Who made her an NPC!

Chapter 137: The scheming Yulia, Bai Fu becomes the center of the world [6k]

The moment Yulia came close to her, Bai Fu knew that she was about to be sucked.

The sudden squeezing feeling made her mind pop out a sentence uncontrollably-

Oh my god!

Although she had known that Yulia was broad-minded, she didn't expect that Yulia was actually hiding her shortcomings.

What on earth did this woman eat to grow up? Is she cheating?

Bai Fu had no time to think about this question.

A few seconds after the contact, she found that her psychic bar began to rise with the cool energy transmitted from Yulia.

"+10", "+10"...

It must be said that the speed of replenishing magic this time was much slower than the time outside the main base of the Truth Society.

I don't know if it's because Yulia is weak and her magic has been almost drained after helping her replenish it once, or because Yulia is deliberately controlling the speed of psychic energy transmission.

Bai Fu, who was entangled, didn't know, and it was not easy to ask, so she could only calm down and feel this special magic replenishment process.

This was a process of pulling and entanglement. After two minutes, the rise of the psychic bar finally stopped.

Yulia tilted her head back slightly. Compared with before, her skin color was paler, and only her cheeks and eyes looked slightly watery.

"Filled up?"

"It's already exceeded a little."

"Why so fast?" Yulia's eyes were full of surprise.

Bai Fu rolled her eyes: "I said I basically have no problems, but you don't believe it. Okay, let go of your hand first, or you will pull it swollen."

"I can't let go. I'm exhausted now, my feet are sore, and I can't stand without your support. Let me rest for a while. It's too tiring to do this."

As if to prove that she was not lying, Yulia simply leaned on Bai Fu.

Bai Fu: "..."

Is it possible that there are many places on my body that can be supported, why are you pulling my butt?

"There is another question. Is it necessary to have a verbal dispute when transmitting spiritual energy?"

"Didn't you do it first?"


Bai Fu suspected that her memory was confused.

No, how could I be the first to do it? Wasn't it you?

What kind of person is this? He bites back right away!

Yulia said weakly: "Don't think about it. I am a doctor and you are a patient. Doctors give rehabilitation treatment to patients. That's it."

Bai Fu stared at Yulia seriously: "This is my first time."

"It's also my first time." Yulia replied coldly.

Bai Fu said: "Can't spiritual energy be transmitted through blood?"

"I am afraid of pain. I don't want to prick my fingers anymore. The pain will remind me of the experience of being trapped in the laboratory and having my spiritual energy drawn away. I asked you to suck my blood just now because the situation was urgent. Now the situation is not so urgent, so I will use a simpler method." Yulia's voice suddenly became low.

Bai Fu was stunned for a moment.

Why did she feel that sucking blood was a simpler method? However, Yulia's words still had a little logic. For this, she secretly gave Yulia an evaluation -

A cunning woman!

Fortunately, she was one step ahead and had studied countless romance animations and romance novels at a young age, otherwise she would have been controlled by the cunning Yulia.

"If you want to sleep, wait until you get in the car. I'll help you put on your shoes first."

Bai Fu put Yulia back on the chair and picked up the shoes that had just been kicked off.

She gently grabbed Yulia's heel and put on her shoes while thinking about the problem.

If possible, she certainly hoped that Yulia would join the Silent Courtyard like old Nissen and be her assistant.

Yulia has outstanding strength in the entire Zuyuan Star. Because she has an unawakened True Spirit Son template, her talent is definitely first-class. Moreover, her position in the original plot of the game is quite high. If she is willing to join the Silent Courtyard...

"Then my self-created main line plan will be executed more smoothly."

If Yulia is unwilling to join the Silent Courtyard, then she is unwilling. Can she be imprisoned?

Bai Fu is not a rough person. She doesn't like to use force unless necessary.

"Let's ask her when we return to Bai Fu Town. Whether she is willing to join the Silent Courtyard or not, we must continue to fleece her."

