Who made her an NPC!

Chapter 150 The documentary is a big hit, and the spokesperson for the Xinghai version, Bai Fu, appe

The spaceship that Bai Fu is on is just an ordinary cargo ship, but it still has all the basic functions it should have.

For example, the life support system, gravity simulation system, basic entertainment system...

Especially the basic entertainment system. Soon after boarding the spaceship, the players were attracted by the entertainment methods of the aliens in the game.

When Bai Fu retracted her sight from the Zuyuan Star, which was gradually stained by a bright blue light as the altitude of the spaceship gradually increased, she found that the players were gathered in groups of three or two in front of an entertainment machine in the public rest area of ​​the cargo ship.

The entertainment machine provides a card battle game "Cosmic Network" similar to "Yu-Gi-Oh". In the game, players will play a certain force, form a deck with real characters, skills, and props in the game world, and then fight against other players.

After discovering this game and figuring out the rules of the game, even Digger Ji joined the battle excitedly. For a while, there were no more players exploring around in the spaceship, and no players looked at Bai Fu.

[Digging treasure, you said you would take more photos of the situation on the spaceship, why are you broadcasting playing cards?]

[I want to see Fu Fu! 】

[Good guy, this game is quite interesting, @Star Girl, don't be lazy, hurry up and play the card game online]

Bai Fu shrugged and said to the spaceship AI: "Help me call up the star map of the entire edge world."

The AI ​​replied: "I'm very sorry, this spaceship only has the star map of the Sea Lion Galaxy. If you want to load the star map of other areas, you need to spend credit points to buy it. Since you can't connect to the interstellar network on Zuyuan Star, you can't buy it even if you have credit points."

Bai Fu: "?"

Damn, the map is charged, right? Okay, you are so cruel.

She actually considered going to other galaxies to avoid possible pursuit, but in the current situation, she can only go to the Sea Lion Galaxy honestly.

Flying around in the sea of ​​stars is very dangerous. If you accidentally encounter interstellar pirates or distorted space and dimensional fragments, you will be unlucky.

Bai Fu walked to Yulia's laboratory.

"Don't bother me for the time being if there is no urgent matter. I need to plan the future... uh."

She closed her mouth because she saw Yulia fighting fiercely with Anya.

"I activate the trap card [Mind Grid]!"

"Hehe, you didn't expect it, I was prepared!"

Bai Fu: "..."

It seems that Yulia will not come to her for experiments for a while.

Alas, card man!

"Anyway, call me when you need it."

Bai Fu returned to her room through the white hatch that opened automatically in all directions, and then clicked on "Cosmic Network". She didn't come to play cards, but just wanted to see if she could collect some useful information from this set of battle cards based on the game plot.

After flipping through it for a long time, she really got some gains.

The strength of players is easy to divide, just look at the level and attributes directly, but the NPCs in the star sea are different, they have their own way of dividing strength.

The energy level measurement device developed by Titan Industries can measure the energy intensity of superpowers more accurately. They roughly divide superpowers into eight levels according to energy intensity, namely D, C, B, A, S, natural disasters, domination, and superb.

Among them, the D-S level superpowers are still in the category of "mortals", while the natural disaster level superpowers can already cause large-scale damage to the entire planet, and even tear the planet apart, which is completely worthy of the name of natural disaster.

The super-absolute level is quite special. The first superpower to reach the super-absolute level thought that this was the limit of power, so this level was named super-absolute. However, as more seekers explored the essence of power and the world, various civilizations discovered that there were more terrifying powers above the super-absolute. For example, the apostles felt by psychic superpowers in the virtual realm were above the super-absolute, so the super-absolute was divided into super-absolute I, super-absolute II and other different levels.

"Why does this energy intensity look a bit like the combat power in Dragon Ball?"

Bai Fu estimated that after completing two job transfers and about to usher in the third job transfer, her strength rating should be between B and A, and it is very likely that she has reached A level, because she has a lot of various bonuses.

