Who made her an NPC!

Chapter 133: Meeting at the top, the battle of the world boss [5k]

From the moment he received the reply from the president of the Truth Society, Bernardo stopped moving forward.

He has assisted the president for many years, and he knows the president's character very well, at least 70% to 80%.

Under normal circumstances, after learning that the base was turned upside down by Bai Fu, the president would have cursed Bai Fu very angrily and criticized him a few words.

But something was very wrong with the president just now.

【Wait for me to come back】

This reply was too short and too calm. This was not the style a president should have at all.

Could it be that the president's terminal fell into the hands of someone else, or that the situation was even worse and that the president encountered something big enough to shake his mind?

Bernardo's scalp was numb.

"I must be overthinking it, yes, that's definitely the case."

He tried to send a message to the president, hoping that the president could explain a few more words, but even though he sent more than a dozen messages in a row, three or four minutes passed, and he still did not receive any reply. Instead, his assistant first Called him and brought him bad news.

"Minister, I have followed your instructions to find a way to delay Bai Fu for ten minutes, but Bai Fu is too strong. We simply don't have enough manpower here. Even though we tried our best, she still managed to kill the one leading from Area C. Near the freight elevator on the ground, if you want to continue to delay, you must send more manpower, otherwise you will have to watch her escape, or you will have to detonate the base immediately. "

The assistant was a little impatient.

Bernardo fares no better.

To explode or not to explode?

He couldn't tell.

When he thought about the delay in reply from the president, he felt that the base might be blown up before his head was blown up.

"Let me think for another half minute!"

Bernardo's breathing became heavier. He stared at the terminal screen. Against the backdrop of darkness and silence, his heartbeat sounded like thunder.

After a full twenty seconds, he grasped the edge of the terminal with both hands: "Everyone evacuate, let Bai Fu enter the freight elevator, and prepare to detonate the base!"

The assistant who received the accurate order breathed a sigh of relief: "Yes, Minister, I will be right away..."

"No need to blow it up."

At this moment, a dull voice sounded, interrupting the assistant's words.

Bernardo and his assistant were stunned at the same time. This voice was all too familiar to them. Isn't this the president?

Bernardo turned around quickly and saw that the president was standing on the other side of the corridor. He was wearing thick exoskeleton armor. There was no expression on his face, only his eyes were brighter than ever before, as if there were flames burning.

"President, why are you here?"

Bernardo accidentally slipped the terminal in his hand to the ground, and his heart was completely confused.

The appearance of the president here shows that the situation on the frontline has been completely corrupted. Considering that the location of the main base of the Truth Society has been exposed and it has suffered internal and external setbacks, the Truth Society, an organization that has existed for hundreds of years, may really be facing a countdown to destruction.

Not only Bernardo thought of this, but the assistant at the other end of the terminal and everyone else around the assistant all thought of it.

Almost instantly, the morale of the main base of the Truth Society fell to the bottom.

It's over.

This was the only thought left in their minds.

The face of the president who was questioned was still calm: "My induction is correct. The alien visitor who caused all the catastrophes is indeed not dead. He has been hiding in the Primarch and is very weak. I am only one step away from killing him, but then One step is the chasm. I didn't expect that he had mastered the method of limiting the power of my body. No, in fact, I should have thought that he shared the psychic transformation technology with the White Tower and Orion. How could he not secretly do so? Hold on. I have failed you for hundreds of years. Let's go. Before the main force of the Primarchs arrives, you guys leave quickly and I will deal with Bai Fu personally. "

He fought into the Primarch, went through several battles, and almost burned everything. He thought he could use his fists to completely vent the resentment that had been accumulated for hundreds of years, but when he finally walked in front of the enemy he thought about day and night, What awaited him was despair deep in his bones.

The power he was so proud of could not be used in front of his enemies.

At that moment, he realized that he was going to die and the operation was going to fail. The good news was that he had mastered the secret of Yulia's fake body and left a fake body in the base in advance, which meant that even if he suffered humiliation and died , nor is it a real death.

