Who made her an NPC!

Chapter 149 Officially certified legendary protagonist, Bai Fu rushes to the sea of ​​stars [87k]

Chapter 149 Officially certified legendary protagonist, Bai Fu rushes to the sea of ​​stars [8.7k]

Bai Fu's plan went very smoothly. Digging Ji and the Dragon of Calamity were still complaining. She pretended to be unaware and broke into the live broadcast room, then drank a few sips of the drink taken out by the Dragon of Calamity while shouting that she was thirsty.

"Well, this tastes quite to my taste. Where did you buy this drink?"

When the highly realistic game and the popular NPC in the game drank the real drink, it became a super classic advertisement.

Can it be promoted like this?

The live broadcast screen recording immediately attracted a large number of viewers who came to watch the video. After watching the video, these viewers also shared the video, making the video popular at a faster speed.

[Now Fu Fu has really become a cyber idol]

[When will Fu Fu perform singing, dancing, rap and basketball? It will be fun. Although many big guys have done similar MMD, I still want to see Fu Fu dancing by herself]

In the community, the players of Zuyuanxing discussed happily.

The father of the Dragon of Calamity, who had earned a lot of exposure, immediately realized that this was a good opportunity. Since Bai Fu liked their drinks, why not set up a beverage production factory in the game?

At that time, the factory would be registered under Bai Fu's name, and the bulk of the profits would go to Bai Fu. Anyway, the game currency was meaningless to him. He only wanted the advertising effect brought by Bai Fu.

Bai Fu would naturally not refuse such cooperation. She didn't have to worry about anything. As long as she showed her face, she could put most of the profits into her pocket. After the game was over, the players had to praise her for her good looks and conscience. The captains of the slave trade would cry when they saw her--

Damn, Cyber ​​Welfare Girls don't make money as easily as you do. Cyber ​​Welfare Girls have to pose seriously and think about what kind of poses can attract more attention.

"Well, this is the role of fame."

Bai Fu was very satisfied. She was even more fortunate that she didn't rush to become a Cyber ​​Welfare Girl at the beginning.

With the example of the natural disaster dragon, more and more players will definitely cooperate with her in the future. In addition to the Silent Garden she built with great effort, her secret garden is now officially formed. What she needs to do in the future is to continuously improve her participation in the plot, fame, etc. to expand the scale of the secret garden.

Lack of money, lack of experience?

Go to your own secret garden and dig hard. If you can't dig it out, dig it out, dig it out with the roots, and don't believe that you can't dig out good things.

"This is the foundation of my survival in the Star Sea."

In the bathtub filled with water, Bai Fu was so excited that she tilted her legs.

After working hard for a long time to complete the task, she had a sore back and legs, and her hair was unkempt to accumulate enough experience to level up. It's different to squeeze the players. As long as she makes a few moves, the players will be so excited that they will transfer all their hard-earned experience to her. The experience of a player is very small, but when a group of players gather together, the experience is really enough to drown people. Even a fool knows which one is more fun.

Bai Fu looked up at the clock on the wall, the second hand turned, and when it passed 12 seconds, she heard the pleasant reminder sound that she had heard three times.

[Confirming the plot participation (0%...10%...)]

[Current plot exploration of Zuyuan Star is 13.4%]

[Correcting the role positioning (0%...2%...)]

[Correcting the role positioning from [Zuyuan Star single main plot protagonist] to [Zuyuan Star legendary protagonist]]

[Correcting the role setting (0%...2%...)]

"Here it comes!"

Bai Fu stood up suddenly.

She had been looking forward to this moment for a long time, and the details had not been loaded yet, but just seeing the words "legendary protagonist" made her feel that her emotions were about to be pushed to a climax.

This description is much more powerful than the so-called only true protagonist of xx star, right?

A few minutes later, the role setting correction reached 100%, and Bai Fu quickly clicked on the new prompt.

[Correction 1: Your life force and psychic fusion have surpassed the critical point of evolution, and you have obtained the opportunity of racial evolution]

[1. Ancient humans of the Rebirth Empire]

[2. Titan subspecies]

[3. People who pray to the stars]

"He's a big deal right now!"

