Who made her an NPC!

Chapter 148 Super Evolution, Bai Fu, the richest woman on Zuyuan Star! [72k]

Chapter 148 Super Evolution, Bai Fu, the richest woman on Zuyuan Star! [7.2k]

The official website of the game has actually posted a lot of background information related to the Star Sea, and has repeatedly stated in previous Q\u0026A sessions that the Star Sea map will be officially opened in version 2.0.

However, the information on the official website is relatively general, and it only briefly introduces the basic conditions of the three major civilizations in the universe and the areas that have been explored by the three civilizations.

For example, the cultural tolerance of the Rebirth Empire is extremely high, and all kinds of strange things can be seen. For example, the mainstream civilization of the Supernova War Corps is very martial, and it is the force that likes to explore the dark domain of the universe (unexplored areas of the universe) the most. For example, Titan Industries likes to do business, is a paradise for technology schools, and likes "big" in aesthetics. This "big" not only refers to the big and beautiful technology creations and buildings, but also refers to the big and beautiful in other aspects.

In order to better highlight Titan Industries' pursuit of big and beautiful, the official deliberately put a lot of pictures on the introduction page of Titan Industries, the most typical of which is a gigantic planetary mothership and a humanoid female superpower called the Hunter Star Overlord.

Although the official did not give any detailed description of the two pictures, the planetary mothership and the female superpower in the pictures have won the favor of a large number of players because of their size and beauty.

Bai Fu also likes to see these, but compared with the three major forces that are still far away from her, she hopes to obtain information about the star sea map opened in version 2.0, which is the assist for survival.

Good news, in this 1.3 version update preview video, the official finally brought the news she wanted!

The main topic of the Star Girl and Q version Fu Fu is actually the influence of players on the development of the main plot of the game.

Q version Fu Fu: [Each novice planet has more than one main line and hidden main line, so, among these main lines, which one is the most important? ]

Star Girl: [There is no such thing as the most important thing. All we do is guide players to cross the barriers of the world and come to this world full of countless wonders. As for which of these main plots has a greater impact, it depends on the deduction of the world itself and the players' participation in the plot.]

Q Version Fu Fu: [In other words, as long as players exert enough influence, they can make their favorite plots become the "main" plots and enjoy a truly immersive experience?]

Star Girl: [Yes, since today's guest is Fu Fu, let's take Zuyuanxing as an example. In the original setting of Zuyuanxing, the five major forces confronted each other, and there was no certainty who would have the last laugh. It might be the Truth Society or the Primarch. In the subsequent plot, many players chose to support Fu Fu. With their efforts, Fu Fu's story became the most dazzling story of Zuyuanxing.]

Q version Fu Fu: [So that's how it is. The Star Girl explained it very clearly.]

Star Girl: [In fact, the influence of players on the development of the game is very large. Ending the main plot in advance and finding the key props in advance can not only open new plots in advance, but also have the opportunity to enter the unopened map.]

Q version Fu Fu: [Unopened map, does it mean the starry sky?]

Star Girl: [Yes, recently there have been players sending private messages to the Star Girl. The Star Girl will give a unified explanation here. Version 2.0 is the Starry Sea event version, but this does not mean that players have to wait until version 2.0 to enter the Starry Sea. It's just that this condition is very harsh. What to do is left to all players to explore on their own. Let's take a look at the new column [Traveling in the Stars] brought to you by this update preview.]

The so-called traveling in the stars is attached to the explanation of the update content, and the Star Girl and the guests will take the players to appreciate the scenery of the new version.

In the first episode of Touring the Stars, the video shows the wonders of various novice planets, and at the end of the column, the Sea Lion Galaxy, where the star fragments are active, is used as an example to take players on a tour of the starry sky.

Passenger ships equipped with hyperspace engines, huge and dreamy ring worlds, star gates surrounded by countless ships...

These scenes have attracted a carnival among players in the barrage, and many players are already dreaming of driving their own starships across the universe.

Bai Fu is more pragmatic than them. She quickly draws a relationship diagram of the various forces mentioned by the Star Girl on her notebook.

"The main controller of the Sea Lion Galaxy is the Star Network Community, which is composed of multiple civilizations. The Sea Lion Galaxy belongs to a galaxy cluster called the Initial Gate. It is named because it is located at the top of a cosmic wall called the Edge World. The Edge World is located in the middle of the explored universe and the unexplored dark domain. It is also affected by three major forces, but the Sea Lion Galaxy is generally the sphere of influence of Titan Industries."

