Who let him play Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 160 The King of Psychokinesis

Artificial Man-Psychic Shocker, Summon!

The elf Suojia still had a translucent ghost body. He could only see the complete version of himself projected in the stereoscopic projection and jumped to the opposite side with a death resuscitation effect. He crossed his arms and looked at him.

What makes him even more angry is that he actually feels that he has been moved by NTR. There seems to be such a trace of contempt in the posture of the clone on the opposite side.

The palace's suppression was also one of the main gains of You Xuan's trip to Haima Company. As mentioned before, the evaluation of bullet suppression in the early Yu-Gi-Oh environment is actually average. On the one hand, many decks in the slow environment are not afraid of its suppression, and on the other hand, it is easy to be trapped when its effect is exploited by the opponent.

But Yu Xuan happened to have such a deck on hand that was very compatible with bombing and suppressing.

It was the abyss control he had used before.

There were actually many different schools of abyss control construction in the environment at that time. Later, some duelists even called the construction that incorporated "Palace's Suppression" as "Suppression Abyss" to distinguish it from the prototype, and regarded it as a special variant.

Although there have been adjustments and changes in the structure, the one-way blocking concept of the deck itself of "not allowing the opponent to play the game" has continued, which can be seen from the intensity of the opponent's reaction.

For example, the current Suojia Elf saw that after his clone was summoned, his spirit body flickered in and out more and more frequently, and it looked like he was breathing heavily.

You must also be amazed by the brilliance of this tactic, right?

Suojia: "@#*%!"

"Enter the battle stage." You Xuan said, "Then first the 'Artificial Man-Psychic Shocker' attacks the 'Dark Mad Dog'."

The artificial man crossed his palms, and the telekinetic energy ball condensed and formed in his palms surrounded by a surge of electric current. As if with a sharp roar, the dark rabid dog was instantly twisted into pieces under the electric current.

[Artificial Human Soga, LP 4000→LP 3500]

The elf's body began to flicker and disappear under the impact. Being stunned by his own trick, he felt pain not only in his body but also in his heart.

In addition, because he has his own clone on the court, his powerful defensive trap in the backcourt has become a blank sheet of paper. This may be the first time in his life that Suojia feels a little nauseous due to his own effects.

"Direct attack from the abyss soldiers." You Xuan continued to pursue.

The trident in the hands of the abyss soldier was entangled in the water, and a thorn shot through Suojia's body.

"Uh huh huh"

[Artificial Human Soga, LP 3500 → LP 1700]

"You actually let me suffer this kind of humiliation." Suojia gritted his teeth, "Unforgivable!"

Yu Xuan: "Then cover another card to the backfield, and the round is over."

Suojia's voice became muddy, sounding like he was breathing heavily.

"My turn, draw a card."

Another image of a card appeared in his hand area.

In the last round, he was completely suppressed and lost most of his health points in one breath. He was humiliated and sent to the opposite side. But at least when he has his own clone on the court, he doesn't have to worry about the opponent's backcourt for the time being.

When the Cyborg-Psychic Shocker is on the field, neither party can activate trap cards, including Suppression, which cannot be activated temporarily.

This also gave him the opportunity to counterattack.

"Summon the 'Artificial Man-Psychic Interceptor'!"

[Artificial Man-Psychic Jack, Attack Power 600]

"The effect of the telepathic jacker, by sacrificing yourself, adds the 'cyborg' monster from the deck to your hand!" Suojia shouted, "Be the sacrifice that leads me to appear!"

The body of the artificial man disintegrated and disappeared from the field, and soon transformed into a new card image, which fell into the card area of ​​Suojia's hand, and was briefly turned over to show Yu Xuan.

Cyborg-Psychic Shocker Unit 2.

"And for the subsequent effect of 'Psychic Jacker', you can then confirm the cover cards in the opponent's backfield." Suojia continued, "If there are trap cards among them, you can remove at most that number of 'cyborg' monsters from your hand. Card Special Summon!

Come on, let me confirm your Gaika! "

Yu Xuan's cover card flipped in the backcourt. Of course, there is no surprise. It is the "Palace's Suppression" that was recovered in the last round.

"Hmph, just lend me the power of your trap." Suojia said solemnly, "Because I have confirmed a trap, I can special summon an 'artificial man' monster from my hand.

Therefore I specially call myself -

——Artificial Man-The mind-shocker, summon again! "

After the words fell, the figure of the Suojia Elf disappeared from the place of the duelist after a while of erratic movement. Electricity danced around the power station, like thunder falling in front of him, and the tall and majestic steel body emerged from the thunder.

The artificial man-the mind-powerful one is coming!

[Artificial Man-Psychic Shocker, Attack Power 2400]

"Finally! The feeling of being alive!"

Suojia clenched his fists tightly, watching himself finally change from translucent to solid state. If it weren't for the robot, he might have been moved to tears.

This duel cannot be lost no matter what!

"I attack the 'Abyss Soldiers' myself!"

The soldier holding the trident was also the one he disliked the most. With a flip of his hand, an astonishing electric light gathered in his palm, brewing into a huge energy ball of thunderous energy.

"And at this moment, activate a quick-attack magic from your hand!"

While Suojia was speaking, another card was turned over in the hand area.

“Restrictions lifted!

Let me double the attack power of the machines on my field - that is, my own! "

[Artificial Man-Psychic Shocker, Attack Power 2400→Attack Power 4800]

The shock wave blasted through the bodies of the abyssal soldiers. The warriors of the Water Tribe temporarily withdrew, and Yu Xuan raised his arms to protect himself in front of him, and his body was swallowed up by the smoke screen of the impact.

"Ah, Yu Xuan!" Judai instinctively wanted to step forward.

"Don't be nervous, I'm fine."

When the smoke cleared, Yu Xuan still stood there calmly and calmly, waving his hand to stop Judai.

【You Xuan, LP 3200】

Suojia was surprised: "Why wasn't he hurt?"

"Discarding the 'Chestnut Ball' from your hand can reduce a battle damage to 0." You Xuan smiled, "It seems that someone's self-sacrifice attack didn't work, which is really a pity."

"Hey, using this low-star miscellaneous fish again"

You Xuan couldn't help but look sideways.

Good guy, you just said "trash fish", right?

In the world of Yu-Gi-Oh, he actually dares to call Chestnut Ball Bastard Fish, he is truly a warrior.

As we all know, calling Li Ziqiu a miscellaneous fish in the anime is almost as taboo as "candle in the wind", but anyone who touches this taboo will be chilled.

One of the more representative ones is President Kaiba, who has an indissoluble bond with Yugi's Kururiball. He has been repeatedly tortured by Chestnut Ball since the Duel Kingdom period, and it continued until Atum ran away.

"At the end of the round when the restriction is lifted, I will self-destruct as my attack power has been increased by this effect." Suojia said solemnly, "But before that, in the main stage 2, I will sacrifice myself!"

You Xuan narrowed his eyes.

Um? Do you want to sacrifice yourself too?

Suojia on the field was suddenly wrapped in a large amount of electric current. Energy and electric light surged around him, and his entire body seemed to be rapidly evolving in the electric light.

"The fluctuation of thought power from the other end of the universe, the final evolution completed by the mysterious power, now let you see the posture of the king!"

The android's arms spread out, its size grew rapidly, and its body seemed to be covered with a new alloy, and its appearance was also rapidly upgraded.

"Artificial Man-King of Psychokinesis, Summon!!!"

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