But his body was not completely dead, and the fire in his heart was extinguished.

He realized that he had a congenital defect, and this defect made it impossible for him to take revenge no matter how hard he tried, as long as he stayed in the small puddle of Origin Star.

What a desperate reality this is.

However, when the president woke up from his false body, he miraculously found that his heart, which should have been roaring angrily, did not have too many fluctuations.

He sat in the dark and spent a minute reviewing his life like a quick tour. Suddenly, he felt as alienated as a third person sitting in front of a big screen watching a biographical movie about someone else's life.

He only felt at a loss. After suddenly losing his goal, he even began to doubt his origin.

"I, is it really me?"

Just like the current body is a fake body, perhaps the memory related to his past identity in his mind from the beginning was also fake and was implanted in him without authorization by researchers from the No. 1 Branch of the Psychic Research Institute. of.

The president of the Truth Society walked out of the secret room where the fake body was stored without any expression on his face.

He has lost interest in surviving. Now, there are only two things he wants to do.

First, evacuate the old man who has followed him for many years in the evacuation base.

Second, kill Bai Fu with his own hands to resolve the grudge that has been formed since the abandoned cooling plant, but has not been completely ignited until today.

After explaining to Bernardo, the president strode towards the ground, where he wanted to intercept Bai Fu.

He didn't go far before Bernardo caught up and stopped him.

"At this point, killing Bai Fu has no meaning except to vent anger, but may lead to greater losses. President, let's retreat together. If we leave now, there should be a good chance to avoid the tracking of the original gene bodies. Let's find a new place to develop again. Even if we can't take revenge now, it's hard to say in the future. So many undead people suddenly appeared on Zuyuan Star. Wait a little longer, maybe we can get a new opportunity."

Bernardo's eyes were filled with a bit of pleading.

The president's words just now showed that he was determined to die, and he couldn't watch the president die.

In addition to him, many people on the other end of the terminal had the same idea. They abandoned their assistants, Bai Fu and Hei Fu, and ran to the president's place as fast as possible.

There was no time to delay them.

They were different from other people who joined the Truth Society. They stayed in the Truth Society for money, power, and the possibility of advancement.

Like others, they thought that the president had many shortcomings, such as being irritable and taking risks, but they all deeply felt another advantage of the president, that is, he could give everything, including his own life, for his own people.

The president had treated them with sincerity. Even if the Truth Society was about to collapse, they would never abandon the president.

One after another, superpowers joined Bernardo's side and persuaded the president to retreat with them.

Unfortunately, their persuasion was all in vain. The president had made the final decision and would not change it.

"Okay, since you don't leave, then we will go with you to kill Bai Fu!"

Bernardo set an example, and others followed suit.

They insisted on following, and the president could not stop them, so he could only acquiesce. A dozen people rushed towards Hei Fu who was still entangled with the beast-like mutant.

"Ding, ding..."

In the elevator going up, Bai Fu, who was tense, suddenly found that her terminal was ringing. She did not dare to relax her vigilance and could only ask Yulia who was held in her arms.

"Help me answer it."

Yulia took the terminal off her wrist and raised her eyebrows slightly: "There is no number noted."

She pressed the answer button.

"Bai Fu?"

A strange voice came out.


"Su Li should have contacted you, right? I am Coleman, the captain of the special service team of the Human Alliance. I am with the registered killers Ferreira and Ye Zhe of the dark web. We have arrived near the main base of the Truth Society and are ready to pick you up. Where are you now?"

Reinforcements, there is also an acquaintance Ferreira in it?

After struggling underground for several hours and throwing away most of the prayer cards on her body, Bai Fu finally got help. Now Bai Fu is more confident that she can escape successfully.

She told her situation and asked Coleman and others to wait for her at the main gate of the Truth Society's main base.


Coleman was concise.