Bai Fu's eyes lit up. Having experienced two evolutions, she knew that evolution would greatly improve her strength.

She quickly scanned the brief introduction of the three races.

Ancient humans of the Rebirth Empire are the most common evolution direction of the Adaptors. They have no advantages or disadvantages and belong to the Balance Sect.

The Titan subspecies was once the most common race within the Titan Industrial sphere of influence. It has a lot of bonuses in endurance and strength, and should be considered the favorite of the physical cultivation profession. It must be mentioned that after evolving into the Titan subspecies, even for A, there is a high probability of evolving into 2B with the blessing of racial talent.

People who pray to the stars are a race with blessing in psychic power, and they are most compatible with Bai Fu now.

Since she was going to go the psychic route, Bai Fu decisively chose the Star Prayer. The combination of race and profession is very particular. If you mess up, you may lose 50% of your combat power.

[Race evolution... You have completed gene optimization, and your race has changed to the Star Prayer]

[Race change completed, you get attribute corrections-

Strength +11, Agility +11, Constitution +6, Intelligence +10, Spirit +9, Inspiration +18]

[You get racial characteristic bonus-

1. You will get an extra 1 point of inspiration each time you level up;

2. Every 1 point of physical fitness converts +5 health points, every 1 point of inspiration converts +5 psychic energy points;

3. Abnormal resistance +5%, psychic energy damage reduction rate +5%]

The moment the prompt sounded, Bai Fu felt a sharp pain gushing out from deep inside her body, and this pain occasionally gushed out numbness and itching. She grabbed the edge of the bathtub and sweated profusely. She was very glad that she got into the bathtub in advance, otherwise her clothes, socks, and sheets would be made sticky and difficult to wash.

It took more than ten minutes for Bai Fu to get rid of the pain brought by evolution.

After the pain disappeared, it was followed by an unprecedented sense of comfort.

"It's getting better!"

Bai Fu was overjoyed. The racial evolution not only improved her strength, but also made her body proportions more perfect. Even Da Lei looked a little bigger. After measuring it, it was really not an illusion.

This is evolution!

After the evolution, Bai Fu's attribute panel ushered in a big improvement.

[Health]: 8192/8192

[Psychic]: 7610/7610

[Energy]: 630/630

[Attributes]: Strength 85, Agility 126, Constitution 212, Intelligence 103, Spirit 106, Inspiration 379

Hypertension increased by 2000 points compared to before, and basic inspiration rapidly approached 400. As for basic constitution...

Bai Fu felt that if other NPCs saw her physique was so exaggerated, they would definitely curse what the hell this was. Normal psychic prayer masters can train their own panels to be like this.

I can only say that it is cool to be able to add points freely.

Bai Fu excitedly clicked on the second prompt.

[Correction 2: Talent [Twin Spirits I] is changed to exclusive talent [Twin Moons]]

[Twin Spirits I] is the special talent for summoning Hei Fu. After being changed to exclusive talent [Twin Moons], the name is more in line with the image Bai Fu has created for herself. The talent and skill names of the legendary protagonist naturally have the characteristics of the legendary protagonist.

Compared with [Twin Spirits I], the effect of [Twin Moons] has also been greatly improved. The newly summoned Hei Fu inherits Bai Fu's attributes from the original 80% to 85%, and the attribute bonus is also increased from all attributes +3 to all attributes +5, reaching half of Yulia's consecration link.

"This is the benefit of having many wings!"

Bai Fu sighed.

Evolving from a succubus to a twelve-winged angel, let's see who can beat her!

Bai Fu turned over the third prompt.

[Correction 3: You have realized the rare skill [Spiritual Blessing]]


Bai Fu was stunned for a moment. Isn't this the prayer card she obtained after completing the search for the fragments of the Pillar of the True Spirit? Unexpectedly, it has become a skill.

