Who made her an NPC!

Chapter 116 Identity revealed, Bai Fu is actually the master of the dark night! [5k]

After leaving the Marsk Laboratory, Bai Fu sped along and quickly found the car she had left behind.

Since the players have sent them all, she can only drive one of the cars away, but that's not a big problem. After returning to Tongshan Camp, she can just give the players a task and ask them to drive the car back.

It took White Fu a whole day to work. By the time she arrived at Tongshan Camp, the news of Hei Fu's death had completely spread among the players.

Most players actually didn't care much about Heifu's death. After all, it didn't take long from the time Heifu debuted to her sudden death, and everyone didn't leave a deep impression on her at all.

[Prisoner], [Bai Fu's sister], [Aloof], [I'm greedy for her body]...

This is the first impression most players have of Heifu.

But Heifu's death still caused a very heated discussion.

This is partly because the players of the Court of Silence were too abstract and started a cyber funeral in the community subreddit of Sanctuary 11, attracting a large number of people to watch the show.

On the other hand, because Heifu died too suddenly, many players felt uneasy.

Players who like Bai Fu are worried that Hei Fu's death will have a negative impact on Bai Fu, and are worried that Bai Fu will die suddenly like Hei Fu because of an unexpected incident. Players who don't like Bai Fu are worried that their favorite NPC will be like Hei Fu. Fu died suddenly and violently.

Although everyone can turn around and plan the game if the NPC dies, it may not be 100% viable if the game is made.

Because of such worries, when Bai Fu arrived at Tongshan Camp, she found that the players in the camp were not very interested.

[If Bai Fu dies, where can I find such a comfortable camp?]

[If Baifu dies, there will be no prayer cards for sale. How can I show off in the arena without prayer cards?]

[Let’s find a way to lock up Fufu. Just leave it to us to do whatever she wants. Fufu only needs to be responsible for looking good and making prayer cards]

[I think your idea works]

Bai Fu randomly clicked on the posts in the community and found that players were discussing how to imprison her. There were many players participating in the discussion. In the end, the players unanimously concluded that it was impossible to do it now.

There is no way, the strength gap is too big.

But just because you can't be imprisoned now doesn't mean you can't be imprisoned later.

Bai Fu's mouth twitched slightly.

Are these players starting to feel a little off?

This kind of dangerous thought must be suppressed as soon as it appears, otherwise there is a real chance that some fun players will do this.

Never underestimate the ability of Leziren players. It is not uncommon for players to use various methods to forcibly transport NPCs from one area to another in single-player games. In games where the degree of freedom is not very high, they all It would be even more outrageous in a game with a high degree of freedom if it could be done this way.

The main reason why these players are not large-scale now is because they are afraid of being killed by powerful NPCs until their accounts are scrapped. Powerful NPCs beating players are the same as Dynasty Warriors' explosive Lu Bu messing into a group of low-difficulty minions.


Bai Fu waved to Hei Fu, who was summoned by herself as soon as the cooling time was up.

The two of them walked into the Tongshan camp side by side.

"Huh? Fufu is back, and so is Fumei...ah?"

"I'm going, why is Sister Fu here?"

"The dead are resurrected? The filthy earth is reincarnated?"

Black Fu's sudden appearance immediately confused the players in the camp. Didn't Hei Fu die? So what's going on?

Bai Fu pretended to be confused and asked, "What's wrong with you?"

A female player explained: "Dig Ji said that Fufu, your sister died in the battle, and everyone was very sad, but now she..."

Bai Fu "suddenly realized": "I wanted to explain to Diggi Ji and the others at that time, but they left in a hurry. Hei Fu was indeed separated in the battle with the president of the Truth Society, but as long as I am still alive, she will not She will die in the true sense. How should I put it? She does not have a real body, but lives in a very special state. If you don’t believe it, just touch her arm.”

There wasn't a single lie in Bai Fu's explanation, but she didn't explicitly say that Hei Fu was the true spirit she summoned.

It's an information gap.

