Who let him play Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 191 Completely Broken

"I'm quite good."

Dashan stood up again and said loudly.

"But my training this year was not in vain! My turn!" Dashan said, "The effect of the continuous magic 'Mortal's Will', if you draw a normal monster during the draw phase, show it to your opponent and you can draw another card.

The card I drew is the Card Drawer!" (Original card)

It is also a monster that Dashan used in the animation, a 2-star Mortal Bone with an attack power of 900.

"Therefore, accept the effect of 'Mortal's Will' and draw a card from the deck!"

Dashan drew a card again.

"This time I drew a normal monster 'Magic Lizard Yihao'!"

Sure enough.

"I'll draw another card!"

Dashan drew a card again.

"This time I drew the second 'Card Drawer', draw another one."


So, with the effect of "Mortal's Will", Dashan drew seven cards in a row, all seven of which were Mortal Bone.

Finally, when he drew the eighth card, he didn't draw Mortal Bone again. This time, he drew the soul card of Oyama from the anime, the Level 3 effect monster "Drawing Machine", an original card from the anime.

"Finally stopped."

Marufuji Sho wiped his sweat.

Too scary

"But even if you draw so many cards, they are all normal monsters, right?" Hayato said, "It's not that useful to have so many normal monsters in your hand."

But his question was soon answered.

"It's a drawing machine." Asuka said in a deep voice, "The last monster he just drew is a 'drawing machine'. When summoned successfully, by shuffling any number of your hand cards back to the deck, each card gains 500 attack points."

Original card from the anime, Oyama Ping's soul card and ace.

[Drawing Machine, 3 stars, attack power?

Effect: When summoning, shuffle any number of hand cards back to the deck, and the attack power of this card becomes that number x 500 points. And when this card destroys an attack position monster on the opponent's field by battle, that opponent's monster does not go to the graveyard but is shuffled back to the bottom of the deck. 】

Everyone was shocked.

So there is such a combination?

At first glance, it seems useless to draw a bunch of Mortal Bones by "Mortal Will", but if you cooperate with this monster and shuffle all the seven Mortal Bones you just drew back into the deck at once, then the attack power of this three-star monster will soar to 3500 at once?

It is higher than the legendary Blue-Eyes White Dragon!

"Hahaha, not bad!" Dashan laughed, "Now let you see the power of my Soul Card!

I Normal Summon"

"Before that, activate the face-up card, the trap card "Desert Light." You Xuan said, "All monsters on your field are changed to face-up defense position."

Dashan frowned: "Do you want to change to defense position to resist attacks?"


"All monsters on my field are changed to face-up defense position, and the covered monsters are also flipped." You Xuan said, "The card I cover is. 'Transformation Pot'!"

The pot with a smirk flipped onto the field and exerted its power.

"The effect of the Transformation Pot is that when flipping, all cards in the hands of both parties are discarded, and then each draws five cards."

Dashan suddenly realized.

"I see. Use the effect of the Transformation Pot to discard all my cards in one go, so I can't use the 'Draw Machine' combination."

But he then curled his lips and sneered.

"But so what? My power to draw cards is absolute. The five cards I draw again will also bring a winning combination."

"Sorry, it won't."

You Xuan snapped his fingers.

"Chain activate another face-up card, the Trap Card 'Front Return'!

Special summon the monster in your graveyard in face-up defense position.

I'm going to call this card back from the graveyard."

A card popped out from his graveyard.

"Temple Guardian!"

[Temple Guardian, defense 1900]

Dashan: "?"

What is this?

What effect does it have to chain a wall with a defense of 1900?

Of course he understood it quickly.

You Xuan smiled and explained: "Temple Guardian, as long as this card is face-up on the field, the opponent's player cannot draw cards outside the draw phase."

Dashan pondered for a moment.

Wait a minute, let me sort it out.

The effect of the Transformation Pot, both sides discard all cards in their hands, and then each draw five cards.

As long as the Temple Guardian exists on the field, the opponent cannot draw cards.

Dashan: “.”

Nana Nana Ni? ? ? ?

The onlookers couldn't help but gasp.

This move is.

Complete destruction of the handbook!

“That’s right, after accepting the effect of the ‘Transformation Pot’, you must discard all the cards in your hand, but you cannot draw new cards.”

Youxuan himself smiled and drew cards from the deck.

“And according to the effect of the ‘Transformation Pot’, I draw five cards.”

Dashan Ping: “.”

Everyone: “.”

After a long silence, Hayato said: “Well, how should I put it? This is really a. strong combination.”

“Yes, yes.” Marufuji Sho said.

At the same time, he looked at Youxuan with a little more fear in his eyes.

Sure enough, Youxuan’s duel is so scary.

He can always find all kinds of fancy new ways to make it impossible for the opponent to duel.

Da Shanping is now in a semi-downtime state.

He had a bunch of cards in his hand, and he had just drawn them to his heart's content. But before they could even warm up, they all went into the graveyard in one breath. But then the majesty of the temple guardian emanated, as if putting invisible shackles on the deck in his duel disk.

Every card was firmly locked in the deck.

He could no longer hear the sound of the deck.

Dashan opened his mouth, his face full of bitterness, but he couldn't speak.

He wanted to use the invincible power of God's Draw that he had cultivated for a year to think of a way.

But he couldn't do it.

Because he couldn't draw cards at all, and he didn't even have the opportunity to use his God's Draw skill.

So he thought hard, looking for his remaining possibilities and thinking about how to defeat the enemy, but after thinking about it, there was only one word echoing in his mind————Send.

What the hell is this?

How can I duel without any cards? Tell me how else can I duel?

"How can this be."

A savage lost his dream and muttered to himself.

"I have practiced so hard and have reached this dream level. The duel is a duel of drawing cards, and the strength of drawing cards should be able to decide everything.

Why. On what basis.???

Thinking of all the hard training in the past year, all the resentment and unwillingness, combined with the situation in front of him that completely forbids him to play cards, the wild man Dashanping almost shed tears of grievance.

The onlookers were speechless for a while.

Although they should be in the same group with You Xuan, they actually began to sympathize with the wild man on the opposite side for no reason.

"If you don't plan to do anything, then it's my turn again."

You Xuan smiled.

"My turn, draw cards."

Although he now has six cards in his hand, there is still room for operation. But he is kind-hearted, and the opponent obviously has no tricks, so he decided to cut the Gordian knot and end the opponent's pain as soon as possible.

"Then, change the monsters on the field from defense to attack." You Xuan waved his hand, "Then 'Dragon Bone Ghost', 'Elemental Hero·Bubble Man', and 'Temple Guardian' attack directly on Dashan."

[Dragon Bone Ghost, ATK 2400]

[Elemental Hero·Bubble Man, ATK 800]

[Temple Guardian, ATK 1100]

Dashan was knocked to the ground by a single shot, lying on his back, his eyes dull and lifeless, without any reaction.

[Dashan, LP 3200→LP 0]

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