This is a huge bonus for her, because the cooldown time of skills and prayer cards is not shared, which means that as long as she finds Yulia to replenish her mana in time, she can open the "second stage" twice in a short period of time.

The player worked hard to survive her first second stage, and was happy that it was time for revenge, but suddenly found that she roared, white light appeared on her body, and she opened another second stage...

[I hit her! ]

[I hit Bai Fu? I'd better hit the planner who designed this shit monster! ]

Bai Fu couldn't help but laugh just thinking about this scene. She wished she had more mechanisms that could break the defense of players and other NPCs.

[Correction 4: You have obtained the Zuyuan Star Legend Certification [Card Queen (Zuyuan Star)-Bai Fu]]

The so-called legendary certification is something like a nickname that is unlocked after the regional reputation reaches a certain level, such as "The Great Sage Sun Wukong" and "Timely Rain Song Jiang".

This nickname is not only nice to hear, but also has many additional bonuses.

Bai Fu clicked on the first legendary certification she had obtained, [Card Queen]. This certification has two bonuses.

The first one is to increase her card making efficiency by 50%. This bonus is incredible. With this, she can become more skilled in exploiting players.

The second bonus affects the Silent Court camp she controls. First, she can issue more tasks, and the task rewards are greatly increased. Secondly, players who join the Silent Court camp will enjoy a 2% inspiration attribute bonus. At this stage, this bonus is not high at all for players, but who would hate the extra attributes that come out of thin air?

Except for players who deliberately lower their attributes in order to defeat the game, I'm afraid no one would hate it.

Bai Fu is very satisfied with this enhancement.

With this bonus, she can deliberately leak more hot soup for players to drink when she is happily eating meat, which will have a huge bonus for her to recruit more players to join the Silent Court in the future.

Bai Fu clicked on the next prompt.

[Correction 5: Character strength positioning changed from [World BOSS (Zuyuan Star)] to [Ordinary Hidden BOSS (Xinghai)]]

This correction makes her name sound less domineering than before, but there is nothing that can be done about it. She has no plot participation in Xinghai now, and her popularity is limited to those planets where players are active.

She still has to work hard.

In the future, she will explore the plot more, do more tasks, improve her strength, and open a new legendary certification. I believe that this position will be raised soon.

Bai Fu, who has a player panel, is not in a hurry. As long as she is not unlucky enough to encounter a super BOSS as soon as she goes out, she now has enough confidence to create a brilliant future in Xinghai.

This direct enhancement of her is settled here, but the following tips are still irritating Bai Fu.

First, corrections 6, 7, and 8.

[Correction 6: Anya is corrected to [Silent Courtyard] [Operation Commander]]

[Correction 7: Anya's template is corrected to [Psycho Overclocker]]

[Correction 8: Anya has obtained the talent [Luck]]

The sixth tip is an identity correction, which can basically be ignored, but the seventh and eighth tips are very important.

After the crazy imagination of the Indigo Star players, Anya's identity is completely tied to her fake identity as the Lord of the Night, and most players believe that she is the disciple left behind by her follower "Spirit Master". After the game is reopened, if players see Anya's template become a Psycho Overclocker, they will definitely believe this statement more firmly.

"Psycho Overclocker, it's a rare template, not bad."

Martial arts + psychic ability, in Bai Fu's opinion, this is very interesting.

She didn't expect Anya to really charge for her. The child is still young, and fighting and killing are so discordant. She usually thinks about how to help her exploit the players. When she fights, she can help her buff and block the enemy's mental attack.

During the period of Zuyuan Star's activities, Bai Fu was most afraid of the mental power users, because they could not be stopped at all. If the president of the Truth Society was a mental power user instead of a psychic warrior, she might have to develop for another half a year before sending him off.

This wave of Anya's enhancement is still very powerful. The development prospects of the mental overclocker are not bad. At this stage, her strength has increased a lot. Although it is far behind the high-level superpower users, she is very powerful compared to the players. In the future, if a player thinks she is cute and wants to pinch her face, she doesn't need to ask Xiao Xiao Hei Fu to help her, and she can fight back by herself.

