Who let him play Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 147 The Sword of Development

"My turn, draw a card."

Ye Xing directly took a picture of the drawn card.

"Summon the 'Lance Scale Insect'!"

Although the name is called Spear Scale Insect, the monster summoned is actually a dragon. With green wings and a spiral spear in his hand, he stared at the monster on the Youxuan Field.

[Lance scale insect, attack power 1800]

"The Spear Scale Insect is a monster that can inflict penetrating damage when attacking the defending monster." Ye Xing said, "Use the 'Spear Scale Insect' to attack!"

The spear scale insect flapped its wings and the spear penetrated it.

"But the permanent trap 'Soul Barrier' is present. As long as there are monsters on my field, I will not receive combat damage, even if it is punctured."

You Xuan said.

"And the monster you attacked is this."

The cap monster flipped over, revealing a Cyclops pot with a mean smile.

"Transformation Pot!" You Xuan said, "When this card is reversed, both sides discard all cards in their hands, and then each draws five cards from the deck."

Although it can no longer keep up with the environment due to the slow activation of the reversal effect, the transformation pot in the early years was also a powerful card ban and a comeback artifact on the field.

Like Nephthys Phoenix God, this card is also a parting gift from Shere, the Three Musketeers of New Dorma. Although Sherman is dead, his will is still there. Although he is gone, his will will be inherited along with his deck, so he can probably go there with peace of mind.

"So according to the effect of the transformation pot." Yu Xuan drew a handful of cards from the deck in one breath, "Draw cards from the deck!"

Ye Xing also replenished his hand of cards and narrowed his eyes to take a look.

"Cover two cards, the round is over."

"It's my turn then."

You Xuan drew the card, paused briefly, and then smiled.

"As expected of Mr. Pegasus, he is indeed very powerful. It seems that it would be a bit bad if I don't show my true skills here."

The card professors couldn't help being surprised when they heard this.

Doesn't it mean that even fighting here is not considered a real skill?


Ye Xing also showed a rather interested expression.

"So you just got here and you still have any reservations?"

"That's not really true."

You Xuan smiled and slowly pulled out a card in his hand.

"Then let's go."

You Xuan raised his right arm, and a dark whirlpool opened out of thin air on the field in front of him, like a path to the underworld. Two energies, one light and one dark, rose into the sky, swirling and intersecting until they reached one point.

“Exclude the light attribute ‘Holy Magician’ and the dark attribute ‘apprentice magician’ from the game!

The souls of light and darkness are sacrificed in the field of chaos, calling for the strongest warrior in the legend! Opening up of heaven and earth——

——Chaos warrior-the messenger of the opening, summon! "

In a surging chaos, endless darkness and nothingness are intertwined. At the extreme point of the chaos, a powerful force surges, and a dazzling light bursts out, like the rising sun.

The darkness was instantly dispelled, the sharp blades of light and darkness cut through the chaos, and the warrior's armor shone with a mysterious brilliance, as if appearing in a storm.

[Chaos Warrior-Emissary of the Opening, attack power 3000]

"The envoy of the opening?"

Many people watching could not hide the surprise in their eyes.

That legendary warrior in the hands of such a student?

Keppei nodded with some relief: "Oh, it seems that he is already able to control the power of chaos very skillfully."

My brother will be happy if he finds out, right?

"The envoy of Kaikai, attack the 'Linlong with the Spear'!" You Xuan ordered, "Kaikai Double Slash!"

The Chaos warrior slashed out the sword in his hand, and the sword energy of light and darkness seemed to divide the world!

This sword fall will be accompanied by 1200 points of combat damage. Tianma Yexing has 1000 health left, and Kai Kai's sword will directly determine the outcome!

"Then I use the effect of the permanent trap 'Blood Compensation'." Ye Xing said, "Pay 500 health points for a normal summon!

I paid 500 health points, sacrificed the 'Lance Dragon' on the field, and summoned the 'Curse Dragon' in defense position! "

【Night Walk, LP 1000→LP 500】

[Cursed Dragon, defense power 1500]

"I see, are you using this method to defend and avoid battle damage?" You Xuan understood.

The effect of Blood Compensation can only be activated during the main phase of one's own turn or the combat phase of the opponent's turn. Therefore, in the last round of the battle, Ye Xing could not immediately activate the blood generation effect after accepting the effect of "Transformation Pot" and drawing a card. Otherwise, he would have summoned new monsters in the battle stage to continue attacking.

But on the other hand, if the blood generation does not have the restriction that he cannot activate within his own battle level, and Ye Xing chose to attack additionally in the last round, then his health points will be paid down to only 500, and this round will no longer be satisfied." The conditions for activation of "Blood Compensation" have been changed.

In that case, he would no longer be able to use such means to defend himself.

The sword light fell, and the Cursed Dragon was chopped in half by Da Kaifang's sword on the spot, exploded from the field, and dissipated.

"The effect of 'Chaos Warrior-Herald of Opening'." You Xuandao, "When destroying the opponent's monster in battle, you can add one additional attack."

The nerves of the card professors continued to be tense.

Although Ye Xing's defense was extremely defensive, it was not over yet. The Chaos Warrior has terrifying continuous attack capabilities, and the next sword fall will still be his defeat.

But this time, Ye Xing's remaining health points of only 500 were no longer enough to support another blood generation summoning barrier to resist the attack.

But Ye Xing immediately revealed the next card in his hand.

“When a monster you control is destroyed by battle or effect and sent to the graveyard, you can Special Summon this card from your hand——

——Jing Zilong from another world, special summoned in defense position! "

[Jing Zilong from another world, defense power 1100]

Da Kaifeng's second sword fell, and the combo of space-time sharp blades turned into sword shadows all over the sky. Thousands of sword lights almost turned the Thorn Dragon into a sieve, and it fell down full of holes and exploded with a loud bang.

But Ye Xing then opened the backcourt: "Activate the cover card, trap card - time machine!

When a monster is destroyed by battle and sent to the graveyard, resurrect that monster in the same form as its original form!

I resurrected the 'Jing Zilong from another world'! "

A thick black machine emerged from the fog of time, and time on the field turned back. Before the smoke screen of the monster's explosion dissipated, it immediately obeyed the invisible power of time and flowed backwards until it completely disappeared. The broken fragments were also absorbed, reassembled into the form of a purple-black dragon, and returned to the field.

[Jing Zilong from another world, defense power 1100]

"I was able to defend against two attacks from the Chaos Warriors and still keep the monster on the field." Keppei nodded slightly, "After all, he is Bekas's favorite disciple, so Pegasus Nightwalker has some tricks up his sleeve."

You Xuan was not surprised that the attack was blocked.

"Then cover two more cards and the round is over."

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