Who made her an NPC!

Chapter 131 From a village girl to a queen, Bai Fu is a one-man army! [6k]

The entrance from Area C to Area A was crowded with people.

Superpowers, mutants, elite soldiers, heavy weapons... lined up in three rows, completely blocking the road.

The moment Bai Fu walked to the gate, the gate suddenly opened automatically. When the gate was halfway up, the interception troops of the Truth Society raised their weapons.

Just now, Bernardo issued a new order-

"Don't leave anyone alive. When you see Bai Fu, Yulia, or Ed, attack directly without any reservations!"

The interception troops implemented Bernardo's order very well.

At the beginning, the people in this interception force actually despised Bai Fu. Bai Fu was powerful, but after being trapped in Area C, where could she jump no matter how powerful she was?

But after discovering Xu Zhihao's horrible corpse and the large ruins around him, the people in the interception force dared not relax at all.

Xu Zhihao is considered one of the top fighters in the entire Truth Society. It would be good if two ordinary high-level superpowers were not killed by him, let alone killing him. However, such a brave man was killed by Bai Fu in a very short time. There was not a single intact place on his body. How strong is Bai Fu?

No one can imagine it.

Perhaps, Bai Fu has stood on the same stage with the president who is known as the God of War in the base!

Facing such an opponent, the people of the interception force can only do one thing.

"Fire, fire!"

Hot weapons began to vent, and various special bullets penetrated the chamber and came out, gathering together like a rainstorm, followed by grenades and special grenades.

In the first round of attack, the interception force almost took out all the long-range attack means, and the explosion fire and smoke produced by the saturation attack completely submerged Bai Fu.

Although the heavy gate was not a problem, the walls and ceilings near the gate collapsed one after another under this round of attack.

It took more than a minute before the interception troops stopped. The superpower Kasai, who was in charge of the on-site command, stared at the ruins in front of him and muttered to himself.

"She should be dead now, right?"

Superpowers have their own means of resisting thermal weapons attacks, but these means can only withstand a limited attack. Once the limit is exceeded, it is not easy to withstand thermal weapons attacks with flesh and blood alone.

A few seconds later, the smoke and dust in the ruins completely dissipated, and a figure appeared in the field of vision of the interception troops.

It was Bai Fu.

She stood there, unharmed, and only took off the white coat, revealing the combat uniform she was wearing inside.

"How is it possible?"

All the members of the Truth Society, including Kasai, widened their eyes as if they had seen a ghost. Their heads were buzzing, as if they had crashed, and they could not process the information received by their eyes.

Shock, fear...all kinds of negative emotions rolled into a ball.

Bai Fu smiled.

The attack of the Truth Society was fierce, but she was more skilled. How could the psychic protection with a shield value of up to 3000 be torn apart easily?

She strolled in the firepower network, walked leisurely to a safe point, sat and watched the Truth Society hit the air for more than a minute, and then slowly walked back to the original place.

Well, just want to scare the people of the Truth Society, I can only say that this trick is very effective.

When the people of the Truth Society were frightened, Bai Fu raised her right hand, and five void spheres slowly rose like black moons. Under the shining of the black moon, one after another little black Fu poked their heads out from behind the ruins.

More than people?

I have a lot here too.

Saturation attack?

I can do it too!

Almost at the same time when the five black moons began to attack, the little black Fu raised the prayer cards in their hands. They held the [Summon Ghost! ] card and the [Piercing Gun] card in their hands. The former is a "grenade" and the latter is a "sniper rifle".

Release! Release, release, release!

The small Black Fu Army threw out the prayer cards in their hands, and the white light instantly flooded the Truth Society's blocking troops like a rain waterfall.

The first to bear the brunt was Kasai, who was standing in the front. He dodged desperately and barely avoided the first round of counterattacks from Bai Fu. He did dodge, but the others behind were not so lucky.

Boom boom boom——

The light gun flew and shot the multi-barreled heavy machine gun in the front into pieces. The ghost raid blew the fragile gunman into the air, his body hit the ceiling, his chest was sunken, his waist and abdomen were broken, and blood sprayed all over the ground.

The sound of explosions and screams intertwined, and the smell of blood and gunpowder blended.

Kasai's eyes were bloodshot. Among the dead was a card player who was playing cards with him not long ago, now lying on the ground, half of his face flew away.

"Kill her, if we don't, we will all die!"

Kasai roared, his body was surrounded by cold air, his superpowers were released, he led the way, and led a dozen superpowers to surround and kill Bai Fu.

Bai Fu didn't hide at all, she stood still, calmly used psychic repair to restore the blood of the attacked little Hei Fu, and used dispel to remove the buff on the opponent.

She still remembered that she was a "mage", and close combat was a means to fight for life with a strong enemy.

