Who let him play Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 151 Did you say something you shouldn’t have said?

In fact, although the Pegasus Yakou who first appeared in the original work was a villain, the first impression that Yakou actually met on Yu Xuan was actually quite good.

People are very kind, polite, and most importantly, generous.

After the cards were played, Ye Xing didn't say anything. Without much delay, he went straight to take out a limited edition ultra-rare card, [Thousand Eyes Naji Demon], which was reproduced by Bekas himself.

This card is a legendary monster. First of all, this should be the trump card of the BOSS in the first chapter in the history of Yu-Gi-Oh animation, and the sense of mystery and oppression created when it first appeared in the hands of Becas may have inspired the creation of many villain monsters in the future.

From the perspective of the card pool, this card is the first fusion monster in history to be listed as a banned card. It sat in the dark room for ten years and was not released until 2016.

And its effect of "absorbing opponent's monsters as equipment" can be regarded as the originator of the tauren to a certain extent, and is the forerunner of many monsters with similar effects in later generations.

Overall, You Xuan is quite satisfied with this harvest.

Haima Company and Tianma Yexing also temporarily formed an alliance against hacker forces. Ye Xing seemed to think that the incident was caused by a certain AI with super-era levels. Kaiba was still skeptical about this, but after consultation, the two parties decided to temporarily cooperate on this matter to form a united front against AI.

But that part is naturally left to the big guys to take care of. Yu Xuan got the reward after playing cards, and then took the helicopter arranged by Kei Ping and flew directly back to the academy.

It was late at night when we returned to the island. After playing cards today, he was quite tired. He had classes tomorrow morning, so You Xuan returned to the dormitory, washed up briefly, and rested.

Then it was back to the daily routine of serious study and happy dueling at Duel Academy.

This trip to Haima Company made him more convinced that the current study and life plan is effective. The battle with Ye Xing made him feel that his time in the academy so far had not been in vain. Both his own strength as a duelist and the strength of his deck were clearly visible to the naked eye.

But the more he progresses, the more he realizes that there is still a long way to go, and there is still a lot of room for improvement in the future. If you want to be at the top in this world and become the strongest person at the highest level, you still have a long way to go.

You Xuan is concentrating on studying and practicing, and things in the academy are also developing.

In the past two days, he had heard people say that Wan Zhangmu seemed to be missing.

It seems that the world line has ended. Although the process is different, Wan Zhangmu still embarked on a similar growth path.

The poor kid was an elite for the first half of his life, but since he came to Duel Academy and was beaten every day, he has become autistic. Those students who used to be very respectful and polite to him gradually became indifferent as his evaluation by the professor declined day by day.

Wan Zhangmu went to Professor Kuronos angrily and wanted to apply for a chance to fight Judai Yujo again to regain his place, but the professor refused.

The reason is that it's probably for nothing if you get it anyway. Instead of worrying about playing cards with poor students, it is better to worry about your own grades. If you continue like this, you might end up in the La-Huang dormitory soon.

This news is undoubtedly a bolt from the blue to Wan Zhang Mu.

Fell into the yellow dormitory? He, the top elite?

He can't accept it!

No one saw Wan Zhangmu classmate again the next day.

After You Xuan heard about it, he guessed that classmate Wan Zhangmu probably went to sea by boat. Next, he will encounter a shipwreck and drift to the Northern Branch of Duel Academy, where he will meet the elves of destiny to disturb Huang.

Well, this is all about the world line closing, and it is what should have happened in the first place.

It has absolutely nothing to do with myself.

Judai's classmates were also enthusiastic. After hearing that Manzhangmu was missing, they went to search the nearby woods. However, in the middle of the search, he encountered a monkey wearing a duel plate. He was surprised to find that he could play cards with the monkey. He immediately forgot about the whereabouts of his good brother and started playing cards with the monkey happily.

In the anime, it is said that there is a research institute on the island of Duel Academy, which specializes in studying the subject of "whether monkeys are more compatible with elves than humans." So the main topic of the researchers is to teach monkeys to play cards.

You will never imagine what other strange facilities are hidden on this island.

You Xuan now mainly attends classes and prints cards in his daily life. In his spare time, he goes to his laboratory to study and conduct research with his colleagues, and has hired Dadeji as his instructor.

At the same time, card drawing practice is also a key item. He felt that the divine draw was now much more thoughtful than before he entered school. The card draw itself was also a run-in between the duelist, the deck, and the elves.

Of course, simply practicing against the wall is just talk on paper, and regular actual combat is definitely indispensable. Therefore, You Xuan also set a requirement for his training schedule to include at least one actual training session every day.

There was just a slight problem in the actual combat against opponents.

His first choice opponent is naturally in the dueling club. After all, dueling exchanges are the reason for the existence of this club.

However, he insisted on clocking in and playing cards every day, and a strange phenomenon gradually occurred.

When he caught his opponent dueling, a swarm of people immediately gathered around him, pointing and talking and laughing, just like watching a play in the square. The atmosphere was relaxed and happy.

But whenever Yu Xuan's opponent put on a mask of pain and was beaten to the ground, Yu Xuan, who was satisfied with completing his daily training, turned around to look for the next victim. Oh, no, it was the next respectable opponent. The onlookers would immediately notice that Already dispersed.

Some of them were boiling soup on the stove, some of their girlfriends were on the phone, and some of them forgot to put away their quilts, but they were all gone in the blink of an eye.

So You Xuan began to reflect on whether it was inappropriate to always catch the same batch of sheep to collect wool. Maybe it's time to consider broadening his target pool.

Then that day happened to be the daily scientific research session in the laboratory. I was chatting with two colleagues after work and casually mentioned this issue.

"Nowadays, the newcomers in the academy really don't even know what they are here for."

You Xuan shook his head as soon as he said it.

"Why come to the academy if you don't want to duel? None of them want to make progress, really."

Misawa and Asuka looked at each other.

Although, they felt that what Yu Xuan said seemed to make sense, but at the same time, they also felt that if the opponent was this guy, it would be understandable that the victims would not want to play cards.

"But let's face it, it doesn't necessarily have to be a duel club." Asuka said, "After all, this is a duel academy, and there are various clubs, but basically all clubs usually have free appointments.

For example, the tennis club held an intra-department competition last week. Oh, by the way, even the student union seems to have held an internal competition, and I heard that the quality of the rare card inventory within the student union is quite good, and their extra credits and management rights are also higher than other departments."

You Xuan stood up abruptly, startling her.

"What's wrong with you?"

"Classmate Tianshangyuan, you are really a genius." He said seriously.

Asuka: "?"

Yes. Really?

She said it so seriously all of a sudden, which made her feel a little embarrassed.

"No, no."

But You Xuan ignored her and started packing his things.

"By the way, where is the student office? Are they still recruiting people?"

"Well, it's on the second floor of the teaching building. It's written on the sign on the left hand side of the stairs." Misawa said with a strange expression.

"Okay, thank you. I'll take the first step today if I have something to do."

You Xuan smiled at them.

"See you tomorrow."

You Xuan's back disappeared outside the door.

Misawa and Asuka looked at each other again.

Suddenly, Asuka felt strange.

Will I accidentally say something that I shouldn't say?

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