After the call ended, Bai Fu continued to be cautious. In order to break into this freight elevator, she had just broken through four obstacles in succession. This shows how much the Truth Society wanted to keep her here. She dared not relax until she was really safe.

But to her surprise, she still did not see the pursuers until the freight elevator stopped running and the freight elevator door opened.

Without the pursuers, it was a foolish dream for the group of soldiers on the ground of the Truth Society's main base to stop her. The Void Ball blasted, and the Truth Society members who blocked the way immediately shouted and fled.

Bai Fu identified the map mark and went straight to the main gate of the Truth Society's main base. Just after rushing out of the factory, she suddenly stopped.

Yulia looked puzzled: "Why don't you leave?"

Bai Fu's face looked a little ugly: "I'm afraid it's not that easy to leave."

Through Hei Fu's perspective, she has discovered the president of the Truth Society. This is the second time they have met.

Unlike the last time, the president of the Truth Society is wearing a heavy mechanical exoskeleton this time. His ordinary face is still the same, but his originally deep eyes are now full of murderous intent.

He is back!

This means that the main force sent by the Truth Society to attack the Primarch has encountered disadvantages, and the Primarch and other forces have achieved a major victory.

This should be good news for most people on Zuyuan Star, but it is definitely the worst news for her.

"Now we can only hope that Hei Fu can delay as long as possible."

Bai Fu actually didn't have high expectations. In the process of fighting with those beast-like mutants, Hei Fu's state had dropped by half. The buff of super energy burst disappeared, and the prayer cards on her body were almost exhausted. She could only rely on her own psychic energy to fight. Although Hei Fu's psychic energy bar was also very long, it was not enough when facing a besieged attack.

She was not wrong.

In the short time of more than ten seconds from the factory gate to the base gate, Hei Fu had been severely injured.

The number of enemies was too large, and the president of the Truth Society was unexpectedly fierce.

When being besieged, Bai Fu controlled Hei Fu to throw a psychic vision to the president of the Truth Society. After more than a month of reconnaissance, she was finally able to see most of the data of the president of the Truth Society.

Compared to more than a month ago, the total level of the president of the Truth Society has reached level 60. Although it has increased by 4 levels, it is still 13 levels lower than her. However, the president of the Truth Society has only two professions, of which the main [Psychic Warrior] is level 43, which is 5 levels higher than her main [Psychic Painter].

In addition, the race and template of the president of the Truth Society are also very special.

His race is neither human nor mutant, but psychic alien, and his template is [Evolved Body].

The name of this template is somewhat similar to Bai Fu's Evolution Blood, but the attribute bonus is much higher, and it also comes with several special talents, with a lot of effects such as burst and resistance.

With the dual superposition of this special template and the super high-level main profession, the attributes of the president of the Truth Society are extremely outstanding. His inspiration, spirit, and intelligence attributes are beaten by Bai Fu. His physique is almost the same as Bai Fu, but his strength and agility are much higher than Bai Fu.

This is a real strong man, not the kind that brags!

"No wonder the people of the Truth Society both admire and fear him."

Bai Fu's expression was extremely solemn.

Psychic Warrior, when she saw this profession, her heart suddenly skipped a beat. Psychic melee profession, this is a super rare profession with extremely strong combat ability, but what troubles her most is that this profession makes the president of the Truth Society's psychic resistance far beyond ordinary people.

High physique + high psychic resistance + special talent, these three together make her skills hit the president of the Truth Society to lose a lot of damage.

If Hei Fu is right next to her and keeps the same full state as her, and black and white work together, she still has enough confidence to deal with the president of the Truth Society.

Unfortunately, she has consumed a lot before this. Although her health bar and blue bar are still full, as a psychic painter, most of her combat power actually comes from prayer cards. When the prayer cards are on the verge of exhaustion, her strength is greatly reduced.

"Once caught up, we can only fight head-on."

A sharp light flashed in Bai Fu's eyes.

At this time, underground, the president of the Truth Society had already controlled the mechanical exoskeleton and punched Hei Fu in the head.

