Who let him play Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 184 The Power of the Ice Blade Hand

[Artificial Man - Telekinetic Shocker, Attack Power 2400]

After coming to You Xuan's hands for the first time, Soga seemed to have made up his mind to prepare a most domineering arrival to make the first show full of cards.

The fog rolled in the field, and the red light shot out of his eyes penetrated the fog. The metal body walked out slowly, and the king of steel embraced his arms. His eyes were as if he was looking down on others, revealing the domineering of the superior, and the whole body was full of lightning.

The eyes that looked down on the heroes seemed to say, the powerful master plus me, the two of us together are invincible in the world.

Now that I, Soga, have arrived, it is almost equivalent to having victory in my hands!

Ohara's face became a little ugly.

I didn't expect it to be an artificial man. Wouldn't their powerful backfield be useless in this way?

"Activate the magic card 'Sudden Mutation'." You Xuan said calmly, "Sacrifice a monster on your field and special summon a fusion monster of the same level as that monster.

I sacrifice the level 6 'Cellphone - Psychic Shocker'!"

The cyborg, who was preparing to make his debut, said: "???"

What? ? Sacrifice me?

No way, boss, this is my first time! How can you treat my first time like this?

But the magic card has already appeared, and Soga's figure turned into a light spot in a burst of golden light and dissipated.

Ohara and Ohara were also confused for a while.

Sacrifice Soga?

There is such a good thing?

Then no matter what comes out next, won't their backfield traps come alive?

"Based on the effect of Sudden Mutation, special summon from the fusion deck in defense position -

- Level 6, Cybernetic Ice Blade!"

The Ice Blade after the real card was adjusted to 7 stars, but it was 6 stars in the original work. Because of this, Asuka in the original work often equipped Ice Blade with the magic card "Fusion Weapon" that can only be equipped by Fusion Monsters below 6 stars. This combination can naturally not be reproduced after the real card.

[Electrified Ice Blade, Defense 800]

Asuka: "???"

What is this sudden change in style?

She was not surprised that Youxuan had his own card. Because he had been doing research, she knew that Youxuan also had a lot of electronic cards.

However, who would have thought that his tactics of disrupting the blockade would suddenly burst out with such a completely wrong style?

But thinking of the effect of her own fusion trump card, she suddenly seemed to understand something, and she opened her mouth wide in surprise at the possibility she thought of in an instant

"Mu Da!" Ohara said, "No matter what monster it is, it's the same as long as it's trapped! Ohara, activate the trap!"

Ohara: "Activate the trap, Naraku's Falling Hole! The monster summoned by the opponent with an attack power of 1500 or more is destroyed and removed from the game!"

Naraku's Falling Hole appeared under the Ice Blade. However, the Ice Blade Hand only glanced through the goggles, and swept the ice blade under his feet. The hole closed immediately, and disappeared without a trace as if it had never existed.

"Why!?" Xiao Yuan said in surprise, "It was activated successfully, your monster should have been destroyed."

"Electrified Ice Blade Hand is a monster that will gain different effects according to the number of monsters on the opponent's field."

You Xuan explained calmly.

"When there are only three monsters on the opponent's field, all the effects of the opponent's magic, traps, and monster cards are invalid!" (Old version effect)


The two almost jumped up at the same time, their eyes widened.

All effects are invalid?

Then what's the point of fighting?

The new effect of the Electronic Ice Blade Hand after being adjusted is that it can only "invalidate the effect of the opponent's activation", and the effects that are continuously effective like continuous magic are effective.

But the Ice Blade Hand in the animation has the same effect as the old version before the adjustment, which is that all the effects of all the cards held by the opponent are invalid, which is almost an absolute suppression that cannot be passed.

This is why, although Cyber ​​Ice Blade performed mediocrely in the animation, it once became the core of a certain extremely vicious LOCK deck in the history of Yu-Gi-Oh! in the real card environment.

The concept of this blockade deck is very simple. It uses the common disruption deck of the blockade system at that time, and the absolute blockade formed by the three effects of "Cyber ​​Ice Blade".

The concept is also very simple. Send three disruption derivatives to the opponent to meet the condition of "three monsters on the field". Then use "Territory Sinking" or the effect of Disruption Fusion Monster to seal the remaining two grids. In this way, as long as Ice Blade is on the field, it will form an almost invincible ultimate seal formation.

And the predecessors who invented this trick were much more hellish than You Xuan.

After the hellish predecessors discovered this combination, they took advantage of the loopholes in the rules of the Yu-Gi-Oh contest that year and formed a set of ultimate autistic decks called TOD (Time Over Death).

Use disruption blockade and Cyber ​​Ice Blade to achieve LOCK. Once the blockade is formed, the opponent has nothing to do and can only draw a card every turn.

At this time, some students will ask, how do you win?

The answer is, follow the opponent's low card.

In the early days of Yu-Gi-Oh, there was no rule of surrender, and the best-of-three tournament had a 40-minute game time limit. If the total game time exceeds the 40-minute limit, the side with higher health at the time of timeout will directly win the entire best-of-three game.

