Who made her an NPC!

Chapter 136 Main quest settled, the world's number one super Bai Fu appears [66k]

Chapter 136 Main plot settlement, the world’s number one Super White Fu appears [6.6k]

When everyone was communicating about the death of the president of the Society of Truth and the arrest of Bernardo, Bai Fu took the weak Yulia and took a few steps back, retreated behind everyone, and began to take stock of the gains of this big operation.

The first is the kill reward.

After killing the president of the Truth Society, she broke into the main base of the Truth Society this time. She earned 3.2 million experience points just from killing enemies and the extra compensation for killing enemies in the camp mission. The beheading operation in the camp mission earned her another 1.2 million experience points. This experience is almost enough for her to advance to two more levels.

However, the experience reward is only the least worth mentioning thing in this operation.

Bai Fu first clicked on the settlement interface of the [Watchman's Elegy] branch 2 [Watching Angel] mission.

The requirement of this mission is to rescue Yulia, which is her primary goal in this adventure of sneaking into the main base of the Truth Society.

In order to complete this task, she spent a lot of time and energy, and spent half a month making prayer cards. Part of the prayer cards was given to the players who followed Su Li to attack the Truth Society, and the remaining part was completely consumed in In this operation, the price was not small.

I hope the rewards for this mission can be richer.

Bai Fu enlarged the settlement interface, and there were three mission rewards in total.

One and a half thousand experience points.

2. Potential stimulating potion (Yuliya version)*3.

3. Yulia’s random skills or talents*1.

Bai Fu looked down one after another.

She doesn't care much about experience now. After finding out the true identity of the president of the Truth Society, she got a blank memory fragment from the mission reward. She can create a new copy in the camp to match the original copy. This is enough for her to harvest another big wave from players.

After seeing the second reward, she couldn't control herself. She was familiar with the potential stimulating potion. The president of the Truth Society relied on it to prescribe the final second stage. After using this potion, the attributes can be permanently increased.

"Okay, okay, I gave you three copies at once!"

Bai Fu was overjoyed. When the third reward came into view, she suddenly turned her head and stared at Yulia with unconcealable heat in her eyes.

She had been coveting Yulia's skills just as Yulia coveted her body. It was just that she had never been able to find the opportunity to learn from Yulia before. As time went by, she thought she would never learn from Yulia again. Yulia's skills, she never expected that the reward for the mission to rescue Yulia would actually give her a chance.

Damn it, just once, how could she be satisfied with just one time?

She simply calculated that she would need at least six chances to squeeze Yulia dry.

Where is the planner? Come out and save me!

Bai Fu was dying of anxiety because she couldn't eat more meat, but this time she finally managed to open up a hole. With this first experience, she would just follow this old path again and again. The more times she walked, the more she would eventually There is still a slight chance that something good can come out of Yulia.

This reward is so delicious, folks!

Yulia didn't understand what Bai Fu was thinking at all. She only knew that she was burned by Bai Fu's hot eyes, so hot that she almost melted.

No, is this a cannibalistic look? Is it a bit too radical?

Yulia had a big misunderstanding.

Just when she was about to say something, Bai Fu suddenly turned her head back and began to use her skills and talents with a smile.

Yulia: "..."

Bai Fu prayed silently: "My turn, draw a card!"

[Drawing out Yulia’s random skills or talents]

【Extraction completed】

[You have obtained Yulia’s skill: Sky Burial]

Sky burial is the large-area bombing skill that Yulia has mastered. It can be upgraded. The maximum coverage radius at Lv1 reaches 10 meters. There is a certain chance that the target will be stunned. Once it hits the target, it can cause ( Inspiration*1) base psychic damage.

This basic damage bonus is the same as Dark Scorch. The difference is that the damage of Sky Burial is only one level, and it cannot reduce the target's attributes. However, Sky Burial has a large attack range, and because it does not need to temporarily convert to psychic attributes, the skill cooldown time is very short. , can be used continuously, the only limitation is that if used continuously in a short period of time, it will enter an overheating state, causing the skill cooldown to be extended to 1 minute.

"nice one!"

In fact, what Bai Fu wants more is Yulia's super power field. The super power field can reflect enemies and their attacks. Even if it cannot be reflected, it can also significantly reduce the damage caused by some enemy attacks. For those who have been piling up flesh, This skill couldn't be more suitable for her.