After crossing out Anya's enhancement prompt, Bai Fu opened the last three prompts.

[Correction 9: Yulia is corrected to [Silent Courtyard] [Laboratory Supervisor] [Moon Crow]]

[Correction 10: Xia Shi is corrected to [Silent Courtyard] [Zuyuan Star Manager] [Mechanic]]

[Correction 11: The self-built task [Reconstruct Zuyuan Star] will be corrected to the Zuyuan Star main task in version 1.3]

These three corrections are corrections in positioning, officially incorporating Yulia, who is suspected to be the villain in the original plot, and Xia Shi, the protagonist in the original plot, into the Silent Courtyard and becoming her left and right protectors.

Among them, Yulia's title [Moon Crow] is quite interesting. The moon refers to her, and the black crow is Yulia's former nickname. The translation of Moon Crow is "My (Bai Fu) Yulia".

Good guy, it's pure love all of a sudden.

However, among these three tips, Bai Fu is most concerned about correction 11. The official officially recognized her Zuyuan Star reconstruction plan.

"Even if I leave Zuyuan Star now, Silent Court will not fall with the support of many players."

As the saying goes, if you want to capture the hearts of players, you must first capture the main quest.

Bai Fu is now capturing the only main quest on Zuyuan Star. This is not only capturing the hearts of players, but also the lifeblood of players.

Don't listen to me?

Then you can only spend an incomplete gaming life without main quests!

After reading all the enhancement tips, Bai Fu opened the Silent Court camp management interface.

After brushing her reputation to the first place on Zuyuan Star, she can now create two new camp dungeons. Camp dungeons are good things for harvesting player experience, so she certainly won't leave them alone.

It took her more than ten minutes to add two new dungeons to the camp, namely [Graham Ambush] and [Black Hawk Base Ambush]. She used the Zuyuan Star reconstruction plan to train players, and then used dungeons and celebration activities to harvest players. It was perfect!

Bai Fu happily closed the camp management interface.

She thought about it and felt that now was the perfect time to gamble on cards.

Just got the official bonus, logically this is the best time for her luck.

She looked at her experience pool. After using the interstellar universal language and offline PK to cut players for ten days, she had a total of 110 million experience points, unprecedentedly generous.

Bai Fu spent 7 million experience points in a row to raise the level of the super power field to Lv10 without blinking an eye.

The Lv10 super power field covers a range of 50 meters. After it is turned on, it can reduce 40% of non-special damage, which is very effective. Moreover, as long as you get the special prop evolution fragment, this skill can usher in a transformation. The only disadvantage is that it consumes a lot of spiritual energy after it is turned on, and it cannot be turned on often. But for Bai Fu, who has the magic replenishment master Yulia standing behind her, this disadvantage is not so sharp.

"It seems that I have to cooperate more actively with Yulia to study her magic replenishment mechanism."

Cunning woman, really calculated clearly.

Bai Fu sighed and began to spend experience on the prayer card synthesis function. After entering the interstellar, the prayer cards she currently possessed might not be enough. She needed more prayer cards to enrich her combat options.

Based on her previous combat experience, she actually preferred to get more summoning prayer cards and go with the summoning style. This combat method was safer and easier to sell cards to players.

But her psychic knowledge did not support her to go deeper in this direction for the time being, so she could only go through other doors first. After spending 10 million experience points, she synthesized a [Dark Thorn], a [Fixed Void Sphere·Modified], and a [Wings of Freedom].

After using Dark Thorn, it can leave "thorns" composed of dark attribute psychic energy on the ground. It has its own burning damage. If the burning time is long, there is a low probability that the target will be paralyzed. It is a very good trap card. It is very useful as a trap or to restrict the enemy's movement.

Fixed Position Void Sphere·Change, as the name suggests, can summon an immobile Void Sphere·Change. Although there are many restrictions, up to 30 can be summoned, which is very powerful in positional warfare.

Freedom Wings is interesting. It is an auxiliary card that allows the user to temporarily have the ability to glide in the air.

