Who let him play Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 152 Student Union

Duel Academy, Student Union Office.

"Eh? Senior sister?"

You Xuan came to the office with a somewhat surprised expression.

"Is it you?" A certain pretty senior in front of him also raised his head in surprise.

That is little Hinata Seika.

She was crowned Miss Duel Academy for two consecutive years. In the third year, she was pushed out by Asuka Tenjoin, a new member of the academy. As a result, Seika-senpai seemed to have accidentally awakened some strange attributes.

You Xuan understood: "It turns out that the senior sister is also a cadre of the student union."

"Of course, I am the president of the Student Management Committee. There is no one more suitable for management than me as the queen of the college." Xiao Hinata brushed her hair towards Xinghua and asked, "Do you have anything to talk to the student union about? ?”

She had a bit of an ominous premonition.

You Xuan was surprised. It turns out that this senior is actually the student council president.

They are still old acquaintances.

"Oh, it's nothing. I just wanted to ask if the student union is still recruiting people." You Xuan asked.

Little Hinata frowned at Xinghua.

Recruitment is actually still a matter of recruitment, and the student union this year actually does not have enough manpower.

But it’s limited to recruiting “people.”

They have heard about the situation of the Duel Club from the beginning to now. They said that since a new member joined this year, the environment of the Duel Club has become difficult to describe.

The newcomers who joined the Duel Club this year complained a lot, and seemed to have an abnormal sense of rejection about "going to the club to make an appointment." This is obviously rare for the Duel Club, which has always been known as the first club addicted to cards in the academy.

However, contrary to this phenomenon, students from other clubs have shown a significant increase in their attention to the Duel Club's cards. Even Xinghua knew that there were people in their student union who liked to go to the Duel Club to read the cards when they heard about it. When they came back after reading it, they would often laugh and talk with joy.

As one of the earliest members of the Yu Xuan Victims Association in the academy, Xiao Hinata Xinghua seems to understand the reason for this phenomenon.

But at this moment, the culprit was actually standing in front of her like a normal person, applying to join the student union!

What does it mean? Is he going to turn the student council into the next Duel Club?

She couldn't help but tremble when she thought about the prospect, and the fear of being dominated by the lava demon and the torture wheel came to her heart.

No, I'm sorry, students, the window period has passed and we are no longer recruiting.

That's what she wanted to say.

However, at this time, a student union cadre next to him in the office said with a face of joy: "Huh? This classmate wants to join the union? That's great, we are seriously short of people now."

Xinghua: "."

She gave the man a stern look.

You talk a lot.

Student Union Officer: "?"

how? Aren't we looking to recruit people?

"That's great." You Xuan smiled, "Then please give me more advice from now on."

The words had already been spoken, and little Hinata Xinghua couldn't say anything more. Besides, she had also heard about this junior's abilities. It was said that even the academic affairs department in the college, which was famous for its arrogance, treated him with courtesy. In her small elementary school student union, people were not allowed to come in and out as they pleased. Even if they were let in and out at will, they could only endure it silently.

"Okay. Then first welcome Fujiki Yugen-kun to the student union."

Little Hinata Xinghua said weakly.

There was no hint of "welcome" in his tone.

The cadre behind immediately clapped, but while applauding, he was thinking about it in his heart. Fujiki Yugen, where have you heard this name?


The smile on the classmate's face disappeared immediately.

It seemed that I suddenly understood why the president would object to newcomers joining the stall when there was a shortage of people in this new semester.

The cadres who figured this out suddenly felt a chill running down their spines.

It's over.

It seemed like he had just done something irreparably wrong.

"Oh, by the way, I heard that it is the custom of the student union to hold a welcome duel ceremony when joining the club?"

You Xuan smiled and showed the duel disk and looked at his senior sister.

"Senior, how about we do it again?"

Senior Xinghua's body trembled, and for a moment, the sunny and handsome smiling face of the other party seemed to overlap with the lava demon in her memory. She waved her hands repeatedly.

"I'm not feeling well today, so I won't be able to do anything." She shook her head repeatedly, "And I've reorganized a new deck. It's not finished yet, so it's not appropriate to start a duel for the time being. Next time, definitely next time."

Then You Xuan's eyes turned to the cadre who had just spoken.

The student union cadre's heart suddenly skipped a beat.

It's broken, I'm afraid I'm going to be doomed today.

Senior Sister Xinghua looked at him coldly: "Then, Sato-san, how about you do the welcome duel?"

It seems to be saying that you let this god of plague in, so you must pay for this sin yourself.

The classmate who was called Sato had a grimace on his face and wished he could have his ears scratched. He reflected on why he insisted on inserting himself into the president's mouth just now because he was so arrogant.

But it was at this moment that he suddenly had an idea: "That's right! Speaking of which, President, we haven't been able to spare any manpower to deal with that matter.

Do you think Mr. You Xuan is just the right candidate? "


Little Hinata Xinghua was thoughtful.

"What you said seems to make sense."

So she turned to You Xuan and explained.

"It just so happens that the student union has such a difficult problem at hand right now. In fact, it's not that big of a deal, and it's not that urgent.

To put it simply, there is a certain club in the college that has failed the review several times in a row. The college has judged that it is no longer necessary to maintain its operation and has been ordered to be disbanded. But the students in the club have always refused to implement it and privately occupied the activity room that should have been abandoned long ago."

You Xuan understood it as soon as he heard the beginning.

The classic marginal society was disbanded, and he could find similar plots in at least ten different anime in an instant.

So it is conceivable that the so-called problem should be to persuade the students to give up this activity room.

"Actually, it's simple. After all, this is a duel academy. Everything depends on the strength of the duel." Xiao Hinata Xinghua said, "The thing is very simple. As long as they can defeat the president of the club through a duel, they agreed to let him out. Activity Room."

"Then what's so difficult?"

"Because the president is a tough one." Sato-san said, "As I said, we have been seriously short of manpower recently. All the seniors who were able to play in the last class have just graduated, and we don't have much confidence in the remaining ones. I won the president over there."

"I see."

Although I don’t know what kind of club it is, the president sounds like a pretty capable opponent.

Anyway, Yu Xuan's original purpose was to find cards to play, so it would be better if he did some tasks during the period and mixed in some rewards.

"Okay, so where is the club activity room?" You Xuan stood up, "I'll go check it out."

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