But Sky Burial is not bad either. With this skill, she has made up for the large-area killing method she has been missing, making her more like a world-class BOSS that can kill players explosively.

"At Lv1, the attack radius is 10 meters and the release distance is 30 meters. At Lv5, the attack radius increases to 30 meters and the release distance is 50 meters. Moreover, this skill can continue to increase. It is indeed Yulia's skill. The experience gained per level is too high.”

Bai Fu wants to imitate the player and goes crazy towards Yulia.

[Sister, please give me another task. I can't stand it anymore. Please, sister, I feel like there are ants crawling on me. Hurry up! 】

After settling [Watching Angel], Bai Fu began to settle the mission [Death of the Truth Society] received at the main base of the Truth Society.

She made a lot of direct and indirect contributions to the destruction of the Truth Society, but unfortunately most of the high-ranking members of the Truth Society did not die in her hands, so she did not gain much from [The Demise of the Truth Society], mainly some experience and props.

[Psychic Power Enhancement Potion (Yulia Version)] *5.

This potion can temporarily increase 35 points of psychic power within 5 minutes after use, and the effect is quite good.

Bai Fu finally set her sights on the plot mission [The Unknown Truth] that she had accepted a long time ago.

Before this operation, her direct + indirect contribution to the destruction of the Truth Society reached 22.61%, and now this number has risen to 62.15%.

This number is similar to what she expected. After the Primarch and several other major forces defeated the main force of the Truth Society on the front line and killed the president of the Truth Society, the Truth Society was basically on the verge of extinction, which made her contribution to killing the president of the Truth Society much lower than normal.

But in general, she still made money. If she didn't reveal the information to the Railway Guild and the Primarchs and let them help contain the main force of the Truth Society, she basically had no chance of killing the president of the Truth Society after causing trouble in the main base of the Truth Society. If she couldn't kill the president of the Truth Society, the mission would not be completed.

In fact, this contribution can still be improved. As long as Bai Fu participates in the encirclement and suppression of the remaining forces of the Truth Society, it is estimated that she can get a few more percentage points.

But she is no longer interested in those few percentage points. The best way is to get the reward first!

[Task evaluation: Legendary (You deeply participate in the plot and contribute the most gorgeous dance on the stage of the Truth Society's closing, worthy of the name of the Moon Dancer!)]

The legendary evaluation must be accompanied by a high reward.

"Experience value 12 million!"


Even though Bai Fu, who was a freeloader who was slashing at players, was trembling when she saw such a large number, if she added the experience she had saved before and earned another 1 million experience points, it would be enough for her to upgrade her psychic painter to level 6 in one go. In this way, the level of her single profession would officially surpass the president of the Truth Society.

Unless Zu Yuanxing also hid a super hunk, otherwise——

"I'm invincible!"

Bai Fu's eyes sparkled.

After being invincible, there will be enemies coming from the sky.

"Calm down, let's take a look at the other rewards first."

Bai Fu continued to look down, and there were three more rewards, namely the title [Bury the Truth], [Selected Spirit Armor Blueprint*1] and the special item [Gene Optimization].

These three rewards are rare good things.

[Bury the Truth] is the only S-level title in the Novice Village, and the effect is to increase her basic attributes by 5%, even in the late game, this bonus is not outdated.

The spiritual weapons mentioned in [Selected Spirit Armor Blueprint] are a type of equipment used by psychic-type superpowers. This does not mean that superpowers of other professions cannot use spiritual weapons at all. They can also use them, but they cannot bring out the full effect of spiritual weapons.

There are three sets of self-selected psychic weapon blueprints as task rewards.

[1. Magic Cube of Delusion]

[2. Customized Psychic Corset (Titan)]

[3. Dark Scepter]

Bai Fu took a rough look and found that the Magic Cube of Delusion is an illusion control equipment, and the customized psychic corset (Titan) is similar to the combat uniform she wears, but with a higher bonus. The Titan in the brackets refers to the equipment developed by the cosmic force Titan Industries mentioned on the official website. The Dark Scepter is a weapon, a staff weapon that can freely switch between long-range and melee modes.

