Who made her an NPC!

Chapter 117 Everyone surrender, Bai Fu is the man of destiny [5k]

Although she has already set the Old Republic as her next target, Bai Fu is not in a hurry to act.

If you want to do your job well, you must first sharpen your tools!

She will next sneak into the base camp of one of the five major forces on Zuyuan Star. If she is not fully prepared, she may fail.

As for capturing Behim, Bai Fu is actually very confident.

She has fought with Behim in Marsk Laboratory and has also seen Behim's data panel. She is fully confident that she can beat Behim to his knees in a short time.

The real difficulty lies in how to bypass the high-level NPC of the Old Republic to approach Behim, and how to get rid of the pursuers after catching Behim and take Behim to a safe place for torture and interrogation as soon as possible.

"Speed ​​is the key."

Bai Fu looked at her attribute panel. Her basic agility is 35 points. Counting the bonus of Hei Fu, Yi Cai, and Super Energy Burst, it can be increased to 50 points in a short time.

50 points of agility is ridiculously fast among a group of psychic praying masters. It is the kind of speed that most people may think she has not started yet, but in fact she has finished.

However, compared with those high-level physical training NPCs or speed-type supernatural NPCs, 50 points of agility is not very effective.

In order to ensure that the task can be completed smoothly, Bai Fu urgently contacted Su Li and asked Su Li to make a connection and order a set of combat uniforms from the most powerful mechanic of the Railway Guild.

"I don't really care about defense, the key is speed and strength. Well, it would be better if I can have a quick turn. If there is enough time, it would be even better if I can add the function of hiding my identity and shielding detection. As for the appearance... it's okay. Anyway, I will wear another set of clothes outside."

"Okay." Su Li agreed quickly, "Then I will help you design it casually."

Bai Fu quickly added: "Don't be too casual when I say casually. If you want to make me wear a weird style like wearing briefs outside, be careful that I will take off your clothes and put them on your head."

"Don't worry."

Su Li agreed with a smile.

Only more than ten minutes later, she sent another message to Bai Fu, saying that this kind of combat uniform that does not require too high defense capabilities can be picked up in three days at most.

Three days?

Bai Fu used the waiting time to make prayer cards.

She went out to buy a bunch of materials for making prayer cards, and then she did not leave the house. She and Hei Fu worked together to make prayer cards and brush experience in three days.

Afterwards, she put all these experiences into the Moon Dancer profession, upgrading it by 5 levels, and upgrading the Moon Dancer profession to Moon Dancer (Advanced) Lv5 in one go.

This upgrade brought her 10 points of agility, 5 points of constitution, 5 points of spirit, 10 points of attribute points, and a new skill called [Moon Hidden].

[Moon Hidden]: Consumes 5 points of Qi per minute, reduces the movement generated during action, and has no cooldown.

This is a very useful skill for sneaking, assassination, and running away.

Bai Fu nodded with satisfaction.

She did not move the extra 10 attribute points for the time being, and planned to see whether to add them to agility when she officially took action.

Now her attributes have become-

[Attributes]: Strength 29, Agility 45, Constitution 103, Intelligence 35, Spirit 37, Inspiration 128

Originally, her lowest attribute was intelligence. After so long of development, strength was even surpassed by intelligence, but it was not a big problem, because she did not fight with fists.

The three-day period has arrived.

After leaving the "gate", Bai Fu and Hei Fu immediately rushed to the Railway Guild.

"Take a look at this set of combat uniforms. If there is anything you are not satisfied with, you can still change it now."

The combat uniform that Su Li took out was a tight-fitting style. The material has special ductility, which can perfectly fit the wearer's body. At the same time, it has a very good shaping effect, and it will not cause some embarrassing situations like wearing yoga pants.

The overall combat uniform is black, and some key parts are designed with matching textures, colors and decorations. It is both beautiful and practical.

In terms of appearance, Bai Fu really couldn't find any faults. She cast a spiritual vision on the combat uniform.