"Because the Sea Lion Galaxy is located in the Edge World, it is generally chaotic. Interstellar thieves, cosmic criminals, and heretical groups are rampant, but it is relatively stable in the area controlled by the Star Network Community."

"It is precisely because of the chaos that there are many private armed companies and interstellar mercenary groups in the Sea Lion Galaxy. Is Shijing Security Company one of the top five private armed companies? No wonder Shattered Star is so afraid of it."

This level of power probably doesn't have to kowtow when facing the Star Network Community.

"We can't let them know that the Pillar of the True Spirit is in my hands, especially we can't let them know that Yulia has merged the spirit core of the Pillar of the True Spirit."

Bai Fu is skeptical about the integrity of uncontrolled private security companies.

As for the Red Moon Mercenaries and the Consecration Cult mentioned by Shattered Star, although they were not mentioned in the update preview, she did not dare to let her guard down.

"There are many ways to enter the Sea Lion Galaxy, but the one with the largest throughput is definitely the Kalinas Star Port. Near the Kalinas Star Port are the best hyperspace entrances and jump slingshots in the Sea Lion Galaxy, which can greatly save ships. The cost of traveling over long distances.”

Sitting on the bed, Bai Fu poked the star port icon drawn on the notebook with her toes.

Is it really safe to take this route to the Sea Lion Galaxy? Although a hundred years have passed since Broken Star robbed the Pillar of True Spirit, who can guarantee that those forces will not always send people to guard the Kalinas Star Port? ?

If someone was squatting, she would probably be arrested as soon as she showed her head. It was impossible for those forces not to remember what the spaceship that Broken Star snatched looked like.

"Looks like we have to take a long detour."

Bai Fu secretly thought about countermeasures in her heart.

She traveled across the sea of ​​​​stars to the Sea Lion Galaxy, not to go to jail. Although there are always players who like to call her Lao Fu, it would be funny if she accidentally turned into a Lao Fu.

Bai Fu swiped the video back a few times. After the Changyou Stars column ended, the exact time of the 1.3 version update popped up on the screen. Just like before the 1.2 version update, this time it was also 10 days after the trailer was released.

[New version, new atmosphere, I wish you all more happiness in this living world, see you next time! 】

The update trailer video ends here, but the impact of the video has only just begun to ferment.

The update trailer did not mention any new features, but not many players care about this now. The first thing they think of is the conversation between Qunxingniang and Q version Fufu.

The amount of information in this conversation is really too much, and the most shocking thing for players is that as long as they find the right method, they can actually sneak across the Star Sea before the Star Sea version is opened!

[Holy crap, is this game already so free? 】

[No, this is a bit exaggerated. Doesn’t this mean that the map and plot of this game have been completed a long time ago? Is this really a game that people can make? 】

[The group of rhodium, cesium and beryllium from Zuyuan Star are really lucky. They supported Fufu, but accidentally found the fast passage to the Star Sea]

[Provoke it, I want to severely condemn the Zuyuan Star players on behalf of the Indigo Star players! 】

[It shouldn’t be possible for everyone to follow Fufu to the Star Sea. Zuyuan Star does not have such a big spaceship. Then Fufu will most likely bring no one or only a few players]

[Indeed, I think so too]

The topic of smuggling into the Star Sea in advance reached the top of the game community's popularity rankings at an incredibly fast speed, and swept through video websites and some social networking sites half an hour later. A wave of large advertisements were launched for Above the Stars as an update to the trailer video. Special guests and protagonists in typical cases, Q version Fufu and Dabaifu also used this popularity to gain a wave of popularity.

Seeing this scene, Bai Fu was in a good mood.

The reason why the official cited her deeds as an example is most likely because they were afraid that players from other planets would see players from Origin Star following her to the starry sky and feel it was unfair and come against them.

Regardless of whether the official purpose is this or not, this time the official gave her an assist. Now all the players of Zuyuan Star believe that as the plot develops, they can follow her to the starry sky in advance. The only problem is that this time she How many people will you bring?

Will he only take Digger with him like he did when he ran away from the Primarch, or will he take more players with him?

No one knows.

But the players of Zuyuanxing know very well that competition has arrived!

"It's not good!"

The next morning, Bai Fu just got up from bed and received an urgent call from Su Li while she was still washing.

"What's wrong? We encountered an advanced mutant life that we can't deal with again?"

Su Li at the other end of the terminal smiled bitterly: "It would be fine if that's all. Just pack up and come to my side. I don't know what happened. Since last night, those undead people who are following you have gathered together. , they kept fighting, they fought for a full eight hours, and the people on our side were almost frightened by them. If you don't solve the problem, you may not be able to carry out your plan to rebuild the Ancestral Star. "

The players started fighting, and they fought for a full eight hours?

