Who made her an NPC!

Chapter 143 Certification from Broken Star, Bai Fu is really an alien! [55k]

Chapter 143 Certification from Broken Star, Bai Fu is really an alien! 【5.5k】

After Pombaton was killed by White Fu, the various troops stationed in Haidu by the Primarch suddenly lost their overall command and fell into a situation of fighting independently.

Their chaos caused the seemingly indestructible wall to suddenly become riddled with holes.

How could the players miss such a good opportunity? They quickly climbed over the high wall and rushed into Haidu. While chasing the soldiers of the Primarch, they shouted loudly to appease the ordinary residents of Haidu.

"Don't worry, everyone, we are only targeting the alien who has done all the bad things, as well as the members of the Seven-member Council who colluded with the alien and other insects!"

"We come from the Court of Silence. The owner of the Court of Silence is Bai Fu. Everyone should have heard of Fu Fu, right? The slain person of the Truth Society! The supreme, pure and kind person! Fu Fu never does such evil as oppressing people. thing, so you don’t have to be afraid of us who follow Fufu!”

"For safety reasons, everyone please stay at home as much as possible and do not come out until the battle is over, to avoid being hit by stray bullets or being captured and taken hostage by desperate Primarch soldiers!"

Only half an hour later, the voices of players were everywhere inside and outside Haidu.

In order to ensure that Haidu could be captured, the main force Bai Fu brought to Haidu consisted of three thousand players. During the advancement process, nearly a thousand more players who had joined the Primarch defected, and four thousand players The power that players gathered together was like a volcanic eruption, shaking the entire sea city.

As one of the five major forces, the Primarch actually has quite a few high-level superpowers in charge. Once these high-level superpowers use all their combat power, although it is difficult to achieve the effect of one cavalry against a thousand, it is difficult for players to brush them. A record of one against a hundred is relatively easy.

However, seeing players running rampant on the streets, no high-level superpowers have emerged.

A person's name, the shadow of a tree.

Hearing that Bai Fu was also among the troops attacking Haidu, these high-level superpowers were immediately frightened and turned into turtles.

Whoever wants to go to Bai Fu will go, anyway, they won't go.

Wouldn't anyone really think that Bai Fu is a succubus just because Su Li gave her a succubus nickname?

Bai Fu doesn't have a little tail or wings on her body, and even the president of the Truth Society can't withstand her attack. If they go, she won't be able to last more than three seconds before her head is ripped off.

"The Primarch has really spent all these years raising you in vain, you are a bunch of white-eyed wolves!"

In a single-family villa in the east of the city, after calling several high-level superpowers without getting any response, Xia Shude, the former director of the Primarch Science and Technology Bureau, stared at the family photos hanging on the wall.

His breathing was rapid and his pupils were bloodshot.

what to do?

If there was no one to protect him, it would be impossible for him to successfully reach the underground base. If he could not reach the underground base, he would not be able to save Xia Shi!

Xia Shude clenched his fists.

Xia Shi was not his biological daughter. At that time, his wife was found to be infertile, so he went to the android training camp to bring Xia Shi back.

He has been very strict with Xia Shi since he was very young. After his wife died of illness, his requirements for Xia Shi became even stricter. This situation has not changed until now.

Many people therefore believe that he does not like Xia Shi as his adopted daughter at all. Those familiar with the matter further believe that this is because Xia Shi is an artificial talent.

But in fact, he has always regarded Xia Shi as a treasure. He hopes that Xia Shi, who was born as an artificial human, can control his own destiny. He hopes to cultivate Xia Shi into the best person in the world.

It's just that he was not good at expressing feelings and was too eager, so that the relationship with Xia Shi broke down. After graduating from school, Xia Shi refused all his arrangements and ran to join the Intelligence Bureau.

Xia Shude thought that this was the end of his relationship with Xia Shi, but the development of things was completely beyond his expectation.

Just like he has Xia Shi as his daughter in his heart, Xia Shi also has him as his father in her heart, but she is just as bad at expressing it as he is.

This can be seen from the fact that after Xia Shi found the 001 file, she immediately recognized that the notes on the file were written by him, and came to scold him for his carelessness.

If Xia Shi didn't care about him, how could he recognize his handwriting? If Xia Shi didn't care about him, how could he come to scold him?