Before leaving Zuyuan Star on the spaceship, she tried to plan her future.

The starry sea is boundless, and opportunities are numerous. It is very important to find a development path that suits you from these numerous opportunities. Should you join other forces, take shelter under the big tree until you are fully grown, and then fly solo, or should you take the players alone from the beginning?

Because she didn't know what level her strength would be in the starry sea, she hesitated to make a decision.

Now, judging from the weak disaster-level representative character card of the Initial Gate Galaxy Cluster, her strength in the Sea Lion Galaxy under the Initial Gate is not a big boss, but it is definitely not a small fish.

This made Bai Fu's hanging heart relieved a lot.

She went to the Sea Lion Galaxy mainly for two things.

The first thing is to actively participate in various plots in the Sea Lion Galaxy.

The experience in Zuyuan Star has clearly told her that only by actively participating in the main plot and improving her popularity and plot exploration can she get various enhancements in each version update.

The second thing is to find a way to find the specific location of other novice planets.

At this stage, Bai Fu's popularity is the highest among all NPCs, but she dare not let her guard down at all.

With the official launch of the Xinghai version, and as more and more powerful or unique NPCs enter the player's field of vision, her popularity will inevitably be impacted, and she will even be overtaken by many latecomers.

In the final analysis, popularity is like sailing against the current. If you don't advance, you will retreat.

It is extremely difficult to maintain longevity like Tifa, the queen of the 3D area. Most of the time, a character's popularity will only be popular for a while, and then it will soon be submerged by the back wave and become the tears of the times.

Bai Fu’s goal is not to be the new king of the 3D zone, but to be the popular king of the watch world, so the road she has to take is much more difficult than Tifa’s. She must always work hard and maintain high exposure in front of players. This is all because of her. essential homework.

Her plan is to contact other novice planet players before they come into contact with Xinghai and leave a deeper impression on them. In this way, in the future, even if other novice planet players encounter female NPCs that are more suitable for their XP, they will not be disappointed. She is forgotten all of a sudden. As long as the player still remembers her, she still has a chance to make a comeback.

Of course, Bai Fu’s purpose of wanting to go to other novice planets is definitely not just this.

"Players from other novice planets are saying every day that they want a Fufu to squeeze their experience. If I don't go, am I still a qualified succubus?"

Bai Fu, who has already experienced how refreshing it is to bathe in the experience pool on the ancestral star, will not let go of any opportunity to harvest players.

A player from the Origin Planet made her fly. If there were players from a few more planets, she might faint from joy.

Bai Fu can't wait to eat all the food.

Players are a good thing, chicken-flavored, crunchy, and the protein content is more than ten times that of ordinary NPCs. After setting up a camp and tasting the taste of players, she felt that she could not live without players.

But participating in the main plot and going to other planets to harvest players are things for the future.

"After arriving in the Sea Lion Galaxy, the first step is to avoid detection, get a new identity, and then find a way to complete the job transfer."

With stronger strength, you can make more choices.

Bai Fu stared at several cards displayed on the virtual screen. The Beginning Gate is a galaxy cluster at the edge of the explored universe. Since it does not belong to any cosmic-level civilization, it is completely synonymous with chaos and belongs to the Beginning. The Sea Lion Galaxy is no exception.

The card mentioned that the outside of the Beginning Gate faced the threat of "flood", and a dimensional disaster broke out inside.

The so-called flood disaster actually refers to the attacks from the starry sky monsters and the dark zone insect swarm. The latter is similar to the Flood in the Halo series and is famous for its rapid proliferation, strong infection, and many mutations.

The dimensional disaster originated from the war that broke out when civilizations inside the Initial Gate first came into contact in the star sea. In the years before the order of the universe was formed, the battle between civilizations was both superior and inferior, and a matter of life and death, just like the dark forest. .