Bai Fu was stunned.

What kind of superman is this? None of the five famous Tieba generals were so awesome!

"Wait a minute, let me ask about the situation."

Bai Fu quickly opened the community and found out the cause and effect of the incident in the Zuyuan Xingzi section.

The fight Su Li was talking about was actually offline PK, and the reason why these players suddenly got together to PK while doing tasks was because they watched the official update trailer video.

[How many players do you think Fufu will take with her this time? 】

[I don’t know, but I think the point is not here, but what kind of players Fufu will bring with her]

[Good relationship? High contribution? Or a strong one? 】

Around this issue, a big discussion broke out among the players of Zuyuanxing.

Although they didn't know what Bai Fu would choose, all the players came to a consensus after a big discussion -

Only the strong deserve to have Fufu!

This is a high-level map. Naturally, high-level monsters are everywhere on the high-level map. Not only will a rookie not be able to help Fufu, but it will also cause Fufu trouble.

But reaching a consensus is a consensus, and soon a new problem emerged——

Who is the so-called strong man who can possess Fufu?

Player A said that he was, and Player B also said that he was. When the verbal PK failed to produce a result, the players who worked under Su Li spontaneously gathered together to start an offline PK.

Bai Fu: "..."

You guys are so idle.


At the moment of rolling her eyes, Bai Fu suddenly realized that this was a good opportunity to cut off another wave of players before leaving Zuyuan Star.

The offline PK held by these players is an unlimited fighting mode, with no restrictions on weapons and props. If she can persuade all the players of Zuyuan Star to participate in this offline PK, how many prayer cards and skills and professional knowledge books can she sell at that time?

These days, Bai Fu has earned more than 30 million experience points by selling Interstellar Common Language. Although this number is large, it costs more than 6 million experience points for her to level up. This experience point is only enough for her to level up 4 levels after completing the job transfer task. She is quite dissatisfied with this efficiency.

But no matter how dissatisfied she is, she can't whip those players who are reluctant to spend experience points to buy Interstellar Common Language, right?

"Spit it out, damn it, give me all the experience you have hidden! If you don't, I will use more drastic means. You don't want to be trampled by me, do you?"

This way, you can get enough experience, but what are the consequences?

Perhaps the image of Fu Fu, who had been conscientious before, collapsed instantly, and she became a greedy cat and a bad woman.

Now, these players have provided her with new ideas.

"If I took the initiative to propose PK selection, the impact would probably not be much better, but now the players are moving on their own, I only need to cooperate with them a little to squeeze them all dry and make a lot of money, and I don't have to damage my good reputation!"

How cool is this.

Bai Fu was happy. She comforted Su Li a few words, then hurried out to find Anya and asked Anya to cooperate with her to perform a play in front of Digging Ji.

As the player who is best at imagination in the Silent Garden, Digging Ji stepped into the pit.

[Big news, big news]

After Bai Fu and Anya walked away, Digging Ji logged into the community and posted a new post.

[I just overheard the conversation between Fufu and Anya. Because it happened suddenly, I forgot to take a video, so I will just briefly retell it now, mainly about going to the starry sky]

This topic immediately attracted the attention of most players on Zuyuan Star.

Digging Ji: [Just now Fufu and Anya were discussing the size of the spaceship. Fufu said that the spaceship can accommodate another 100 people after it is full of supplies. It is very spacious. Anya suggested that Fufu take some players to leave Zuyuan Star together. Fufu thought this suggestion was good, but she didn’t think about who to take. Anya said that she would take more powerful players so that they could help do more things. Fufu hesitated for a long time and did not directly agree with Anya’s words. She just said that she would ask which players were more powerful at that time]

Digging Ji’s retelling was very effective.

Who is more powerful?

That must be me!

Zuyuan Star Wukong is here!

For a while, the players of Zuyuan Star gathered together spontaneously, and took advantage of the gaps in the missions to PK crazily. In order to achieve better results in PK, many players gritted their teeth and bought prayer cards or skills that they didn't need urgently.

It's really not a big problem if the level doesn't rise for a few days. The important thing is to get good results in PK. If you are lucky enough to be noticed by Fu Fu and get the opportunity to go to the starry sky, then the losses before are nothing.

From this day on, many players of Zuyuan Star lived a life of doing missions during the day and PK at night.

Su Li was almost numb. What kind of superman are these? They do so much work during the day and still have the energy to fight at night.

She contacted Bai Fu: "Are you really going to leave Zuyuan Star and go to the Starry Sky? If you leave, who can control these undeads who are becoming more and more powerful?"

