Who made her an NPC!

Chapter 144: The Queen's Coronation Ceremony of Bai Fu, the Lord of the Night! [6k]

Digging Ji followed the main force this time, just to take more handsome pictures of Bai Fu fighting while Bai Fu's popularity is particularly high, and to supplement the plot of the Gene Primarch, so as to gather some materials for the next issue of the Silent Garden News Express video.

Therefore, since entering Haidu, she has been taking videos and photos of Bai Fu like Yulia.

The difference is that Yulia always stares at Bai Fu's waist, hips, and legs, saying that this posture can better study Bai Fu's way of exerting force, while she pays more attention to Bai Fu's overall image.

Digging Ji thought that there would be no big gains today, but she never expected that the "big man" alien actually broke out a shocking news.

"Isn't Fu Fu from Zuyuan Star?"

Oh my gosh!

The alien said it, and it was an extremely important alien in the plot. This is basically a hammer, right?

Now it's good, confirming that Fu Fu is the last piece of the puzzle of the Lord of the Night!

Digging Ji was so excited that she trembled all over, as if she had been electrocuted.

She followed Fufu to drink some hot soup from her body. Who would have thought that she could eat meat after drinking the soup.

Hiss, is this Fufu?

It's true that no matter how much you dig, you will find something. No matter how you explore, you can't find the bottom. It's too deep!

Digger Ji quickly opened the live broadcast.

[Well, why did the treasure hunt suddenly start broadcasting? ]

[Didn't they say that they were attacking the original gene body and it was not convenient to broadcast live? Did something big happen? ]

[It's Fufu, my wife! ]

Digger Ji is now one of the top anchors in the game. As soon as she started broadcasting, many players rushed into the live broadcast room.

[Hello, everyone. Actually, I didn't want to broadcast today, but just now I suddenly heard a big news! ]

[I don't know if you still remember the video I posted not long ago? In the video, I said that I was 95% sure that Fufu was the master of the night. Now, I can fill the last 5% gap! 】

While speaking, she adjusted the camera slightly upwards and aimed at Shattered Star, who was in a panic because of the unfavorable situation.

[Introduce the final BOSS of the main line of Shattered Star Gene Primitive, the legendary alien, the root of the great disaster of Zuyuan Star. There is no point in saying more. Now let's watch the video.]

Digging Ji did not deliberately keep the suspense. After introducing Shattered Star's identity, she decisively released the video she had just recorded.

The length of the video is not long, just 30 seconds, but after learning about Shattered Star's identity, the impact of this 30-second video is no less than that of a fat man falling from the sky for the players.


[Fuck! ]

Almost at the moment the video was played, Digging Ji's live broadcast room was flooded with a large number of barrages.

Without any extra explanation, all the players in the live broadcast room knew what Digging Ji wanted to express-

Bai Fu is the master of the dark night!

They believed it.

In fact, there are many loopholes in the deduction chain of Digging Ji. Even if Bai Fu is really an alien, it cannot prove that Bai Fu is the Lord of the Dark Night. After all, there are too many coincidences in the world.

But players play games, not life.

There are so many coincidences in the game. Who would believe if you said that Bai Fu and the Lord of the Dark Night have no relationship?

The players believe it because of Digging Ji's identity.

Who is Digging Ji?

She has been defeated repeatedly in other games, but in Stars, no one knows Bai Fu better than her. From the opening of the server to the present, all her guesses about Bai Fu are correct.

Yes, all correct, as if Bai Fu's plot was written by her, and Bai Fu was just acting according to the plot she wrote.

Amazing, right?

Therefore, when Digging Ji produced evidence and said that she was 100% sure that Bai Fu was the Lord of the Dark Night, the last doubt was drowned under the wave.

[The final conclusion, Fu Fu's true identity is the Lord of the Dark Night from Indigo Star! ]

[Fu Fu is really an alien, she is not lying! ]

[I cried my ass off, really. Fufu told us she was an alien not long after we met. What kind of trust is this? So touching]

In the community, related posts popped up like mushrooms after rain, and soon swept the forum like a storm.