She picked for a long time and finally chose the [Dark Scepter Blueprint]. The magic cube of infatuation did not add much to her, and the psychic corset was not necessary. She could completely use the combat uniform made by the mechanic instead. After the Dark Scepter was made, it could just replace the electric knife in her hand, which was becoming increasingly ineffective.

The eliminated electric knife could be sold to players at that time. Bai Fu used it for her own use. It was as good as new. Hurry up and buy it!

After putting the blueprint into the game illustrations, Bai Fu clicked on the detailed description of gene optimization.

As the name suggests, after using this item, her genes will be optimized. After the optimization is completed, her race and template will change accordingly, from the original human (evolutionary blood) to the star-adapter.

According to the item description, the Star Adaptors are a type of new human. In the background setting of the game Above the Stars, humans occupy a very wide area in the universe, but the humans of various forces are not the same. Due to different civilizations and customs, different places of living, and different powers, humans have evolved into extremely numerous evolutionary directions, and their number is not necessarily less than that of the Zerg, which is already a terrifyingly large branch.

The Star Adaptors are the most basic of the many evolutionary directions. They are a type of human race that evolved after the ancestors of the cosmic power Rebirth Empire were hit by a high-level alien civilization and had to move from their home planet to deep space. The Star Adaptors have no special talents, but compared with ordinary humans on the Zuyuan Star, they have better physical fitness, higher resistance, and are more suitable for living in a deep space environment.

This evolution is beneficial to Bai Fu.

In this world, evolution is an eternal theme. The evolution of individuals and civilizations has never stopped. Once stagnant, they may be destroyed by more advanced "individuals" or "civilizations."

Although the rules of the world above the stars are not as dark as the laws of the dark forest, they are not much better. The background introduction on the official website mentioned that the cosmic version of triangular trade is still prevalent in the universe until now.

"Evolving into a star-fit person, does this count as experiencing the universe version in advance?"

Although she is full of interest in evolution, Bai Fu is not in a hurry to use genetic optimization here. There are still many people nearby who use genetic optimization rashly. If an accident occurs, the injured Yulia will not be able to protect her.

"Let's go back to the main base of the Truth Society."

Bai Fu carried Yulia on her back.

Yulia was confused: "What are you going to do?"

"I still have some things left there that I haven't taken out yet, so I just took this opportunity to pick them up."

Bai Fu planned to find a place in the main base where it would not be easy to detect and use potential stimulating potions and genetic optimization. In addition, many of the data she had asked Hei Fu to steal were still stored in the base, and she had to take them out quickly.

Oh, by the way, branch 2 of the main plot [The Desire of the Savior] asked her to find the psionic original body hidden by the Truth Society and destroy it. She planned to drop by the main base to see if she could complete this task. The reward for this task Not high, but mosquitoes are still flesh no matter how small they are.

Baifu, carrying Yulia on her back, crossed the battlefield at extremely fast speeds.

Coleman and others were contacting their superiors at this time. Even if they saw her acting strangely, there would be nothing they could do for a while.

In fact, it’s not so much that it’s hard to do something, but rather that it’s something that you dare not do.

Bai Fu was too strong, beyond their imagination. As long as they thought of President Truth's appearance when he was lying on the ground, they couldn't think of anything strange.

Let the people above think about what they want to do. Coleman and others, who had witnessed the battle between Bai Fu and the president of the Society of Truth, now just pretended that they had not seen Bai Fu at all.

When Bai Fu returned to the main base of the Truth Society, all major forces had received the complete battle report here.

They originally hoped that Bai Fu, who had revealed the location of the main base of the Truth Society to them, could hold on for a while to prevent the truth society people from running away, but the final result surprised everyone.

Bai Fu killed the Truth Society president who suddenly appeared at the Truth Society's main base for some reason. Except for Bernardo, most of the Truth Society's top management and superpowers chose to commit suicide to follow the Truth Society president. At the same time, , it will take some time for the advance troops of the army they sent out to attack the main base of the Truth Society to arrive at the main base of the Truth Society.

"Her strength..."

The chests of people from all major forces rose and fell violently, and they could not calm down for a long time.

Over the years, the President of the Truth Society has caused great trouble to them. Now there is a high probability that the President of the Truth Society is really dead, but another person who is not affiliated with any force but is much stronger than the President of the Truth Society pops up. people.

