Who let him play Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 173 Endless equipment attack

Catapult Turtle, summon!

You Xuan frowned slightly.

Good guy, even the catapult turtles are out.

Needless to say, this thing is a legendary monster that has left a mark in the history of Yu-Gi-Oh! Not only is it well known as a commonly used monster in Muto games, but it is also long-lasting and active in various acrobatic FTK (First Strike Kill) routines, and is the soul card of countless acrobatic players.

"The effect of 'Jade Sword', this card is sent from the field to the graveyard, and I draw a card from the deck." (Original card)

It is also the original equipment card used by Wan Zhangmu and Yu Xuan in their first battle.

"Then there is the effect of the catapult turtle." Yue Xing said, "This card can directly inflict damage equal to half the attack power of the sacrificed monster to the opponent by sacrificing the monsters on its field." (Old version of the effect)

The key point of this effect is that it doesn't happen once per round, which is why it becomes the key to one-turn kills in various acrobatics.

Of course, this effect has been harmonized in 2014. The new version of the effect adds a limit of once per round, which is greatly weakened.

There's certainly no reason for a catapult turtle in this world to have that kind of restriction.

"Oh no, the 'Messenger of Harmony' can prevent combat damage and combat damage, so we switched to effect damage. Yu Xuan's HP is 2000, and Mr. Pegasus has plenty of ammunition on the field."

Misawa's expression suddenly became solemn.

"This is the legendary duelist." Asuka couldn't help but feel nervous for Yugen, "Not even the 'Messenger of Peace' could block the rhythm of his attack."

As he spoke, he looked at You Xuan worriedly.

Can you take this move?

"The first is the 'Power of Unity'!" Yue Xing said, "Use the 'Power of Unity' as a sacrifice and give half of the attack power as damage."

The power of unity still has an attack power of 3700, and just one blow will cause considerable damage!

But You Xuan snapped his fingers.

"Then counterattack trap - Heavenly Punishment!" You Xuan said, "Discard a card in your hand, and the effect monster's effect will be invalidated and destroyed!"

He picked another card from his hand and discarded it into the graveyard, and thick dark clouds immediately gathered over the field. The chaotic and deep lead-gray clouds seemed to absorb all the darkness. The lightning flashed, countless silver snakes danced wildly, and the divine thunder tore out from the dark clouds. With the majesty and terror of the god, it exploded the catapult turtle into pieces with one blow.

"You can even prevent this. It's amazing."

Yue Xing raised his arms to block the impact and dust, and smiled slightly.

"However, since I summoned 'Catapult Turtle' this turn, I activate the magic card 'Treasure of Heaven and Earth' from my hand!" (Original card)

Another magic card appeared in front of Yue Xing.

"Draw two cards from the deck during the round when you have performed a superior summoning. However, the drawn cards cannot be used this round. If they can be set, they must cover at least one card."

Yue Xing drew two more cards.

"Then activate this magic covering the field again."

He waved his hand.

"Magic card 'Armed Reincarnation'!" (Original card)

As the magic card flipped, several more equipment cards appeared on his field!

Sanze was shocked: "It's actually the second one!?"

You Xuan was also surprised, but soon understood. Of course it is impossible to invest only one card in a deck like this, which is a key tactical card, if conditions permit.

"I don't think I need to repeat the effect." Yue Xing said, "Resurrect the 'Power of Unity', 'Power of Magister', and 'Jade Sword' in the graveyard as equipped monsters with attack power and defense power of 500. !”

[Power of unity, attack power 500]

[Power of the Magister, attack power 500]

[Jade Sword, defense power 500]

"And they get their own equipment effects, and their attack power increases!" Yue Xing said, "There are five monsters on the field, so the attack power of Unity Power increases by 4,000 points!

I have four equipment cards in the front field and one cover card in the back field, for a total of five magic traps. The attack power of Magister Power will increase the number of magic traps on your field x500, which is an increase of 2500! "

[Power of unity, attack power 500 → attack power 4500]

[Power of the Magister, attack power 500 → attack power 3000]

This time, the Jade Sword with the lowest attack power is in defense position.

"Then I will cover three more cards to the backfield!" Yue Xing shouted, "At this moment, because the number of magic and trap cards on the field has increased, each one increases the attack power of the Mage's Power by another 500, totaling Increase by 1500 more!”

[Power of the Magister, attack power 3000 → attack power 4500]

"We returned to this formation in an instant." Misawa took a deep breath, "There are two more monsters with an attack power of 4,500."

Fortunately, the combat stage of this round has passed. With the "Messenger of Peace" protecting Yue Xing, he can no longer launch attacks for the time being.

Asuka said nothing, but she was thinking the same thing as Misawa.

The legendary duelist is so terrifying!

Then his eyes couldn't help but shift to You Xuan again.

He looked the same as usual, no difference could be seen.

This was something she noticed very early on. There is always an inexplicable calmness in Yu Xuan's duels, no matter when facing any opponent.

Whether it's a master, a rookie, or a legend, they all seem to be just "dueling opponents" to him. There was no tension or passion in his duel.

There is a weird feeling like "I just randomly played my cards and played casually, and somehow I won".

Therefore, including Asuka, many people in the academy always felt that he had never been serious about anyone.

Asuka has always been like others, feeling that this is his calmness and absolute confidence based on his own strength. Maybe he didn't feel that any opponent he encountered in the academy was worthy of his all-out effort.

But now it seems that he behaves like this when facing an opponent of this level.

"My turn is to draw a card." You Xuan said, "The moment it enters the preparation phase, the effect of the 'Nephthys Phoenix God' in the graveyard that was destroyed in the previous round was activated.

The Phoenix God was reborn from the graveyard in his next preparation phase after being destroyed by the effect and sent to the graveyard! "

Yue Xing's expression changed slightly: "Nephthys Phoenix God? But when."

Then he suddenly realized and remembered the blown-up card in his hand that he was a little concerned about in the last round.

"The card in the hand that the prayer destroyed"

"Yes, the card in the hand that was destroyed by the Prayer last round was the 'Nephthys Phoenix God'." You Xuan said, "And because it was destroyed by the effect instead of discarded, the Phoenix God's effect can be triggered.

Turn into the divine flame that burns everything and be reborn in Nirvana! "

Tianma Yuexing frowned: "You can actually trigger the regeneration ability by destroying cards from your hand."

The blazing divine flames gathered in the sky, as red as the burning sunset, and like molten iron in a furnace. The blazing beam of light that shot straight into the sky descended as if it transcended the boundaries of time and space, transforming into the form of a burning divine bird.

[Nephthys Phoenix God, attack power 2400]

Misawa immediately understood something: "That's right! The Phoenix God can destroy all magic traps in the field, and although the equipment card summoned by Mr. Pegasus is used as a monster, it is still a magic card at the same time."

Asuka also understood: "The power of the Phoenix God is the nemesis of this equipment combination!"

You Xuan raised his arm, and the divine bird wrapped in flames burned behind him.

"When Phoenix God's effect is successfully resurrected by its own effect, all magic and trap cards on the opponent's field will be destroyed!"

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