The next second, five virtual orbs changed their targets at the same time. Kasai was caught off guard and was hit by five psychic beams. He flew backwards and knocked down all the superpowers behind him.

When he got up again, the three seconds were up, and the alien erosion exploded, setting off another storm, killing and wounding the surrounding area.

Taking advantage of this chaotic moment, the Little Black Fu Corps once again fired the Penetrating Gun, hitting the same place three times in a row, adding fatal damage, and clearing Kasai's health bar. Kasai still had an expression of disbelief on his face until he fell to the ground.

He didn't expect that he would fall so quickly, and he didn't expect that he would die so quickly.

[You killed Kasai, a high-level superpower of the Truth Society...]

The game prompt sounded, but it was soon overwhelmed by a series of kill and damage prompts.

Bai Fu calmly controlled the Void Sphere and the Little Black Fu Corps to push forward. She was a single-person army, sniping at the middle gate of the Truth Society in the passage from Area C to Area A, and defeated the Truth Society's interception troops, and their mentality collapsed.

"Support, we need support!"

The people of the interception troops frantically contacted the main monitoring room, and the people in the main monitoring room urgently contacted Bernardo.

At this time, Bernardo, who was still in the underground factory, was almost crazy. With Bai Fu's firepower, it was unknown how many intact places would be left in this main base after the battle.

"All high-level superpowers, surround her. For the time being, ignore those outside!"

"Call all the undead in the base and let them be cannon fodder. It's okay if they can delay Bai Fu for a second!"

After the order was issued, except for Tai Er Zhenren, all the players in the Truth Society camp in the base received a new task to stop Bai Fu from advancing.

"Silver Wing?"

The eyes of other players were all focused on Blade Runner.

Blade Runner nodded vigorously: "It's time for us to take action!"

In order to escape from the sea of ​​suffering, for a better tomorrow, for love and justice, go for it!

Blade Runner took the lead, and all the players rushed to Bai Fu. They were ready to die once, and then sneak away to cause trouble after resurrecting from the resurrection point.

But after seeing the void sphere floating behind Bai Fu like a black moon, and the cute and fierce "grenadier" Xiao Hei Fu, they were all stunned.

Fuck, what kind of play is this?

They had seen many battle scenes of Baifu in the community before, and had a certain understanding of the Void Sphere, the Piercing Spear, and the Little Black Fu, but this was the first time they had seen such a combination of fighting styles.

Too powerful, if players could be so powerful...

Players started live broadcasts and recorded videos. When the words "Truth Society", "Baifu", and "One Man Army" were combined together, they immediately attracted the attention of countless players.

[Oh my god, I thought Little Black Fu was a mascot, but it turns out that it can be used like this? ]

[That day I met a Little Black Fu on patrol in Baifu Town. I wanted to touch it, but fortunately I didn't, otherwise it would probably turn around and shoot me to death]

[Too powerful, with Little Black Fu, I don't even have to throw the prayer card myself. This is simply the gospel of the clumsy party. I want to learn this skill! ]

[Big Fufu is good, Little Fufu is good, Big Fufu + Little Fufu are even better! ]

[So cool, do you think Fufu, who leads a group of Little Black Fufu, looks like a queen? There are only 30 Little Black Fu now. If there are 30,000 or 300,000, I can't imagine how exciting the scene will be.]

[Fallen leaves brought a message. In our birthplace, Zuyuan Star, Bai Fu became the king. People say that this is an era of Fu Fu everywhere.]

The players in the live broadcast room were so excited. Some were jealous of the strength of the summoning style of the psychic painter, some were jealous of Bai Fu herself, and some were more perverted and jealous of Little Black Fu.

Everyone is very excited now. Most of the players are going crazy in the live broadcast room, and some have already posted in the community.

In the post, they detailed Bai Fu's complete journey from a "village girl" in an abandoned cooling plant to a "queen" who led an army alone and dominated the main base of the Truth Society, and discussed with their imagination how the plot would develop after the Truth Society was eliminated.

All kinds of masters appeared in the post and expressed their own opinions. The heat even overshadowed the war between the four major forces besieging the Truth Society.

[Hey, hey, hey, you are stealing my work!!! 】

Digging Ji, who accidentally clicked into the post, was almost mad. The popularity was taken away. In desperation, she could only follow Su Li, who took over the temporary command of the Court of Silence, to see if she could get some useful information from the war against the Truth Society.

The live broadcast of Blade Runner lasted for more than six minutes. Under the constant urging of the Truth Society, they reluctantly stepped forward to donate.

"Finally, it was delayed for a while."

Bernardo, who received the news from the main monitoring room, breathed a sigh of relief. He had successfully released all the beast-like mutants in the underground factory. Now it was time to pay back Bai Fu with blood!

