Who let him play Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 161 The resurrection match is so difficult

Artificial Man - The King of Telepathy, Summon!

[Artificial Man-King of Psychokinesis, Attack Power 2600]

It is also the android vest that appeared in GX, but it is not in the hands of the Soga elf, but in the hands of Makoto Inozuma, the successor of the telekinesis gym that appeared in the later period.

But since he already has a vest, it's not surprising that he has an evolved form as an elf.

"That's right." Mr. Daitokuji gave the game commentary, "The android that received the increase in the 'Restriction Release' effect would have self-destructed at the end stage, but by evolving and upgrading itself to the grave, the risk of self-destruction was avoided!"

The cat in his arms tightened.

"Elves are so scary, meow!"

Pharaoh: "Meow~"

The cats in my arms seemed to agree.

"After evolving, I have become stronger at suppressing traps!" Suojia said, "The effect of the artificial man - the king of telekinesis is activated!

Once per turn, destroy all trap cards in the opponent's hand and on the field! ” (animation effect)

When it was turned into a real card, it was weakened into a trap that could only destroy the surface on the field, which is much weaker than the original version.

"Let me destroy the palace's pressure here! Scan for traps!"

As he spoke, two red rays of light shot out of his own eyes, cutting out like sharp blades. The cover card in You Xuan's backcourt broke, and red light immediately sliced ​​through him.

[You Xuan, LP 3200→LP 2900]

"Every time a trap is destroyed according to this effect, 300 points of damage will be dealt to the opponent."

Suojia then stretched out his finger, and one of the floating cards in his hand flipped over.

"Then activate the magic card 'Temporary Truce'.

Both sides draw a card from the deck, and until the end of the opponent's next turn, all combat and effect damage received by both sides becomes 0. "

You Xuan drew a card, and a new card appeared in Suojia's hand area with a rippling golden light.

"The round is over."

"My turn is to draw a card." You Xuan said, "In the preparation phase, the 'Killer Snake' in the graveyard is returned to the hand."

The killer snake is recycled again. Suojia looked at the stock ammunition that was back in his hand and snorted heavily: "It's that thing again.

But your abyssal soldiers have been defeated, and even if the killer snake comes back to you, it will be nothing more than a low-star bastard."

You Xuan smiled and did not argue: "Then activate the magic card 'Angel's Alms', draw three cards from the deck, and then discard two cards in your hand."

After checking, he reveals another card.

"The magic card 'Treasure of Burial Spells'. Remove the 'Foolish Burial', 'Resurrection of the Dead', and 'Angel's Alms' in the cemetery from the game, and draw two more cards." (Original card)

A new card is drawn from the hand, and then he plays another card from his hand.

"Equip the magic 'Premature Burial'! Pay 800 health points to resurrect the monsters in your graveyard in attack position!"

【You Xuan, LP 2900→LP 2100】

Suojia was surprised: "Is that the monster in the cemetery again?"

"Yes, I will pay my life points to resurrect the 'Abyss Soldiers' in the cemetery!"

The whirlpool of water reaches the sky, flying like a water dragon. The abyssal soldiers whose equipment was salvaged waved their tridents to cut through the water curtain, and came back again on the waves.

[Abyss Soldier, attack power 1800]

"Uh, it's this thing again." Suojia gritted his teeth.

In this way, the combination with Killer Snake was re-established, and his invincible king of telekinesis could only be defeated with hatred.

"The effect of the Abyss Soldier is to discard the water attribute 'Killer Snake' in your hand and return the cards on the field to your hand."

You Xuan discards the cards in his hand into the graveyard.

"The card I want to return is the equipment magic 'Premature Burial'!"

Suojia: "!"

Everyone: "!!"

Bounce your own card again?

The abyss soldier's trident danced, and the sky-high water curtain submerged the equipment card behind him. The equipment magic turned into a golden light and flew back to You Xuan's hands, but the abyssal soldiers still stood.

Suojia was shocked: "Wait a minute, your equipment magic has disappeared. The abyss soldiers who were resurrected by the equipment should also be"

"It won't break."

You Xuan smiled, showed the early burial in his hand and explained.

"Look at the text written on 'Premature Burial'. 'When this card is destroyed, the equipped monster is destroyed'. But it doesn't say that when this card leaves the field in a form other than destruction, the equipped monster must also be destroyed, right? "

Suojia was stunned.

ah? Is it like this?

He instinctively felt that this was not right, but what the other party said seemed to make sense and he could not refute it.

"Therefore, even if the card is bounced back to the hand, the unequipped Abyss Soldier will not be returned to the graveyard." You Xuan said, "Then I paid 800 health points again and activated the equipment magic 'Premature Burial'!

Resurrect the second Abyss Soldier that was just discarded from the graveyard! "

【You Xuan, LP 2100→LP 1300】

The water curtain erupted on the field again, and the second abyssal soldier descended with a trident.

[Abyss Soldier, attack power 1800]

"There are actually two of these things at once?" Suojia became even more depressed.

"The effect of Abyss Soldier No. 2." You Xuandao, "Discard the water-attributed 'Elemental Hero - Bubble Man' in your hand, and return the 'Artificial Man - King of Psychokinesis' to your hand!"