The regional main line of the Goli Desert [Watcher's Elegy] has a total of six branches. Bai Fu has completed three of them. The remaining three are [Order Guardian], [Utopia] and [Yulia's Secret].

She can settle the first two branches at any time, and [Yulia's Secret] requires her to explore the source of Yulia's power. She has been coveting this task for a long time, especially after completing the branch of saving Yulia, she is even more looking forward to the reward of this task.

Will the game give her another chance to squeeze Yulia?

This time, I have to look forward to it!

At this moment, Yulia's voice suddenly rang in Bai Fu's ears.

"Why are you always staring at my feet? Is there something wrong with my feet?"

Nonsense, who is staring at your feet? I'm clearly looking at the task panel!

Bai Fu hurriedly helped Yulia put on her shoes, and then carried Yulia out of the room. She was going to find a car to transport the information collected by Hei Fu back.

When she returned to the ground, she suddenly saw an acquaintance.

"Fu Fu!"

On a military truck, Tai Er Zhenren stuck his head out from the driver's seat and waved his hand continuously.

Bai Fu walked over and found that there were not only Tai Er Zhenren sitting in the car, but also other players of the Truth Society.

"Why are you here?"

Tai Er Zhenren quickly explained the whole story, including the process of him and the Blade Runner teaming up to blow up the main control distribution room of Area A of the main base.

Bai Fu suddenly realized: "So it was you who caused the base to suddenly lose power and fall into darkness. Thank you so much."


Tai Er Zhenren and his actions caused the Truth Society's main base, which was already in a panic, to fall into greater chaos, buying her a lot of time. If she had gone to blow up the distribution room by herself, she might have had an accident on the way.

This player's favorability was really not in vain!

Bai Fu's eyes lit up.

She realized that each of them was a typical propaganda model!

In fact, more than a hundred players defected when the original gene body attacked the Marine Biology Research Institute last time, but because they did not want to be targeted by the original gene body, she and those players did not make a big fuss about it.

Now she doesn't have to worry about anything anymore. She can just use this opportunity to promote her charm as the Succubus King, and show other players how much benefit they can get by sincerely working for her, and advertise for the Silent Court camp.

Next, Bai Fu is going to attack the Primarch. The Primarch's attitude towards players is not very good, but there are still a group of players who join the Primarch for various reasons.

She hopes to charm the players of the Primarch by shaping Tai Er Zhenren and others into a model.

What are you still hesitating about?

I've already called, so hurry up and learn to surrender from Tai Er Zhenren and others!

"It's hard to say whether everyone can be persuaded to surrender, but this trick will definitely work well."

Players don't play games to suffer. Seeing other players make a lot of money by being traitors, they will definitely be envious even if they don't do the same.

"It's great that you are fine. I'm going back to the Goli Desert now. If you are interested, you can go with me."

"Interested, of course I am interested."

Tai Er Zhenren nodded, and the other players were unwilling to lag behind. They were waiting for this sentence.

So touching. From today on, they are also members of Fumen. They can eat and drink like other players of Fumen. If they are in a bad mood, they can look at Bai Fu to relieve their boredom.

Bai Fu said: "You should be able to see that I don't have much on me now. The reward may not be given to you until we return to the Goli Desert."

"It's okay, Fu Fu, don't worry."

Although they said this, Tai Er Zhenren and others had actually been looking forward to getting some rewards.

Bai Fu prepared a big gift for the players who made great contributions in this action against the Truth Society.


This kind of thing is too vulgar. How can it be used to tarnish the players' sincere hearts to contribute to the Silent Garden? What she prepared for the players is identity and honor, a new level of self-realization, and help in pursuing legends!

In human terms, she is going to customize a batch of exclusive, limited, and commemorative Sky Eye medals and Silent Garden exclusive uniforms for these players, and then give them a few easy-to-complete exclusive tasks to help them increase their levels.