There is no way, there are too many points to discuss this matter.

The Fumen players are going crazy because Baifu did not lie and revealed her true identity to the players early.

[Fufu treated me with sincerity, how can I not treat Fufu with sincerity? I declare that from today on, I will divorce my other virtual wives! ]

The Leziren players are constantly torturing the Indigo Star players.

[Does this count as the Zuyuan Star players NTR the Indigo Star players? ]

[Great, awesome! ]

[Just wait, we will get Baifu back sooner or later! 】

There is also a small number of players who have always been unhappy with Bai Fu. Seeing that Bai Fu is so popular, they can't find evidence to prove that Bai Fu is not the Lord of the Night, so they can only try their best to describe Bai Fu as a bad woman.

[I think you don't understand the thinking of the game company to design NPCs. The more perfect the character is, the more likely it is to be black. Bai Fu is most likely a bad woman. She pretends to be a good person to use you. When you are licking her crazily, she may not only not take you seriously, but also want to step on you and put her feet in your mouth to humiliate you]

[1111, really stuffed? ]

[No more oil and salt, right? I use my number to bet that Bai Fu is a bad woman. She is nice to you just to take advantage of you. She says she likes you just to get you to add more money! 】

[Who cares whether you bet or not? Bad women are also good. Bad women Fufu kill me! 】

Xiao Heizi was so angry with Fumen players that he immediately closed the community.

During the community war, many players went to Dig Ji’s live broadcast room to watch the battle in real time. They wanted to see how Bai Fu would hammer the alien named Shattered Star, but they didn’t expect something unexpected happened as soon as they entered the live broadcast room. Harvest.

Broken Star was shocked by the discovery that Bai Fu was an alien. He didn't show too much panic even when the mechanical army he controlled was destroyed by the player's self-explosion, but it was different now.

Why would another alien appear on the Ancestral Star?

When did Bai Fu come? Was it before him or after him? Or could it be said that Bai Fu actually came with him, but she had been hiding on the spaceship before and was not discovered by him?

Did Bai Fu come to him for some other purpose, or was Bai Fu's purpose from the beginning just to capture him?

Broken Star's mind was filled with questions, and he couldn't calm down at all.

"Are you here for the Pillar of the True Spirit? Who are you? Did you come here from the Red Moon Mercenary Group or the Consecrated Order? No, you may also be from Shijing Security Company. Shijing Company has always When I asked about the Pillar of True Spirit, they had sent people to follow me before!"

The series of nouns that popped out of Broken Star's mouth made the players in the live broadcast room say it was interesting. Isn't it interesting to hear the grievances in the star sea on the novice planet?

[If you can speak, speak more]

[How do you think Fufu will send him on his way? 】

[I don’t know, I hope Fufu pinches me to death with her thighs]

[Where did this pervert come from? ? ? 】

Bai Fu dusted off the glass shards stuck on her clothes: "Unfortunately, you guessed everything wrong."

She didn't know that Dig Ji was broadcasting live, but she still deliberately said some meaningful words, mainly because she wanted to get more information from Broken Star to prepare for entering the starry sky in the future.

Broken Star's words have actually revealed some useful information, such as the Pillar of True Spirit, which should be Obsidian's real name, and the Consecrated Order, the blessing buff that Yulia added to her is called [Consecrated Link] .

"No? It's impossible. Others don't even know that there is a Pillar of True Spirit on the spaceship I'm on! Unless..."

Broken Star's soul suddenly became distorted. This was caused by emotional excitement, and he thought of extremely terrifying possibilities.

"Are you from the force behind the Consecrated Order?"

He didn't even dare to shout the name of that force loudly, for fear that the shout would be sensed by the master of that force.

Bai Fu snorted lightly and said noncommittally: "What do you want to do with the Pillar of True Spirit?"

