Who made her an NPC!

Chapter 151 Let Xingkong know the name of Bai Fu, the master of the dark night! [72k]

Chapter 151 Let the stars know the name of Bai Fu, the master of the night! [7.2k]

There are two main reasons why Bai Fu insisted on taking a group of players to act with her.

The first purpose is to hope that players will continue to promote her on video websites and communities, so that she can always maintain a high exposure, so that she will not be like other characters in other games, where she will disappear after the card pool, activities, or exclusive plots, and be overtaken by other female NPCs.

The second purpose is naturally because players are very useful, especially these players who have become her after three versions of her development.

Moving bricks, being a meat shield, supporting the scene, exploring unknown areas...

There are countless ways for players to use her.

Even if she is in a bad mood, seeing this group of players who often shout conscience Fu Fu while looking at her with eager eyes, Bai Fu's mood will naturally improve.

When you get along with Yulia, you can easily make yourself dry-mouthed and have backaches if you are not careful. It's different when you get along with players. The experience can be summed up in two words: easy!

In short, Bai Fu had high hopes for the group of players she brought here.

Looking at the back of the strange alien going away, she had a new idea.

She first secretly released a few little Bai Fus and asked them to follow the alien, and then issued the task of exploring this cargo distribution center to the players. When the players were ready to act, she called Anya again and asked Anya to expand the players' ideas.

Convert to my Fu, do you still remember Fu by Daming Lake... Bah, wrong, do you still remember that you asked those gangsters to mortgage and borrow money in Lin En Settlement?

This trick no longer works on the novice planet, because the NPCs there know that players can be resurrected and will no longer lend money to players without strong guarantees, but the NPCs of Xinghai are not aware that players have such an outrageous ability to resurrect.

In Bai Fu's view, the NPCs of Xinghai are now like a group of pure "little angels". Coincidentally, as a succubus, she likes to pollute "little angels" the most.

Get ready for the baptism of the fourth disaster!

Because she was new here, Bai Fu actually didn't plan to directly increase the strength of the NPCs in Xinghai. Her code of conduct was -

We promise not to be the first to use natural disaster-level weapons!

But now the alien who had gone far away has set his sights on her. Whether it's for money or for her body, she's not sleepy anymore.

"My great Bai Fu is definitely not a good person. You want me, right? Then find a way to get all of you!"

After Anya's reminder, Guiyiwofu and others' minds suddenly became active.

Oh my god, it's true!

If Anya didn't remind them, they would have forgotten that they had such a trick to make money.

After doing this on Zuyuan Star, there's no reason not to do it in Xinghai. This would be too unfair to the NPCs on Zuyuan Star!

Guiyiwofu and others looked at each other and took action immediately.

After boarding the spaceship, their resurrection points were automatically bound to the spaceship, so they didn't have to worry about resurrecting on Zuyuan Star after death.

The most excited players are not Guiyiwofu, but those who entered the game late and found that the shortcuts were blocked when they wanted to learn from Guiyiwofu. For them, this is the first time, and it may be the last time. In this case, they must do their best to live up to their virgin death in Xinghai.

[Wow, you are really born]

[A moment of silence for the NPCs of Xinghai, who else can you mess with]

[It has to be Anya. If she hadn't reminded them, they would never have thought that they could play like this in Xinghai]

[Ah, I thought Anya was a cute lolita, but she has so many tricks? ]

[Don't you think Anya is cute for being willing to transform into a black-hearted lolita to protect the noble Moon Fufu she follows? ]

In the live broadcast room of Digging Ji, the players discussed happily.

Bai Fu nodded secretly. This kind of thing must not be reminded by her personally. After all, it is inconsistent with the personality she showed to the players.

If players find out that her gentleness and kindness are all fake, and that she is actually a bad woman with a rich inner drama, and her mind is full of how to squeeze the players, they will definitely lose a lot of fans, right?


Fortunately, she has Anya and Hei Fu as two shields.

"You are worthy of exploiting little girls!"

After the players walked away, Yulia rolled her eyes at Bai Fu.

Bai Fu ignored Yulia's eyes. If she doesn't eat children, then she will eat you. I'm afraid you can't stand my bites.

Anya grabbed Bai Fu's sleeve. She was very happy to help Bai Fu.

What's wrong with being exploited by the boss? She just hopes that the boss will exploit her more, so that the boss will not be entangled by Yulia, a bad woman who pretends to be cold!

"Let's go. Before Xiao Bai Fu and the undead find out the news around, let's go around this cargo distribution center and see if we can find anything useful."

The special abilities of the players and Yulia's magic replenishment ability are the reliance of Bai Fu's confidence in gaining a foothold in the Light Curtain Star Port area.

However, she also knew that if she wanted to gain a firm foothold in the star sea, her own strength was the most important thing.

Her psychic profession had been stuck at level 50 for a while. In order to trigger the job transfer task, she now urgently needed to collect three more advanced psychic knowledge.

In addition to advanced knowledge of psychic energy, Bai Fu also wanted to buy a complete star map of the edge world star zone. With the star map, it would be more convenient to run away after doing something bad or to find other novice planets in the future.

