Who let him play Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 183 The Power of Bonds

Obara: "."

Look at the opponent's formation, torture wheels, crossbows, and submarines. Then look at these disruptive things on your own field.

Suddenly there was a deep feeling of powerlessness.

In this round alone, 1,900 health points were taken away from him, and the monster area on the field was still blocked and unable to move. He didn't see any chance of comeback in the remaining cards in his hand.

There was nothing he could do to save himself.

"Don't give up!"

Ohara suddenly spoke.

Behind the scenes, Ohara was stunned: "Ohara."

But then he shook his head and gritted his teeth and said: "So what? This is 'that person' from Huang Dormitory. After all, he is not an opponent we can win in the first place.

And with this formation, I can't see any hope of breaking it. After all, we haven't even touched his health until now.

In this situation, do you think you have a chance to make a comeback just by drawing a card? "

Ohara was silent for a moment.

Then he said slowly: "Ohara, actually, I know that I am far inferior to you about dueling, and I don't understand it very well.

But, all I know is that no one has ever cared about me in the past. Until I came to the college and was assigned to the same dormitory as you. I'm really happy when you're as angry about something about me as you are about yourself.

What I did was not because I was really angry with those arrogant elite students. I do this just in the hope that I can do something for you. "

"Ohara." Ohara was so moved that he was speechless for a moment.


Ohara took a step forward, his momentum was like a rainbow.

"Every duel relies on you and your tactics to keep going. But now, it's my turn to do something for you!"

You Xuan: "."

No, do you two seem to have made a mistake? You two are the villains who illegally hunted for rare cards. Why do you say this line as if I am the big devil?

"My turn, draw a card!"

Ohara shouted loudly, drawing an arc in the air with his arm as he drew the card.

"Activate the magic card 'Dark Temptation', draw two cards from the deck, and then remove a dark attribute monster from your hand from the game!"

Ohara's morale was high and he cleared the ground and drew two more cards.

Seeing the card he drew, Xiao Yuan couldn't help but be stunned.

"That card," he said blankly, "I just happened to draw this card in this situation. Ohara, you really did it for me."

He quickly came to his senses and regained his composure.

"Summon it, Ohara! This is the proof of the bond between you and me, the move of our reversal!"


Ohara first picked out a card from his hand.

"First, based on the effect of 'Dark Temptation', remove the dark attribute 'Goblin Assassination Unit' from the game from your hand."

After excluding a card from his hand, he directly plays one of the drawn cards.

"I sacrificed the 'Horsefoot Raptor' to be summoned by the superiors!

Show up, break through this blockade of despair, and connect this card that binds me and Obara——

——Level six, material dragon, summon! ! ! "

The velociraptor disappeared in the whirlpool of sacrifice, and the golden dragon with an abstract body emerged from the radiance!

[Material dragon, attack power 2400]

"At this last moment, I just happened to draw a level six superior monster, and it is also the nemesis material dragon with a blood-cutting effect," Misawa said.

"Indeed." Asuka nodded, "When Material Dragon is on the field, all effects that inflict health damage will be reversed into health recovery. It happens to be the monster that can best resist the damage caused by the effects of blockade decks."

"In this way, the restrained monster leaves the field and the 'torture wheel' is also destroyed!" Obara gave instructions, "Then use the equipment again!"

Ohara Yiyan played another card in his hand.

"Equipment magic 'giant'! Equip it to the 'Material Dragon'. When your HP is less than the opponent's, the equipped monster's attack power will be doubled!"

[Material dragon, attack power 2400 → attack power 4800]

"Attack power is 4,800!" Misawa said, "Sure enough, I have said it before. If he can overcome his weak willpower, Obara is actually very good in actual combat."

"The three monsters on the opponent's field are all on defense. In this case, let's start with the most difficult one to defeat," Obara said.

Dayuan nodded: "Use 'Material Dragon' to attack 'Disruption King'!"

The material dragon spits out an impact like a flame. The King of Disruption was stabbed through the chest, and he shouted something like "Disruption, Disruption" twice in a low and muffled voice before being blown to pieces.

"But of course, if the monster in defense position destroys me, I won't be hurt."

You Xuan closed his eyes and calmly accepted the transparent impact wave passing through his field, and said calmly.

"Tch, of course I know." Xiao Yuan said, "Cover the other card we drew!"

Ohara did as he was told: "Cover a card and the round is over."

"Then it's my turn, draw a card." You Xuan said.

"In the preparation phase, your 'Crossbow Archer' will activate its effect and give me 600 points of damage." Ohara said, "But because the 'Material Dragon' is present, the damage will be restored by the same amount of LP!"

【Ohara, LP 2100→LP 2700】

"Oh, I accidentally added blood to the opponent. It's really troublesome. In this way, the method of blocking blood and reducing blood has become counterproductive." You Xuandao.

"Not bad." Ohara was a little proud, "The bond between us has reversed the situation in one go!"

"Great, great. Then activate the magic card 'Pot of Greed'. Return the five monsters in the graveyard to the deck, shuffle them, and then draw two cards."

Five cards popped out of the graveyard at once.

"I return the 'Magic Grocery Merchant', three yellow, green and black Disruption cards, and 'Disruption King' in the graveyard to the deck."

The cards returned to the deck one by one, and the deck was automatically shuffled.

". Then draw two cards."

After drawing the card, he raised his lower eyebrow slightly.

"Hey, it seems that I drew well here."

Both Ohara and Ohara felt nervous.

What will appear this time?

But it doesn't matter.

Ohara suppressed his anxiety.

Ohara's last turn "Temptation of Darkness" drew two consecutive magic cards. In addition to drawing a resurrected "Material Dragon", the other one is also a very powerful trap "Naraku's Falling Hole".

As long as the opponent summons a monster with an attack power of more than 1500, it can be directly destroyed and banished.

This way, even if the opponent manages to create a powerful monster, it can be eliminated immediately.

"I sacrifice the 'Crossbowman' and summon it at a higher level."

The moment the monster card was taken, You Xuan's eyes seemed to flash red for a short time.

It was as if the extraordinary power from the card was briefly integrated into the duelist's body at the moment of summoning.

"The nemesis of traps, the artificial king who controls telekinesis——————Artificial man-telekinesis shocker, summon!"

Ohara x Ohara: "What!?"

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