Bai Fu is very satisfied with the effects of these three cards. It is a good thing to harvest players!

She soaked in the bathtub for an hour and a half before she walked out of the bathtub at the call of the knock on the door.

After changing her clothes, she walked to the door and found Anya standing outside the door excitedly.

"What's wrong?"

Anya squeezed into the house lightly: "Boss, I just had a dream. I dreamed that you were calling my name. I was awakened all of a sudden, and then I found that I seemed to have awakened. Psychic power, it should be this."

She controlled her mental power to lift her hair.

It doesn't look very skilled, but she can lift things with mental power just after awakening. This awakening talent is not comparable to ordinary psychic psychics.

But now there is a problem in front of Bai Fu. There are no particularly powerful psychic psychics on Zuyuan Star. If Anya wants to train her ability, she has to go to Xinghai.

Take it slowly. She also has to go to Xinghai to find psychic knowledge and trigger the job transfer task. Otherwise, she has more than 90 million experience points.

"This is a good thing."

Bai Fu praised Anya a few words. Anya is now excited and keeps using her mental power in the living room. As a result, it didn't take long for her to drain herself. Bai Fu shook her head and carried her to her bed.

In the next few days, she explained the reasons for the players' disappearance to each force one by one, using a relatively general statement.

When the time came to the eighth day, Bai Fu received an active contact from the spaceship AI——

[The spaceship has been repaired! ]

Looking at the text displayed on the terminal, Bai Fu stood up suddenly and quickly took Xia Shi to the spaceship to check the situation.

[The spaceship's warp engine is intact, the kinetic artillery is intact, the fission cannon is seriously damaged, and the resources of Zuyuan Star cannot be repaired. There are 2 plasma torpedoes left, and the cocoon force field shield is 78.1% intact.]

The AI ​​reported seriously.

Bai Fu looked around excitedly. Everything was ready. Now she just waited for the players to come back, and then she could almost set off to the starry sea.

While the players still had two days to come back, she just happened to renovate the interior of the spaceship. The resources had been moved up, and now it was time to stock up more food and water, especially water as the source of life. Although there was an ecological circulation system on the spaceship, it would never be wrong to stock up more clean water.

"Bai Fu."

Just then, Bai Fu suddenly received Xia Shi's call.

"What's wrong?"

She walked over in confusion and found Xia Shi squatting next to a broken metal cylinder.

Xia Shi said: "If I'm not mistaken, this should be a signal transmitter. It was activated just now along with the launch of the spacecraft. However, because the launch time is not long, the person who receives the signal is unlikely to be able to use it to calculate our specific location. No, if you think about it carefully, it should be completely impossible to calculate, because Shattered Star escaped to us through this spacecraft. If the specific location of the spacecraft can be located through this signal transmitter, Shattered Star must have been caught long ago."

Bai Fu nodded. Indeed, what she said makes sense.

"But..." Xia Shi changed the subject, "Although we can't locate our specific location through the signal transmitter, this spacecraft is no longer safe. We may be recognized after arriving at the star sea. You'd better change a spacecraft quickly after you get there to avoid being targeted."

"Thank you."

Bai Fu felt relieved. It's good to have a mechanic around.


At the same time

The Stone Crystal Planet in the Sea Lion Galaxy, a fringe world far from the Zuyuan Star.

This is a planet that has undergone a lot of mechanical transformation. It is named because the Shijing Security Company established its headquarters here. There are dozens of star ports floating in the outer space of the planet. These star ports have different shapes and are evenly distributed in the starry sky. The blue beams emitted from the top of the star ports not only connect other star ports, but also point out the route for incoming and outgoing spacecraft like a lighthouse.

At this time, in the circular observation station on the top floor of Star Port No. 3, a humanoid life suddenly widened his eyes. Just now, the chip implanted in his body transmitted an emergency signal to his brain.

"The spaceship marked as top secret has appeared!"