Don't underestimate the limited medal. Bai Fu plans to give the limited medal some special privileges, such as being able to follow her on missions and leave Zuyuan Star with her to go to the starry sky in advance.

As for the exclusive uniforms of the Silent Courtyard, this is something she has planned to do for a long time.

Since the Silent Courtyard is to be run well, uniforms must be available.

False uniform temptation: Bai Fu wears a cat girl costume!

Real uniform temptation: uniforms that symbolize status in the Silent Courtyard!

After temporarily saying goodbye to Tai Er Zhenren and others, Bai Fu went to find an undamaged car nearby, and then began to move the things collected by Hei Fu into the car.

While she was busy, Coleman and others had come in to block the base at the instruction of the Human Alliance.

Bai Fu was not very interested in the remaining things in the base, so after moving all the things into the car, she went to say goodbye to Coleman and others.

Coleman said: "I have the order, so I won't see you off."

The task assigned to him by the higher-ups was to block the main base of the Truth Society. As for Bai Fu, let her go.

The Human Alliance was very afraid of Bai Fu. Because of this fear, they dared not act rashly against Bai Fu, even though Bai Fu was probably seriously injured now. If they failed to kill Bai Fu, it would be difficult for them to sleep well next time.

Bai Fu thanked her and took Yulia and the players back to the Goli Desert.

On the way back, she communicated with Old Nissen and Gaoyuan in advance, told them what happened here, and asked them to start making medals and uniforms.

Four hours later, a convoy blocked Bai Fu's way in the polluted area near the north of the Old Republic.

She saw the flag hanging on the car from a distance. It was the flag of the Primarch.

"The one who comes is not kind."

After successfully killing the president of the Truth Society, Bai Fu was worried that someone would do something bad to her because she saw how powerful she was. For this reason, she deliberately hid in the main base of the Truth Society to strengthen herself.

With her current strength, she doesn't need to be afraid of the army in front of her, but there is a weak burden next to her whose legs are shaking constantly just standing, so it is better not to fight.

"Is there anything wrong?"

Bai Fu stopped the car and stuck her head out of the window.

The commander of the road-blocking convoy was stunned, and his eyes were attracted by Bai Fu's right hand fingers that were resting on the window.

There was a translucent white spiritual air flow dancing on the fingertips of his white fingers, like a flame from a candle. It was small, but his heart was violently shaken as if it had been hit by a giant hammer.

This is not something that ordinary psychic prayer masters can do. As expected, Bai Fu has broken a certain limit and has a more terrifying strength than the president of the Truth Society, just like the news revealed by the Human League.

The superior ordered him to find an opportunity to kill Bai Fu, who was in poor condition after fighting with the president of the Society of Truth, but he looked left and right and couldn't see where Bai Fu was in poor condition.

Is your house in poor condition and your face is glowing like this?

Those who don't know may think that Bai Fu just drank something tonic.

The commander quickly said: "It's nothing. I'm here to thank you. If it weren't for you, would it be so easy for us to deal with the truth?"

"I see." Bai Fu smiled, "I thought you were here to ambush me. I was already prepared to kill everyone."

The commander was sweating profusely when he saw Bai Fu: "How could it be possible? You are the hero of the Origin Star. When word of what happened here spreads, you will soon become a national idol. By then..."

He was a little incoherent as he spoke, and in his heart he kept scolding the lords in the council.

Damn it, a bunch of old guys sit in the office and say they want to kill Bai Fu. Is Bai Fu so easy to kill? Bai Fu should really be sent to these old guys and let her They could feel Bai Fu's eyes for themselves.

"Are you in a hurry to go back now? Then I won't disturb you. Move away. Everyone, move away and make way for our heroes."

Under the command of the commander, the vehicles blocking the road retreated to both sides.