A lost civilization in the Beginning Gate tried to control dimensions to eliminate other civilizations, and was eventually strangled by other civilizations. This civilization was completely destroyed, but some people survived. Since then, these survivors have been like ghosts. They also pop up from time to time to cause trouble, and when they do it, it has a greater impact than the bombing of the Twin Towers.

"Floods and ghosts, I don't know if they still exist a hundred years ago. If they still exist, I feel like these will be two main plot lines."

Bai Fu nodded repeatedly. In addition to these two catastrophes, the Initial Gate Galaxy Cluster also faced various conflicts such as religious disputes, interstellar pirate attacks, and behind-the-scenes competition among cosmic-level civilizations.

She was very excited about this, and chaos was the ladder for her to rise!

"In the edge world, I'm going to be hot on horseback!"

Bai Fu let out a cry of joy.

After she sat back on the bed, the spacecraft had officially flown out of the Origin Star. Along with the announcement from the spacecraft's AI, the Type II warp engine carried by the spacecraft began to operate.

The engine roared, distorting the curvature of space behind the spacecraft.

When the normal starry sky could no longer be seen outside the ship's portholes, and only the quiet black field could be seen, Bai Fu knew that the spacecraft had officially entered the warp flight stage.

"It takes 115 hours to get from the Origin Star to the Sea Lion Galaxy. Please be patient."

The announcement blared in the room.

115 hours, which is less than five days.

For Bai Fu, who likes to stay at home when she has nothing to do, the five-day waiting time has passed in a flash. Not to mention that there are games to play on the spaceship and people to chat with. Even if there is nothing, she is hiding in the cabin alone. You can easily play for five days by yourself and yourself.

During the voyage, Bai Fu browsed the official game website and the player community.

She went to the official website to see the update announcement. In fact, the announcement was not interesting. Just like Qunxingniang said, version 1.3 focuses on an exploration of the main plot and has no new features. However, because of her outstanding performance in version 1.2, her status The painting was placed at the end of the update announcement in a section dedicated to explaining the development of the main storyline, which was a little bit of a hit.

She has a hunch that if her performance in version 1.3 is still outstanding, her portrait will appear at the top of the update announcement next time the official releases it. If she shines in version 1.4 as well, she will be in the Star Sea When the version is officially launched, she will become the protagonist of the Star Ocean version trailer.

From the queen of Novice Village to the rising star of Xinghai, who else is more suitable to be the spokesperson of Xinghai version than her?

"If so, then turn her into my wings in advance!"

In fact, in the eyes of players, Bai Fu is already the spokesperson of the Xinghai version.

At noon on the day she left Zuyuan Star, Igor and Gaoyuan jointly launched her exclusive documentary.

This documentary is 90 minutes long, with a large amount of content and excellent content. Igor bought a lot of Bai Fu's battle scenes from Digging Ji and inserted them into the documentary. He also shot a lot of interviews with Bai Fu. In the interview, Bai Fu talked about her mental journey, interests and hobbies, and changed more than a dozen different sets of clothes to appear on the screen, from dresses, to black silk and white shirts, to combat uniforms, to Silent Court uniforms, satisfying the preferences of different players.

[Miss Yinyue, if there were not so many disputes, what do you think you should be doing now? ]

[Drinking tea, outings, sunbathing, playing games when I have nothing to do, I actually hate work, haha]

Some humorous dialogues in the documentary made this documentary, which was already very rare, explode.

[The statue of Fu Fu stood tall under the sunset, and I was actually a little moved when I saw this scene]

[Fu Fu in a sweater looks so cute, haha]

[I still like black silk, it's delicious! 】

As Bai Fu had expected, after two days of fermentation, this documentary went viral, and its impact was even greater than that of Tai Er Zhenren. NPCs filmed documentaries for NPCs, and the quality of the films was better than some classic documentaries. This gimmick was fully utilized. Many passers-by who were not interested in the game ran in to take a look after seeing the hot search. Although these passers-by were not attracted to the game, they helped Bai Fu expand her circle.