Players had no idea that there was such a thing as a true spirit in the game, so after the female player had the courage to touch Hei Fu's cold hand, the discussion about Hei Fu's true identity and form of existence suddenly became a hot topic again. .

[Ah, Fu Mei is not dead? 】

[Salute to the resurrection of the Second Jailer of the Stars! 】

[Gan, the funeral was held in vain]

[Don’t worry about that kind of thing, it’s a good thing that he’s not dead. The problem now is that Heifu really may share the same body with Fufu as Dig Ji guessed before]

[Indeed, Fu Fu herself said that as long as she does not die, Fu Mei will not die in the true sense]

[This means that Fumei exists in the form of a soul? 】

[Probably so, but does this game have a soul? 】

Soul has become the key word.

Players from all over the Origin Star went to ask NPCs whether souls existed in this world. This question confused those NPCs.

"Soul? Isn't this something only found in novels or legends?"

Intelligence collected by a large number of players shows that no one on Zuyuan Star has ever seen a real soul.

When players from other planets saw how popular this matter was, they also ran to ask the NPCs on their own planets.

"I have a friend, her name is Bai Fu, and she has a sister named Hei Fu..."

The results of the investigation by players living on low-tech planets or high-tech planets are similar to those of players on Zuyuan Star, while the results of the investigation by players living on spiritual power planets and supernatural power planets are different.

NPC on spiritual power planet: [Soul? Of course souls exist]

NPC on demon planet: [Twin sisters share a body, and the sister will not die if the elder sister does not die? I have several ways to achieve this goal]

NPC on supernatural planet: [Who is this Bai Fu you are talking about? If I remember correctly, you also mentioned this person last time! ]

The existence of souls has been confirmed, and the theory of the claim that Bai Fu and Hei Fu are twins sharing the same body proposed by Digging Ji has also been supported.

Coincidentally, at this time, players from all camps on Zuyuan Star received a new task to investigate Bai Fu's true identity, so the popularity of speculating on Bai Fu's true identity suddenly soared.

[The reward for this task is so exaggerated, 200,000 experience, a lot of reputation and camp favorability, and there are also special titles to be obtained! ]

[Normal, my boss told me that Bai Fu is a high-level superpower. A high-level superpower is an NPC who has unlocked a high-level profession and has already stood at the top of Zuyuan Star. Bai Fu is so high-level, how can the reward for investigating her task not be high?]

[Fuck, Fu Fu is really awesome!]

[If I remember correctly, Bai Fu hinted that she is an alien before. Can this be used to complete the task?]

[Don’t try it. I have tried it, but it doesn’t work. They don’t believe me. They asked me to show evidence. Where can I get evidence?]

But the real help to make the investigation of Bai Fu’s identity the number one in the community popularity list came from a post posted by a player named [Gao Shan Liu Shui] in the community.

Gao Shan Liu Shui comes from the superpower planet. In order to prove that he did not make up the story, he also attached a video in the post.

[Family members, I was locked up by the NPC because I mentioned the name Bai Fu several times in front of them. Now they insist that I explain who Bai Fu is, otherwise they will not let me go. How can I explain this? I said Bai Fu was a master from a distant planet, but they didn't believe me and beat me up. What a jerk! 】


A lot of question marks appeared in the post.

Soon, players with the same experience came out to support the post.

【Damn, I thought I was the only one who had this experience. The psychic who captured me used a brainwashing spell on me and asked me to tell Bai Fu's true identity. I didn't tell a shit. Alas, now I can't change my camp. It's so fucked up】

【Don't mention it. I was hung up and tortured by the demon hunter for two hours. I had nothing to do and watched a movie. Don't tell me, the heroine of this movie is pretty good】

This outrageous experience directly brought the popularity of this topic to a height that it shouldn't belong to.

Bai Fu was dumbfounded, especially after receiving several game prompts.

The format of these prompts is the same, saying that she unlocked the reputation of xx camp or improved the reputation of xx camp. What's speechless is that these camps are not on Zuyuan Star at all.

Now, although I am not in the martial arts world, there are legends about me everywhere.