Bai Fu said: "Don't worry, I'm gone, but Old Nissen and the others are still here, and even if they are far away, I can still manage these undeads on Zuyuan Star through the undeads I took with me. If you encounter any trouble, you can contact me at any time through the undeads."

"That's true, but..."

Su Li shook her head and sighed. She actually wanted to go to the Starry Sea, but her qualifications might not be able to support her to survive in the Starry Sea.

"Notify me when you leave, I'll see you off."


Bai Fu looked up at the cloudless night sky.

There's nothing to be sad about. She's not going to come back. When she gets a foothold in the Starry Sea, she will definitely find a way to return to Zuyuan Star and bring more players to explore the Starry Sea with her.

There are only a few days left before the 1.3 version update. During these days, Bai Fu squeezed experience from players while running around to collect the materials she was going to take to the starry sea.

She ordered several sets of brand new combat uniforms from the most powerful mechanic on Zuyuan Star, and stocked up several large boxes of materials for making prayer cards. Finally, she cleared a room on the spaceship and moved all of Yulia's experimental equipment into it.

In this way, even during the boring space journey, Yulia can do experiments with peace of mind.

In fact, Bai Fu was going to build a workshop for Xia Shi at the beginning, but this proposal was rejected by Xia Shi.

"Really not going to go to the starry sky with me?"

Xia Shi's face was full of melancholy. She stood under the eaves, looking like a weak literary girl. When she heard Bai Fu's words, she forced a smile.

"I really want to go, but I am too weak now. If I go with you, I will not only be unable to help you, but also become a burden to you. I have been saved by you once, and I don't want to trouble you a second, third, or even more times."

Bai Fu said: "I don't care, and you are not necessarily a burden. At least you can help me a lot in terms of machinery manufacturing."

Xia Shi said: "Didn't you say you would come back? I will wait for you on Zuyuan Star. When you come back, you will see me who has come out of the hole in your heart. During your absence, I I will try my best to protect everything you left behind, Baifu Town, the Court of Silence, your plan to rebuild the Ancestral Star... I will fight for it with my life, and I will show no mercy to anyone who dares to tarnish your ideals. Send him on his way!"

This sounds a little touching, but also a little scary.


Bai Fu asked: "No, what about your own ideals?"

Xia Shi caressed the fragment of the Pillar of True Spirit worn on her chest: "The Ancestral Star you created is the Ancestral Star I once saw in my dream. When there is a hole in my heart, you are trying your best to fill it. That hole, my ideal now is to hope that you can realize your ideal.”

Good guy, have you transformed into a Fu guard?

——You seem to be a little disloyal to Fufu, I want to kill you!

Bai Fu looked at Xia Shi with an increasingly strange look, but Xia Shi seemed not to notice the abnormality in her eyes and smiled at her as warmly as the spring breeze.

Okay, that's fine. Xia Shi's current level is indeed a bit low. It is the most appropriate choice to let her stay in Zuyuan Star to level up well with the help of players, and stay with her father for a while to mend the rift in her heart.

"I will leave you some high-level prayer cards. With these prayer cards, no one on Zuyuan Star can hurt you."

As Bai Fu was speaking, Xia Shi suddenly stretched out her hands and held her right hand in his palm. Then, Xia Shi lowered his forehead and lightly touched her fingertips.

"I'm praying that one day we will see each other again."

"Yes, I always keep my word."

Bai Fu hugged Xia Shi gently.

Two days before the 1.3 version update, Bai Fu received another contact from Su Li.

"Those undead people provoke you again?"

Su Li said: "No, they are not making trouble this time. The trouble is caused by the Human League. The Human League found that many undead people are mutants. They are losing their temper now and will not cooperate with those undead people even if they want to kill them. Their commotion has greatly extended the construction period of the camp. I think this issue must be properly handled, otherwise something might happen if you are no longer here. "

It's true.

The original founders of the Human League were deeply affected by the rebellion of mutants, and therefore were extremely hostile to mutants.

"Let me talk to them. Don't worry, I won't start a fight with them. There's no need for you to come here to support me."

Bai Fu immediately contacted the senior management of the League of Nations.

"I've heard about the conflicts between you and those undead people."

The leader of the Human League had a low voice: "Queen Silver Moon, I personally respect you very much. You have changed the pattern of the Ancestral Star. You have made the Ancestral Star seem to have hope. However, we have our principles. I hope... "

"Haha." Bai Fu interrupted the other party, "I'm not here to accuse you today. I can completely understand your mood. I just want to have a good chat with you. You must have received some rumors that I am preparing to leave. It’s Zuyuanxing.”