[MX-modified combat suit (Bai Fu customized version)]

[Quality]: Purple

[Attributes]: Durability 150/150, Strength 16, Agility 23

[Energy]: MX micro core * 4, Energy 200/200, after full power start, consumes 0.4 energy points per minute, rechargeable

Then there are more than ten lines, mainly introducing the additional functions of this combat suit, such as concealment function, signal shielding function, and foot burst module.

It can be said that except for the poor durability and defense, this set of combat suit made in a hurry is a magical suit just by looking at the panel. !

Su Li smiled and said: "When making this combat suit, I deliberately asked the senior mechanic to use the most advanced materials. This material has excellent breathability. Even if you wear it and fight with others for a whole day, you don’t have to worry about yourself getting suffocated. In short, try it on."

Bai Fu nodded.

After unlocking the advanced profession, her body was strengthened. She had specially verified that this strengthening not only strengthened her body strength, but also the curves of her chest, abdomen, hips and legs, as well as metabolism and a host of other body functions. Therefore, the functions that Su Li mentioned were actually not very meaningful to her. Anyway, she didn't sweat much, and she wouldn't wear combat clothes as casual clothes, as she would be stuffy for many days.

Bai Fu went to the room to change into the combat uniform and adapted to the strength and agility it provided.

She was quite satisfied with this combat uniform. The only thing she was dissatisfied with was that the ability of this combat uniform to conceal her identity was not top-notch. It was impossible to make a move on her chest, so that people could not judge her gender.

But this was not the problem of this suit. It was because her own capital was too strong, and the technological level of Zuyuan Star was at this level, so it was impossible to go higher.

"There is nothing to change, so let's do it."

Bai Fu very readily paid the balance of the combat uniform to Su Li.

When she left the Railway Guild, she also got a good news from Su Li. In the past two days, the Truth Society suddenly launched an attack on the Railway Guild, the Human Alliance and the Old Republic. The scale of the attack was not large, and it was even touch and go, but it involved a lot of energy from the three major forces.

"Some senior agents of the Old Republic were transferred to other places? Then my chances of success are greater."

Bai Fu was more and more grateful to the president of the Truth Society.

This top brother is many times more powerful than the former top brother, the leader of the Wildfire Gang.

When she was new, he kept giving her experience and reputation. When she was targeted by the Primarch, he helped her to contain the Primarch. When she was stuck in level, he gave her job transfer tasks. Now she is going to cause trouble for Beshim and helped her attract a wave of attention from the Old Republic.

With this level of enthusiasm, the leader of the Fumen, Digging Ji, always respectfully calls the president of the Truth Society "old senior".

"Let's talk about deeds, not heart. When I laugh at the whole Zuyuan Star and become the real protagonist of Zuyuan Star, I will give the president of the Truth Society the title of Honorary Master of Fumen!"

After leaving the Railway Guild, Bai Fu rushed to Black Mountain City as fast as possible.

As night fell and dark clouds gathered, she silently watched the pictures sent back by Little Bai Fu.

This time she sent two Little Bai Fu, one to keep an eye on the office of the Old Republic Intelligence Department, and the other to keep an eye on the laboratory where the researchers who were studying muscle strengthening drugs worked.

Since the Old Republic experienced the Mutant Rebellion, the night control has been stricter. Therefore, there are basically no pedestrians on the streets at night. The only things you can see occasionally are cats and dogs running by and patrolmen with solemn faces.

"We have been watching for two whole days, but Beshim has been hiding in the intelligence building and not coming out." A player reported the results of his investigation to Bai Fu.

Bai Fu frowned slightly.

The situation is a little bad. Although some senior agents of the Old Republic have been led away by the Truth Society, a considerable number of them are still left in Black Mountain City. With her current strength, she may not be able to escape unscathed even with the blessing of combat uniforms if she breaks into the intelligence building.

It seems that the second combat plan must be activated to lead Beshim out of the intelligence building.

"Get ready for action."

Bai Fu conveyed the signal to the players.