"I never thought you would dare to sneak into the main base alone, but now that I have found you, there is only one way to go for you!"

Before Hei Fu was dispersed, the words of the president of the Truth Society were transmitted to Bai Fu's mind through Hei Fu.

Damn it.

Bai Fu hurriedly pulled Yulia to continue running, and soon she met the people who came to meet her at the main gate.

These super-powered people are extraordinary. The leader Coleman's major profession is as high as level 37. He sat at the door and commanded the team members and the players of the Silent Court to kill all the members of the Truth Society who tried to approach.

After seeing Bai Fu from a distance, he immediately shouted: "Everyone, get in the car!"

He came to save people, but he was not interested in being a lone hero to break into the main base of the Truth Society and shoot up the base.

After Bai Fu and Yulia jumped into the back seat of one of the cars, the car roared and turned around and began to drive south.

"Just received good news, the president of the Truth Society has died in the battle of the Primarch, the main force of the Truth Society is surrounded, morale has plummeted, and the Truth Society is about to fall. We won this battle." Coleman smiled and nodded at Bai Fu.

Bai Fu's mouth twitched.

You'll be slapped in the face if you say that.

She leaned her head to the window and happened to see the roof of a factory building in the main base of the Truth Society opened automatically, and several armed helicopters rushed out with a roar. In the front helicopter, the face of the president of the Truth Society was clearly visible.


Coleman and others looked like they had seen a ghost.

"Why is he still alive?"

"Why is he here?"

Bai Fu had no time to explain, because the armed helicopter had already opened fire on the car she was riding in.

The shells roared across the sky, raising sparks and smoke, and chased the rear of the car. A superpower in the car quickly opened his right hand, and the flames rolled in his palm. When he stretched his hand out of the car window, the flames instantly turned into flame bombs and shot out, colliding with the shells fired by the helicopter.


The air waves rolled.

Although this move saved the car, the armed helicopter in the sky was getting closer and closer.

The main base of the Truth Society is surrounded by bad roads. If a car wants to pass, it must spend more time and effort. But the helicopter needs to consider it simply, go in a straight line!

Boom boom boom!

Several gravity shocks fell from the sky in succession. After fleeing for more than ten minutes, Bai Fu’s car finally couldn’t stand it. The people in the car had to get off and face the plane in the sky.

“Do you think you can get away?”

The president of the Truth Society jumped off the helicopter, and the mechanical exoskeleton stepped heavily on the ground, shaking the surrounding ground and cracking the mud and rocks.

After him, more than a dozen people jumped down, including Bernardo, whose injuries had not yet healed.

Bai Fu looked around and her eyes fell on several players.

"You cover Yulia's departure first, I'll come to you later."

After that, she looked at Yulia: "You have no objection?"

Yulia shook her head. She had walked alone once, and her attitude this time was the same as before.

After sending Yulia away, Bai Fu smiled and looked at the president of the Truth Society.

Everyone's face was tense. Coleman knew the horror of the president of the Truth Society and did not dare to let down his guard. Bernardo knew the horror of Bai Fu and did not dare to let down his guard either.

"Is this the cemetery you chose for yourself?" The president of the Truth Society spoke first.

Bai Fu was not frightened: "The Hei Fu you just defeated is less than 80% as strong as mine. I will return your words to you intact."

The two stopped talking. Almost at the moment their eyes met, they burst out at the same time, turning into white lightning and black storms and rushing towards each other.

Bai Fu did not hold back at all. She summoned all the true spirits she could summon, maxed out the inspiration bonus, and then faced the strongest attack [Dark Burn].

The heavy thorns formed by the dark spiritual power tore the air apart, like a heavy artillery and the steel fist swung by the president of the Truth Society.

The impact of the explosion blew a big hole in the ground.

The two enemies who met for the first time at this time clashed, announcing the start of a war.

PS: Putting bowls to ask for votes~

Tomorrow, Saturday, I will finish writing this copy a little more.

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