Bai Fu didn't say anything. She stepped on the accelerator lightly and led the player's car through the middle of the convoy. It wasn't until she and the player disappeared into the contaminated area that the Primarch agents and soldiers blocking her road dared to take a deep breath.

"Mom, I survived!"

"I want to say goodbye to my girlfriend first. I told her before coming here that I will marry her when this mission is over."

"Do you think some of the people above have cerebral palsy? They worked well with Bai Fu, but suddenly they stabbed Bai Fu in the back. Now it's better. Bai Fu is so strong that even the president of the Truth Society cannot beat him."

"Hush, you can't tell such a big truth."

While the Primarch's people were whispering, Bai Fu was also talking to Yulia in the passenger seat.

"They are obviously here to cause trouble for you. There is no need for you to let them go for the sake of my safety."

Bai Fu turned the steering wheel: "It's not all about you. My next target is the Primarch, but I still have to make some preparations before the official action, so I can break my skin later."

Not entirely, but a little bit?

Yulia said: "Thank you for saving me, I will repay you."

Bai Fu waved her hand: "Let's talk about that kind of thing later. You should have a sleep first. When you wake up, you should be in the Goli Desert. Old Nissen and your friends are waiting for you to go back."

Yulia nodded and closed her eyes.

She was a little confused about what Bai Fu was thinking about her. It seemed that Bai Fu had a deep intention for her, but when she looked closely, Bai Fu didn't seem to mean that. She didn't know whether she was overthinking or Bai Fu liked to pull. .

Let's try it slowly after returning to the Goli Desert.

In this process, she can slowly approach and study Bai Fu.

Although she has successfully escaped from the Truth Society, Yulia is still very interested in Baifu.

How did Bai Fu escape from her control? How did Bai Fu grow up so quickly?

Although she has never seen it with her own eyes, she is sure that Bai Fu's body must be extraordinary, otherwise it would not be possible to grow so fast. She is a little excited when she thinks that she has the opportunity to study Bai Fu in depth.

Life is unpredictable.

Back then, she wanted to capture Bai Fu and study her to help her get out of trouble. Who would have thought that Bai Fu would become her savior now.

Yulia secretly shook her head.

What a pity. I should have taken the opportunity to heal Bai Fu's demons just now and stole some of Bai Fu's hair or skin and hand skin as research materials.

Wouldn't he be considered a pervert?

It shouldn't be the case. This is just a doctor's hobby. Don't you have to collect hair and cells for medical research?

Smelling the faint fragrance coming from the left side, Yulia fell into deep sleep for the first time in several years.

News of the death of the Truth Society president spread in just a few hours.

Civilians in large settlements, scavengers and wanderers in small camps, bandits running around in the wilderness, killers and mercenaries wandering in the darkness, they all received the news.

Everyone was speculating on how Truth would suddenly fall. At this time, some authoritative news media disclosed key information about Truth's demise. All of this information pointed to the same name——

White Fu!

【Who is Bai Fu? Let’s take you to explore Bai Fu’s past]

[The nemesis of the Truth Society, the pure white hero]

[Situation Controller·Bai Fu, the Protagonist of the Era]

[Beauty, wisdom and strength coexist, she is Bai Fu! 】

A lot of exaggerated names were placed on Bai Fu by the news media. Under the publicity of these news media, Bai Fu suddenly became the center of the storm. She was driving her car leisurely. Others People's discussions about her have become more and more intense.

This is a legend!

This is how a legend should be discussed!

This discussion among the people of Zuyuan Star quickly spread to the player group. Many players in the Court of Silence were still following Su Li to chase and kill the fleeing members of the Truth Society, but they were shocked to hear that Bai Fu had killed the Truth Society. The leader of the guild base and even the president of the Truth Society were killed.