Actually, if you think about it carefully, Bai Fu can understand those NPCs. The existence of players is very special and can attract the attention of NPCs. Such a group of special beings will say the same name for no reason, and it is hard for NPCs not to be curious.

We have to investigate it. If we don’t investigate, what if something goes wrong?

Bai Fu originally thought that this matter was almost over, but she didn’t expect that when she asked the players in the Tongshan camp about how the tasks were done, the players and NPCs on other planets came up with new things.

The superpowers of a certain organization on the spiritual planet gathered together and held a meeting.

Through the evidence that players can be resurrected, players have special contact methods, players in different places will also say the name of Bai Fu, and Bai Fu is a double soul, they have a lot of ideas and speculated that Bai Fu is the "Lord of the Night" in the local legend.

[The Lord of the Night, the legendary two-faced demon who controls death, the moon, the night, and nothingness. She has two souls. One soul looks harmless, like a gentle big sister next door, and the other soul is extremely cunning and cunning, and enjoys deceiving people! ]

[The followers of the Lord of the Night successfully communicated with the "Lord of the Night" through the ritual. They received the gift of the "Lord of the Night" and thus had the ability to resurrect from the dead! ]

These superpowers believed in their own guess very much, because Bai Fu, as mentioned by the players, had too many similarities with the Lord of the Night, especially the feature of two souls in one body.

They were very excited about this discovery.

This is awesome, man, this is the first time they have discovered the true name of the legendary demon.

So they announced this discovery to the public. The players have been in the game for several months, and the news is so well-informed.

The first player who learned about this quickly posted it on the forum, and then another player went to study the various legends of this novice planet and found that if you really want to explain it, it seems that Bai Fu is really a bit like this Lord of the Dark Night.

One body with two souls!

Bai Fu looks like a gentle big sister next door!

Bai Fu's nickname is Silver Moon!

Legend has it that the Lord of the Dark Night was betrayed and fell into a long sleep. Bai Fu also claimed that she was betrayed!

Good guy, just tell me if these characteristics are similar.

[Could it be that Bai Fu is really the Lord of the Dark Night? ]

[Isn’t that right? Isn’t the Lord of the Night just a demon god believed in on a novice planet? Fufu is not on that planet]

[You can’t say that. Who can guarantee that only the people on that planet believe in the Lord of the Night? Maybe the belief in the Lord of the Night spreads throughout the universe. Didn’t Fufu also hint that she comes from an alien planet?

[I always feel it’s a bit exaggerated. The first female NPC I met in Novice Village turned out to be the legendary Demon God]

[Brother, have you ever heard of the Disconnected City, the Weak Warrior, and the woman who made people charge 70,000 yuan? 】

[@digjidigabao What do you think? 】

Digging Ji said that she was watching a game. This was not information she had dug out by herself. She could only deal with it silently. If she made a mistake, her title of predicting that Bai Fu's plot would never go wrong would be lost.


Anyway, Bai Fu fell silent after seeing it.

Okay, okay, export to domestic sales, right?

Most of those super judgments are still made up by her to deceive players, such as the image of two souls in one body, the image of a gentle big sister, nicknames, and her betrayal.

I never expected that this made-up information would match up with one of the legends among the countless novice planets. There was a sense of humor in which the content that a monkey typed out on the keyboard happened to match a certain short story.

This is definitely not a bad thing in the long run. The more players guess about her identity, and the more powerful she is and the deeper her background, the more benefits it will have for her.

In the short term, there are still some disadvantages. Even if the NPCs on other novice planets all think that she is the Lord of the Night, it will not have any impact on her, but the NPCs on the Zuyuan Star are different.

If the NPC who received the news believed this and had thoughts such as "Zuyuanxing does not allow such awesome people to exist," it would more or less cause her some trouble.

"It seems that we need to improve our strength as soon as possible before trouble comes."

Bai Fu decided not to return to the Goli Desert for the time being. She just asked the players to return Carlisle's body that she had brought back to the Goli Desert. She also informed Lao Nissen and Gao Yuan to recruit more players in the recent period. If the players are not able to come, they will Send a car to pick them up, preferably to increase the number of players to four to five thousand.

