Who let him play Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 174 The destruction of magic

"Did you use the Nirvana effect to summon the Phoenix God in this situation?" Yue Xing frowned, "It is indeed the most troublesome monster for me in the current situation.


He raised his arm and opened another cover card.

"Activate the trap - the curse of fantasy!" (original card)

The trap card released an imprint that looked like a magic circle, and it was wrapped around the Phoenix God like a shackle. The flames on the Phoenix God suddenly dimmed, as if it was bound and unable to be released for a while.

"The curse of fantasy can impose a curse on a monster on the field!" Yue Xing said, "The special abilities of the cursed monster are invalid, and the attack power is reduced by 500 points!"

[Nephthys Phoenix God, attack power 2400 → attack power 1900]

Asuka immediately exclaimed that it was a pity: "It's just a little bit short. If the Phoenix God's effect passes, we can almost complete the clearing."

But You Xuan was not surprised at all. After all, it is an opponent of this level. There are four equipment monsters in the front field and four blocks in the back field. It would be unscientific to blow up eight cards in one blow without any countermeasures.

"Then enter the main stage and activate the magic card 'Advanced Card Draw'." You Xuan said, "Sacrifice the eight-star or above monsters on your field and draw two cards.

Use the "Nephthys Phoenix God" cursed by the trap as a sacrifice and draw cards from the deck. "

The Phoenix God disintegrated into light points and dissipated, and the light points scattered into the deck. Yu Xuan draws two more cards.

When he caught a glimpse of one of the pictures he had taken advantage of this time, You Xuan couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth slightly.


Yue Xing instinctively sensed something strange.

Did this draw another game-breaking thing?

"Activate the magic card 'Angel's Alms', draw three cards from the deck, and then discard two cards from your hand to the graveyard."

You Xuan draws a card and adds it to his hand, then picks two more cards from his hand and discards them.

"The next thing I want to summon is this card. I sacrifice the 'Prayer of Nephthys' on the field."

As Yu Xuan waved his hand, the cards fell onto the duel plate with a snap.

"Superior summons! The nemesis of magic, the magic-sealing weapon——

——Magic canceller, summon! "


Yuexing loses his composure.

Magic canceller?

To actually take out something like this so coldly

"That's right, we can't activate magic cards when the magic canceller is on the field, and the effects of the magic cards on the field are also invalid."

You Xuan said.

"The effect of 'Armed Reincarnation' is to summon the equipment cards in the graveyard as monsters, and those equipment effects are treated as their respective monster effects. However, they are still magic cards at the same time, so their respective effects will be affected by the 'Magic Canceller' invalid."

Well, it sounds like it will be very troublesome for the Secretariat to decide. Maybe this is why "Armed Reincarnation" has not been implemented yet.

In fact, if he had to make a blind guess, if he really wanted to turn it into a real card, maybe the effect would be to specially summon the tokens on the field, and then pull up the equipment in the graveyard to equip the tokens. Maybe it would be a little more scientific.

Of course, this is still an anime world, so it still has the original effect. Of course Yu Xuan knew his signature tactics before his duel with Yue Xing, so the "Magic Canceller" was a targeted adjustment for this purpose.

Otherwise, the main deck of [Chaos Mutated Phoenix God] would not have included a magic canceller.

Although magic monsters are rare, they should be based on the more common trap monsters in the real card environment. Trap monsters have the dual characteristics of trap cards and monster cards, and will be affected by both "trap effects and monster effects" in the real card judgment.

So the same should apply to magical monsters.

"As a result, all your equipped monsters will lose their respective effect increases." You Xuandao, "The attack power and defense power will only be reduced to the initial 500 points when summoned by 'Armed Reincarnation'."

[Power of unity, attack power 4500 → attack power 500]

[Power of the Magister, attack power 4500 → attack power 500]

[Devil's Ax, attack power 1500 → attack power 500]

Except for the "Jade Sword" that was summoned in defense position, the other equipment suddenly changed from a big monster to a breakthrough with only 500 attacks.

"Then chain the summons of the 'Magic Neutralizer' and activate Gaika——"

Tianma Yuexing also responded immediately.

"Trap Card - Riptide Burial! When a monster is summoned, all monsters will be destroyed!"

Starting Torrent Burial at this juncture would undoubtedly cost him a lot of blood. He has five monsters on the field, and Yu Xuan only has one monster on the field. Coupled with the Torrent Burial he initiated himself, it can almost be said to be six for one.

But he had a hunch that if he didn't do this and a bunch of monsters with 500 attack points were left on the field, he might not survive the next round.

And even if he can survive it, if he misses this opportunity, he will probably be unable to counterattack under the suppression of the "magic seal" in the next round.

The sea-blue torrent rolls in like a violent flood. Roaring, roaring, like thousands of troops galloping across the field.

Although it fell into a box, the Magic Canceller single-handedly replaced an entire division on the opposite side and had completed its glorious mission. There were a series of explosions in the half of Yue Xing's side, and the scene was quite spectacular.

completely annihilated!

"You are so decisive. Then I have already used the normal summon this round, so I can't summon any more monsters. But..."

You Xuan slowly drew another card from his hand.

"Remove from the game the light attribute monster 'Blade Knight' that was just discarded from your hand to the graveyard, and the dark attribute monster 'Apprentice Magician' in the graveyard."

Yue Xing's eyelids twitched again.

Is this round of offensive not over yet?

And this starting move, this summoning condition, could it be that

"The souls of light and darkness are sacrificed to the field of chaos, calling for the strongest warrior in the legend! The world is opened——"

He raised the monster card in his hand, as if a dazzling golden light burst out from the card.

Chaos warriors - the messengers of enlightenment, have arrived!

In the chaos where order and rules were subverted, the sword energy of light and darkness pierced the sky. Light and darkness intertwined, like the intersection of Yin and Yang, darkness and chaos were chopped apart, and the warriors in armor held long swords, like divine soldiers descending from the sky.

[Chaos Warrior-Emissary of the Opening, attack power 3000]

Yue Xing's expression became solemn: "After clearing the area, the Chaos Warriors were summoned immediately."

"Chaos warriors attack directly!" You Xuandao, "Open up the double-breaking slash!"

The chaotic and blazing sword of light and darkness was raised high, the tip of the sword pointed directly at the sky. A powerful momentum exploded, and the guidance of the sword energy formed a vortex of light and darkness, turning into thousands of sword shadows sweeping across Yue Xing's body.


The three-dimensional images of sword shadows in the sky were so loud that Yue Xing stumbled back a few steps, half-kneeling on the ground with her hands on her chest.

[Moonline, LP 4000→LP 1000]

"Then add another card and the round is over."

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