Unfortunately, when he discovered this, it was already too late——

Xia Shi was arrested, and the people in the Seven-person Council found that she was the most qualified candidate for the alien. If nothing was done, he would forever lose the daughter who had been with him for twenty years.

"How could I watch this happen?"

Xia Shude let out a hoarse growl.

As soon as he closed his eyes, he could think of Xia Shi forcing herself to do her best even though she didn't like training, just hoping that he would be satisfied.

Growing up, he owed Xia Shi a lot as his daughter.

"Xiao Shi, wait for me, even if I am alone, I will find a way to rescue you!"

He decided to give it a try.

It would be best to rescue Xia Shi. If not, then let's reunite together in the world after death.

Xia Shude went to change into a special protective suit and stuffed the clothes with all kinds of grenades, firearms, and daggers. After being fully prepared, he opened the door of the villa expressionlessly.

"Xia Shude?"

A questioning voice suddenly sounded.

Xia Shude was shocked to find dozens of people standing at the door. Standing at the front of the crowd was a girl wearing a black tight-fitting combat uniform with a long silver ponytail swinging behind her head, showing off her heroic appearance.

He recognized this girl immediately.


Xia Shude quickly took out his pistol and pointed it at Bai Fu.

Bai Fu didn't take it seriously. She snatched Xia Shude's pistol away, crumpled it into a mess, and threw it into the trash can nearby.

"I'm here to save Xia Shi. As you are, you should know where Xia Shi is being held, right?"


Xia Shude was stunned.

Bai Fu said she was here to save Xiao Shi?

He believed that with Bai Fu's identity and strength, there was no need to lie to him in this regard. Because of this, he couldn't help but want to laugh. If it was Bai Fu, she would definitely be able to rescue Xiao Shi, right?

All the strength in his body disappeared like a flood, and his body slid down against the cold door frame. He supported the ground with his hands, looking at the feet so close at hand, his eyes covered by a layer of hazy mist.

"Ha ha ha ha."

In the end, all that came out of Shashude's hoarse throat was monotonous and confusing laughter.

At the age of fifty, he has always paid great attention to his image. Only this time, he was so in love that he couldn't care about anything else. Tears slid down his face with grooves, outlining the years of wind and frost.


Bai Fu looked confused. No, Xia Shude must have been frightened by the scene of her rubbing the gun with her bare hands, right?

Yulia, who was standing aside, took two steps forward. She saw the shadow of old Nissen in Xia Shude.

"I can understand your mood, but now is not the time to get excited. First, take us to where Xia Shi is being held."

Xia Shude climbed up from the ground with difficulty: "Come with me."

Under the guidance of Xia Shude, Bai Fu found the underground base hidden under the signal tower.

She used her spiritual blast to open the hidden door, and what she saw was a staircase that spiraled downwards with no end in sight.

"Fortunately, I went to find Xia Shude first, otherwise I might not be able to find this underground base. Grandma, these people of the Primarch are really good at hiding."

Bai Fu, who was holding back her anger, asked Hei Fu to guard the door of the signal tower to prevent anyone from coming to the rescue. Then she led Yulia and a group of players down the stairs to kill them.

There’s nothing to say, just do it and that’s it!


Beat it to pieces!

Guns popping out of the wall?

Beat it to pieces!

Mutants coming in droves?

Beat them all to pieces!

To use one sentence to describe the scene of White Fu attacking the Primarch's underground base, it would be "like entering an uninhabited land".

Judging from the recommended strategy level given by the game official, the strategy difficulty of the Primarch underground base is lower than that of the main base of the Society of Truth.

The main base of the Society of Truth was turned upside down by her, let alone the underground base of the Primarch?

[Damn, Fufu is too fierce! 】

[The monsters in this underground base are not enough for Fufu to defeat, it seems we don’t have to do anything]

[Okay, I like this style of play. You don’t have to do anything. You just need to follow Fufu’s butt and drink the little bit of soup that Fufu leaks out, and you will be able to level up happily.]

[The fighting power seems to be even stronger than when we attacked the Society of Truth before. I don’t know if it’s my imagination]

No, this is not your illusion!

Yulia, who was following Bai Fu, discovered that the strength Bai Fu displayed now was at least twice as strong as when she fought against the president of the Truth Society.

She felt incredible. It had only been half a month. How did Bai Fu's body grow so long that she could double her strength in such a short period of time?

"If I can study Bai Fu carefully, inside and out, from head to toe, and understand the secret of Bai Fu's strength, it will be completely worth it even if it costs me a few years of life!"