The leader of the People's League was silent for a while and gave an affirmative answer.

"The sea of ​​​​stars is huge. It is so huge that the ancestral star is not even a grain of sand in the sea. In such a vast world, countless civilizations have been born, and countless epic civilization epics, cooperation and war... are performed in the sea of ​​​​stars. Similar plots are happening all the time. One day, the Ancestral Star will also enter the sea of ​​​​stars and become a node in the cosmic civilization network. If we want to survive in such a cosmic network with evolution as the eternal theme, we must evolve together. What else can you do? I won't force you. Even if you insist on withdrawing from the plan, I won't retaliate against you. The choice is in your own hands. It all depends on what stance and angle you should take and how you should make a judgment. For you.”

"I'll think about it."

After ending the conversation with the People's Alliance, Bai Fu shrugged.

Since she made the decision to leave Zuyuan Star, she has become peaceful.

Although I clearly yearn for the stars and the sea, I still feel reluctant to leave when I think about it.

That's all, since you have to leave eventually, let's leave some more marks of your own on this planet before leaving.

Bai Fu found Gao Yuan and asked Gao Yuan to help her build a big statue in Bai Fu Town Square.

"Actually, I have already sent people to secretly make the statue. I will definitely be able to erect the statue before you leave the Origin Star."

So good?

Bai Fu raised her eyebrows slightly: "Then I have to look forward to it."

Gao Yuan smiled and said: "You can rest assured. By the way, this is the weekly sales data of your peripherals. The data is very impressive. Even the most famous female idol before Zuyuanxing is not one-tenth as good as you. Counting that, In terms of other income, I estimate that you will become the richest man in Zuyuan Star in a while.”

Bai Fu looked at the data. Although she had expected it, she was still shocked when she saw the numbers above.

This is the real way to make money!

It's a pity that the money earned on Zuyuan Star cannot be brought to Xinghai, and most of the materials on Zuyuan Star cannot be sold at all in Xinghai. She can only invest the money in building Zuyuan Star to provide players with better services. services to attract more players to support her.

"It would be great if I could replicate the operations of the Origin Star in Xinghai and become a popular idol."

After entering the Star Sea, her expenses will definitely be higher, and she needs to find a stable way to make money.

Bai Fu thought secretly that even if she became a popular idol, it seemed that selling peripherals alone was not a long-term solution. She didn't have so much time to release records and make movies, so she had to think of a better way to monetize her popularity.

"Bring goods?"

This seems good. Her clothes of the same style sell well, but she has to choose a reliable partner to help her build a business empire. Gao Yuan did a good job, but Gao Yuan's strength was too ordinary, and it was too dangerous to go to the Star Sea with her.

"How about looking for players to cooperate?"

The first person Bai Fu thought of was the rich woman Calamity Dragon who often participated in activities with Digging Ji.

She clicked on Digging Ji's live broadcast room to see if Digging Ji and Calamity Dragon were together now.

When she opened the live broadcast room, she really saw Digging Ji and Calamity Dragon sitting together, and Calamity Dragon was constantly complaining.

[Do you know, I have encountered a very headache recently. Didn't Fu Fu become popular again a few days ago and was on the hot search? Then my dad accidentally saw Fu Fu while watching the news, and he asked me if this was the NPC in the game I played. I said yes, and I knew Fu Fu, so he suddenly had an idea and wanted me to ask Fu Fu to help his company advertise. Advertising is a common thing, but this time my dad actually wanted to ask Fu Fu to advertise. I can only say that he has great vision, but the problem is how can I ask Fu Fu for such a thing? ]

[If I remember correctly, the family of the disaster rich woman sells beverages, right? ]

[Yes, in order to advertise, my dad even specially asked someone to make the beverages in the game]

The disaster dragon picked up two bottles of beverages from the ground with an awkward face.

When the players were discussing passionately in the barrage, Bai Fu had an idea.

This seems to be a good opportunity to increase her fame and accumulate popularity.

Finding the disaster dragon, seemingly accidentally drinking the beverage, and then praising the beverage for her taste, this is simply a perfect advertisement.

She is very sure that this incident will definitely make her popular again.

The first NPC in the Stars to advertise real-life products?

What a resounding name!

This will inevitably attract the attention of many people who don't pay attention to the Stars. If she takes the opportunity to release a documentary at this time, the effect...

It's fierce!

Bai Fu got excited.

PS: Thanks to the book friends 20211109173921827 and Xuanwen for the reward.

Tomorrow is the weekend, but I have to wait and see if I can update more words. I'm asking for votes~

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