Who made her an NPC!

Chapter 132 After you die, I will let the truth be buried with you [5k]

Miscellaneous thoughts were running wild in her mind, and Yulia looked at Hei Fu with a strange look in her eyes.

She thought carefully, and there were only two possibilities for Bai Fu to do this for her.

1. Bai Fu coveted her body and thought she could get her strength from her.

2. Bai Fu coveted her body, and this covetousness was different from the previous covetousness, and only those who understand can understand.

As for Bai Fu being the living saint, the reason that she wanted to save everyone she met was completely untenable.

If she had only heard about Bai Fu's deeds in the abandoned cooling plant, she might still think so. After contacting Bai Fu for a period of time in the Goli Desert, she knew very well that Bai Fu looked like a female bodhisattva, but in fact she was a white-cut black.

Of course, Yulia did not hate this kind of character now.

In the two years of being betrayed and arrested, she deeply realized that it was very difficult to survive in this chaotic world without using some tricks.

In addition, another truth she understood was that she should not be emotional.

In the past, she would definitely insist on staying because Bai Fu came to save her, and fight with Bai Fu until the last moment.

[Even if we die, we must die together! ]

But now she has shed her silly "innocence". She knows that in her current state, staying will not only not help Bai Fu, but will become a burden to Bai Fu. Listening to Bai Fu's words and leaving quickly is the most correct choice.

"Bai Fu."

Yulia looked at Hei Fu with a firm look.

"If you die, I will come back to avenge you, and let the whole truth be buried with you."

When she said this, there was no hatred or cruelty in her voice. She was just simply telling the story, as if she was reciting a narration of an established fact, but such a plain tone, combined with her ice-blue long hair, cold face, and the smile on the corner of her mouth at this time, gave people an inexplicable sense of deterrence.

Bai Fu was moved.

She thought Yulia would say "You must survive" or "Once we escape from here, xxxx", and fill her with flags, but she didn't expect Yulia to give her a reverse flag.

Now, she felt that her chances of leaving the main base of the Truth Society alive increased greatly.


Bai Fu controlled Hei Fu and waved her hand.

Yulia turned around and left quickly under the escort of little Hei Fu.

Bernardo in the distance noticed the movement here, and he immediately ordered the beast-like mutants to pounce on Yulia.

"Kill her!"


Hei Fu raised her eyebrows slightly. When the beast-like mutants rushed halfway, several small Bai Fus who had been ambushed in advance exploded with a bang, as if a heavy hammer was acting on their chests and abdomens. The beast-like mutants in the lead howled and rushed into the sky, breaking the ceiling above their heads into pieces.

The first round of confrontation ended with Hei Fu gaining the upper hand.

At this time, Ed was anxious. He had a high position in the Truth Society, but in terms of strength, he was just a younger brother. Once Bai Fu and Bernardo fought, a little aftermath would be enough to send him to death.

"I...what should I do, I..."

Hei Fu said without turning back: "I don't have time to take care of you. Whether you can survive depends on your luck."

Ed gritted his teeth and turned around to run.

If he could escape from the base, he might still have a chance of survival.

But just as he ran to the door of the escape passage, the ceiling above his head suddenly collapsed, and along with the concrete blocks and broken steel bars, a steel claw covered with scimitars fell down. The scimitar was inserted around his neck, the blade was embedded, and the steel claw twisted, blood rushed into the sky, and his head was pulled off.


Ed's screams stopped abruptly.

A moment later, a 3-meter-tall beast-like mutant jumped down from the broken ceiling. He threw Ed's head on the ground, stared at Bai Fu with scarlet eyes, and exhaled hot breath from his nose.

"Since you insist on stopping it, then use your life to exchange for Yulia's life!"

Bernardo's eyes flashed with murderous intent, and after he finished speaking, five or six beast-like mutants surrounded Hei Fu from different directions.

Hei Fu's face was solemn.

Now it's time to fight for life. Not to mention that the one here is just a twin true spirit, even if it is the real body, she will not have any reservations.