Yulia was very excited.

The surrounding players would never have imagined that Yulia, whom they regarded as an iceberg beauty, would be so enthusiastic at this moment that her mind was filled with thoughts on how to study Bai Fu.

In short, let's record the video now, and then slowly watch Baifu's fighting posture frame by frame when we get home.

Just when Yulia slapped Bai Fu's waist, hips and legs to collect research materials, Bai Fu had already reached the bottom of the underground base and kicked the door in front of her into pieces.


This huge movement immediately attracted the attention of the seven-person council members behind the door.

One of the elderly men turned back with a displeased face: "What are you doing? Didn't I just tell you not to come to us if there is no emergency like the sky is falling? How long has it been since then and you have forgotten..."

After seeing Bai Fu's appearance clearly, he couldn't forget the rest of the story.

Bai Fu, no, why is Bai Fu here? Didn't Pombotron say that he would try his best to prevent Bai Fu from entering Haidu? In this situation, did he stop him from Mara Gobi? Could it be that he just went out to find it? Bai Fu surrendered?

In the circular base hall, the scalps of the seven-member council members were numb and they felt like the sky was falling.

However, their symptoms were soon improved, because Bai Fu raised the gun-shaped dark scepter in his hand.


A psychic bullet was fired and accurately hit one of the congressmen in the neck.

Under the impact of the explosion, the congressman's head was blown off on the spot. Naturally, if his head was blown away, he would not feel numbness and fear in his scalp.


Bai Fu was very satisfied with the power of the Dark Scepter.

She was happy, but the other councillors were not.

They had always been very afraid of Bai Fu. They could remain calm because the location of the underground base had not been exposed. Now that the location of the underground base had been exposed, Bai Fu had come to kill them. How could they have any resistance? Not all people in high positions were as tough as the president of the Truth Society.

"Don't kill me, I surrender. In the Battle of Bagalos, it was Pompadour who ordered Basque to kill you. I am innocent, really!"

"Yes, it was all Pompadour's fault. He bewitched us. In fact, I have always wanted to apologize to you. I don't think it is necessary for us to fight to the death. With the various resources we have and your strength, we can nominate you as the queen of the entire Zuyuan Star with just a little effort!"

"Your Majesty, spare my life. As long as you are willing to spare my life, you can do whatever you want to me. Use me as a stool, a footstool, as..."

Bang bang bang!

Bai Fu shot each of them before they finished talking.

She didn't say anything when she killed Bombardon, and she had no intention of talking to them when dealing with these councilors who were even worse than Bombardon.

You know how to ask for mercy when you are beaten in front of you?

Stop it, you are still a footstool for me, do you think you can get such a good thing?

"Leave it to you."

Bai Fu handed the three councilors who were not yet dead to the players to deal with, so that the players who came in with her could share some of the task rewards.

The players who received the order immediately rushed up, and among them, Fu, who converted to me, rushed the fastest.

Lao Deng, you are a stool and a footstool, and you are daydreaming here, take my salted fish stab!

After just a few seconds, the councilors who had been in the wasteland for more than 20 years were beaten into sieves by the players.

A series of killing prompts sounded, and Bai Fu walked past the corpse and came to the egg-shaped building in the middle of the hall. Although no one explained, she knew that this should be the ultimate goal of her trip.

Sure enough, a few seconds later, a door suddenly opened on the egg-shaped building.

Under the flickering light, the last survivor of the seven-member council, a man named Satori, walked out, his face no longer as calm as before.

Obviously, his ambition was about to be realized, why did Bai Fu suddenly attack!

Satori was like an angry buffalo.

He was only one step away from running towards the starry sky, and he would never allow Bai Fu to interrupt his dream.

"Bai Fu, this is your limit. You can't save Xia Shi, and you can't kill Lord Broken Star. When Lord Broken Star forcibly erases Xia Shi's consciousness and resurrects, it will be the time of your death!"

A manic blood surged out from deep inside Satori's body. Under the stimulation of this blood, Satori's body swelled at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Transformation ability?"

As his body suddenly changed, Satori's various attributes began to grow. When he grew halfway, he gave himself a shot to increase the growth of his attributes.

However, in just a few seconds, Sartori changed from a seemingly ordinary superpower to a person whose panel data was very close to that of the president of the Truth Society.

He is now terribly strong!

