Who let him play Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 180 Even if a weirdo sees you, he will run away

Duel Academy, teaching building.

Two students from the yellow dormitory, one tall and one short, were walking in the corridor. When they were halfway there, they suddenly heard a rush of footsteps coming from the opposite staircase. A group of Obelisk Blue students ran over and faced each other head on.

The students in the blue dormitory stopped and frowned.

The leader stepped forward and said coldly: "The students from the La-Huang dormitory are walking arrogantly in the middle of the corridor. Don't you know if you should give way to us at this time?"

The tall yellow dormitory student frowned and stepped forward as if he wanted to say something. But the short companion tugged at the corner of his clothes and whispered, "No, no."

The tall student immediately lowered his head and followed his companions to step aside to make way.

"Huh, that's right."

The students in the blue dormitory received the treatment that the elites deserved, and they suddenly became more arrogant and said contemptuously: "People in the lower dormitories have to learn to correct their attitudes."

After saying that, he walked over with his head held high.

The short student in the yellow dormitory gritted his teeth, clenched his fists unconsciously, and looked in the direction where the people were leaving with a bit of resentment in his eyes.

But in less than a minute, the group of blue dormitory students would leave and come back again.

Following a series of thumping footsteps, he ran back from the front, shouting in a panic.

"Damn it, I actually met the guy from the yellow dormitory! I had to take a detour."

"Those in front should run faster! Otherwise, if you fall behind, you will be caught and taken to a duel!"


A group of people ran back along the original path in a hurry, passing in front of two students, one tall and one short.

The two people in Huang's dormitory were stunned for a while.

I can't figure out what kind of indescribable existence this group of people, who a minute ago were so superior to others, would panic like this, turn around and run away at the speed of light.

But then I looked towards the end of the passage and quickly understood.

It is the legend of their yellow dormitory that "that person" has arrived.


"It's strange. I've always heard people say that everyone in the blue dormitory is arrogant. When they see us in the yellow dormitory, they want to step on us?"

You Xuan held his chin and pondered.

"Why are they all so cowardly? It's unscientific and different from what I heard."

Next to him, Sanze hesitated to speak.

Don’t you know why people are so cowardly?

But in the end he remained silent.

"By the way, have you heard about the tennis minister Ayanokouji?" Misawa said, "Rumors say that he has the ability to rival Caesar in the blue dormitory."

"It's just rumors." You Xuan said casually.

He only had a vague impression. It seems to be using some kind of tennis card deck, which mainly focuses on reducing blood, and there is also a special victory card with original rules from the animation.

His duels were more like tennis than cards.

"Yes, I heard that Yujo Judai had a duel with that minister the day before yesterday, and he actually won. Some people said that they saw Minister Ayanokouji crying on the edge of the cliff facing the sunset all afternoon, shouting, 'Duel is the best thing. I hate it or something like that.”

You Xuan pondered.

Hmm, could it be that he was broken down by his Judai classmates?

What an unlucky minister.

Only then did the two of them notice the two students, one tall and one short, in the corridor.

"Ohara and Obara?" Misawa immediately recognized the two of them and stepped forward to say hello.

The tall man is called Ohara, and the short man is called Xiaohara. They are roommates in the same dormitory.

You Xuan also remembered it. The "rare card hunter" mentioned in recent rumors in the academy, a terrifying existence that is said to look like a giant spider monster, seems to be these two.

Ohara started school with the goal of getting a scientific research seal, so he was not good at dueling. Although Obara's dueling skills were evaluated by Misawa as being the best in Huang's dormitory, he was weak-willed and timid, and could easily be overwhelmed by his opponent's "power" in a duel.

Therefore, it is difficult for him to perform to his original level in actual combat, and he often misses opportunities due to pressure.

Because he was always looked down upon by the elites in the blue dormitory, Obara felt resentful, so he came up with the idea of ​​"rare card hunter".

The masked Ohara appears in the duel, while he hides in the dark and commands Ohara to play cards remotely through a headset, acting as a duelist behind the scenes.

Because you don't have to face your opponent directly, you can avoid being overwhelmed by the opponent's "power", and you can avoid pressure and make correct decisions.

The blue dormitory students who have been blocked by them so far have all lost their rare cards.

Xiao Yuan raised his head, stared at You Xuan for a moment, and suddenly sighed softly.

"Yu Xuan-san. That's great."

He looked away and said as if talking to himself.

"Although he is from the yellow dormitory like me, he can be so powerful. Even those arrogant guys from the blue dormitory are frightened when they see it."

Sanze opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something, but after thinking about it, he closed it again and said nothing.

He said no, if he had to say it, "notorious" would be more appropriate.

You Xuan smiled.

"If anything, that's an honor." He said, "So, you two are quite famous among the students in the blue dormitory now, aren't you? They have been discussing you recently."

After a pause, You Xuan lowered his voice and added.

"A spider giant hunting for rare cards?"

Both of them were shocked.

"What are you talking about? I don't understand."

Ohara hurriedly tugged on Ohara's clothes.

"Ohara, let's go."

The two walked away.

Watching them disappear at the end of the corridor, Misawa couldn't help but ask: "Is it possible that you are talking about the one who only appears at night in the recent rumors and uses the prohibited card gambling rules to hunt for rare cards?"


"That's impossible." Misawa wondered, "Although Ohara is indeed unusually tall and fits the description of a giant duelist, he specializes in the field of card design and is not good at dueling at all.

And that giant duelist is said to have defeated many students from the blue dormitory."

"Well, who knows?"

You Xuan smiled and continued walking forward without saying any more.

That night.

The night is as dark as thick ink, swallowing up the hustle and bustle of the day. The sparse starlight struggled to penetrate the thick clouds, casting mottled light and shadow among the treetops. The wind carries a wild whistling through the towering ancient trees.

It was a dark and windy night and it was easy to do things.

A burly figure slowly walked out of the forest.

His face was covered, and his eyes were hidden behind dark sunglasses, the lenses reflecting the faint starlight. He was covered in layers of blue dormitory uniforms, with the layered sleeves stretching out like spider legs, making him look like a giant spider over two meters tall.

He walked silently, approaching tonight's prey bit by bit.

Two lonely students wearing blue dormitory uniforms under the moonlight.

But as he got closer and closer.

One of them turned around suddenly.

"Finally, the mysterious giant duelist appears."

Yu Xuan, who was wearing a blue dormitory uniform, smiled and raised the duel plate.

"It's the same old rule, card gambling, right? I understand. Then why don't we skip the foreplay and get started?"

However, the spider giant then heard a low, strange cry: "Fuck! It's him! It's that person!"

After saying that, he turned around and ran away as fast as he could.

You Xuan: "."

Sanze on the side said leisurely.

"See, I told you that if a weirdo sees you, he has to run away."

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