Who let him play Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 149 The Strongest Warrior

"Then on my turn, I draw a card." You Xuan said, "Activate the magic card 'Bargain Shopping', discard the level 8 monsters in your hand, and draw two cards from the deck."

You Xuan showed a card in his hand.

"What I want to discard is the level eight 'Chaos Warrior' of this card."

It's not the messenger of creation, but the original ceremonial version of the Chaos Warrior that first appeared in Muto Yugi's hands.

Naturally, Yu Xuan didn't have this card before, and he got it from the Chaos Warrior Research Team during this trip to the Kaiba Corporation headquarters.

Ye Xing's eyelids twitched.

"Legendary warrior?"

However, he also knew that since the development of the Great Opening up, the envoys of the opening up have been regarded as the evolved form of the Chaos Warriors. The ancient ritual whiteboard is now more valuable than practical. So what if I have this card now?

"Discard 'Chaos Warrior' and draw cards from the deck."

You Xuan drew the card, and then spoke unhurriedly.

"I have felt Mr. Tenma's passion as a duelist, and I am very grateful to you for giving me the honor of being the first duelist to face the new form of the King of Divine Beasts.

Then as a gift in return”

He slowly pulled out a card from his hand.

"I'm also here to show off the Chaos Warrior's new posture that no one has seen so far."

The whole audience was shocked when they heard this.

A new look for the Chaos Warriors?

Some of the faster-thinking card professors immediately moved their eyes to Keppei next to them.

The top research team under the Haima Group has been doing relevant research, and they have heard of it.

Have they really achieved something new?

Keppei quickly understood: "Are you going to try 'that' here?"

"Well, I promised the team leader that I would test it in actual combat as soon as possible and give him feedback on the data." You Xuan said, "There is no more suitable duel and no more suitable opponent than now.

I activate the magic card "Reinforcement" and add a warrior-type monster below level 4 from the deck to my hand.

I add this card from my deck to my hand."

He drew a card that was automatically retrieved from the deck.

"Level 4 warrior clan, 'Knights of the Opening'."

Ye Xing held his breath and said nothing.

He was just a four-star warrior. But it gave him an ominous premonition.

"Then activate the ritual magic 'The Germination of Super Warriors'!"

You Xuan raised the magic card in his hand.

"This card can be ritually summoned by sending the light/dark attribute monster in your hand to the graveyard, then sending the light/dark attribute monster with the opposite attribute from the deck to the graveyard, or from your opponent's card or the 'Chaos Warrior' in the graveyard! "

As soon as this description came out, everyone was shocked.

Choose materials from the deck?

Can you also ritually summon monsters in the cemetery?

“I just retrieved the light attribute ‘Knight of the Opening’ from my hand and the dark attribute monster ‘Knight of the Night’ in my deck as ritual materials for ritual summoning!”

One light, one dark, one black, one white, the young knights both turned into vortices of energy that merged together, as if pouring into the vortex of the Milky Way.

"One soul leads the light, one soul leads the darkness, and the door to chaos opens here -"

A chaotic storm erupted, and the sword light split open the world. The beam of light fell from the sky, and the endless particles transformed into the knight's posture in the storm. The sword blade split the light curtain, and the knight's armor seemed to reflect starlight.

"——Chaos Warrior, summon!"

[Chaos Warrior, attack power 3000]

The pressure was even more powerful than that of Kai Kai's messenger. For a time, Ye Xing even thought of the coming of God, which caused a storm in the duel venue.

It's like the moment this Chaos Warrior appears, he dominates the battlefield!

"But even so, the Chaos Warrior's attack power is only equivalent to that of the Beast God King." Ye Xing said, "And he does not have the special ability to surpass the Beast God King."

Because as we all know, the Chaos Warrior is just a blank slate with no special effects.

Although he said so, Ye Xing actually knew that he had some expectations in his heart.

He seemed to be able to feel something different from this Chaos Warrior.

"Chaos Warrior, the effect is activated." Yu Xuan waved his hand, "Once per turn, you can remove a monster on the opponent's field from the game!"


Ye Xing was startled.

His expression is like saying, I don’t have enough cards, so don’t lie to me. Isn’t that thing of yours a whiteboard?

Or is it that even though it’s not written on the card, it can be used in this way?

"Open Dimension Slash!"

Immediately afterwards, everyone saw that the Chaos Warrior's sword light slashed through the space, and the overbearing sword energy split the space. The huge Beast God King was completely irresistible and was sucked into the cracks of the Dimension Slash.

Night Walk: "!"

why is that?

But he is worthy of being the boss of the International Illusion Society, and he immediately guessed the joint: "The two ritual materials just now"

Just now, he felt that the two young swordsmen looked like younger versions of the Chaos Warriors, and there must be something fishy in them.

"Not bad." Yu Xuan smiled, "The effect of 'Knight of the Opening'. The 'Chaos Warrior' summoned by this card as a ritual material can get additional effects.

One of them is 'Dimension Slash', which removes the monsters on the opponent's field from the game once per turn. "

"So it turns out that it gives the Chaos Warriors and the 'Emissary of the Opening' the same type of abilities."

Ye Xing smiled slightly.

"But even so, you probably haven't forgotten it, right?" Ye Xing reminded, "In the last round's 'Exchange of Notes', I took the card from your hand."

You Xuan nodded: "Kite robot, if it is thrown into the graveyard when it is under direct attack, the combat damage will become 0. When the graveyard exists, the damage of a direct attack will be reduced to 0."

"Not bad." Ye Xing smiled, "How are you going to break through this obstacle from yourself?"

You Xuan smiled.

"Chaos Warrior, another effect is activated."

Ye Xing was startled.

Does your whiteboard have another effect?

He responded immediately.

"Another card that was just used as a ritual material"

"Yes, when 'Knight of Night' is used as a ritual material, it can also give 'Chaos Warrior' additional effects." You Xuan said, "Once in a round, you can randomly select a card in the opponent's hand until the end of the opponent's next turn. Excluded from the game!"

Night Walk: "!"

He actually has such a strong ability

"You only have the last card left in your hand, which is of course the 'Kite Robot'." You Xuandao, "Therefore, remove the 'Kite Robot' from the game!

Xiao Dark Dimension Slash! "

The sword energy of light and darkness was slashed out again, but this time the target it locked became the hand card! The sword light swept across, and the kite robot in Ye Xing's hand suddenly evaporated out of thin air and disappeared to the other side of the dimension.


You Xuan ordered.

"Chaos Warrior, direct attack on Mr. Pegasus!"

The Chaos Warriors jumped up, slashing out the sword blades of light and darkness, turning into thousands of sword shadows all over the sky, like thousands of swords coming back to their clan overwhelmingly.

Pegasus Yexing raised his head and looked at the shining knight. The gorgeous sword shadow filled the sky and he was distracted for a moment.

"This is the new evolution of the Chaos Warriors."

[Night Walk, LP 500→LP 0]

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