Of course, this is just his own feeling. The expansion of strength often leads to excessive expansion of self-confidence.

Not to mention that the transformed Sartori is not as good as the president of the Truth Society. Even if he is as strong as the president of the Truth Society, Bai Fu does not take him seriously.

"Do you think I am still the same person I was half a month ago?"

Bai Fu laughed.

Sartori was stunned for half a second by this strange sentence, and in this half second, Bai Fu suddenly appeared in front of him with the help of a stream of light.

Dark Burn!

Bai Fu started with an explosive big move.

With Yulia, she can replenish magic at any time, so there is no need to save skills.

With the blessing of the Dark Scepter, the Dark Burn three-hit combo with 195% additional damage bonus hit the face. Sartori didn't even understand what happened, and was hit and lost half of his health.

He hit the outer wall of the egg-shaped building, his chest collapsed, and blood gushed out of his mouth.

The intense pain tore at Sartori's consciousness, but he still struggled to get up from the ground. He had to buy time for Lord Shattered Star!

"Your opponent is me."

At this time, Yulia blocked Sartori, she opened her superpower field, and then gave Sartori a sky burial very unceremoniously.

Sartori sensed the danger and tried to dodge, but he didn't expect that the dark burning could reduce his attributes. He reacted, but his agility did not support him to avoid it.

The sky fell, hitting him dizzy and falling to the ground on the spot.

"Stop, stop!"

Sartori roared angrily, but this roar was meaningless. Bai Fu still walked past him with steady steps and walked into the egg-shaped building that housed the alien souls.

A sense of fear rose up. If Lord Broken Star died...

Sartori, who was lying on the ground, suddenly remembered the president of the Truth Society who fell in front of him and roared in despair. He once thought that was the beginning of his journey to the peak, but it seemed that was the peak he could reach.

It was all Bai Fu's fault. Who gave birth to this monster Bai Fu? Who made Bai Fu master the ability to charm the undead? Who made Bai Fu have such a terrible psychic talent!

Sartori got up from the ground again, but what awaited him was still Yulia's indifferent face.

"If you want to challenge Bai Fu, you must first pass me."

Sartori was helpless.

In the extremely spacious room, Bai Fu looked around. She saw that Xia Shi was locked on a strange instrument. On the left side of the instrument was a huge glass cover, and floating in the glass cover was a dragon that looked slightly like the Zuyuan star. A differentiated soul.

After crawling around in Zuyuanxing for nearly a year, she finally met the indirect perpetrators who caused Zuyuanxing to fall into a huge disaster.

"You can't kill me. I will complete my rebirth before you kill me. At that time, I will control the spaceship to blast you and your Court of Silence to pieces!"

A cold voice floated in the room.

Bai Fu remained calm.

She could tell with her spiritual vision that the soul of Broken Star had little fighting power. He relied on solid walls and swarms of machinery in the egg-shaped building.

The wall is made of very special materials. Even Bai Fu doesn't have the confidence to break it for a while. Those machines are not ordinary either. When they are gathered together, they can unleash far beyond ordinary strength. Although they can't defeat Bai Fu, they are enough to delay it. It's been a while.

All Shatterstar wants is time.

"It's a pity that you met me who is least afraid of mechanics of your level."

Bai Fu clapped her hands.

Dear players, let Broken Star see what self-destruction tactics are!

Under Bai Fu's command, players lined up and rushed in one after another to serve Broken Star's mechanical troops.

Sartori, who was stopped by Yulia, was about to go crazy, but he could do nothing. Just like the sufferers in some books, he could only shout repeatedly in a painful voice.

"No, no, no! Bai Fu, you devil!"

After more than a hundred explosions, Broken Star's mechanical troops finally couldn't hold on any longer.

Bai Fu said: "Do you have any other means? If not, then it's my turn to take action!"

She raised the Dark Scepter, and the spiritual explosion surged like a spring, instantly destroying the glass surrounding the broken star.

When the glass exploded everywhere, Broken Star suddenly shouted: "Dark spiritual energy? No, this cannot be the power this planet should have, Bai Fu, you are not from the Origin Star! "


Dig Diji, who was standing at the door, immediately pricked up her ears when she heard these words. She seemed to have heard some terrible news!

PS: Thanks Yue:) for the reward

Put out bowls and ask for votes~

Starting from tomorrow, I will try my best to put the daily updates before 9pm, so that even if they are blocked, I can still ask the editor for help.

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