He stared at the blue three-dimensional star map that appeared in front of him, and quickly called out the AI ​​of the central computer to help analyze the data sent by the long-distance signal transmitter.

Unfortunately, just like a hundred years ago on Zuyuan Star, the computer still could not confirm the specific location of the signal transmitter this time. The direction of the signal was the unexplored dark area, where there were billions of stars interfering with the computer's calculations.

The observer rubbed his brows, feeling that he had missed an opportunity to make a contribution.

He didn't know what was on the spaceship. With his rank, he was not qualified to know the company's confidential information, but he knew what the word "top secret" meant to the company. It was something the company had been thinking about for many years. If he could find out the exact location of the spaceship, the company's reward would be enough for him to live the rest of his life in peace.

The observer felt sorry and quickly contacted his boss.

The news was reported to the top management of Shijing Security Company, and they immediately held a remote meeting.

"That cargo ship has appeared again. After so long, I thought Shattered Star was dead."

"Even if he is not dead, he is probably too old to stand up straight now. I am more inclined to believe that he is dead and someone else started the spaceship."

"It doesn't matter who it is. Since the spaceship has been started, it means that it is possible to return to the edge world. Our chance has come. My father never saw the pillar of true spirit again until his death. Now it is my turn to fulfill his last wish."

"The Secret Tower will bless us!"

After some discussion, the remote meeting ended, and the people of Shijing Security Company took action. They sent multiple troops to the major star ports in the Sea Lion Galaxy to keep an eye on them, and tried to bribe the transit security personnel in the star ports within the Star Network Community to provide them with intelligence.


The ten-day downtime update time passed quickly. At the moment of reopening, the Zuyuanxing players who had been looking forward to the new version for a long time rushed into the game.

After the players went online, they flipped through the faction interface as usual. Seeing the two additional challenge copies in the faction interface and the new prayer cards in the station maintenance store, they said they were right.

[It's Fufu again, always able to come up with something new to keep us from getting bored]

The players of the Silent Garden kept exploring the differences between version 1.3 and version 1.2, and soon they made new discoveries.

[Legendary bonus, inspiration attribute +2%, damn, is there such a thing? ]

[Laofu has made progress]

[Come on, Fufu is the master of the night, is it rare to have such a bonus? ]

The players of the Silent Garden yelled at each other, and it was very lively, but the excitement brought to them by the new version did not last long. On the second day of the reopening of the server, looking at the vehicles constantly entering and leaving Baifu Town, and the NPCs of other camps that suddenly appeared in Baifu Town, they vaguely felt that something big was going to happen, just like what the Star Girl and Q version of Fufu said in the version update preview, when the road to the star sea has appeared, Fufu from the star sea is probably going to return to the star sea.

Yes, this is the final farewell.

After Bai Fu revealed her intention to leave, many NPCs came to say goodbye to her in the past few days. She received them politely and said she would come back during the reception.

This is also to deter those who have small thoughts. Don't think that you can do whatever you want when Bai Fu is gone. First consider whether you can beat Lao Nisen, Xia Shi and the players who have many prayer cards to protect you, and then think about whether you can bear the revenge after I come back.

In general, Bai Fu's meeting with these people was very pleasant.

If Gao Yuan hadn't said that he wanted her to see the statue erected with her own eyes, she would have been ready to leave on the day the player went online.

Four days later in the evening.

Bai Fu invited Su Li, Lao Nisen, Sean, Gao Yuan, Xia Shi and his daughter, Yulia, Anya and other familiar people to have a meal.

This was her last dinner on Zuyuan Star. She rarely drank some wine, but she didn't get drunk. After dinner, she stood on the rooftop and recalled the years from acquaintance to understanding on Zuyuan Star with Xia Shi and Yulia.

When it was evening, Bai Fu found the players who were still PKing and officially announced that she was going to the Star Sea.

"Except for me, Hei Fu, Anya, and Yulia, the spaceship can still accommodate 96 more people. Are you willing to follow me to the Star Sea? The Star Sea is full of dangers, but it is also full of opportunities."

