Who let him play Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 179 Who is the president?

After playing cards, You Xuan had a meal at the two Pegasus brothers from the International Illusion Club. During this period, Yuexing promised that they would be listed as a key sponsored laboratory, and would be given priority to obtain in-app purchases of rare cards from special channels of the International Illusion Society, and would enjoy the same discounts as internal staff.

In this way, Youxuan's card purchasing channels will be further expanded in the future. Through Yue Xing's sharing, he specifically downloaded the International Illusion Society's special store on the academy terminal. It seems that in the future, in addition to browsing the academy's store, browsing the new products in the Illusion Society store will also become part of his daily tasks.

By the way, many of the good-looking cards used in the Moonwalk Duel just now have their way.

Any other duelist would probably be very excited about the unlimited in-app purchase rights from International Illusion Society, the world's largest printing card manufacturer, and regard it as a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

But You Xuan's first reaction after hearing this was, ah? Still need to spend money?

I've always had free sex with Haima.

But it doesn't matter, he is not short of money for the time being anyway. Just by realizing all the rare cards in the deck that I picked up is a lot of money, not to mention that the previous rewards from the president have not been spent much.

All I can say is that it is comfortable to hold it with my thighs.

After this fruitful and enjoyable trip to the Illusion Society, the three of them returned to the academy that night.

Then, just as You Xuan expected, their newly established small laboratory soon became famous in the college.

This is also a matter of course. The research team established by the students has received sponsorship from the world's two top giants, Seahorse Company and International Illusion Society, with a series of amazing results. Just describing it sounds ridiculous.

At first it was among teachers, but soon it spread among students as well.

"Have you heard? Fujiki Yugen is the one who was very annoying in the duel in the yellow dormitory. He built an entire laboratory and even Kaiba and Becas invested in it!"

"Nani is so strong? So he really has a lot of background?"

"That's not the case. I heard that he and Seto Kaiba are close buddies, so good that they wear the same pair of pants together."

"What are you talking about?"


The more rumors spread, the more outrageous it becomes.

When You Xuan heard these rumors from Misawa, he was filled with questions. He thought to himself that he had only met the president a few times in total, and the total number of words he had spoken to him was less than ten. When did it become necessary for him to wear a pair of underpants?

Sure enough, the predecessors were right. Human nature is to love to eat melons, and people prefer to listen to stories than the truth, so some things can become more and more distorted as they spread.

It doesn't matter, it just makes it easier for them to recruit people.

After this meeting, the college paid more and more attention to their project, and even transferred people from the research department, saying that they could meet the development needs of Youxuan.

Then the funds from Kaiba Company and Illusion Society were in place, and Yu Xuan's laboratory was almost officially launched in a decent manner. As long as he controls the general direction based on his memory of the future direction of various decks, he should be able to start producing stable output soon.

Although he won this battle with Yue Xing, Yue Xing's words still gave You Xuan some inspiration.

"Are you going to duel with your heart?"

You Xuan reflects on himself.

But he felt that he had always been quite enthusiastic about dueling.

Although he is different from most duelists in this world, he has always enjoyed dueling. Especially committed to sharing this fun with more people.

As the saying goes, "Using duels to bring smiles", shouldn't this be the eternal truth of Yu-Gi-Oh?

All roads lead to Rome. There are tens of millions of "ways" for people to cultivate immortality and become gods. There is no reason why we can't play cards. He traveled around the city for ten generations and became a god by playing cards with passion. There is no reason why we can't lead Xiao.

So he felt that to put it bluntly, he still needed to play more, practice more, and gain more insights.

So You Xuan further increased the amount of daily actual combat training on the original basis.

The first choice base for selecting young men is naturally the Duel Club. He would take time to visit the Duel Club for several days in a row, and every time he would be surrounded by laughter.

Secondly, of course, there is the student union, which I have just joined. As a new member of the club, he quickly became involved with the old members of the student union. After more than a week, almost everyone in the club had been killed. No, they all had established friendships through duels.

During this period, I was practicing and also helped Senior Xinghua handle some trivial student union affairs.

