kind of deployment you have, you can easily crush it with the power of the mecha!

I summon."

"Don't worry, the preparation phase is not over yet." You Xuan snapped his fingers, "Turn over the cover card, the trap card is 'Crossbow Troops'!

Sacrifice a monster on your field and destroy a card on your opponent's field.

I sacrificed 'Disturbing Black' and destroyed the 'Mecha Force-Fortress'! "

A huge crossbow appeared on You Xuan's field, and Hei Hei jumped onto the crossbow. Pulling the bow and firing, Chaos Hei turned into a human cannonball, flipping comically in mid-air, and blasting his butt forward through the indestructible shell of the mecha fortress.

There was a gap in the fortress, and the lightning flashed and danced. In just a few moments, the huge fortress collapsed and exploded into a pile of scrap metal.

The animation performance that disrupted Hei's hard work only made Kak inexplicably angry.

"Tch, my fortress actually died together with this kind of trash fish?"

But it doesn't matter.

His invincible mecha fortress can be regenerated from the graveyard no matter how many times. As long as he discards the mechas with a total level of eight stars or above from his hand, he can immediately fake the zombie jump.

"Then activate Gakka again."

You Xuan opened another backcourt.

"Trap card 'Disruption Trio'. Specially summon three 'disruption tokens' on the opponent's field, and these tokens cannot be used as sacrifices for superior summons.

Go ahead and disrupt the Three Brothers tokens! "

The yellow, black, and green tokens jumped onto Kak's field. After taking their respective positions, they skillfully started snoring, drinking tea, and reading newspapers.

Kak couldn't help but frown when he saw these three things jumping on the field, but he still snorted: "You actually gave the opponent a monster for free. Is this how the academy teaches you duel tactics?"

"Haha, I'm a newcomer, so I'm naturally immature in dueling."

You Xuan smiled.

"However, I also have a little bit of my own ideas and I don't know if they are right or not. If senior is willing to give you some advice, I would definitely be grateful.

Then I will activate this cover card again."

He raised his hand to open the final backcourt.

"Perpetual trap - divided among the heroes!"

Kak narrowed his eyes and looked at the trap.

What the hell are the heroes dividing their empires?

"Both sides will send the monsters on their own field to the graveyard until there are only monsters of one type left on each of our fields."

You Xuan explained with a smile.

"And as long as this card exists on the field, both of us can only have monsters of one type on the field."

Kak: "?"

He didn't seem to realize what it meant.

Stare at the Continuous Trap, and then look at the three tokens on your field that are drinking tea, reading newspapers and snoring.

Kak: "!!!!!!"

Na.Nani! ?

Only one race of monsters can appear on the field, and now he has three troublesome brothers on the field. All three brothers are beasts.

Does this mean that he can only summon beast monsters next?

However, when he played mecha, there was a woolly orc in the deck! ?

Immediately realizing the incredible nature of this combination, Kak's eyes widened and his glasses almost fell off the bridge of his nose.

Keihei, who was watching Yu Xuan's duel for the first time, also opened his mouth, as if there was an old hole stuck in his throat and couldn't spit it out.

Ah this

In fact, these two cards, [Disrupt the Trio] and [Disruption of the Heroes], were originally the core of disrupting the blockade in the early years, and are the core COMBO of this deck. It's just that Yu Xuan didn't draw it for a while when he fought against the Maze Brothers last time.

The separatism of heroes was also an ancient card of that era. However, although according to modern Yu-Gi-Oh values, it is a representative of the underworld with a very powerful blocking ability, and it is still a restricted card to this day. In fact, in the early years, this card was not immediately welcomed by the players at that time.

[Only one race of monsters can be controlled], which is undoubtedly a devastating blow to many decks with many races today. Such a trap will simply crush them to death and cannot be deployed.

But you must know that the early Yu-Gi-Oh! is a slow environment. It is normal for both sides to fight back and forth for several rounds with only one lone monster on the field. In such an environment, the group of heroes is divided. In fact, even in the eyes of real players, the evaluation is average, and it has not been able to make a big splash in the environment for a long time.