This will not only speed up the reconstruction of the Goli Desert, help her complete the main mission as soon as possible, but also greatly improve the security capabilities of Shelter 11.

After explaining what happened there, she first got the obsidian fragment from Pratt, and then began to intervene in the tasks she had previously assigned to the players.

In the past few days since she was away, the players have actually investigated some useful information.

As she had thought before, the Old Republic did have medicines that could treat infectious diseases in Tongshan Camp, but they deliberately did not sell these medicines to Tongshan Camp.

In order to find out the real reason why they did not sell the medicine, some players tried to track down the researchers of the Old Republic who created the [Muscle Strengthening Potion]. Since the guards of the Old Republic were very strict, they did not find conclusive evidence, but they still found that several A researcher has been secretly communicating with the intelligence department of the Old Republic, so they concluded that the infectious diseases and drugs in the Kiriyama camp were all a conspiracy of the Old Republic.

"The Old Republic is probably testing medicine on them!"

"Our next plan is to grab the medicine, directly grab the full version of the muscle-strengthening potion, first cure the patients in the camp, and then... then kidnap those researchers, I don't believe that we can't get any information from them through interrogation. Come!"

This is called professionalism!

Bai Fu nodded. After the player's level increased, his abilities gradually became apparent. It seemed that she didn't need to intervene more in this task. She could just wait for the player to investigate the situation clearly, and then she could enjoy the results.

"Do you have any clues about the Psychic Proliferation Committee's investigation?"

"We investigated the past of the Old Republic. The Old Republic was born out of the pre-war superpower Orion Republic. After the war and the catastrophe, some surviving politicians and military-industrial groups of the Orion Republic jointly established the Old Republic." The Republic, the Old Republic was initially the most powerful force on the Origin Star after the Cataclysm. However, an accident occurred while they were researching mutant technology, which led to the outbreak of the Mutant Rebellion. The Old Republic suffered heavy losses, and some people harbored suspicions about mutants. The hateful people broke away from the old republic and formed the People’s Alliance.”

"Judging from the development history of the Old Republic, they are indeed likely to have first-hand information from the Psychic Propagation Committee, so we also investigated the previous leaders of the Old Republic, and we found that most of the confidential information of the Old Republic has It is managed by the Information Section of the Ministry of Intelligence. The truth about the Mutant Rebellion was leaked from this Information Section. Therefore, we think that the information of the Psychic Proliferation Committee may also be in the Information Section. The person in charge of the Information Section of the Old Republic is now It’s Deputy Minister Beshim.”

Oh, it turns out we are still our old friends!

After listening to the words of Confucius, Bai Fu found that the mission introduction and mission rewards of branch 1 [Old Hatred] of the hidden main line [The Desire of the Savior] had become more detailed.

[Mission introduction: It is said that most of the secrets of the old Republic are kept in the Information Section of the Ministry of Intelligence. Now the person in charge of managing the Information Section is Beshim. Try to find the list of the Psychic Propagation Committee from Beshim]

[Reward: 200,000 experience points, exploration level, memory fragments]

This mission reward made Bai Fu couldn't help but raise her eyebrows.

200,000 experience?

It's a bit less for her now.

But the reward of this task does not seem to focus on experience, but on the exploration and recollection fragments.

Exploration is easy to say. She has obtained 2.2% of the exploration of Zuyuan Star through tasks and exploration. As for recollection fragments, it is not the first time she has seen this thing.

One of the rewards for the task of exploring spiritual energy released by Xia Shi is recollection fragments.

"Is the reward of recollection fragments bound to the task of exploring the past plot?"

It is difficult for Bai Fu not to make some associations.

For example, this so-called recollection fragment is actually a copy dropped by the game. If you get recollection fragments, you can challenge those stories that happened in the past.

If this is true, then she has another source of experience!

PS: Thanks to the book friend 20211101001047067 for the reward

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