The abyss soldier's trident made a "rising" motion, and water columns burst into the sky from the soles of the telepathic king's feet. The latter let out a loud cry of unwillingness, which soon dissipated out of thin air.

Half a second later, Suojia, who had returned to his half-dead ghost state, floated back to the duelist area, glaring at Yu Xuan with a resentful look on his face.

In just one duel, he jumped repeatedly from the underworld to the underworld. After continuous efforts, he failed again and was shot back to the underworld by a trident.

Sure enough, the life of an elf is full of ups and downs.

The Easter match is so difficult

"Damn it, no matter what, you will be resurrected in this duel."

"I haven't done any normal summons this round yet," You Xuan said, "I will then normally summon the 'Dead Knight'!"

A knight in pitch black armor came to the field riding a hellish horse, and the long sword in his hand exuded a sinister aura.

[Dead Knight, attack power 1900]

"Such a formation was actually completed in one round," Suojia said solemnly, "However, due to the effect of 'one-turn truce', both of us will receive 0 damage of any kind in this round."

"Yes, there is no point in attacking."

You Xuan shrugged.

"Then I cover a card and the turn is over."

Suojia had a gloomy face and glanced across the opponent's field.

It's not over yet, it's not over yet.

The resurrection mark was just around the corner, and he never expected to find such a tough opponent halfway through. Now Suojia already regrets initiating this duel. The opponent in front of him is obviously not an ordinary person.

But even so, he couldn't give up. No, giving up was not an option at all.

He wants these people to see his obsession with resurrection!

In this next round, he will bet everything he has!

"My turn, draw a card!"

Seeing the card in his hand, Suojia's scarlet eyes seemed to flash with excitement.

Got it!

"Activate the magic card 'Double Trap'!" Suojia shouted, "You can destroy a card on the field that contains the 'Trap Effect Invalidation' effect.

Therefore, I am going to destroy the ‘Artificial Man-Psychic Shocker’ on your field! "

You Xuan: "?"

No, aren't you Suojia? Why would you bring such a card yourself?

Could it be that you had already considered the possibility of encountering a tauren warrior?

Or maybe this card is the one you just printed on the spot.

Suojia's eyes flashed red.

His rebellious clone is currently the strongest thug on the opponent's field. If he destroys it, he can not only create a gap in one fell swoop, but also the trap "Universal Mine" on his side that has been stuck since the beginning will finally be released.

Traitors, please die!

"Then activate the cover card." Yu Xuan said, "Quick attack magic - quick attack summon. You can normal summon the monsters in your hand." (Original card)

Suojia glanced at his hand of cards.

Summoning monsters at such a juncture?

But it doesn't matter. At this time, no matter what monster is summoned, it is gone.

"Put an 'Abyss Soldier' ​​on the field as a sacrifice and summon it from a higher level! The nemesis of magic, the machine that seals demons——

——Level 5, magic canceller! "

[Magic canceller, attack power 1800]

"As long as this card exists on the field, no magic cards can be activated, and the effects of all magic cards on both sides become invalid!"

Suojia lost his composure: "Nani!?"

It's actually a magical offset.

He stared at those red eyes and watched in despair as his killing magic succumbed to the power of the canceller and was crushed into a point of light and dissipated.

Magic canceller and cyborg

Suojia watched with difficulty and despair as he rebelled and went to the opposite field, as well as the magic canceller who was colluding with him.

The trap is completely sealed, and the magic is also completely sealed.

How can he duel?

In a daze, he looked at his clone standing across from him with his arms folded, and suddenly felt that there was something condescending in his eyes.

The eyes seem to say, have you learned it yet? This is how the power of an android should be used.


It's not over yet.

He can still struggle.

"I summon another 'Cyborg-Psychic Inserter'!" Suojia shouted, "Then the Telepathy Inserter will be used as a sacrifice, and the effect will be activated again! Add the 'Cyborg' monster from the deck to the hand."

"Mu Da."

You Xuan snapped his fingers.

"Death Knight!"

The gloomy knight received the order, and his entire body turned into a black mist. The thick mist enveloped the knight's spirit body and charged. With a slash of his sword, the shadow of the telepathic power socketer on Suojia's field was immediately split into two halves and dissipated with a scream.

"What?" Suojia was shocked, "Why didn't the effect activate?"

"When the monster effect is activated, the Necromancer Knight uses this card as a sacrifice." Yu Xuan smiled, "That activation is invalid and destroyed."

Suojia: "!!!"

Can’t use monster effects?

The Suojia Elf was sluggish.

Magic seals, trap seals, monster effects are invalid

Why don't you just snap a card and the effect is "Artificial beings are not allowed to duel today"?

It seems to be almost the same

"My turn then."

You Xuan drew the card and waved his hand to give the order.

"Then artificial human Suojia, attack artificial human Suojia directly."

Suojia raised his head and looked at his palms intertwined across from each other, and waves of electric light-wrapped telepathy came rolling in.

His eyes were filled with despair.

This world, and the duelists in this world.

too horrible.

[Suojia, LP 1700→LP 0]

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