Who let him play Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 162 Welcome to the big family

The artificial man Suojia felt that he had a terrible nightmare.

In the dream, he was only one step away from resurrection. But when he was just one step away, a demon suddenly appeared in front of him.

Some extremely powerful duelist. The duel with him not only made Suojia realize what the natural chasm of strength is, but also the dangers of the world.

Elves really need to learn to protect themselves when they go out. Otherwise, it would be a disaster to play cards and get passed by the opponent's NTR, and also be disgusted by the blocking effect of one's own.

Of course, the nightmare ended with his defeat, and he died due to his proud trick. His health points returned to zero, and severe pain coursed through his body. For a moment, he felt as if he had sunk into the deep sea, drifting with the current in a dark whirlpool.

It was like the cold water from the underworld swallowed him up, dragging him into the dark and bottomless abyss. He struggled hard but was still unable to do anything. He could only feel that his half-resurrected consciousness was swallowed up by darkness again.

Then I woke up with a start.

It was a good risk, but fortunately it was just a dream.

The Suojia Elf let out a long breath and regained his composure.

Although it was a nightmare, it was also a bit too scary. It took him a while to regain consciousness and began to look around at his surroundings.

Um? Where is this?

Suojia was stunned for a moment and realized that he seemed to be in a special space.

Because he is an elf of a duel monster, he seems to be able to recognize that this is some kind of subspace, a special area where the elf possessed by the duelist can live, and a military camp where warriors who have not been sent out to fight are waiting.

Well, the common name is called "card group".

However, Suojia is a half-dead elf summoned by San Lengtouqing. He is a lonely ghost without a master. Where can he find the deck space?

With a bit of confusion, Suojia tried to get out of this space and poked his head out to take a look.

Then he trembled instinctively, as if his whole body had fallen into an ice cave.

It's him!

The devil in the dream!

"You're awake."

Yu Xuan, who was studying the construction based on the new card he just acquired, noticed the android poking his head, so he temporarily put aside the work at hand and turned around, smiling.

He considers himself to be a kind and friendly leader with a sunny and gentle smile. But unexpectedly, the elf's reaction was as if he had seen a ghost, and he suddenly shrank back: "What did you do to me!?"

"Why are you talking so strangely? People will think I did something outrageous to you."

You Xuan muttered.

"Have you forgotten the contract of the Dark Duel?"

Suojia was stunned.

Then the conversation between the two parties before the card game came to mind.

"If you lose, you will become my card."

He couldn't remember the original words, but in his mind, Yu Xuan was like a devil smiling evilly, shaking the "Artificial Man-Psychic Shocker" card in his hand and saying this.

Suojia's body trembled involuntarily.

So the nightmare is real

If there's anything scarier than the nightmare itself, it might be waking up and realizing you're still in it.

He arranged a dark duel, risking his own body. And then obviously, he lost.

The Soga Elf was frustrated.

In the nightmare, it was just his clone that was sent to the other side, but when I woke up, I found that the traitor was actually myself. It's hard to say which is scarier, dreams or reality.

That's it, let's make peace with it as it comes.

In fact, after he calmed down, Suojia thought carefully about the card game last night and felt that he was not at a loss.

If we put aside some of this person's actions in the duel that could easily cause personal grudges, to be fair, Suojia feels that this person is quite strong among the duelists.

As a duel monster elf, meeting a powerful master is actually not a bad thing.

It’s just that the card game last night was really frustrating, and the more I thought about it, the angrier I became.

No, at least we have to fight for some basic face.

So Suojia, who accepted the reality, crossed his arms and nodded slightly.

"Well, I recognize your strength, duelist." He put on a superior attitude, "But I am a high elf, and if you want to control my power, you need to pay a corresponding price.

It's better to do this. I don't want three sacrifices. A sacrifice will be exchanged for loyalty."


The sound of a sword being unsheathed.

The shadows of two other elves appeared in the room at some unknown time.

The Silent Magician and the Chaos Warrior, with their staffs on one side and swords of light and darkness on the other, pointed at Suojia's head from the left and right.

Suojia looked at the staff and sword pointing at his head and fell into deep thought.

But it didn't take long, he only spent about a second thinking.

Then he changed his words.

"No need for sacrifices in exchange for loyalty."

The voice also became quieter.

MD, he can't afford to offend either of them.

At this time, the artificial talents truly realized their situation, or in other words, their younger brother's position in the team.

A second ago, he thought he was a noble six-star, a high-level elf. In the end, he turned out to be the weakest player on the team.

A silent magician usually looks harmless to humans and animals, but he can change his appearance at any time. You can raise and lower stars at will, making them big, small, cute or controllable. At first glance, it seems that he only has four stars, but if he shows his power, he can obviously beat him with two stars with one hand.

Not to mention the one next to it.

The legendary warrior of chaos!

Who can afford to offend this special meow?

"Don't be like this." You Xuan said with a smile, "We will all be partners from now on. How bad is it to use knives and guns? Put it away quickly."

The Chaos Warrior and the Silent Magician looked at each other, put away their swords and staffs, and stepped aside.

"That's right. Everyone must get along well with each other in the future and not bully new teammates."

That’s right, did you hear what the master said? Don't bully new teammates.

Suojia unconsciously retreated behind You Xuan at some point and secretly looked at the two expressionless elves opposite.

The Chaos Warrior and Silent Magician looked at each other again and nodded.

"Then let's have fun dueling together from now on~"

The Suojia Elf also nodded quickly, saying that he would be of the same mind as everyone in the future.

The dormitory was filled with a cheerful atmosphere.

"By the way, in last night's duel, your deck was very powerful." You Xuan said.

The Suojia Elf waved his hand, indicating that it was not worth a penny. Wasn't this still beaten to pieces by the master?

"No, it's pretty awesome. And I haven't seen many of the cards exclusive to the Android deck. In our world, they are all rare cards. They're so awesome."

You Xuan expressed his admiration.

In fact, after the duel last night, he immediately wanted to lick the bag, but he found that Suojia's deck was just like the one shown in the animation, all of which were conjured out of thin air. After Suojia was knocked unconscious, the deck of cards disappeared.

But it doesn't matter.

Anyway, now Suojia has joined their big family, and the family does not distinguish between each other. The elf's is equivalent to his own, there is no difference.

The Suojia Elf was stunned for two seconds, and then reacted immediately.

He turned his palm, and a burst of electricity surged in his palm. The flying light spots quickly transformed into a deck of cards in his hand and handed it to You Xuan.

"Yes! Yes, yes, here!"

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