After watching the documentary, some directors in reality came up with the idea of ​​asking Bai Fu to guest star in their new movies to get some popularity, but they soon found that this would not work.

[Fu Fu has left and went to Xinghai. I am crying. I will not be able to get close to Fu Fu for a long time in the future]

[From the novice planet to the first person in Xinghai, the real pioneer of Xinghai, Lao Fu! ]

[Fu Fu, you must be happy in Xinghai! ]

Bai Fu nodded with a smile.

As long as you regularly send me your hard-earned experience through the copy store, I can feel full of happiness!

In addition to discussing the documentary, players also discovered a big secret based on the card description of the game "Cosmic Web".

[Wait, Fu Fu's title seems to be the Lord of the Night, right? ]

[Lord, oh my god, I always thought that Lord was just a respectful title, but now it seems that we may have thought things too simply. Lord is a level of super-powered people, second only to super-powered people, which means that Fu Fu may have been a big boss who could dominate a star region before being betrayed and seriously injured! ]

[Too awesome, ah ah ah, I want to hug Fu Fu's feet tightly! ]

Bai Fu's mouth twitched when she saw these discussions.

To be honest, when she first saw the Lord level, she really didn't think about it in this way. She could only say that this was a coincidence and the players were very good at imagination.

When coincidence and imagination collided, her character image suddenly became more full-bodied than before, just like her Da Lei.

"Okay, okay, I want to see what you can imagine in the future!"

Bai Fu is best at performing shows based on the players' imagination.

Day 5.

The spacecraft passed through the dark area that was not recorded in detail on the star map and finally entered the Sea Lion Galaxy.

At this moment, AI reminded Bai Fu that the spacecraft had connected to the interstellar network built based on hypercommunication.

"Please choose the place where the spacecraft will dock?"

Bai Fu waved her hand: "Don't worry, let me take a look first."

Large starports like Kalinas can be ruled out. After choosing for a long time, she took a fancy to a more remote starport-

Light Curtain Starport!

The Light Curtain Starport is not within the Star Network Community. It is famous for the strange wormholes around it and the colorful lights around the wormholes. The area around the Light Curtain Starport used to be a mining area. Due to the depletion of minerals, the mining party had no intention of continuing construction and gradually became a chaotic area.

However, Bai Fu was not interested in its chaos, but its low regional level.

The news on the interstellar network said that the area around the Light Curtain Starport was very barren, so there were no major forces stationed there, and she could just go there to change her clothes.

"The destination has been determined to be the Light Curtain Star Port, and the spacecraft will arrive at the destination in 1 hour and 21 minutes!"

When the AI's voice sounded on the spaceship, Bai Fu, Anya, Yulia, and the players on the spaceship were all excited.

More than an hour later, as the trailer said, the spaceship arrived at its destination.

Through the porthole, everyone on the spaceship saw a huge dark gray metal building floating between the colorful starry sky curtains.

This is the Light Curtain Star Port. It is spindle-shaped as a whole, with metals crisscrossing and crisscrossing. In the coldness, there is a sense of heaviness of time. This is the crystallization of technology and the power of civilization.

At this time, inside and outside the starport, more than a dozen spaceships were advancing along the tractor beams shot out by the starport. The black line left after the warp engine was turned off covered the tractor beams. From a distance, the tractor beams seemed to be cut into celebratory colored paper, which was very spectacular.


Although they have seen many starports in various film and television programs and other games, the players on the spaceship still couldn't help but exclaimed after seeing the Light Curtain Star Port up close.

A mining area starport is so big, how big and magnificent must the legendary Kalinas starport be?

In the live broadcast room of Digging Ji, the players who were waiting kept posting comments.

Amazement, surprise, envy...

Standing in front of the Light Curtain Star Port, many players found the freshness they felt when they first entered the game.

This is the Star Sea!

Endless fantasy, endless journey!

