Who let him play Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 169 There are still masters

Becas actually asked his name when he came up, but did not ask the other two people who were traveling with him. You Xuan was a little surprised.

From the corner of his eye, You Xuan caught sight of Ye Xing, who was watching from behind without saying a word.

It should be that Ye Xing went back and mentioned to Becas about their last fight?

It's not impossible.

So Yugen replied politely but jokingly: "Fugenki Yugen. Mr. Bekas can call me Yugenboy~"

This is Becca's classic mouth habit. In the original work, there was a Game Boy called Kaiba Boy. Now that Becas is a senior and a bit older than Yu Xuan, it is not surprising to call him boy.

Becas laughed.

"Okay, boy Yu Xuan~, as expected, he is an interesting duelist as Ye Xing said~"

He felt relieved when he heard that Uncle Bei's accent was just as charming as he remembered.

"As Tianma said, we need not only enthusiasm for card design, but also unbridled imagination and a pioneering spirit."

Becas turned to face everyone and said.

"If we are just satisfied with the status quo and if we are afraid of making changes, the road will not be opened in front of us. So I hope everyone can open up their minds and have the courage to try like Boy Xuan."

When the big boss spoke, the experts naturally agreed.

"That's what Mr. Bekas said."

"He is a role model for our fellow researchers!"

Then Bekas turned around, patted Yu Xuan on the shoulder, smiled and said softly: "Look after you, Yu Xuan Boy~"

After saying that, he turned and left.

Sanze, who seemed to be a transparent person next to him, swallowed his saliva and looked at Yu Xuan strangely.

It was originally rumored that he was the man who was favored by Seto Kaiba, but now it seems that Mr. Becas, who is known as the father of duel monsters, is also interested in him.

Misawa became more and more convinced that his initial judgment was correct.

From the construction, playing cards to printing cards, this guy's whole person is unscientific from head to toe. Or rather, it is precisely because it is so unscientific that it naturally attracts the attention of big guys no matter where it goes.

Damn it, you were obviously standing side by side with him, why did the boss who passed you by just ignore you?

He obviously has good grades and studies very hard.

Size Tiantian fell into deep thought.

It seemed that Becas had not just arrived. He might have been secretly observing during the duel just now.

The reason why it came up at this time after reading the cards, Yu Xuan speculated that it was not only because Tianma Yexing mentioned him to him, but also probably because the duel just now also aroused his interest.

Tianma Yexing may also be responsible for hosting this meeting, and may have said something to Bekas. So they knew that although Asuka was the main force in using electronic decks, it was Yu Xuan who actually controlled the research direction.

In other words, the electronic angel with a strange painting style and a legacy of Wei Wu must have been his idea.

Becas's attitude seemed to be appreciative of this.

But when You Xuan thought about it, he felt that it was the same.

When Bekas was the BOSS during the Duel Kingdom, his cartoon deck also enjoyed turning the opponent's monsters into cartoon versions. As the ultimate trump card, the Najimo series is the originator of NTR that had a full underworld index in the early years.

As well as the story of when he took out the dragon seal pot and made President Haima smoke from his orifices, etc.

Looking back from this point of view, he should actually be the one with the most thief spirit. If one were to rank seniority among the Yu-Gi-Oh Underworlders, even the famous Malik Massan would have to be called a senior.

You Xuan seemed to have some realization.

Sure enough, avatars of the same type are attracted to each other. Maybe it is similar hidden qualities that attracted Uncle Bei's attention.

It seems that after today's meeting, the International Illusion Society's sponsorship is determined to be obtained.


At the beginning of the meeting, experts basically began to introduce the results of their respective teams in turn.

You Xuan also quickly noticed that the so-called results did not necessarily mean printing new cards. Many people just proposed some new ideas or directions that had been verified to a certain extent and compiled them into papers.

After all, innovative breakthroughs don’t happen every day, and not everyone can predict the future like he did.

There were not no new cards that appeared at the meeting, but at least Yu Xuan felt that most of them seemed to be stuffed into the card box by the Gou K Club with unknown meanings to make up the numbers.

But that's normal. If you casually fish out of Yu-Gi-Oh's bottomless card pool, the probability of fishing out a handful of things of unknown meaning is really high.

For example, the strangest thing I saw today was this one.

[Trap Card-Report of Bad Luck

Effect: The opponent's next combat phase is performed twice. 】

You Xuan must admit that he really didn't remember that there was such a card in the card pool.

how to say

Can't say it's useless. Because a big boss said that there are no completely useless cards in Yu-Gi-Oh. No matter how weird or useless something seems, there's always an acrobatic trick that works.

But it can only be said that it is indeed difficult to control, and it tests the player's imagination.

There is another piece of unknown meaning.

[Magic Card-Evil Ritual

Effect: The positions of all monsters on the field are exchanged, and the positions of monsters activated during the turn cannot be changed. This card can only be activated during the preparation phase. 】

At first glance, it seems like there's nothing wrong with it. Cards that force the entire field to change their positions are quite useful.

But look again at second glance.

Usually magic?

Can it only be activated during the preparation phase?

One sentence left people confused.

As we all know, in the game Yu-Gi-Oh!, magic is usually a one-speed effect and can only be used during one's main stage. In the preparation phase, only second-speed effects such as trap cards and quick-attack magic can be activated.

In other words, the effect of this card is contradictory at first glance, and it is impossible to use it.

Then I heard the expert giving the speech explain that after working hard all night and going through many difficulties, their team finally managed to overcome the problem that this card could never be activated.

After the technical upgrade of their team, although [Evil Ritual] is still a normal magic card, it can be put on the field through cover and can be activated in the next player's own preparation phase.

You Xuan: "."

Well, it’s really an epic breakthrough.

In fact, in reality, the decision of the Secretariat of this card is really like this. As an ancient card, many people thought at first glance that it was printed incorrectly during the early design of K Club. However, later, according to the adjustment of the Secretariat, it was added that although this card is a magic card, it can indeed be concealed through concealment. Activate on the field during the preparation phase of your next turn.

This is also the only normal magic card in the entire Yu-Gi-Oh card pool that can be actively activated during the preparation phase. It can indeed be said to be a breakthrough development that can be recorded in history.

However, there are actually only two cards of unknown meaning today. Although the reports from other people were nothing eye-catching, they were considered normal and nothing worth mentioning.

Soon according to the list, it was Yu Xuan's turn.

"The results of the student team from Duel Academy should have been presented in advance through duels before the meeting."

Tianma Yexingdao presided over the meeting.

"So, do you want to explain it in detail in the form of a report? Or..."


You Xuan stood up and smiled.

"That's just part of the results we brought this time."

Everyone: "?"

He and Misawa looked at each other, and the latter understood, stood up and took out a few cards that had been printed and ready.

"Actually, our team's research projects are not just in the electronics direction."

"We have also done some research on the relationship between the monsters and the undead and strengthened several monster cards based on the original ones."

Experts: "???"

Are there any experts?

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