She didn't know the specific locations of other novice planets, but as long as she got the star map of the edge world and entered it into the game's map system, she could infer the route to other novice planets through the relative positions of Zuyuan Star, other novice planets and edge worlds on the map, so that she could drive the spacecraft there.

In terms of player leeks, she has never lagged behind any NPC in the game.

Bai Fu took Anya, Yulia and Hei Fu into the trade distribution center not far away.

This trade distribution center set up in abandoned heavy industrial equipment is surprisingly large. It is divided into more than 20 floors from bottom to top. The top floor can even dock small spacecrafts. The walls made of black metal are thick and dangerous.

The trade distribution center built in a chaotic place is not a place for ordinary people to come.

Bai Fu took a quick look and found that even the most inconspicuous vendors in the aisle had a total level of 25. Those who wore power armor, special clothes, or modified mechanical prostheses had even higher levels.

"This NPC's main profession is level 54. From what passers-by said, he is an A-level superpower, but some of his attributes are not as good as mine, that is, he has more exclusive skills than me."

Bai Fu understood. Her previous guess was correct. Although she had not completed the third job transfer, her strength was comparable to some weaker A-level superpowers.

This was a reassuring discovery.

The overall level of the Xinghai map is much higher than that of the Novice Planet, but the combat effectiveness of ordinary people in Xinghai is not necessarily much higher than that of ordinary people in Novice Planet. In Xinghai, most superpowers are stuck at D and C levels. B and A-level superpowers can be regarded as elites whether they are placed in the marginal world or in the star area under the jurisdiction of the three major civilizations.

As for the S-class superpowers, their deterrent power when they burst out with all their strength is comparable to that of a humanoid self-propelled nuclear bomb. They are the real macho class in the star sea.

Bai Fu didn't dare to think that far yet. She wandered around the trade distribution center, mainly looking at advanced knowledge, star maps, and spiritual power training guide books.

The good news is that this trade distribution center has what she wants for sale. The bad news is that the cheapest [Psychic Construction Method] sells for 5,000 credit points, and the complete edge world star map is worth 100,000 credit points.

Bai Fu: "..."

It's really touching. When she was on Zuyuan Star, she had become the richest woman. Now she is so poor that she has nothing in her crotch.

Fortunately, she still has players. Her money is her money, and the players' money will sooner or later be her money.

"The total price of the three advanced knowledge is at least 23,000 credit points. I hope the players can get more gold coins from the NPCs here. There is also the NPC who just stared at me. He..."

Speaking of that NPC, Bai Fu's eyes suddenly lit up.

Here she comes, the little Bai Fu she sent out finally got something!

Mining Area Star No. 3, an abandoned drilling platform in Area D.

After receiving identity verification at the door, Driss smiled and walked into a round house with a "flame" flag.

This is a temporary base of the Fire House.

The Fire House is an organization with a serious name and is also well-known in the Light Curtain Star Port, but it is engaged in slave trafficking, an evil act strictly prohibited in the Star Network Community.

The Fire House was established 20 years ago. The founder Lava used to be a thug in a well-known interstellar pirate organization. After leaving the pirate organization, he started a new business with a group of followers. He is tall and has a bucket waist, but the swelling body is not filled with fat, but with muscles as terrifying as steel armor. This is the talent of his race. The hard skin can prevent the fire martial arts true qi he masters from burning his body.

"Chief, I went to contact those people you mentioned. They seem very alert, but whether from their speaking habits or their performance after landing, they are most likely country bumpkins from a small civilization." Driss said to Lava with a flattering face.

Lava chewed the unknown barbecue in his hand: "They don't even have an interstellar pass. They are either country bumpkins or wanted criminals from somewhere. There are nearly a hundred of them, and an old-fashioned cargo ship that looks good. The leader's appearance is top-notch among any cosmic race. If we can successfully catch them, we should be able to make a lot of money this time."


The other thugs in the house laughed when they heard Lava's words.

They do this business to make money. Now that the profitable business has come to their door, how can they not be happy?

At this moment, Lava's communicator suddenly rang.


Lava looked at the virtual screen that popped up. The one calling him was the spy he sent out.

"What's the matter?"

"Chief, those country bumpkins you asked Dris to keep an eye on suddenly came to us to borrow money. How should I deal with them? Should I arrest them directly, or..."

"Borrow money?"

"Yes, they were afraid that I would not lend them money, so they said nice things one by one, promising to pay them back immediately, and even said that if I didn't believe them, they could use their bodies as collateral."

After hearing the spy's explanation, Lava was stunned for a while.

Body collateral?

He was just about to sell these country bumpkins for money, but it's too late. It's so funny.

"Borrow, lend it to them first. I have to gather people. Don't scare the snake away for the time being. If I scare them away, it will waste a lot of time to catch them back. Anyway, as long as I catch them, the loaned money will be lost again." It’s back in our hands.”

"Yes, boss."

After ending the call, Lava looked around and burst into laughter.

"These country bumpkins are so cute and silly."

"They don't know yet what they're going to face."