"I just want to exchange it for money, you..."

No, there is no point in begging for mercy now.

Broken Star knew very well that he took the Pillar of True Spirit and fled to the Ancestral Star in a panic. He hid on the Ancestral Star for a hundred years. Those who wanted the Pillar of True Spirit would never be spared easily. His, who made him just a little shrimp with no background but greedy to rob the Pillar of True Spirit?

If he wants to survive, he must find a way to kill Bai Fu.

Bai Fu was very powerful, but not so powerful that he felt desperate. It was certain that Bai Fu, like him, encountered an accident during the landing on the ancestral star, resulting in a great loss of strength.

"I climbed up step by step until now. As long as I can be resurrected successfully, as long as I can leave the Origin Star with the Pillar of True Spirit, and as long as I can sell the Pillar of True Spirit, I will no longer have to worry about having no money. !”

Broken Star suddenly laughed, squeezing out an angry soul sound.

"Do you know how much effort I spent to see this glimmer of hope? You don't know, and you don't need to know! If you want to kill me, then I will kill you. Even if you come from that force, I am not afraid, no matter what No matter how much it costs, no matter how many people have to be sacrificed, I must survive!"

His soul began to tremble, and the egg-shaped room trembled with his soul. For a moment, the entire underground base seemed to collapse.

Players immediately understood after seeing this scene. In the game, usually when the CG cutscene reaches this point, it means that the fight is about to begin!

Unfortunately, it seems that no more information can be obtained.

Bai Fu shook her head: "Unfortunately, you guessed wrong again. I am not from the force you mentioned. Although I do want to find a way back to the Rebirth Empire through you, I came to you today mainly because of two things.

"1. You captured Xia Shi.

"2. You and those careerists have caused the Origin Star to become a wasteland, and many people want you to die.

"For these two things, I must send you on your way!"

As soon as she finished speaking, Bai Fu raised the gun of darkness in her hand and fired several psychic bullets, instantly piercing Broken Star's soul.

"Did you get out of the way?"

Bai Fu looked around, completely ignoring the broken stars floating in the air.

She didn't know if it was an illusion or something else. She only knew that the few shots just now did not produce any damage value, and she did not receive the game prompt of Broken Star's death.

"There's no point in pretending to be dead in front of me, let alone you, even if the Lord of the Starry Sky comes, you can't pretend!"

A light flashed in Bai Fu's eyes.

The most troublesome thing about dealing with the soul body is that the soul body is erratic and can fly, but she has already guessed where Broken Star is.

The next second, she suddenly disappeared from the spot, leaving only a series of afterimages.

[Where did she go? ]

The players nearby and in the live broadcast room all widened their eyes. They looked around and suddenly heard a crackling sound from the right side of the egg-shaped room.

They turned their heads quickly and saw a black light drawn in front of the special instrument that held Xia Shi.

Broken Star wanted to hold Xia Shi hostage, but Bai Fu had expected it!

In terms of strength, Broken Star is definitely not as good as her now. If Broken Star wants to survive, the easiest and most convenient way is to find someone to hold hostage. He can't hold a player hostage, and it's difficult to hold Yulia hostage, so his target can only be Xia Shi.

Realizing this, Bai Fu flashed directly in front of Xia Shi.

Psychic Shelter Opened!

Considering that Psychic Shelter cannot block all types of attacks, the moment she stood firm, Bai Fu used another Super Power Field skill card she had taken from Yulia.

Superpower field, after use, opens a force field that can reduce most types of damage, can bounce enemies away, and can cause continuous damage to enemies in the force field.

In Bai Fu's opinion, among Yulia's many skills, in addition to creating a fake body, the maximum limit of the superpower field that can be developed is the most terrifying. If it becomes a permanent aura...

God skill!

In fact, even the current version of the superpower field is a true god skill on Zuyuan Star.

