Who let him play Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 175 The arrival of artificial angels

"My turn, draw a card."

It was Yue Xing's turn again, and he took a moment to adjust his breathing.

The Magic Neutralizer is indeed something unexpected, and it is indeed a one-card armed tactic. It is a very difficult monster for Yue Xing.

If it were a deck built entirely that relied on "Armed Reincarnation", it might just go bankrupt if it encountered such a thing.

Of course, masters will never bet on a set of tactics.

Of course, there are other possibilities sleeping in Tianma Yuexing's deck.

"No wonder Seto Kaiba and Yakou immediately noticed your difference. It's true that I haven't encountered such an opponent worth fighting for in a long time."

The moon moves in a righteous way.

“But I’m far from reaching my limit yet!

Activate the cover card and trap card ‘Goblin’s Management Skill’! "

One of the traps in his backfield is activated.

"You can draw the number of 'Goblin Management Skills' cards in the graveyard + 1 from your deck, and then select a card from your hand and return it to the bottom of the deck."

At this time, there are 0 "Goblin Management Skills" in Yuexing Cemetery, which means that if the effect is dealt with now, he draws a card, and then selects a card in his hand to return to the deck.

"Then activate the second one in the chain!" Yue Xing said, "It's also the trap card 'Goblin's Management Technique'!

But it’s not over yet, let’s activate this card again in a chain.”

Yue Xing waved his hand quickly and showed another card in his hand.

"Quick Attack Magic - Very Food! Send any number of magic and trap cards on your field to the graveyard, and each card will restore 1,000 health points to yourself!"

He pointed to the other two traps that had been activated on the field.

"Send two pieces of 'Goblin's Business Technique' to the graveyard to restore 2,000 health points!"

[Moonline, LP 1000→LP 3000]

Gold medal commentator Misawa recognized the essence of this combination immediately with his superior professionalism: "Awesome! Leaving the trap card on the field will not affect the calculation of the effect!

The 'Ultra Food' that was activated later sent it to the graveyard before the effect of the management skills was resolved. In this way, when the effects of the two 'Goblin's Management Skills' were resolved, all the management skills existing in the graveyard had become Got two”

Pegasus Tsukiyuki: "Therefore, based on the effect of each 'Goblin Manipulator', I draw the number of Manipulators in the graveyard + 1 from the deck, which is three cards!

Draw a total of six cards, then select two cards from your hand and return them to the bottom of the deck! "

Yue Xing waved his arms widely and cleared the floor to get six cards into his hand.

"At the same time, I replenished a lot of cards in my hand and restored my health." Asuka also had to express her admiration, "You can use the duel rules so skillfully."

Sanze was silent and secretly glanced at You Xuan again.

He remembered that You Xuan said that he defeated Yuexing's younger brother, Tianma Yexing.

The more I realize how terrifying my opponent is, the more I think about it - can this guy even win against such an opponent?

"The magic card 'Angel's Alms', draw three cards from the deck, and then discard the two cards in your hand."

Yue Xing picked two more cards from his hand and threw them into the graveyard, but one of them quickly popped up again with a burst of golden light.

"One of the discarded cards is another 'Learning Elf'!" Yue Xing said, "This card enters the graveyard and you can draw a card!" (Original card)

Tianma Yuexing draws another card.

Then he smiled slightly.

"I was in disbelief when Ye Xing first told me about it, but now I completely believe it. Yu Xuan-san, you are indeed a special duelist.

Just like what Ye Xing felt in the duel, I also felt it in this duel, the urge to unleash all my strength and not hesitate to surpass myself to defeat you."

He closed his eyes lightly and said.

"It's really incredible. It's just the first time we met, but it feels like we are facing a peak that we want to try our best to overcome."

Misawa and Asuka looked at each other speechlessly, and for a moment they both seemed to understand the movement of the moon.

Indeed, they all had similar feelings as they had also dueled with Yu Xuan.

In a duel with this guy, within a few rounds you'll feel like you've hit a wall at every turn, and when you look up, you'll be surprised to find a majestic peak in front of you.

Then they will involuntarily try their best and rack their brains to break through this peak.

Of course, in the end they will lose.

Originally, they all thought that they were the only ones who felt this way.

Now it sounds like legendary duelists are all the same?

"Senior, you're honored. I'm nothing special. I just duel to the best of my ability." You Xuan smiled politely, "I'm also learning and improving in duels with my seniors."

"Do your best? Is that really the case?" Yue Xing smiled mysteriously.

But he didn't continue, he just changed the subject.

"Then let me continue to confirm. The effect of the 'Angel O1' in my hand."

Yuexing reveals a card in his hand.

"'Angel O1' can be specially summoned from the hand by showing the opponent a level 7 or higher monster in the hand."

As he spoke, he slowly pulled out another card in his hand and showed it again.

“I reveal the level seven ‘Angel O7’ in my hand, and use this to special summon ‘Angel O1’!”

[Angel O1, attack power 200]

You Xuan looked at the angel card displayed in Yue Xing's hand.

Angel O7, the ace monster in the original work.

He also remembered this card. Although it is not widely used in the real card environment, it was often used in various blockade formations.

When the angel O7 summoned by the superior is on the field, all monsters cannot activate their effects.

Just looking at the blocking effect, even in modern times it is a very powerful ability to silence the entire audience.

You Xuan frowned slightly.

It looks like something troublesome is about to appear.

"Then I usually summon the second 'Angel O1'!"

[Angel O1, attack power 200]

"The second effect of Angel O1. When this specially summoned card is on the field, in addition to the normal summons, I can also have another chance to advance summon monsters of level seven or above.

So I want to sacrifice two ‘Angel O1’!

The guardian of the Steel Wings is now awakening here——"

The two little angels disappeared into the storm of sacrifice. The pure white armor reflected the bright light. The pure white halo and the armor reflected each other. The incandescent light formed a sacred sanctuary.

"——Angel O7, summon!"

[Angel O7, attack power 2500]

The artificial angel descended, and the holy realm of white light spread rapidly until it enveloped the entire place, like a forbidden area sealed by a demon!

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