"When being beaten up by others, the best way is to catch one of them and beat him!"

With the violent body, Hei Fu activated the super energy burst (Bai Fu), her spiritual energy dropped by 30%, and her health dropped by 20%, but the two special skills were superimposed, and her all attributes soared by 15%, and her strength, agility, and spirit increased by 18, 18, and 10 points.

This is not the end. She locked onto the beast-like mutant with the most bonuses on the field, and bound him with a chain reaction, forcibly stealing a 12% attribute bonus buff from him.

At this moment, Hei Fu's various attributes have completely surpassed the original body Bai Fu.

All these changes were completed in an instant. One second ago, in Bernardo's perception, Hei Fu was like a sun. One second later, Bernardo suddenly found that Hei Fu had turned into a supernova that was about to explode, extremely hot and dazzling.

What happened?

He instinctively felt something was wrong, but he had no time to react. Hei Fu's speed was too fast, with an agility of nearly 130 points, and she also had a forced displacement skill like Flowing Light.

Almost in the blink of an eye, Black Fu had already flashed in front of Bernardo. In conjunction with the Void Ball's restriction on the surrounding ferocious mutants, Heifu hit his face with three consecutive Dark Burns, and his spiritual energy turned into a dark one. The flames were like meteorites falling from the sky, hitting Bernardo hard.

"-476", "-428", "-431"

Three extremely conspicuous blood-red damage values ​​​​floated out from Bernardo's head, and one shot directly knocked out nearly 2/3 of Bernardo's health!

Bernardo flew backwards, and in mid-air, a beast-like roar burst out of his throat.

He never expected that death would be so close to him. If he hadn't been wearing a special protective suit and his superpowers had a buffering effect, he might have been killed instantly in that encounter.

What kind of ability is this? It was the first time he knew that a psionic prayer master could have such a terrifying melee ability. If this ability could be used repeatedly...


Monster, Bai Fu is a monster, ten times, a hundred times more monster than these beastly mutants created by the Society of Truth!

Bernardo was in a state of confusion, with a mixture of pain and horror on his face.

The moment he landed, he quickly took out a bottle of medicine from his clothes and poured it down his throat.

"+100", "+100"

The next second, the effects of alien erosion were full and exploded inside Bernardo's body. He covered his chest, squatted in the smoke and dust of the explosion, and coughed up blood.

"Stop her, stop her quickly!"

Bernardo shouted in panic.

He was glad that he had taken the special recovery potion as soon as possible, otherwise he would have been blown to the point of being unable to move, and could only lie on the ground and let Bai Fu slaughter him.

Seeing that Bernardo was not dead, Hei Fu felt a little regretful, but since one confrontation destroyed this high-end combat power, the explosion just now was worth it.

Although she lost 30% of her HP as a result, she was just a true spirit.

Bai Fu fired a True Spirit Repair from the air, and Hei Fu's blood volume immediately increased by 200. She had enough confidence to fill up Hei Fu's health volume before Hei Fu's spiritual protection was destroyed. , Heifu can fire a few more shots of Dark Scorch, provided that the cooldown time of Dark Scorch is delayed.

As Bernardo was smashed away, all the beast-shaped mutants around him strode towards Black Fu.

These ferocious beast-like mutants each have their own strengths. Some have been mechanized and resemble mechanical monsters, some have bodies that expand rapidly under the stimulation of drugs, like little giants, and some are covered in flames, like burning people.

No matter what appearance these ferocious beast-shaped mutants have, one thing they have in common is that they are super strong, and even the most incompetent ones are close to the level of advanced superpowers.

Heifu was not stupid enough to stand in the crowd and pick off many people. Her right foot, wrapped in combat uniform, hit the head of a beast-turned-mutant like thunder, and then beat the beast-turned-mutant to his knees. At the same moment, she greased the soles of her feet, connected her feet to the mutant's brain, and escaped from the encirclement through the broken ceiling. With the help of the Void Ball, Little White Fu, and Little Black Fu, she fought with these ferocious beast transformations. The mutants circled around.