He began to drive the beast-like mutants to the elevator. The elevator went up rapidly, but halfway up, the elevator suddenly shook violently twice and then stopped.

"What happened?"

Bernardo's face changed drastically.

He suddenly realized that there was a power outage. Someone had cut off the power supply. The power supply to the elevator was separate from that to other places. If even the power supply to the elevator was cut off, it meant that the main control distribution room had been attacked. Except for some areas with independent power supply, all other places would be out of power.

"Who did it?"

Bernardo was furious.

He was in the elevator shaft now. He could climb out by himself, but what about these beast-like mutants?

The beast-like mutants could only understand some very simple commands, and because they were released in a hurry, they could get out of control if they were not careful.

He originally wanted to imprison these beast-turned mutants with Bai Fu and let them fight, but now it's better, he himself is locked up with these beast-turned mutants.

Bernardo turned around and found that several ferocious mutants had begun to become restless.

damn it.

He quickly climbed out from the top of the elevator. The only solution for now was to break the wall from the outside, release these ferocious beast mutants one by one, and then find a way to drive them in front of Bai Fu.

"Go and activate the backup power, quickly!"

The main base of the Truth Society, Area A, main control power distribution room.

The superpower standing at the door had half his face darkened. He was watching here, and watched as several undead people ran over, saying that Minister Bernardo was looking for him in an emergency, but he didn't know whether it was because of poor signal or He couldn't get through it for some reason. He believed it and walked to the open area and took out the terminal.

At this moment, those undead people suddenly rushed towards the main control power distribution room one after another. With several explosions, the main control power distribution room was blown up. In an instant, the place where he was was plunged into despairing darkness.

Can you not despair?

Now that foreign enemies are invading, but the power is out at this time, the already bad situation will definitely become worse.

It's over, it's all over!

The superpower almost collapsed, and his failure to keep an eye on the main control power distribution room almost sentenced him to death.

"Ah ah ah, you are a group of undead people who will be cut into pieces by a thousand cuts. You are not human. I will kill you. I will kill you!"

After roaring several times angrily, he rushed out along the dark corridor like crazy with his weapon in hand.

I don't know how long he rushed, but several white lights suddenly shot out in the darkness and penetrated his body. He fell to the ground, howling in pain. A second later, several black beams of light came and took him away completely. .

"What's going on with this guy?"

Bai Fu slowly walked out of the darkness and looked at the corpse on the ground with confusion on her face.

Why did Haodi suddenly scold the players? Could it be that the players outside had broken through the defense of the main base of the Truth Society?

Bai Fu shook her head.

In any case, the sudden power outage at the main base of the Truth Society was a good thing for her. It was easier for her to do things in the dark.

While she was controlling the Void Ball and Little Black Fu to continue to move forward, she dodged into the side road.

Let the Void Ball and Little Black Fu help her attract the attention of the superpowers of the Truth Society, while she quietly moved towards the main control room. It didn't matter even if the Void Ball and the Little Black Fu were eliminated on the way, for this operation , she prepared a large number of prayer cards, and she could summon an equal number of void balls and small black fuss at any time to continue to attract the attention of the Truth Society, creating the illusion that the main base of the Truth Society had been penetrated and riddled with holes.

The effect of this move is outstanding.

Summoning true spirits to cause chaos everywhere, the Truth Society can no longer tell how many enemies there are in the base.

When their attention was completely transferred to Area A, Heifu, who had been staying in Area C, exerted her strength. She took Ed hostage and started a sweep.

From the medical laboratory to the psychic research laboratory, from the computer room to the power distribution room, from Area C to Area B, Heifu gave full play to the spirit of "stealing light", and the data and information that can be read directly from the player panel are directly Read, if not, just move the device away.

Heifu didn't expect to be able to move all the equipment out at once. For the time being, she just secretly stacked the equipment in a room that few people usually went to.

Ed and Yulia were dumbfounded.

"What are you doing?"

"Make money, make money so you can support your family."

Heifu became more and more enthusiastic about stealing, wishing she could conjure up an automatic pickup halo out of thin air. She could already imagine herself making a fortune from these stolen things.

[Reborn among the stars, I became the richest man on the Ancestral Star in just one year, just because I am the "Light-Stealing" Empress! 】

After stealing for a full hour, Hei Fu finally stopped. It wasn't that she had really stolen all the Truth Society, but mainly because she saw Bernardo driving away the ferocious mutants on the way.

"It's a pity that we have to stop, otherwise we will be in trouble once we are discovered by those beastly mutants."

Hei Fu felt deeply regretful and looked down at the message Su Li had just sent.

The Railway Association, the People's League, and the Old Republic have organized the most elite troops and are rushing to the main base of the Truth Society, but this speed actually takes a lot of time.

