Who let him play Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 170 Legalizing the Divine Draw

In the end, You Xuan received fund sponsorship from the International Illusion Society without any surprise.

But this is natural.

Even if we don’t mention that he is an acquaintance with the organizer during the night tour, the results produced by their laboratory today are already eye-catching enough.

The achievements of electronic angels are already significant enough, and Misawa has also prepared achievements related to the undead.

In addition to the Minotaur and Horse-headed Ghosts mentioned before, they also proved an important fact related to race through this card enhancement. That is, the "yokai" monsters currently circulating in the anime world are actually branches of the "undead". After further development, they can all evolve into the larger category of "undead".

For monsters and undead users, this is a truly epoch-making discovery.

This means that all currently known Yokai monsters can enjoy the convenience of the undead universal card. At the same time, powerful effects like the horse-headed ghost that were originally limited to the unpopular race of the Yokai can also be extended to Used in the undead realm.

This discovery not only proves the potential of the cards they have developed, but also points out the future research and development direction of the entire race, pointing out the future for all researchers in the entire related field.

It is a truly groundbreaking discovery!

Of course, to them it was a groundbreaking discovery, but to Yu Xuan he just managed to prove something he already knew.

Because the monster race is originally a race unique to anime and does not exist in Yu-Gi-Oh Real Cards. All Yokai monsters in the original work have been included in the category of "Undead" after being implemented as real cards.

So he quickly guessed this theory, so all that was left was to give Misawa Daichi some inspiration and let him work hard in this direction to prove it.

But this is truly an extraordinary discovery for this world. Especially considering that the ones who discovered this were actually the new students of Duel Academy, and these are only part of the results they have achieved in the short time since they entered school.

The experts participating in the meeting gave a series of skillful combos on the spot, such as "gasp" and "so terrifying".

It was as if I could see a new star rising in the Inka world.


At the end of the meeting, Tianma Yexing and Bekas exchanged a few words in a low voice. Then Bekas glanced at You Xuan and others, smiled mysteriously, nodded lightly, and then turned around and left.

Pegasus Ye Xing stood up and walked towards them.

"It's really surprising." Ye Xing smiled, "It turns out that not only is it a duel, you also have such a talent in development."

"It's a fluke." You Xuan shook hands with him and smiled, "It's mainly because my colleagues are reliable."

Misawa and Asuka in the back felt a little embarrassed when they heard this.

In fact, they were the ones brought flying by the great god.

"It's so rare to come out today, it's not far from the headquarters." Ye Xing invited politely, "How about, do you have time to stop by the headquarters for a meal?"

Misawa and Asuka were both shocked.

Could it be that the headquarters is the headquarters of the International Illusion Society?

A place where duel monsters have revived in modern times, a holy place for thousands of duelists?

You Xuan consulted the two people for their opinions, and they naturally said that they had no objections and would not miss such a golden opportunity.

"That would be troublesome."

"Haha, no trouble." Ye Xing smiled mysteriously, "Besides, there are still people who want to see you."

But he didn't reveal any more details for the time being, saying he would find out when he got there. So after the meeting, the three of them temporarily followed Ye Xing and took a car to the International Illusion Society.

The boss's car is indeed different. The driver's seat is blocked in the front by an exquisite soundproof partition, like a small independent space for the driver, while the rear is a different world.

The spacious seats are soft and flexible, and the roof sunroof is slightly open. The sound system plays soft music, and the melody echoes in the cabin.

No one said a word for the first few minutes of the journey. Until halfway, Ye Xing suddenly spoke.

"Have you ever studied the principle of quantum superposition on a microscopic scale in Duel Academy?"

The three of them looked at each other.

"I didn't learn it in the academy, but I know a little bit about it myself." Misawa said hesitantly, "What's wrong?"

Nightwalk smiles.

"Nothing. It's just some insights from my recent personal research, and I feel that a certain theory may be relevant to us duelists."

He paused and explained.

"There is a theory that the state of particles is ambiguous before measurement and is in a superposition state of possibilities. It will randomly appear in one state only when it is measured."

No one said anything, just waiting for him to continue.

“Then it was also suggested that for duelists, if you think of cards as particles, then at the beginning of the duel, the deck is in that ambiguous state.

Before being drawn by the duelist, the card is in a superposition of possibilities. The real decision is only made the moment the card is drawn. "

You Xuan: "."

He suddenly remembered that when he was surfing the Internet in his previous life, he seemed to have seen similar statements among poker players who were fond of imaginary settings. Youdao is about indecision in quantum mechanics, and the settings of other blockbuster movies can be applied casually. There is no reason why our Yu-Gi-Oh!

So this magical theory of legalizing magic came into being.

"For example, I have a deck of cards here."

Night Walk reveals a deck of playing cards. Shuffle the cards, then draw the top card and reveal it to everyone.

JOKER, the king.

"Look, I drew the biggest card in the deck."

Ye Xing smiled, took it back, shuffled the cards again, and pulled out the top card.

Still the king.

"This is just an ordinary deck of cards. There are no tricks, and I didn't use any magic tricks. But..."

Ye Xing shuffled the cards for the third time, but this time he did not draw any more cards, but looked at the three of them.

"Would any of you want to draw a card and compare it with me?"

After a moment of silence, Asuka said, "I'll do it."

Immediately he reached out and took out one.

Night Travel also drew one.

The two of them compared cards with each other.

Yakou drew a jack of spades, and Asuka drew a nine of diamonds.

"Well, I'm lucky. It looks like I'm a little older." Ye Xing smiled, "But you're also pretty good at it."

Asuka was puzzled: "I don't understand."

"If I were just amusing myself, I could easily draw the biggest card. I would only miss two or three times out of ten."

Ye Xing said.

"But if we proceed with the premise of 'taking on a powerful duelist as our opponent', it doesn't seem to be that easy."

You Xuan seemed to have guessed what he meant.

"This is the 'power' that is called a duelist." Ye Xing said, "A powerful duelist has the ability to rewrite the future invisibly. And this ability can only be truly implemented in a duel.

The duel between masters is not only a duel of decks and tactics, but also a process in which each other's 'power' and each other's destiny collide. No, it is not just the fate of both parties. For the top experts, the outcome of the duel may rewrite the future of the world. "

Classic card playing changes the world. However, this is already common sense to Yu Xuan, but it still seems a bit far away for Misawa and Asuka who have not really been exposed to the extraordinary. For a moment, both of them didn't know how to react.

The car stopped.

"Just chatting to pass the time." Ye Xing smiled and put away the playing cards, "I just thought it would be best if it could inspire you in your future duelist paths. But if you don't agree, just think that I'm here Just make nonsense.

After all, it's not a rigorous and proven theory, so Duel Academy probably won't talk about it yet. "

He got up and got out of the car. Three people followed him.

What they faced at this time was the building of the International Illusion Society.

But the night march stopped before entering the door.

"Actually, I have another request today." He turned to look at You Xuan and said slowly, "My brother said that he got quite a lot of inspiration from his duel with you, and I have always been curious about it.

So actually I have been looking forward to having such an opportunity.”

he requested politely.

"Can you try a duel with me?"

You Xuan was stunned.

younger brother?

Wait a minute.

"you are.?"

"Oh, I am Tianma Yuexing, Ye Xing's twin brother."

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