It seems that the photography department and the art club of the college set their sights on the college garden venue on the same day, and while they were talking about taking photos and exhibiting their works at the cultural festival a week later, they also agreed to sketch today.

The presidents of both sides were said to be quarreling fiercely, with no one willing to give in.

So the gold medal mediator You Xuan entered the battle and showed the duel plate with a smile: "I have a plan. How about you all duel with me separately, and whoever wins will get priority. What do you think?"

The two presidents fell silent on the spot.

After only a moment of silence, the president of the Photography Department said: "I thought about it, but actually there is still time before the cultural festival starts. Why don't you sketch from life first? It's not impossible for us to come back in two days."

"No, no, no, you guys should go first." The president of the art society also became humble and kind, "When is sketching not writing? It would be bad if it delays the cultural festival exhibition."

"No, it's you first."

"It's better for you first."

You Xuan smiled: "That's easy. I've slightly modified the plan just now. You guys will duel with me separately. Whichever side wins, the other side will get priority. Is that okay?"

Presidents of both parties: "."

They seemed to understand something.

The cadres seemed to have no interest or concern about who was the winner in their argument.

He simply came here to play cards.


In the end, You Xuan got the card he wanted as he wished, and the conflict was successfully resolved.

He felt that the previous student council members' descriptions of both sides were a bit unfair. In his opinion, both sides were quite polite, modest and reasonable.

And it seems that from now on, they should be able to reason more calmly when they have any conflicts in club negotiations.

After that, new rumors gradually spread in the college.

There are rumors about the student council acquiring forbidden weapons.

Once you violate the rules or disobey management, depending on the seriousness of the situation, the Student Union may dispatch "that cadre" to enforce the rules.

For a time, all the major clubs were in panic, and it felt like a dark cloud had been cast over the club environment, just like the future of the dueling world.

But of course, during the follow-up process, the associations also discovered that "that cadre" seemed to take jobs based on his mood, and he didn't seem to be interested in getting involved in everything.

And the student union has gradually reached a subtle consensus with students in the management process.

As long as the violations did not go too far, they promised not to immediately use the power of "that cadre."

It's just that from now on, anyone who receives a warning from the student union may need to be wiser and restrain themselves as soon as possible.

After this strange balance was achieved, it was also commonly known as the "yellow deterrent" in the second half of the school year.

When You Xuan does go to the student union to find trouble, it all depends on his mood. Cards for earning extra credits and student union inventory are included, but they are mainly just for maintaining practice.

When he accepts a task, he actually doesn't care what it is. He only has one criterion, which is to see if there are any cards that can be played, if not, whether he can find a way to create a card to play, and whether the opponent is worth playing.

After a few times, Hinata Xinghua-senpai also summed up his screening rules. So she basically sorted out the tasks that Yu Xuan might be interested in, and didn't ask about the ones that he wouldn't take at a glance.

Just like today.

"So Yu Xuan-san, what do you think of this?"

Senior Sister Xinghua handed him a briefing sheet.

"About the on-site review of the establishment of a new society. Of course, you can also require the registered president to undergo a duel for review."

You Xuan waved his hand to show that he was not interested: "Is there anything else?"

The main reason is that he has fought against the president he applied for before, and there is no need to fight again.

Senior Sister Xinghua put away the briefing with some helplessness.

Suddenly, I couldn’t tell who was the president.

But there is no way. The laboratory of the man in front of me has not only received investment from both Kaiba Corporation and the International Illusion Society, but has also attracted much attention from the top management of the academy. Not to mention that there are rumors that he has an unusually close relationship with President Kaiba.

And what about her? He's just a little student council president. What else could it be?

"Huh? What is this?"

You Xuan had already picked up a report he caught out of the corner of his eye.

"Oh, well, some students have reported that there is a strange person wandering in the forest of the college in the middle of the night recently." Senior Sister Xinghua said, "It is said that this person is very powerful, and many Obelisk Blue students have been defeated by this person one after another.

And every time a duel ends, this weirdo must hunt down his opponent’s rare cards to show humiliation. Occasionally, when the circumstances are serious, he may even hunt down the duel disk as well.”

You Xuan was shocked.

Hunt for Duel Disks and Rare Cards?

There are such evil people in the world!

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