Who let him play Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 190 The outcome of the divine draw

"Shuffled all the cards in my hand and all the cards on the field in one go!" Sho Marufuji was shocked, "Isn't this very bad?"

"This guy's card drawing is really so strong." Judai's eyes became brighter and brighter, "It's so powerful. I want to compete with him more and more."

"All my resources were wiped out at once." Yu Xuanzuo shrugged helplessly, "It's really good. But before that, I activated this card."

He pointed to another cover card that had already been erected beside him.

Only then did Dashan realize that he had just closed his eyes and contemplated, completely unaware of the activation of this card.

"The trap card 'Destruction Healing' destroys a monster on your field and restores LP equal to that monster's attack power."

You Xuan pointed to the "Dragon Bone Ghost" on his field.

"Destroy the 'Dragon Bone Ghost' and restore its LP worth of attack power."

[You Xuan, LP 2400→LP 4800]

"Hey, would you like to try your best to use the remaining resources on the field at the last moment? Well, it's up to you."

Dashan waved his hand.

"But after that, all the remaining cards in your hand and on the field are shuffled back into the deck!"

All of Yu Xuan's cards immediately turned into golden light and flew back to the deck. Including the "Despair Out of Darkness" also returned to the deck of the owner Dashan.

The field was cleared in an instant.

"You can still remain so calm under such a situation. It seems that you are not ordinary." Dashan said, "But how long can such calmness be maintained?

I summon the 'Angry Ape'! "

[Angry ape, attack power 2000]

"Direct attack with apes!"

The fiery red orangutan let out a furious roar and spit out high-heat flames from its mouth!

But when the swirling flames approached You Xuan, they suddenly hit an illusory barrier. A ghost-like shadow appeared in front of him, blocking the impact like a barrier.

"The 'Undead Guardian' in the graveyard." Yu Xuan said, "Remove this card from the graveyard during the opponent's turn. Only one of the opponent's monster's attacks will be invalidated during this turn."

"Is it one of the five cards discarded by 'Notes Obliteration' at the beginning?" Dashan nodded, "Even if you wash away the cards in your hand and the field, there are still arrangements in the graveyard."

"Ordinary people like us who are not as confident about drawing cards have to make sufficient preparations first." You Xuan said with a smile.

"You are indeed an excellent duelist. But there is a limit to relying on these, and I have realized this. Only drawing cards can truly determine the outcome."

Dashan showed another card in his hand.

"Perpetual Magic - Mortal Will! If the card drawn during the card drawing phase is a normal monster, show the drawn card to the opponent and you can draw another one!"

"Another card that assists in card drawing."

Everyone couldn't help but look at each other.

How obsessed is this guy with drawing cards?

Everyone was shocked.

"Oops." Asuka said in a deep voice, "Oyama still has the permanent trap 'Miracle Draw Card' on the field. During the card draw phase, if you declare the name of the drawn card, you can inflict 1,000 points of damage to the opponent."

Hayato reacted: "As for 'Mortal Will', as long as you draw a normal monster, you can continue to draw cards."

"In this way, wouldn't it mean that as long as he keeps declaring the card he draws, he can keep drawing it. And every time he draws it, it will inflict 1,000 points of damage."

Marufuji Xiang was shocked.

"Is there such a ridiculous combo!?"

Draw a card to kill in one go?

"Now that I have completed my training, my deck is a deck with the theme of drawing cards." Dashan smiled confidently, "My turn is over."

You Xuan put his hand on the card deck.

The field is empty-handed, with not a single usable card on the surface.

In fact, in order to prevent this situation, he has another back-up man in the cemetery, and he still has resources to dispatch. But that's just insurance.

In fact, as Dashan said, duels in this world still rely on drawing cards. No matter how powerful the tactics, formations and structures are, they still need to be based on drawing cards to be implemented in a duel with a truly strong player. Not to say that every shot is a magic draw, but at least it needs to be able to perform stably when facing strong players.