Although there had been speculations, after learning the news, the player group and the community still erupted in heated discussions.

Go, why don't you want to go? If you don't want to go, what are they doing here?

"I, I, I..."

A group of players stood up to sign up.

Bai Fu first selected the promotional combination of Digging Ji and Natural Disaster Dragon, and then Patrick, Conversion Wo Fu, Black Tiger Afu and others who followed her all the way from the abandoned cooling plant. Tai Er Zhenren, who has a very high topic among the player group, must also be brought along. As for the remaining places, she gave some to Jian Qi Chong Tian, ​​Hei Si and others. As for the players from the big guild, bringing them along will still have a high combat bonus. Finally, she selected the places according to the offline PKs held by the players themselves.

The next day, at dawn, Gao Yuan sent people to erect a statue in the Baifu Town Square.

When the sun shone with golden light and completely rose from the horizon, the 30-meter-high Baifu statue finally stood up.

The statue has a unique shape. The stone sculpture Baifu wears a small crown on her head and holds a scepter in her right hand. She is standing on a pedestal engraved with the names of countless players, and her eyes are staring at the deep starry sky.

When the people on the ground looked along the eyes of the Baifu statue, they saw that a strong wind suddenly blew up on the sand outside Baifu Town, and then a spaceship broke through the smoke and dust formed by the sand, and under the shining of golden light, it flew into the infinite blue sky until it completely disappeared from the naked eye.

"A new journey begins."

Baifu stood by the porthole of the cargo ship's cockpit, overlooking the increasingly smaller town of Baifu. Her heart was surging and she was filled with infinite expectations.

"Wow, this woman is finally gone!"

On the ground, some people breathed a sigh of relief when they saw the spacecraft disappear.

Bai Fu's presence made them breathless. Ever since they learned that Bai Fu had the idea to leave the Zuyuan Star, they had been looking forward to this day actually coming. At this time, they just felt comfortable all over, as if they had drunk alcohol on a hot day. A bottle of ice water is just as comforting.

But even if they feel comfortable, they don't dare to really take revenge on the Court of Silence. They can't afford the gamble.

In the crowd, Igor took out his terminal: "Now is the best time to release the documentary, get ready."

Releasing the documentary on the day when the statue was erected and the spaceship left the Zuyuan Star is the most perfect summary of Bai Fu's experience on the Zuyuan Star.

Compared with the NPCs, the players reacted more intensely.

They are either envious, jealous, or reluctant to give up.

[Alas, I don’t know when Fufu will come back after leaving. Before Fufu comes back, I must level up]

[Dig for treasures, don’t forget to share more photos and videos of Fufu! 】

[It’s time to complete the main mission, brothers, hurry up! 】

[Damn it, I just joined the Court of Silence a few days ago]

Several players looked at the sky and howled. Looking at their exaggerated expressions, Xia Shi, who was already a little sad, suddenly felt happy.

There are quite a few people who like Bai Fu. Even if she is gone, these undead people still miss her.

"This will not be the end, but another beginning. I believe that even in the sea of ​​​​stars, you can definitely make your way!"

Xia Shi stared at the sky.

Until Bai Fu came back, she would look at the sky like this every day.

Lin En Settlement, Prison No. 1, at this time, the leader of the Wildfire Gang who was working in the prison suddenly heard noises coming from outside.

"What happened?"

He asked curiously. He didn't know this unless he asked, but he was startled when he asked.

"Bai Fu went to heaven?"

What the hell!

The leader of the Wildfire Gang was shocked, and then his heart surged with great pride.

"That Bai Fu, I have always been optimistic about her and thought she could take over from me, and then guess what? She became the legend of Zuyuan Star, the eternal legend, hahahaha!"

No one in the prison believed what the leader of the Wildfire Gang said, and they all thought he was bragging.

What the hell, can you still recognize Bai Fu?

Faced with these doubts, the leader of the Wildfire Gang didn't care.

The legend continues, his vision is truly incredible!

PS: If you thank me, just say don’t drive.

Put out bowls and ask for votes~

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