And TOD is a deck that takes advantage of this loophole.

Once the blockade is completed, the attack will be completely abandoned, and time will be delayed by simply restoring life points. If the game time is delayed until the end, the victory by rules can be achieved directly - and not just one duel, but the victory of the entire game.

This rule killing is so disgusting that even the old banned card Victory Dragon has to admit defeat. And it is conceivable that the players who have the courage to use this ultimate autistic deck that forcibly drags the opponent to sit in jail for 40 minutes must have been mentally prepared for a physical duel before the game starts.

"Damn it." Ohara gritted his teeth.

Ohara was desperate: "All the effects of magic trap monsters are forever invalid, so aren't we..."

"Wait, don't be impatient." Ohara gritted his teeth, "The effect of Ice Blade is that when the opponent has three monsters on the field, all effects are invalid, and only three monsters can take effect.

In other words, as long as we summon any monster next round, the number of monsters on the field will become four, and the blockade will disappear."

"That's it!" Ohara suddenly realized.

At the same time, he couldn't help but admire Xiao Yuan, who immediately found the blind spot in such a situation. You Xuan smiled: "Then, the effect of the trap card 'Disruption Duo' in the graveyard. Remove this card in the graveyard from the game, and special summon two 'Disruption' monsters from the deck. I special summon the 'Disruption Yellow' and 'Disruption Green' that I just shuffled back from the deck." [Disruption Yellow, Defense 1000] [Disruption Green, Defense 1000] "Then activate the magic card 'Fusion' to fuse the 'Disruption Yellow' and 'Disruption Green' on the field. Fusion Summon--" A silver armor appeared in the fusion vortex, a dark green cloak fluttered, and a comedian knight with snail-like eyes and a shield in hand spun and landed. "Fusion Summon, Disruption Knight!"

[Disruption Knight, Defense 2500]

"The effect of Disruption Knight!" You Xuan said, "While this card is on the field, it specifies up to two monster zones on the opponent's field, and those zones cannot be used.

Therefore, seal the remaining two monster zones on your field!"

Ohara: "."

Ohara: "."

What the hell are you talking about?

The Disruption Knight waved his hand, and two more clones jumped out. The images of Disruption Yellow and Green sat on the remaining two zones on the opponent's field, and directly sealed them.

The two were stunned for a moment.

At this time, there were exactly three monsters on their field, and the remaining two grids were sealed. And they could not use the effects of any cards

Ohara couldn't help but say: "Ohara."

Although he was hesitant to finish his words, the implication was obviously to ask, can we be carried away directly now?

"Damn, it's not over yet." Ohara gritted his teeth and looked at the Material Dragon on their field.

They still have the Material Dragon, there is still a chance!

Although "Giant" was also invalidated, the Material Dragon's attack power dropped back to 2400, but it was enough to break the autistic core "Electrified Ice Blade" on the opposite field. As long as this blockade can be broken

"Submarine Robot changes back to attack mode." You Xuan said, "Attack directly."

Another torpedo hit his face, and the explosion of the three-dimensional projection blew Ohara into a mess.

[Ohara, LP 2700→LP 1900]

"Then the Submarine Robot changes back to defense mode according to its own effect."

You Xuan drew another card.

"Face a card, and the turn is over."

"Draw a card!" Ohara shouted.

Ohara drew a card as he was told, and immediately followed the instructions: "Use 'Material Dragon' to attack 'Electrified Ice Blade'!"

"That won't work." You Xuan snapped his fingers, "Activate the cover card, the continuous trap 'Super Gravity Net', all monsters above 4 stars on both sides cannot attack."

Ohara vomited blood.

Numb, people are completely numb.

The moment the attack was sealed, it was basically a death sentence for them.

The seal of this super gravity net is almost unsolvable. Under the suppression of "Electrified Ice Blade Hand", whether it is Whirlwind, Storm or Hurricane, they will be invalid, and they can't break this attack seal.

If they don't destroy Ice Blade Hand, they can't activate any card effects.

Even if they draw a higher-level monster, it will be meaningless to sacrifice Material Dragon to summon a new monster. The number of monsters is still three, and the seal of Ice Blade Hand is still effective.

Moreover, Disruption Tokens cannot be used as sacrifices for higher-level summons, so it is not feasible to reduce the number by sacrificing two monsters on the field for higher-level summons.

All the monsters on the opponent's field are in defense mode, so using tokens to hit them and commit suicide is not feasible.

Some people are still alive, but they are actually dead.

"Draw a card on my turn." You Xuan showed his hand, "Activate the magic card 'Resurrection of the Dead', revive 'Crossbowman' from the graveyard, defense mode."

[Crossbowman, defense 1000]

Everyone: "."

《This card deals 600 damage to the opponent every time you prepare phase》

Obviously, it won't be long before Ohara and Obara will be shot to death by the crossbowmen.

Lingchi death.

But in the end, they didn't wait until then.

Because seeing that Obara was on the verge of losing control, Ohara was afraid that he would do something stupid, so he quickly surrendered while there was still time.

Otherwise, he was afraid that his teammates would go crazy.

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