Who let him play Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 148 Hand Trap Prohibition

Tianma Yexing took a deep breath.

With five hundred health points left, the field was almost completely blank. But on the opponent's field, there is a messenger of the legendary warrior who is famous in the world of duel monsters, which can be said to be a disadvantage of the ultimate level.

but why?

Why couldn't he stop shaking?

Yes, that's what it feels like.

Facing the top opponent, burning everything you have as a duelist, the excitement of fighting with all your heart.

What Keppei said is right. Although his battle with Muto Yugi helped him get rid of the mental control of the three evil gods, he also felt his own bottleneck immediately after that.

For years he felt unable to break through and seemed to have hit his ceiling. But precisely because of this, he longed for a powerful opponent.

Only fighting with strong men can stimulate him to break through his upper limit and move towards a higher realm.

And now, in such a first-year Duel Academy freshman, he unexpectedly found that feeling.

There is no doubt that this is an opponent that is truly worthy of him exploding with all his strength to try to break through!

Even though he was the one with the title of "Legendary Duelist" and the opponent was just a student, Ye Xing had naturally placed himself in the position of challenger.

He wants to achieve his own breakthrough by crossing this gap!

"My turn, draw a card!" Ye Xing said, "Activate the magic card 'Pot of Desire' and draw two cards from the deck!"

After Ye Xing drew the card, he narrowed his eyes and raised the corners of his mouth involuntarily.

It seemed like he had found a way to reverse this desperate situation.

"First activate the magic card 'Level Recognition'!" Ye Xing said, "Choose a monster on your field, and you can turn that monster into any star rating from 1 to 8 stars!" (Original card)

It is also the card used by Ye Xing against Yu Yu in the comics.

"I choose the 'Alien Jing Zi Dragon' on the field to rise to level eight!"

[Jing Zilong from another world, LV5 → LV8]

Keppei raised his eyebrows: "A card with level adjustment?"

"Yes, it is the final preparation for the arrival of my new power!"

Ye Xing said, slowly pulling out a card in his hand.

"This is the first time I have used this new power in front of others after acquiring it. I never expected that it would be in such a situation."

You Xuan frowned slightly.

What's going on with this posture, as if you're trying to print a card?

"But you are indeed an opponent worthy of my full strength, so keep an eye on the evolution of the King of Divine Beasts!

I sacrificed the Level 8 ‘Alien Jade Dragon’ on the field and specially summoned it from my hand.”

The monster card in his hand was raised high above his head, and a storm seemed to have blown up before he could summon it.

"The agitation of the divine beast shook the earth, and the torrent that spanned time descended——

——Beast God King Barbaros, summon! ! ! "

The shaking earth, the divine beast emerged from the storm, its golden hair shining in the light, as if covered with a sacred halo. Those eyes were shining with sharp light, like sharp blades. The sphinx's claws slapped the ground, and dust and sand formed a swirling storm.

The Beast God King - Barbaros, summons!

You Xuan looked sideways at Barbaros's new vest.

As expected, Ye Xing has not been idle these years, and he also printed a new vest for his trump card.

[Beast God King-Barbaros, attack power 3000]

"Although this card is level eight, it does not require two sacrifices for normal summoning. You only need to sacrifice monsters with a total level of eight stars or above on your field to special summon it!"

Ye Xing shouted.

"Furthermore, 'Beast God King - Barbaros' can remove up to two cards on the opponent's field by removing the 'Barbaros' monsters in his own graveyard and field from the game once per turn!"

Keppei was surprised: "What a powerful ability!"

"Yes, this is the evolved form of the Divine Beast King. If you can defeat my final trump card, then give it a try!" Ye Xing said, "I removed the 'Mystical Beast King - Barbaros' in the cemetery from the game and destroyed the 'Chaos Warriors' -The Messenger of the Opening and the Gaevka on the left side of your backcourt!”

Yu Xuan also responded immediately: "Then counterattack trap - Heavenly Punishment! By discarding a card in your hand, the effect of the effect monster is invalidated and destroyed!"