The fierce battle began. Hei Fu relied on his dexterous feet to dodge and move around, but the ferocious mutants were no strangers either. Various supernatural powers, martial arts energy, and mechanical missiles combined to compress Hei Fu's dodge inch by inch. In space, the aftermath of the fight between the strong ones ruthlessly tore apart the base of the Truth Society.

Bernardo, who had already hid far away, saw this scene and his eyes became even redder. This base also condensed his countless efforts!

"Activate the final plan!"

He dragged his injured body towards his office, contacting his assistant as he walked.

After hearing his order, the assistant's expression changed drastically: "Minister, do you really want to do this?"

The so-called final plan is actually a plan to plant bombs in the base and die together with the enemy.

Over the years, the Truth Society has been preventing other major forces from attacking their main base. They have long been prepared to bury their enemies with them if they cannot defeat them. Even if high-level superpowers are attacked by a large number of people in a closed space, The explosion of the bomb will only lead to death.

But being prepared ≠ really executing the plan.

Although the base is now under attack both inside and outside, the intensity of the external attacks is far less than expected. No matter how the situation looks like, the entire base is not going to be blown up.

"This is an order! Activate the plan first, wait for my new order whether it will explode or not!"

Bernardo roared.

No one now understands how terrifying Bai Fu is better than him. What is terrifying about Bai Fu is not only her powerful strength, but also her monster-like growth rate.

For the sake of the Truth Society and the president, even if his body is broken into thousands of pieces, even if his body is burned to ashes, he must kill Bai Fu today and must not let Bai Fu escape, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous!

The scolded assistant tremblingly agreed. Now he could only hope that those superpowers would be more powerful and kill Bai Fu as soon as possible.

If the base is blasted, although they can evacuate in advance and avoid death, they will have to live a wandering life and become a wandering army.

When the Society of Truth took action, Bai Fu was still playing hide and seek with those high-level superpowers in Area A. She consumed dozens of prayer cards and finally killed a senior who accidentally discovered her before other superpowers surrounded her. Superpowers.

This was also thanks to the fact that Hei Fu had attracted a lot of attention, and the power supply to the main base was inexplicably cut off. Otherwise, no matter how fast she killed the enemy, she would have been surrounded just now.

"While Heifu is making a big fuss now, we have to find a way to meet up with Yulia and leave from here."

After learning that the president of the Truth Society had left a fake in the base, Bai Fu had no intention of continuing to cause havoc here.

There is no need to fight here, she can wait for the support from the Railway Guild and other forces to arrive before fighting back.

Walking through the dark corridor, Bai Fu walked toward the light spot on the map that represented the little Hei Fu. Her high agility and [Moon Hidden]'s effect of reducing movement movement made her feel at ease in the dark night.

When she was halfway there, she suddenly received a message from Su Li.

[Three pieces of news, all good news. Which one do you want to hear first? 】

Bai Fu made an angry expression and passed over.

Su Li: [Okay, okay, let’s not give in. First of all, the first batch of reinforcements will arrive at the main base of the Truth Society soon]

Bai Fu: [So fast, can you teleport? 】

Su Li: [It’s just a special force. When they received the order, they happened to be only a few hundred kilometers away from you. They set out an hour ago, and they will probably arrive to support you in half an hour.]

Bai Fu: [It is indeed good news, but what about the other two good news? 】

Su Li: [The four countries have reached an agreement and have established a central command headquarters to launch an encirclement and suppression of the main force of the Truth Society. If everything goes well, it won’t be long before you can hear the news that the main force of the Truth Society has been severely damaged]

Bai Fu twitched her lips. This was good news for Su Li, but not necessarily for her. Once the main force of the Truth Society was defeated, the president of the Truth Society might come back.