[Let me go, Fufu is so fierce? 】

[How dare you question Fufu’s strength? You are disloyal! 】

[Have you read the news reports? The living legend, the protagonist of the era, cheer and jump for joy, these NPCs have personally recognized that Fufu is the protagonist of Zuyuan Star! 】

[Damn, I’m still digging for treasures. The first time I met Fufu, I could tell at a glance that Fufu was extraordinary]

[Give Di Bao a triple thumbs up. If Di Bao hadn’t been making videos related to Fufu, I wouldn’t have gone to the Goli Desert early to join the Court of Silence]

Players of the Court of Silence are going crazy with joy.

What is it like to hold onto the lap of the protagonist of Planet?

Good reviews, I must praise her plump thighs that make nice dents even when wearing stockings!

Players from other camps and players from other planets are extremely envious. Stop showing off, stop showing off. If you show off again, I will report Bai Fu for cheating!

[Where is the protagonist of our planet? 】

[Wori, why didn’t Fufu hit me at this Truth Society base, so that I could surrender directly?]

However, some players have discovered problems.

Although Bai Fu performed extremely well in this main mission, so bright that she could blind other people's eyes, the main mission is almost over as soon as she is so dazzling. If the main mission is over, what should the player do next? What to do?

Are you doing side quests? The rewards from side quests may not be as good as the main quests.

[You don’t understand this, right? This means that annihilating the Truth Society is not the final main line of the Origin Star at all. Just believe in Fufu. With the pure white hero Fufu here, we can’t afford to suffer a loss, and we can’t buy top orders]

Dig Ji jumped out at the right time, started a verbal battle with the crowd, and said that if he made a mistake, he would perform a handstand to wash his hair.

Her speech reassured many players, but some players were still worried.

What if there really are no other main quests?

Although their level is obviously higher than that of ordinary players on other planets now, if there are no new main tasks to complete, their level may be overtaken after a while.

Young, really too young!

Bai Fu, who was bored and browsing the community, couldn't help but feel happy when she saw these comments.

What does a mere Truth Council mean? Next, she has to attack the Primarch. There are aliens in the Primarch. Isn’t the reward of this mission higher than that of besieging the Truth Council?

Attacking the Order of Truth was basically her solo show, but attacking the Primarch was different.

Baifu plans to use the players as the vanguard and sweep all the way, not giving the Primarch any chance to struggle. When the time comes, the players will have plenty of opportunities to perform.

And once she is officially recognized as the true protagonist of Zuyuan Star in the next enhancement, and her Zuyuan Star reconstruction plan is officially recognized as the new main line of Zuyuan Star, then things will be easier to handle.

How many branches are needed to rebuild the grand main line of the Ancestral Star?

"When the time comes, don't think that the content of the main mission is too large and will make people vomit."

Baifu Town.

Bai Fu jumped out of the car with Yulia in her arms. Breathing in the familiar dry air, she felt a reassuring sense of tranquility.

"Although I have seen this scene from the perspective of a doll before, after seeing it with my own eyes, I still felt like I was dreaming."

Yulia opened her mouth slightly, her emotions fluctuating, and she was filled with emotions.

She was even a little afraid of stepping on the ground, and just wanted Bai Fu to hold her for a while longer, so as not to wake up from her dream due to the touch of her feet on the ground.

"This is just the beginning. I will continue to expand this town, and then gradually promote my reconstruction plan with this town as the center!" Bai Fu did not hesitate to share her thoughts with Yulia.

Yulia was noncommittal to this idea, and she let Bai Fu hold her hand and walked toward Bai Fu Town.

At this moment, a group of people suddenly rushed out of the town, with Old Nissen, Sean and others running in front.

They cheered loudly, cheering Bai Fu's name and cheering Yulia's name.

"Bai Fu is back!"

"Foo! Fu! Fu!"

"Welcome home!"

The ceremony to welcome the Pure White Hero was unprecedentedly grand in Baifu Town.

PS: Put out bowls and ask for votes~~~

There was a bug in the last chapter's spiritual energy value. In fact, it has not been fully restored yet. The data written as fully restored does not match Bai Fu's words.

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