[Since I am no longer in Zuyuan Star, the Silent Courtyard News Express column will be temporarily suspended, but don't worry, I will actively update the new column [Roaming the Star Sea with Fu Fu] next, so stay tuned! ]

When Digging Ji waved at the live broadcast room, the spacecraft had entered the Star Port under the guidance of the tractor beam.

"Please register your identity." The virtual image of the Star Port law enforcement officer appeared outside the porthole, "If you don't have an identity, you need to register your identity first and then register."

It is obviously a so-called chaotic area, but the management of the Light Curtain Star Port looks unexpectedly formal.

Bai Fu registered a temporary identity according to the instructions. After the registration, under the guidance of the robot, the spacecraft passed through the narrow passage and entered the interior of the Star Port. After circling for more than ten minutes, it finally rushed to the nearby mining area with the largest population, Star No. 3.

Mining Area No. 3 is a yellowish earth planet with a suitable temperature, but a harsh environment. There are many traces of the great mining period on it. Now it has become a cargo distribution center near the Light Curtain Star Port. Every day, many goods of unknown origin flow into the market here and are bought by people.

Bai Fu chose to land here to make money.

In the Star Sea, it is difficult to move without money.

She plans to sell some prayer cards. Even in the Star Sea, prayer cards are still not a common commodity. It must be said that the spiritual knowledge brought by the broken star is very powerful, allowing her to unlock a very rare profession.

It is so lucky to have so many big brothers supporting her career on the small Zuyuan Star!

The spacecraft passed through the atmosphere and stopped at a dedicated docking point.

As the vibration disappeared, the hatch opened, and the players rushed out in a swarm, looking east and west, and their eyes were so excited that they looked like light bulbs.

"We are new here and are not familiar with the surrounding situation. Don't run around."

Bai Fu hurriedly warned.

The movement here has attracted the attention of the surrounding aliens. As a place where civilizations blend, there are many kinds of aliens around the Light Curtain Star Port, including the Zuyuan Star people, Furui, and some very unique looking beings.

Bai Fu ignored them and cast her eyes on the black super-large building not far away that was hundreds of meters high. The building was suspected to be some kind of heavy industrial equipment, but now it has been transformed into a trade market. There are many different shops on the first floor of the trade market, entertainment, food, foot washing... everything is available.

"Let's go, let's go to that market first."

Bai Fu called all the players, and just as she took a few steps out, a humanoid alien with slightly pointed ears and light blue skin suddenly blocked her way.

"Is this your first time in the Sea Lion Galaxy?"

Bai Fu raised her eyebrows slightly. She found that the alien's favorability towards her was -13, and the total level was not high, only level 28.

"What can I do for you?"

The alien smiled and showed his teeth: "I'm a errand boy. Seeing that you haven't registered your identities, you must not be familiar with us here, right? Hire me for only 1 credit point, and I can take you to tour this planet for a day."

1 credit point?

I can't afford this money even at a 50% discount.

Bai Fu waved her hand calmly: "I appreciate your kindness, but I want to go shopping by myself."

The alien asked a few more questions, but was still rejected and had to leave helplessly.

"That person may not be as simple as he said." At this time, Yulia reminded in a low voice.

Bai Fu nodded: "I haven't seen him before, but he knows that we don't have a registered identity. It seems that he knows someone in the star port."

The chaotic area of ​​the trench, she just said that the light curtain star port service looked very formal, but it turned out to be a hidden secret.

But this is not necessarily a bad thing.

"Maybe we can get the first pot of gold without selling prayer cards, and that spaceship may also be well handled."

Bai Fu smiled and narrowed her eyes.

The people in the Land of Chaos don't know how terrible the Fourth Calamity is at this time.

PS: Thanks to fiestazwf and Mercury's Masked Superman for the tips.

I'm a bit busy today, so I'll just lay the groundwork for 6,000 words and leave a lead for the new volume. I'll try to update more tomorrow.

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