The players who received the order took action. They stared at the laboratory until the researchers they had been watching for a long time walked out of the laboratory and entered their encirclement.

[The target has appeared! 】

The player in charge of stalking immediately shouted in the team channel.

The arresting team was ready to go, the trouble-making team was already in the state, and the other players responsible for stopping the pursuers and leading the pursuers away were all in their positions.

With the order of the player as the general commander, the players in the arresting team launched the first wave of attacks, and they rushed out of the darkness as quickly as agile cheetahs.

With the psychic shield, these players did not need to consider the opponent's counterattack at all. What they needed to do was extremely simple, that is, rush to the target, use the combat etiquette card to control the target, and then other players rushed to press the target to the ground, tie the rope, gag the mouth, and hit the club, and cooperated closely.

In less than 20 seconds, the arresting team succeeded and began to retreat.

A few minutes later, a patrolman arrived at the scene of the arrest. He found something unusual and quickly called his companions.

A large group of patrolmen rushed over and began to search for players everywhere.

At this time, the players responsible for blocking and leading the enemy jumped out.

Today is different from the past. In the past, players could only run away when they saw these patrolmen, but now the players are much stronger, and they can beat the patrolmen who are chasing them and make them cry for their parents.

"Quick, go to the Intelligence Department to ask for agents!"

The patrolmen were scared by the players and had to ask for external help.

As the deputy director of the Intelligence Department, Beshim would not come out in person for such a thing. Bai Fu had expected this, so she prepared a more delicious meal for him.

When the agents of the Intelligence Department just rushed out of the Intelligence Department building, the troublemakers who had ambushed in various places in Black Mountain City in advance started to work.

They attacked the important laboratories, companies, and even military institutions in Black Mountain City in batches, shouting as they attacked.

"It's bad. Deputy Minister of Intelligence Beshim has colluded with the Truth Society to rebel. Everyone, run quickly. If you don't run, everyone will be captured by the Truth Society and turned into mutants!"

"Fake news, this is fake news, don't believe it, Deputy Minister Beshim is innocent, the one who really colluded with the Truth Society to rebel is Colonel Chuck!"

"Bullshit, don't slander people here, Colonel Chuck is innocent!"

The lethality of these words can be said to be quite terrifying, and everyone who heard these words was stunned.

Damn, who is rebelling, damn, how many people are rebelling?

They were completely confused by the players' rhetoric, and for a moment they didn't think that anyone else didn't have the option to rebel.

"Contact the president quickly, we need reinforcements. If there are too many rebels, we can't hold on here!"

For a while, all the terminals in Black Mountain City were busy.


In the intelligence building, Beshim glanced at the clock next to him irritably.

He has been in a very bad mood these days, all thanks to Bai Fu.

In fact, if Bai Fu had just threatened him in front of everyone, he wouldn't be so angry. Who hasn't experienced one or two embarrassing moments in intelligence work? After a good night's sleep, the unnecessary resentment and hatred will almost disappear.

Beshim was indeed like this at the beginning.

After returning from Marsk Laboratory, he completely forgot what happened in the laboratory that day in just one day, and began to focus on investigating Bai Fu's true identity with the help of the power of the undead.

It has to be said that the efficiency of the undead is really high. In less than a day, they successfully compiled a report on Bai Fu's movements. The details of this report made those old agents who were proud of their status and ability feel ashamed.

Beshim began to imagine the scene where Bai Fu was completely exposed by the undead.

However, everything changed drastically one day later. Those undead who were investigating very enthusiastically a day ago suddenly gave up. Not only that, a considerable number of undead directly withdrew from the Old Republic and disappeared.

Beshim was confused and quickly sent people to investigate the reason.

It would have been better if he didn't investigate. Once he investigated, he almost vomited blood. It turned out that most of the undead who escaped fled to the Goli Desert.

The Goli Desert is Bai Fu's territory, which means that those undead abandoned the Old Republic and went to Bai Fu!

Beshim had heard that Bai Fu had a special charm that could attract undead, but he never expected that this charm would be so strong.