What's going on?

Many people had sleepless nights.

They organized meetings with the top leaders of their own forces to discuss how to deal with the post-war situation and how to deal with Bai Fu.

Bai Fu is really special. Her strength is terrifying. In fact, it would be okay if she was just strong. The problem is that Bai Fu is a living succubus and can easily charm those weird undead people.

One undead person is not a problem, but a group of undead people gathering around Bai Fu is a problem.

The major forces discussed for a long time and unanimously increased their vigilance against White Fu. Among them, the Old Republic and the Primarch reacted most fiercely.

The Old Republic was hostile to Bai Fu not because they knew that Bai Fu was the real culprit who attacked Black Mountain City, but because of a combination of many reasons, such as the conflict between Bai Fu and Beshim, and the large number of players who defected from the Old Republic to The Court of Silence, for example, their butts are not clean, and they are afraid that Bai Fu will get some information that is detrimental to them in the truth.

The reason why the Primarch wanted to kill Bai Fu was even simpler. They had always suspected that Bai Fu knew their secrets, so they were wary. Now they were even more wary.

"What did she eat to grow up? How could her strength improve so quickly?"

The Primarch, General Bombaton, was particularly impatient at the meeting. He was a member of the radical faction. He was the one who originally ordered White Fu to be killed at the Bagalos base. He was also the one who sent the killers who attacked the Court of Silence a while ago. , he wanted to kidnap Anya, and then pretend to be a member of the Truth Society, intensifying the conflict between Bai Fu and the Truth Society.

Who would have thought that those killers were killed by Bai Fu. Afterwards, the conflict between Bai Fu and the Truth Society did intensify, but this excitement directly extinguished the Truth Society.

Another person in the seven-person council frowned: "Logically speaking, the president of the Truth Society should be dead. How could he appear at the main base of the Truth Society again? But... this kind of thing is not important for the time being. Bai Fu killed Truth." President, her own condition is definitely not much better, this is our opportunity."

His proposal was unanimously endorsed by others in Parliament.

"Inform the troops sent to the main base of the Truth Society."

All parties took action.

"Spare your life, don't kill me, I surrender!"

"I can also talk, I can also join Fumen!"

As soon as Bai Fu entered the main base of the Truth Society, those members of the Truth Society who had no time to escape were frightened and turned pale.

They were terrified, fearing that Bai Fu would suddenly rush over and kill them like she did in the main base before. Some members of the Truth Society simply imitated the players out of desperation——

Bai Fu hit me and I surrendered on the spot!

To their surprise, Bai Fu walked straight past them as if she didn't see them.

Is it true or not?

Damn, who cares if it's true or not, after Bai Fu left, the group ran away quickly, only regretting that their parents didn't give them two less legs.

The noisy sound gradually faded away. A few minutes later, Bai Fu caught a man in a white coat. After some interrogation, she really found the location of the psychic original body. She first destroyed the psychic original body and easily earned 500,000 experience points after completing the task. Then she came to the place where Hei Fu hid things. Seeing that the information was intact, she breathed a sigh of relief.

"Fortunately, it was not damaged by the aftermath of the battle."

These information are all treasures that can be exchanged for money and seduce players!

Bai Fu put the injured Yulia on the chair, poked her head out of the door to take a look, and after confirming that there was no one nearby, she closed the door lightly.


Yulia's heart skipped a beat when the door closed.

Something is wrong!

Just now, Bai Fu looked at her outside with a strange look in her eyes, and now it's even more strange that she suddenly brought her here. The two strange things add up, could it be?

"You want to do..."

"Don't make a sound."


This is not good.

Yulia said: "I think we should wait a little longer."

Bai Fu curled her lips: "Time is tight, what are you waiting for, all right, stop talking, I have to do business."

Yulia's eyes drooped slightly: "Then at least let me recover."

Bai Fu said: "How much can you recover after you recover? Don't make a noise, I'm in a hurry."

"Alas, you've said this, I..."

Yulia kicked off one of her shoes, and at this moment, she suddenly saw Bai Fu take out a potion bottle from her pocket and drink the potion in one gulp.


She widened her eyes, as if things were different from what she thought. She saw Bai Fu sitting down against the wall, clenching her teeth, with a slight look of pain on her face.

