Who let him play Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 181 The land sinks

"Hu~hu~ finally ran away."

The "Spider Monster" in the darkness was lying down and hiding behind a rock, looking out with lingering fear.

They shouldn't be chasing you, right?

Obara's voice came from his earphones: "It looks like he got rid of it."

"Yeah, it scared me to death." Ohara gasped.

"Damn it, it's Yu Xuan-san wearing a blue uniform," Obara gritted his teeth on the other end of the headset.

It’s so despicable to actually use fishing to enforce the law!

Fortunately, Ohara ran fast.

However, before he could breathe a sigh of relief, he immediately heard a demon-like voice ringing in his ears again.

"Hiding in a place like this"

Both of them were excited, and for a moment they felt the hairs on their backs standing on end.

It's that person!

The two turned their heads stiffly. I saw the demon in the yellow dormitory had caught up with me at some point, standing leisurely at the back with a charming smile on his face.

"Just mentioning it, there's no point in running." You Xuan smiled.

Neither of them seems to have enough "elf affinity" talent.

So they didn't realize that the Silent Magician was already standing on top of the rock where they were hiding, tilting his head and looking at them.

Although You Xuan only followed slowly behind them, it was naturally impossible for them to escape when the elves were targeting them.

There is a dead end in front of us, and there seems to be no retreat.

"What should I do?" Ohara asked nervously through the headset.

"Well, then the only way is to fight." Ohara gritted his teeth through the headset, "It's okay Ohara, our cooperation is invincible. Even the students of Obelisk Blue have been defeated by us so far.

Just in time, let’s try our limits today. "

So Ohara took a deep breath and stood up: "Okay, let's do it. Let you know how powerful our combination is."

"Duel!" x2

【You Xuan, LP 4000】

【Ohara, LP 4000】

The indicator light of the duel disk lit up, indicating that the right to choose who should fight first came into Yu Xuan's hands.

You Xuan was not polite: "Then I will attack first and draw cards.

Cover a monster onto the field, add a cover card, and the round ends. "

Ohara: "My turn, draw a card!"

Obara's instructions immediately came from the headset: "Summon the 'Giant Orc'!"

So Ohara followed his words: "Summon the 'giant beastman'!"

The burly orc holding a piece of bone in his hand, his huge body like a mixture of hard rock and steel-like muscles, his eyes as red as fire, and his sharp fangs exposed from his closed mouth, obeyed the call and came to the field.

[Giant Orc, attack power 2200]

Ohara is not very good at actual combat, so he is basically just a puppet. The real duel is Obara behind the scenes.

"Then special summon the 'Horsefoot Raptor'!"

This time it is a dinosaur with a slender and streamlined body, with smooth body scales, wide feet, and long and powerful limbs.

[The Velociraptor with Horse Foot, attack power 1400]

"The special ability of the Horse-footed Raptor is that it can be specially summoned directly from the hand. However, when summoned by this effect, the opponent can also select a monster from his own graveyard to be specially summoned."

You Xuan shrugged: "There are no monsters in my cemetery."

The "Summon monster from the opponent's graveyard" of Velociraptor is a forced activation effect, but the decision of whether to use this effect when dealing with the effect rests with the opponent. Even if the opponent does not summon a monster, it will not affect its own special summon.

"It's a direct battle." Ohara said, "First is the 'Raptor of the Horsefoot', attacking the covered monsters!"

The velociraptor roared forward and charged with a roar. The monster on the Yuxuan Field turned over, and it turned out to be a six-armed mage. The moment it was turned around, a burst of golden light with magical power erupted all over its body.

"The monster you attacked is the 'Magic Grocery Merchant'." Yu Xuan said, "When this card is reversed, until the magic or trap card appears, turn over the top card of your deck.

The first magic or trap card turned up is added to the hand, and the rest are sent to the graveyard. "

He started turning over cards from the top of the deck, turning over four monsters in a row until a magic appeared on the fifth one.

The magic card "Disrupt Magic".

It's a pity that I didn't find the Black Hole of Desire Angel, but it's okay.

"Then, I add 'Disruption Magic' to my hand."

The magic card was added to his hand, and at the same time, the charging dinosaur knocked the little magic merchant into a somersault, and the latter turned into a point of light and exited.

"Then a direct attack from the giant orc!" Ohara ordered.

Be the first to take the lead, and you'll be able to deal a lot of damage immediately in the first turn. In the past two days, he and Obara had won consecutive cooperative duels, and they had already gained confidence.

"Then activate this trap by discarding a card in your hand"

You Xuan discarded a card from his hand to the graveyard, and the Gefu card was immediately flipped.

"Trap card - cause and effect cut off!"

Both the Ohara and Ohara duo were shocked.

They have an impression of this powerful trap. It is a well-known red pit that removes saints.

"Discard a card from your hand, a monster on your opponent's field, and a card with the same name in the graveyard, and remove them from the game.

Remove the 'giant orcs' from the game! "

The trap was activated, and a transparent wave enveloped the burly orc who was waving a bone in an attempt to attack. The latter was immediately sucked into the dimensional vortex and disappeared from the field.

"Also, the card I just discarded is 'Disruption Magic'." Yu Xuan said, "If Disruption Magic is sent to the graveyard, add one copy each of Disruption Green, Yellow, and Black brothers from the deck to your hand."

Three cards automatically popped out of the deck and were drawn into his hand one after another. The deck is automatically shuffled in the duel tray immediately.

"Damn it, I was caught in a trap." Xiao Yuan said solemnly, "Then let's do this for now."

Ohara nodded and accepted the instruction: "The round is over."

"Then it's my turn, draw a card."

You Xuan calmly showed another card in his hand.

“First activate the magic card ‘Treasure of Adversity’ (original card). If the opponent has a specially summoned monster on the field and there is no monster on your field, draw two cards.

There is a specially summoned "Raptor" on your field. I have no monsters on my field, so I draw two cards. "

You Xuan drew two cards, and then revealed a card in his hand.

"Then activate this—

——Sustainable magic ‘the land sinks’! "

The solid land in front of Ohara suddenly became like a cracked mirror, with bottomless cracks opening, like the ferocious mouth of a monster. The ground rumbled and sank, and the two corresponding monster areas burst open.

"What?" Xiao Yuan frowned.

"When the land sinks, you can designate two monster areas on the opponent's field that cannot be used."

Monster area seal?

Obara had an ominous premonition.

"Then activate the magic card 'Fusion'."

You Xuan drew out the three cards he retrieved in the last round in one breath.

“Fusing the three brothers ‘Disruption Yellow’, ‘Disruption Green’, and ‘Disruption Black’, the triple fusion summon——”

The three colors of light were respectively involved in the fusion vortex, and a burst of strong light bloomed. Then a powerful arm and a huge head appeared against the incandescent background, as if the burly image of the word "harmony" was everywhere. .

"King of Disruption, summon!"

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