Who let him play Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 182 Take your time, don’t rush

King of Disruption, summon!

[King of Disruption, defense power 3000]

"King of Disruption?" Xiaoyuan suddenly became nervous.

If he had seen the disruptive combination in the past, he might have questioned - aren't they all trash? How could anyone really use this trash fish?

However, since the trio of disruptors cooperated with the contraction of the universe to hammer the legendary Maze Brothers into self-isolation on the spot, no one in the academy dared to underestimate this comedian group. Or to be more precise, when they were in the hands of Yu Xuan This team of comedians.

Whatever appears in this person's hands, no matter how unreliable it seems, there must be something wrong with it. This has become the consensus of everyone in the college.

"The effect of the King of Disruption, as long as this card exists on the field, select up to three monster zones of the opponent and cannot be used." You Xuan said, "The remaining monster zones on your field are two.

Therefore, seal the remaining two areas. "


Xiao Yuan looked gloomy.

It’s actually a monster block blocking tactic!

The king of chaos shouted loudly, and the two black and green brothers of chaos immediately flew out and squatted in the only two squares on the opposite side, occupying the mountain for the king and staying there.

Ohara was stunned for a moment: "Ah, wouldn't this mean we can't summon monsters anymore?"

"Hey, insidious tactics." Obara gritted his teeth behind the scenes.

He is indeed "that person" in the legend of Huang Dormitory, and the method is indeed in line with his style.

"Then I usually summon the 'Crossbowman' for defense."

[Crossbow Archer, Defense 1000]

"Put down two more cards and the round is over."

Ohara asked in a low voice: "There are no more grids, what should I do?"

Obara pondered.

Four monster grids were sealed in one breath, and most of the summons were sealed. Fortunately among the misfortunes, at least they still have a "Horse-footed Raptor" on the field that can be attacked, and if they draw a five- or six-star superior monster, they can still use the Velociraptor as a sacrifice to summon it.

But now I don’t have any superior monsters in my hand.

"Hey, let's draw the card first." Xiao Yuan said.

Ohara nodded: "My turn, draw a card!"

After getting the new card, Obara's eyes lit up.


"Just use this!" Xiao Yuan ordered.

So Ohara executed without thinking: "Launch the quick-attack magic 'Tornado'! Destroy the sustainable magic 'Sink Down'!"

Landfall is a permanent magic that will stay on the field after it is activated. Once it is blown away, the effect will be canceled. In this way, the two sealed monster cells will be resurrected, and new monsters can be summoned.

A storm swept across the field, and the magic in Yuxuan's backfield was chopped into pieces by lightning. The cracked site was restored to its original state.

"Very good, this way we can summon monsters again!" Obara was cheered up and continued to give instructions, "Then let's continue the summoning."

"Activate the Trap-Disruption Duo." You Xuandao, "Specially summon two 'Disruption Tokens' on the opponent's field."

[Disruption token, defense 1000] x2

The sinking ground had just recovered, and the two disturbance tokens immediately stepped forward to fill the shortcomings. The speed and skill of their movements were breathtaking.

Obara: "."

Fuck (a plant).

As a result, the situation has not changed at all. The difference is that the two grids that were sealed by magic have now become two cheap derivatives, and the status quo of being unable to summon monsters has not been lifted.

"Damn it. If that's the case, use the Velociraptor to attack!" Obara ordered.

Ohara did as he was told. The Velociraptor shouted and rushed forward, locking the crossbow archer on the defensive field on the Yuxuan Field.

"Then launch another trap and torture the wheel."

You Xuan smiled and snapped his fingers.

"Seal the attack of 'Horsefoot Raptor' with Torture Wheel. As long as this card exists, the bound monster cannot attack or change its position."

The unlucky dinosaur hit a wheel full of spikes, and the whole dragon was locked directly, screaming and unable to move.

"Ahhh!" Xiaoyuan was furious.

The existing monsters cannot attack, and new monsters cannot be summoned. And the more I look at these disruptive projections on the field, the more I get angrier.

Ohara: "Ohara, let's"

"It's so noisy!" Obara was furious.

Ohara: "."

Misawa, who was watching this familiar scene in the back row, was speechless for a moment.

I don't know since when, this kind of duel with Yu Xuan's characteristics no longer seems strange to him, but occasionally he still feels a little sympathy for the opponent.

Of course, he had already listened to Yu Xuan's "reasoning" during the day and understood that the spider monster hunting for rare cards was actually Ohara in the Huang dormitory. On the surface, it was the masked Ohara who was dueling, but in fact, it was the hidden Ohara who gave the orders behind the scenes.

The two of them are inseparable every day, and their relationship is as close as that of brothers. This may be why they can coordinate perfectly.

But now looking at this scene, Sanze suddenly felt worried for no reason. With You Xuan as his opponent, will the boat of their friendship be capsized tonight?

At this moment, Asuka's voice appeared from behind him: "What's going on?"

"Classmate from Tianshangyuan?" Sanze turned around.

"I happened to be passing by and heard something coming here."

Asuka glanced around and saw Yu Xuan dueling and several disturbing images on the opposite field, and suddenly seemed to understand something.

"The victim this time... ah, no, who is the duelist?"

She accidentally slipped up, but Misawa didn't think there was anything wrong, and just said, "The spider monster duelist who specializes in hunting Obelisk Blue students has been circulating in the academy recently."

"Is that so? That's really pitiful." Asuka said.

Misawa also nodded in agreement.

Of course, both of them knew that it must be the spider monster who was said to be miserable.

"Then on my turn, draw a card.

First, activate the magic card 'Pot of Greed', and draw two more cards from the deck."

You Xuan drew a card.

"During the preparation phase, activate the effects of 'Crossbowman' and 'Torture Wheel'. These two cards deal 600 and 500 damage to the opponent respectively during the preparation phase, so the total damage is 1100 points."

[Ohara, LP 4000 → LP 2900]

"Damn it. Seal the monster grid, and then slowly wear us down like this?" Ohara gritted his teeth.

"Then Normal Summon 'Subbot.'"

[Subbot, 800 attack power]

The invincible submarine appears, with the same contemptuous look as always.

"Subbot can attack the opponent directly." You Xuan waved his hand, "Go ahead, torpedo fire!"

A humanoid torpedo warhead hit his face, and Ohara groaned and staggered back half a step.

[Ohara, LP 2900→LP 2100]

"Damn it!"

Ohara continued to be incompetent and furious.

Is it really going to be stuck in the grid and be tortured to death like this! ?

"After the Subbot fights, it changes to defense position."

[Subbot, 800 attack power→1800 defense power]

"Then my turn is over." You Xuan made another "please" gesture.

Come on, it's your turn again, take your time, there's no rush.

We have plenty of time to play Yu-Gi-Oh.

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