Since entering school, he has more and more elves in his hands, and he has gained considerable experience in card drawing exercises. As for today's battle, this moment is the most suitable time to test the results.

Being empty-handed is always the moment when a duelist's potential is maximized.

If he is really successful in cultivation, then this attack is inevitable.

Marufuji Xiang swallowed: "This card drawing may determine the outcome. Yu Xuan shouldn't be able to do it."

"No problem." Judai was more confident than me, with a smile on his face, "Yu Xuan is a real duelist. There will definitely be no problem."

You Xuan closed his eyes.

Feel the experience of practicing and the throb from the deck, just like the moment when the souls of the duelist and the deck merge.

"Draw a card!"

You Xuan smiled slightly.

It worked.

"The one I drew is 'Elemental Hero Bubble Man'." He showed his hand, "When you only have this card in your hand, you can special summon it."

[Elemental Hero·Bubble Man, attack power 800]

Marufuji Xiang's eyes widened: "They are actually the same as big brother."

They all know that when Judai is empty-handed, there is a 90% chance that he will draw the Bubble Man.

Of course, Yu Xuan is not playing an elemental hero, and Bubbles is just a plug-in. After all, the animation effect of Bubble Man is basically equivalent to Lust Man, and it can be used in most decks.

"Oh, it's actually Bubble Man!"

Judai also put his hands on his hips happily.

"Hahaha, it's a testament to our passionate friendship!"

"Bubble Man is summoned successfully. If there are no other cards on the field, draw two cards."

You Xuan draws a card, and then plays another one in his hand.

"The magic card 'Pot of Desire', draw two cards from the deck."

Dashan was shocked: "Is that the card that was just drawn and shuffled back by the effect of 'Card Drawing Thief'!?"

Sure enough, he became more and more sure that he was right. The person in front of me is not only powerful in tactics and formations, but also has good card drawing abilities.

Just the kind of truly powerful opponent he longs for!

Judai was not surprised at all, he just smiled and said: "As I said, Yu Xuan is a real duelist. This level is natural."

Sho Marufuji: "."

really. To others, this should be an extraordinary performance, but by the standards of Judai, this level can only be regarded as average at best.

"Then the effect of the 'Horse-headed Ghost' in the graveyard." Yu Xuan said, "This card in the graveyard is removed from the game. You can special summon an undead monster in your own graveyard."

Dashan frowned: "There is such a back-up plan."

"Therefore, remove the 'horse-headed ghost' from the game and resurrect the 'dragon-bone ghost' from the graveyard!"

[Dragon Bone Ghost, attack power 2400]

"Sure enough," Asuka smiled, "Although this guy has that level of strength, he's not the type to rely entirely on drawing cards."

Dragon Bone Ghost, reborn!

"'Dragon Bone Ghost', attack on 'Angry Ape'."

The fiery red orangutan was completely unable to resist the demon's attack. After trying its best to resist, it was finally defeated and exploded into pieces.

[Dashan, LP 4400→LP 4000]

"Bubble Man's direct attack!"

Bubble Man also set up the water gun on the back of his hand, and fired a series of foam shots into his face. Dashan crossed his arms in front of him to protect himself, and was shocked to the core.

[Dashan, LP 4000→LP 3200]

"Then cover a monster on the field in defense position," You Xuan said. "Then activate the quick-attack magic 'Evil Retreat', discard a card in your hand, and destroy all the permanent trap cards on the field."

He discards a card from his hand and goes to the graveyard.

"The permanent trap 'Miracle Card Draw' is destroyed!"

Dashan glanced at the destroyed trap in his backcourt: "Oh, did you prevent me from drawing a card to kill in one turn?"

"And the card I discarded is also the same magic card as you before, the 'Compensation Treasure'. I will draw two more cards from the deck."

You Xuan draws another card.

He smiled softly after taking his hand.

Finally here.

What he has been waiting for is the strongest combination in this deck that has been sleeping until now.

"Hidden two cards, the round is over."

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