Suixing has carefully analyzed every public battle before Bai Fu. He is confident that he knows Bai Fu's fighting style very well, but he never dreamed that Bai Fu could use other people's skills through a one-time skill card.

His moves can penetrate psychic protection, but not superpower field.

After diving into the superpower field, a sharp pain like a burning flame rose from the depths of his soul. Before he could react, Bai Fu had already floated over with a dark thorn sword in his hand and stabbed his left arm with one sword.

Broken Star screamed and was flung away by the super power field. He wanted to get up and quickly distance himself from Bai Fu, but found that his soul seemed to be on fire.

It was the dark spiritual energy that was corroding his soul!

Damn it.

Broken Star's face became extremely ugly.

He didn't care about so much, he directly activated the self-destruction program of the egg-shaped building. This was a hidden chess piece he left when the egg-shaped building was built. It was a trump card to fight the enemy in times of crisis.

Come on, let's see whether you will be killed by the self-destruction program first, or I will be killed first!

Broken Star's face was hideous.

He bet that he could win. He was in soul form now, very fragile, but ordinary explosions and shocks could not hurt him.

He looked down at Bai Fu, and what he didn't expect was that he saw a smile on Bai Fu's face.

"Is this your last trump card?"

It was hard for Bai Fu not to smile.

Fight with her to death?

Her HP is as high as 6102 points, and she can use her own skills and prayer cards to use psychic protection twice in a short period of time, adding a total of 6000 shields to herself.

"You probably want to fight me to death, and also want to drag those ordinary people on the ground to die together? There is an explosion right below the signal tower, and the entire signal tower will collapse. At that time, no one nearby can escape, but you seem to have forgotten that the situation on the ground has been controlled by the undead I brought."

Bai Fu turned her head to look at Digging Ji and Yulia.

"Digging Ji, contact the undead on the ground and ask them to quickly organize the evacuation of civilians."

"Yulia, take Xia Shi and Xia Shude away first, and I will come to you after I kill him."

Yulia nodded, she increased the output power, sent away the half-dead Satori, and then rushed into the laboratory to take Xia Shi off the instrument. Before leaving, she suddenly took out a reagent tube and threw it to Bai Fu.

"I'm not with you, so use this to hold my blood."

Bai Fu was stunned for a moment: "If I remember correctly, you said you were afraid of pain because it would remind you of your experience in the Truth Society."

Yulia said coldly: "You saved me, even if you want all my blood, I will give it to you."

"Well." Bai Fu nodded, "Let's go."

Yulia left with Xia Shi and Xia Shude.

Only Bai Fu, Suixing, and the players who were watching the fun with their lives were left in the underground base.

"Now it's time for us to decide life or death."

Bai Fu suddenly said, and a stone fell from the ceiling and hit her shoulder, smashing herself into pieces.

Suixing had a bad feeling, but he still underestimated Bai Fu's speed. After all the bonuses, Bai Fu's agility reached 149 points. When he saw Bai Fu lift her foot, Bai Fu had already appeared in front of him.

The dark spiritual energy wrapped around her right hand, as if igniting a black flame, and pressed heavily on Broken Star's neck. With the blessing of the dark spiritual energy, Bai Fu pinched Broken Star's soul.

"You should be prepared to be killed, right?"

Bai Fu had a smile on her face, but her voice was as cold as the wind in the far north.

Broken Star struggled hard, but to no avail.

He could only watch Bai Fu swinging her left fist continuously, each punch hitting his head, and each punch made his soul seem to be blown apart.

The dark spiritual energy has a burning characteristic, which is a perfect way to deal with Broken Star's soul that is not susceptible to ordinary damage.

As Bai Fu swung her fist, the egg-shaped building exploded more and more violently, and the broken concrete, flying steel, and the shock wave of the explosion bombarded Bai Fu's body.

But Bai Fu stood there, motionless like an unshakable mountain.

Bang, bang, bang!