The business that Bai Fu was talking about turned out to be this business?

"Why are you taking off your shoes?" Bai Fu was puzzled.

"..." Yulia instantly returned to her icy poker face, "I am happy to do so. It doesn't smell sour, so it won't bother you."

"Whatever you want."

Bai Fu had just drunk the potential-stimulating potion. This potion takes 10 minutes to digest. During the digestion process, there was always a lingering slight tingling sensation in her body, but she had been fighting for a long time, so this pain would pass by if she endured it.

After 10 minutes, the pain disappeared, replaced by the tranquility of the sage state.

[Potential stimulation is completed, you get attribute corrections-

Strength +15, Agility +13, Constitution +7, Intelligence +9, Spirit +11, Inspiration +9]


Seeing this prompt, Bai Fu couldn't help but take a breath of cold air. A bottle of medicine added 64 points of attributes. No wonder Zhenli regarded Yulia as a treasure!

Unfortunately, this medicine can only be taken once. If you drink it again, it will cause great damage to the body. According to the instructions of the medicine, there is even a certain chance that it will be assimilated by Yulia. The remaining two portions will be taken back to Anya and Old Nissen.

Bai Fu struck while the iron was hot and received the gene optimization reward.

This time, the physical sensation was worse than drinking the potential potion. It may be because the change started from the genes, and then from the inside to the outside, from the hands and feet to the depths of the mind, the tingling sensation was more acute, making people want to open their mouths and utter a painful low moan.

"Are you okay?" Yulia's face changed slightly.

Bai Fu waved her hand: "It's okay."

Although the pain brought by evolution is more intense, the duration is much shorter than that of potential stimulation. Soon she received a new prompt.

[You have completed gene optimization, and your race has changed to Star Adaptor]

[Race change completed, you get attribute correction-

Strength +12, Agility +7, Constitution +6, Intelligence +9, Spirit +13, Inspiration +7]

Because her original physical potential has been well developed, the attribute improvement brought by this race evolution is not very large.

But the biggest change that racial evolution brought to Bai Fu was not the attribute correction, but the improvement of resistance and the conversion ratio of physical fitness: health value. Now, every 1 point of her physical fitness can be converted into 30 points of health value.


Bai Fu did not hesitate and started to upgrade. She invested more than 18 million experience points in total and successfully upgraded the psychic painter from Lv8 to Lv14.

Her data became-

[Health value]: 5607/5607

[Psychic value]: 3865/4665

[Attributes]: Strength 65, Agility 106, Physical Fitness 169, Intelligence 82, Spirit 93, Inspiration 309

Compared with coming to the main base of the Truth Society, all data have seen a leap-forward growth.

Bai Fu only felt that her ears and eyes were clear, and her sense of smell had also been greatly improved. She could easily lock Yulia by feeling without opening her eyes.

She clenched her right fist, always feeling itchy, wanting to do something.

Turning around, he punched the wall next to him. Even without the blessing of psychic energy, this punch easily punched through the wall.

"I can beat two of my past selves now!"

Bai Fu slowly exhaled, her eyes showing joy. The next step of the plan was to send those old bastards of the original gene body on the road and find a way to leave the origin star!

"Have you recovered?"

Yulia asked softly. She was very weak now, but her perception had not decreased much. Just now, she suddenly found that Bai Fu's breath was much stronger than before, which seemed to be a sign of a breakthrough in strength.

Bai Fu smiled and said, "Almost. Except that the psychic energy has not been fully recovered, the prayer card has been used up, and Hei Fu cannot be summoned again for a while, there is basically no problem. It should be enough to deal with the troubles that may arise next."

"Aren't you talking about not recovering at all?"

Yulia was almost speechless.

A psychic praying master can't exert much strength without psychic energy. Just like herself, if she had psychic energy, she would have taken the opportunity to escape from the Truth Society, and there would be no need for Bai Fu to save her.

"Let me help you fill the gap."

Yulia stood up and walked barefoot to Bai Fu.

"Don't think too much, just to be able to return to the Goli Desert smoothly. Before that, I need to do my best to ensure that your strength is at its peak."

Yulia stood up and hit a flat attack.

PS: I have an urgent matter to go out later, so I will update it first today.

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