But the build of Disruption Neutralizer discovered this card and tapped into its potential.

The suppression and blockade of such a card may not be enough to see, but what if you give the opponent three waste tokens?

"Senior, do you think this tactic of mine is okay?" You Xuan was as polite as ever.

Kak: "."

He wants to say that this is how Duel Academy teaches you to play cards?

But I was speechless for a moment.

"I cover a monster onto the field."

He said almost through gritted teeth.

"Then add a card to the field and the round is over."

Obviously, his entire deck is of the mechanical type, so the monster summons are basically sealed, and all he can do is cover the monsters from the inside.

However, as long as the monster covered on the inside is turned over, as long as the race is different from the monster already on the field, it must still be sent to the graveyard according to the effect of "Separation of Heroes".

"Then at the end of the stage, activate the cover card again." You Xuandao, "The trap card is 'Self-Deserved'!

Inflict damage to the opponent equal to the number of monsters on the field x 500 points! "

It is also one of the main output methods of the early [Disruption Neutralizer] deck. The "Disruption Trio" jumps onto the opponent's field and directly kills three monsters, with a guaranteed output of 1,500.

"There are now a total of four monsters on your field." You Xuan said, "Therefore, please accept two thousand points of damage, senior."

The three brothers of the disruptive derivatives and the monster radiated fire respectively, and swept towards Kak suddenly, causing his body to shake, and the image of the body transformed into data was distorted, and the data flow overflowed.

[Kake, LP 4000→LP 2000]

"Uh-huh. Newborn," Kak gritted his teeth.

It was at this moment of anger that the disturbing trio had another animated performance.

Derivative Green: "It's so bad. I always feel like I've tricked others. I'm so sorry."

Derivative Huang: "But I just feel more comfortable here for some reason."

Derivative Black: "Hululu~Hululu~"

A series of animation performances only made Kak's chest feel like he had been hit by a hammer again, and his eyesight turned black for a while.

What the hell are you?

"My turn, draw a card."

You Xuan drew a card and couldn't help but glance sideways at the three people opposite.

Speaking of which, the three disruptive black, green, and yellow brothers in the build he bought looked mediocre, but every time they were summoned, they jumped to the opposite field with a lot of derivatives.

Could it be that the derivatives have elves?

"Then it's my turn again, and I draw a card." You Xuan glanced at it, and directly showed the cards in his hand, "The magic card 'Pot of Desire', draw two more cards."

After drawing the card, he immediately took a photo of one of them.

"Normally summons 'Inaba no White Rabbit'!"

[Inaba's White Rabbit, attack power 700]

“‘Inaba’s White Rabbit’ and the ‘Disruption Yellow’ on my field are both of the Beast family, so they can be summoned without the restriction of ‘Separation of Heroes’.

And this card can directly attack the opponent player. "

You Xuan waved.

"'Inaba no White Rabbit' attacks directly!"

The red-eyed white rabbit flew forward with a hammer, and hit Kak's forehead with the hammer, causing stars to appear in front of Kak's eyes.

[Kake, LP 2000→LP 1300]

Then now the three derivatives actually started to care.

Derivative Huang: "Oops, it looks like it was hit hard. Are you okay?"

As he spoke, he calmly ate another snack and drank tea.

Derivative Green turned over the newspaper loudly: "It hurts to hear it."

Derivative Black: "Hululu~Hululu~"

Kake's back molars are about to be broken: "You guys... cough cough you guys"

You Xuan held his chin.

Well, the effect is better than I imagined.

After all, in real life, if you do this in poker, the most you can do is be disgusted by the opponent's autistic tactics, but here you are not only disgusted by the tactics, but also ridiculed by these three people.

You can feel how outstanding the effect is by looking at the expression on this brother's face.

"Cover a card."

You Xuan built another backcourt.

"'Inaba's White Rabbit' will be returned to the owner's hand at the end of the summoned turn."

The white rabbit turned into a beam of light, turned into a card and flew back into his hand.

"My turn is over."

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