"What kind of magic potion did she feed those undead people?"

"She looks good? We don't lack good-looking female agents."

"Is it because her hair is silver-white?"

The angry Behim ordered his agents to investigate further.

Later, when an undead was asked why so many undead people suddenly abandoned the Old Republic and ran to Bai Fu, he replied: "Maybe it's because Bai Fu's true identity has been revealed."

"Real identity?"

"Now it is rumored everywhere that Bai Fu is the Lord of the Dark Night."

"What is the Lord of the Dark Night?"

"I don't know how to explain it to you. Anyway, she is very powerful. She is a bit like the existence of the man of destiny, you know? I say you don't have to mess around. Just surrender to Bai Fu and fight the Truth Society under Bai Fu's leadership. It is estimated that the Truth Society will be destroyed in one or two strokes."

Vote, vote, vote, I vote for you!

Behim was almost fainted with anger.

These undead people really praised Bai Fu to no end. He was a little unhappy with Bai Fu in the first place, and now he is completely resentful of her.

Bai Fu, right? If you fall into my hands, I will definitely make you suffer!

[I suspect that these undeads are sent by Bai Fu to disrupt our military morale. We need to take the same countermeasures against the undead as the original gene body, otherwise we will be infiltrated by the undead and become puppets in Bai Fu's hands sooner or later]

Beshim was writing furiously on the paper. He planned to write a report against the undead and submit it to the people above.

At this moment, his personal terminal suddenly rang.

"What's the matter?"

"It's bad, Deputy Minister Beshim, now people are shouting that you are colluding with the Truth Society to rebel!"


Beshim was stunned. He colluded with the Truth Society to rebel?


Beshim hung up the call angrily. Not long after, he received another call from the Minister of Intelligence. The minister said something similar to what the man just said.

Now it was difficult for him to ignore it.

"I didn't rebel, this is slander! I will prove myself with practical actions!"

Beshim could no longer sit still. He hurriedly packed up his things and walked out of the intelligence building with several subordinates. He was going to arrest those who spread rumors himself, and then bring them to the minister and the president to prove their innocence.

"That's it."

A few minutes after walking out of the intelligence building, a black figure suddenly blocked Beshim's way.

"Who are you?"

Beshim was shocked. He didn't realize how this black figure appeared.

During the questioning, he raised his hand and slapped the black figure.

The Qi rushed like a swinging heavy hammer. When it was about to hit the black figure, the black figure suddenly moved a few meters to the side in an extremely uncoordinated posture.


The Qi hit the wall and hit the wall directly into the tower.

Bai Fu pushed the ground with her right foot, and the foot module of the combat suit exerted force. Under the effect of the recoil, she "shot" out like a cannonball, and appeared in front of Beshim in just a blink of an eye, so fast that people could not cope with it at all.

Dark Burn was launched, and three consecutive strikes landed firmly on Beshim, smashing the defense shield built by Beshim with air, and also smashing Beshim's chest slightly.


Beshim recognized it. Wasn't this the move that Bai Fu showed in front of him that day?

But at this time, he had no time to call for help or shout Bai Fu's name.

He was knocked back and flew out. Bai Fu activated her combat suit with all her strength. With the help of the huge force burst and the flowing light, she arrived at the place where she fell before him.

Bai Fu quickly raised her right hand, and a large amount of spiritual energy was released from her palm, instantly drowning Beshim.


Accompanied by screams, Beshim was blasted into a bloody mess by the explosion of spiritual explosion and alien erosion, and the whole person fell into extreme weakness.

Bai Fu did not kill him again. She picked up Beshim and looked around.

The agents who came out with Beshim were already scared at this time. It took only ten seconds to kill the powerful deputy director of the intelligence department. What kind of monster is this?

The fighting here was still a bit loud, and Bai Fu had already noticed that someone was coming.

"Hei Fu, let's go."

The two left quickly.

PS: Thanks to the book friend 20190503121936265 for the reward

Two updates tomorrow

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