The burning of the dark psychic energy and the erosion of the superpower field made Broken Star almost crazy. At this time, he could not do anything but roar while competing with Bai Fu to see who could survive to the end.


109, -151, -134...

Large damage values ​​floated over Bai Fu and Broken Star's heads like water.

The difference is that Bai Fu lost shield value, while Broken Star lost health value.

There will be no impact if the shield value drops to a very low level, but when the health value drops to a very low level, all kinds of negative states will come up at once.

Fight with me, how can you fight with a fragile skin? !

The players next to him were stunned.

They had never seen the scene of the final battle between Bai Fu and the president of the Truth Society. At first glance, they felt their heads buzzing when they saw Bai Fu's fierce fighting style.

[Damn, Fufu is too strong]

[If these punches land on me]

[Don't hit me, you can't even withstand one punch]

[Damn, Fufu won't get scars on her body, it would be bad if she got scars]

[Is it time to care about this kind of thing now? If we don't kill this alien quickly, the base will collapse, will Fufu be in trouble? ]

While the players were discussing noisily, the alien erosion mark on Shattered Star's body erupted again after stacking five layers, blasting the soul into a bright and dark tear zone.

"It's almost the last blow."

Bai Fu used her waist and legs to coordinate the strength of her whole body, and punched Shattered Star in the face. The moment her fist touched the soul, a huge amount of spiritual energy gushed out like a tide.

Shattered Star opened his mouth, but no sound came out, because in an instant the head of his soul was torn into pieces invisible to the naked eye and covered by the falling explosion dust.

Bai Fu released her right hand, and at this moment, the soul of Broken Star completely stopped moving and turned into nothingness.

[You killed Broken Star (Soul), contribution 100%, and gained 420,000 experience points after correction based on the level difference]

[You completed the hidden mission [The Last Wish of the President of the Truth Society]]

Bai Fu raised her hand and punched away a piece of rubble that was about to fall on her head.

Looking at the half-collapsed underground base, she shook her head.

Broken Star's body is still not good enough. It only gave 420,000 experience points. It's better for the player to give her some experience points.

However, this is also related to her early arrival. An ordinary soul, after losing the protection of those super-powered people and the guard of the mechanical troops, can only struggle to die together.

"Let's leave here first."

Bai Fu grabbed a few researchers who seemed to be of high level on the road, and then ran out with the players at super fast speed.

Saving Xia Shi and killing Broken Star is only half of the goal of this operation.

She still had to plunder the knowledge of the Primarch, go to the Psychic Research Institute Branch No. 3, find the last fragment of the Pillar of the True Spirit, and find the most important spaceship.

That spaceship was very important for her to enter the starry sky before the official version of the starry sky came.

She could always trick players into working for her because she was always ahead of the version. If she couldn't enter the starry sky in advance, when the starry sky version really came, the players' major professional level might catch up with her. By then, it would not be so easy for her to order players around like now.

One minute later, Bai Fu rushed out of the signal tower with various building debris falling from her head.

Seeing her land safely on the ground, Yulia finally let go of her hanging heart.

"Anya just sent a message saying that she has successfully controlled the Psychic Research Institute Branch No. 3 and the laboratory suspected of containing obsidian fragments with the undead. Now we are waiting for you to check. As the seven-member council of the Primarchs was wiped out in Haidu, the survivors chose to surrender. This news has spread. It is expected that the Railway Guild, the Human Alliance and the Old Republic will contact you soon."

Just as Yulia said, after learning that Haidu was really captured by Bai Fu, the remaining three major forces were completely restless.

If Bai Fu was only the queen of the dark world not long ago, then now Bai Fu has been successfully crowned as the true queen of Zuyuan Star through two battles with the Truth Society and the Primarchs!

PS: Thank you for the reward from Lengqiongqi and Hot Cocoa.

Putting out bowls to ask for monthly tickets~ I have created a new reader group, which can be seen in the introduction

I said I would try to update before nine o'clock, but I was busy with other things. I will definitely update next time!

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