Heifu was about to leave, but at this moment, Ed suddenly crushed a badge in his pocket. This was not an ordinary badge, but a special badge with a mental shock.

"Bernardo, save me!"

He shouted and rushed towards Bernardo with all his strength.

Using mental shock to give himself a chance to escape was a wonderful idea for Ed, but he overlooked one problem. Hei Fu was not a human being, but a true spirit summoned by Bai Fu. He had no brains and was subject to Bai Fu's natural ability to remotely control the whole process. Control, not taking ordinary mental attacks at all.

Want to escape?

A cold light flashed across her eyes, and while Hei Fu used the [Refreshing] burst from Xu Zhihao to block Yulia's skills, she also used battle etiquette towards Ed.

A strange force acted on him, and Ed was horrified to find that he couldn't move his legs.


He felt a chill on his back and a hand fell on his neck.

"It seems that you think your life is too long."

"No, I..."

Ed was shaking all over. He didn't know how to explain it. He could only look at Bernardo with pleading eyes. If Bernardo rescued him with all his strength, he might still have a chance to survive. After all, Heifu still had Yuri in his hands. Ya is such a dragster.

Bernardo's reaction sent Ed into an abyss.

"Kill together."

Although he didn't know why Bai Fu suddenly appeared in Area C, he still issued a killing order to the ferocious mutants around him.

Ed shouted in panic: "Bernardo, you want to kill me? Without me, the potential potion would never have been researched so fast, and Yulia's ability would not have been cracked!"

Bernardo looked cold and unmoved.

The situation was in chaos, and the truth would fall into decline. He no longer wanted to waste any more time, he just wanted to kill Bai Fu as soon as possible, even if the cost was that Ed would die.

Ed read Bernardo's eyes. Seeking help here was in vain, so he could only beg for mercy from Heifu.

"Don't kill me. I'll exchange the president's secret with you. This secret is related to your life and death."

Black Fu hesitated for a moment, but still cast a psychic shield on Ed the moment the ferocious mutants came to kill him.

She pulled out a stack of cards, and while dispelling the void balls on Bai Fu's side, she summoned new void balls on her side to resist the ferocious mutants.

"What secret?"

Heifu touched the ground with her toes, breaking the ground, and used the strength to retreat.

Ed said anxiously: "The president has mastered the method of replicating Yulia's fake body. His mastery is incomplete and he can only create one fake body, but he placed this fake body in the base. This means that as long as he If he is willing, he can actually give up the body in the original body and return to the base at any time. He is very strong, beyond imagination. Several Xu Zhihao combined are no match for him. If you don't want to die, you'd better find a way from here. escape!"

Hearing Ed's words, Black Fu and Bai Fu's expressions became solemn at the same time.

In fact, the total level of the president of the Truth Society is far lower than hers, but the total level is not the only criterion for measuring the strength of an NPC.

According to the stories told by people from the Truth Society, the secret that the President of the Truth Society is a reformer, and the positioning of the President of the Truth Society in the game, this guy is most likely a "monster" with a small number of professions, but an extremely exaggerated race and template.

"He is attacking the Primarch now. Unless he is willing to accept the failure of this operation, he will not come back for a while. But if he really can't bear it and would rather accept failure than kill me, then..."

Bai Fu knew very well how much damage she had caused at the main base of the Truth Society, and how infuriating it was.

Now she can only hope that the Primarch, the Railway Guild and other forces, as well as the players she sent out, can work hard to hold back the president of the Society of Truth, otherwise she will be in great danger.

"You should be able to leave, right?"

Heifu said to Yulia who was held in her arms.

Yulia nodded: "I can, but I can't walk fast."

"That's enough." Heifu put Yulia down and stuffed a bunch of prayer cards into her hand. "The cards say how to use them. I'll let little Heifu escort you while I'm restrained. When Bernardo and the beast turn into mutants, run away and find a safe place to hide. I will come to you after I finish solving the trouble here! "

Looking at Heifu with a serious expression, Yulia was distracted for a moment.

"The deal between us and the relationship between you and Uncle Nissen are not enough to support you to do this for me, right?"

She was puzzled.

Before reaching the deal, she fought with Bai Fu twice, and the first time she wanted Bai Fu's life. It was hard for her to imagine that Bai Fu would do this for her.

It was unbelievable to break into the Truth Society alone. Did you want to get something from her? No, you shouldn't go to such lengths.

If she knew that Bai Fu had accepted the game mission, she wouldn't be entangled, but unfortunately she didn't know. Therefore, after Hei Fu pushed her and pushed her away, a strange idea came to her mind -

Could it be that Bai Fu has special feelings for me?

PS: I have stayed up too late recently and am feeling a bit weak. Please rest early.

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