Ye Xing was startled.

Is there such a trap hidden in this situation?

His resources have been exhausted, and the Beast God King is his trump card and his last resort. If the Beast God King is counterattacked here, he will be completely helpless.

That won't work!

"Counterattack Trap - Destruction Interference!" Ye Xing's backcourt also followed suit, "Discard a card from your hand and activate the card with the effect of 'Destroy Monsters on the Field' to invalidate and destroy it!"

The thunder of Heaven's Punishment struck down, but it only hit a layer of transparent destruction shield. Transparent ripples spread against the surface of the shield, and the thunderous backlash blew the Heaven Punishment Trap itself into pieces.

The counterattack was successful!

"The Beast God King's effect continues to pass!" Tianma Yexing shouted, "The Chaos Warrior and the other Gaika are destroyed!"

The Beast God King's thunder swept across the field, instantly clearing Yu Xuan's side of the field. The Chaos Warrior exploded under the thunder, and the cover card in the backfield also flipped and shattered. It was a "magic tube".

"Also, the card I discarded from my hand was the magic card 'Treasure of Compensation'. When this card was sent from my hand to the grave, I drew two more cards from the deck!" (Original card)

"Besides the Heavenly Punishment, there is also a magic tube. It is really an iron wall-like formation." Ye Xing said, "But in this way, all your defense lines will be cleared!"

The card professors who were watching seemed to feel that the outcome was finally decided at this point.

"However, Master Pegasus can actually be beaten to such an extent," Tillamukh commented, "He is just a student, he is really a scary kid."

This child's future will surely be limitless.

But the night walk did not relax.

it's over?

No, as long as you still have health left, you must not let down your guard.

And he could feel that this opponent was not ordinary.

He only dismantled the apparent defense line, and the opponent may not really have any countermeasures.

"Activate the magic card 'Exchange of Notes'!" Ye Xing said, "Open each other's hand cards to each other, and each must choose one of the other party's cards to add to their own hands!"

Professor Zhongka was stunned.

Isn’t this situation already won?

Why do we need to deliberately exchange hands?

"Well, that's a terrible intuition."

You Xuan showed his hand.

Ye Xing narrowed his eyes.

Sure enough, his intuition was right.

Kite man!

A sword-blocking card that can withstand damage from direct attacks by discarding it from your hand.

A card professor was surprised: "There is a countermeasure hidden in his hand!"

"Master Pegasus has even considered this."

Ye Xing: "Then I get the 'Kite Robot' from you!"

You Xuan: "Then I'll take the 'Military God Summary'."

It is also the card used by Ye Xing in the comics, a six-star demon with 2200 attack power. But it's actually useless. I took this one because I had no choice. Ye Xing only had this one.

"Even the defense on his hands has been lifted. This guy really has something." Keppei muttered.

Then he looked at You Xuan again.

Is this guy done?

Well, but being able to fight that Pegasus Yakou to such an extent is indeed quite powerful.

"Direct attack from the Beast God King - Barbaros Ur!"

Ye Xing raised his hands and shouted.

The decisive blow is also his final offensive!

But he had a strange premonition.

Even if he achieves this step, such an attack may still be a miss.

Sure enough, at the moment when the Beast God King's blow was about to hit, a burst of lightning suddenly erupted on You Xuan's half of the field. Like some kind of transparent shield, the magnetic repulsion forcefully bounced the sphinx-faced Beast God King away.

"The effect of the 'Super Electromagnetic Turtle' in the graveyard only has one chance. During the battle phase of the opponent's turn, this card will be removed from the game, and that battle phase will be forced to end."

Ye Xing let out a sigh of relief.

For some reason, although he was a little regretful that the attack failed, he was not surprised at all.

"When were you sent to the cemetery?" Ye Xing asked.

You Xuan: "'Transformation Pot'."

"I see." Ye Xing pondered, "Have such a deep defense line been laid out so long ago?"

He smiled and shook his head.

"Then my turn is over."

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