Su Li: [The last good news is that the person you asked me to investigate has been found out. I am really convinced. This person lived more than a hundred years ago. Fortunately, he was published in the newspaper at that time, otherwise it would be impossible. Check it out, I’ve sent you the information, take your time and read it]

Bai Fu just glanced at it hastily.

The ordinary-looking man in the photo has an extraordinary identity and an extraordinary ending.

He was once a hobby-driven hero without much ability. He gave several interviews, and then, one day, he disappeared.

Since then, except for the newspapers published by the newspaper that originally interviewed him, there has been no trace of his existence in the world.

This world is like this. With all living beings living in this world, who can know who will end?

Bai Fu opened the task interface and clicked on the [Origin of the Truth Society] column to submit the task.

[You have completed the mission [Origin of the Society of Truth] and received a reward of 300,000 experience points and an exploration rate of the Ancestral Star plot +1.5%]

[The hidden requirement is to obtain the Mutant Rebellion Remembrance Fragments from the No. 1 Branch of the Psionics Research Institute, and you will receive an additional 300,000 experience points, and a blank Remembrance Fragment*1 (can be used in the camp interface)]

[The new mission will be triggered based on your choice when facing the President of the Society of Truth]


Bai Fu shook her head secretly.

The person in the memory fragment is the former president of the Truth Society.

A mission increased the exploration level by 1.5, and she also obtained a blank memory fragment. This reward was not unpleasant, but the more gratifying the reward, the more afraid she was of the president of the Society of Truth.

Bai Fu turned off the game interface and on her way to find Yulia, she was blocked several times by huge exploding fireballs and annoying gravity controls. Fortunately, she was more skilled and managed to bypass many obstacles and find Yulia. .

"Where's the clone you summoned?"

Little Yulia often stays with Bai Fu, so Yulia is very aware of the relationship between Bai Fu and Hei Fu.

"Still stalling for time, thanks to her, let's leave as soon as possible."

Bai Fu simply picked up Yulia again and headed straight out of the base.

Now that areas C and A have been completely destroyed, there is no need for her to find a way, she can just rush up.

"Report to the minister, traces of another Baifu have been found!"

Bai Fu and Hei Fu teamed up to cause trouble in the base for most of the day. The Truth Society has almost figured out the situation now. There are actually not many intruders who have sneaked into the base. There are only two Bai Fu and the other "people" are these two. Summoned.

"Find a way to stop her for ten minutes!"

Bernardo was furious, his chest heaving violently, and it took several seconds before he issued the second order.

"Everyone, get ready and start gathering towards the secret passage."

After fighting for so long, he still couldn't take down the black-haired Bai Fu. It was already very difficult to kill these two Bai Fu in a short time. He couldn't be sure when Bai Fu's large reinforcements would come back, so maybe, It's really time to blow up the base and let Bai Fu bury it with him.

After ending the call, Bernardo stared at the photos on the wall for a long time before leaving the office with some special information.

His fingers kept clicking on the terminal. When such a big event happened, he needed to inform the president. If the president learned about what happened in the base from the Primarch and the Railway Guild first, he would most likely A major blow to morale.

Bernardo edited a large string of text and sent it out. Then he only had to wait for the reply from the president before detonating the main base.

He waited for five minutes, and the president only replied with a few words.

【Wait for me to come back】


Bernardo was stunned when he saw these words.

This should not be the reply that should appear at this time. He suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart.

At the same time, in a small base 70 kilometers away from the capital of the Primarch, Haidu, the face of the president of the Truth Society, who had led the main force to attack an hour and a half ago, was unprecedentedly ugly.

"It's really unexpected. There are many speculations about your identity. Some people think you are a martial arts genius who has never appeared in the world. Some people think you are a general who defected from the old Republic. Only no one thought that you were one of the people who escaped from the Psionic Research Institute."

In the living room with a bit of classical charm, a man smiled and narrowed his eyes.

If Bai Fu or the players were here, they would definitely recognize him as one of the five cover characters on the Zuyuan Xingzi page of the 1.2 version update preview.

The president of the Truth Society roared and rushed up.

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