"That's what country bumpkins from small places are like. They haven't seen the cruelty of Xinghai, and their minds are full of innocent fantasies. Today I'm here to teach them a lesson. Xinghai can eat people!"

"Eat people! Eat people!"

The other thugs in the house cheered, and many of them already missed the smell of foot washing. The big-footed ladies in the trading center are so exciting!

[Name]: Lava

[Race]: Ash Human Race

[Template]: Special-Innate Penetration

[Main occupation]: Ash Martial Arts Master Lv7 [+50], Predator Lv3 [+10]

[Sub-career]: None

[Health]: 6750/6750


[Attributes]: Strength 403, Agility 154, Physique? ,intelligence? , Spirit 78, Inspiration 33

[Skills]: Ashes Martial Arts,...

[Talent]: Body of Ashes, Penetration of Strange Points,? ? ?

[Favorability]: Coveted (-13)

[Danger Level]: Yellow

An attribute panel was unfolded in front of Bai Fu. She asked Xiao Bai Fu to "risk death" to sneak into the territory of Chuanhuo House and use her spiritual vision to detect it.

The NPC panel value of this NPC called Lava is very high. The base power of 403 points is the highest she has ever seen. From the danger level of yellow, it can be seen that Lava is stronger than her without any bonus, but not yet. So strong that it makes people despair.

"If there really is a fight, I have Yulia, Heifu and a lot of prayer cards here, so I still have a chance of winning, but he has a lot of men, and this is his home court. The player and Anya may not be able to withstand it. The player and Anya If anything happens to Anya, I will be besieged."

Bai Fu clicked on the mission that was triggered after overhearing the conversation in the Huo House.

【Crisis coming】

[Mission introduction: After leaving the Origin Star and entering the starry sky for the first time, you were targeted by Chuanhuowu, a notorious slave trading organization that colluded with the Light Curtain Star Port. You are standing at the crossroads of destiny! 】

[Task goal:

Branch 1. Get rid of the pursuit of the Fire House, and the reward is -700,000 experience points;

Branch 2. Destroy the Fire House, reward -3 million experience points, open the reputation of the light curtain star port, +50 reputation of the light curtain star port, and a one-time skill card for lava*1]

There are two branches of the mission. The reward difference between getting rid of the pursuit and destroying the Chuanhuo House is very big. From this, it can be seen that it is still difficult for Bai Fu to win in the fight with the Chuanhuo House with the power she currently possesses.

"It seems that to complete the second branch, we can only start the final plan - to kill with a borrowed knife!"

While watching Driss go away, Bai Fu thought of an idea.

If everything goes well, she will not only be able to solve the potential trouble caused by Broken Star's spaceship, but also make a lot of money, complete a mission with good rewards, and grab her first pot of gold in the star sea.

She decided to give it a try. Anyway, she had already detected Chuanhuowu's actions in advance. Even if her plan failed, she would have enough confidence to cut her losses.

Bai Fu quickly contacted Dig Ji and asked Dig Ji to call other players to come back after borrowing the money.

Most of the players had just arrived in an unfamiliar area, and now was the time to explore. They heard that Bai Fu was urging them to do it, so they still came back with unfinished business.

Although the other NPCs are also good, they are obviously not as powerful as Fu Fu, who has a great background, so it is better to follow Fu Fu.

Bai Fu said: "If I remember correctly, it seems that you can choose the place where you will be resurrected after death, right?"

Digging Ji nodded.

Bai Fu said: "I am ready to abandon the spaceship we came from. You'd better change the location of resurrection now."


The surrounding players were confused. Why did they give up the spaceship? If there was no spaceship, wouldn't they be unable to run around in the future?

Bai Fu shared her findings and plans with the players: "Giving up that spaceship doesn't mean we won't have other spaceships. I think the spaceship from Chuanhuo House is good."

Whether in terms of appearance or model, the ship in the Fire House is better than the old cargo ship in Broken Star.

Bai Fu is going to change all tactics with Chuanhuoya——

When Denhuoya launched an attack, she sent general Heifu and the players to fight, deliberately pretending to be dead, and then sneaked into Denhuoya's base camp while Denhuoya was triumphant and drove away their spaceship.

Of course, her purpose is not just to change homes.

Broken Star's spaceship is a time bomb for her. Although she is quite safe now, who can guarantee whether the Shijing Security Company, the Red Moon Mercenary Group or the Consecrated Order will suddenly recognize the ship she is driving in the future? Is the spaceship the spaceship of Broken Star?

Once they really recognized her, she would be in trouble.

It could range from losing the Pillar of True Spirit to risking one's life.

Bai Fu didn't want to be threatened by such a time bomb all the time. She planned to take this opportunity to throw away the time bomb. If she was lucky, she might be able to use this time bomb to blow the fire house to pieces.

"Let's get started."

Under Baifu's command, the player first changed the resurrection point, and then moved all valuable things from the cargo ship. The focus was on Yulia's experimental equipment. As for other materials, Baifu only left behind the production equipment. The rest of the prayer card materials were sold directly at the goods distribution center.

These materials are not worth a few credit points, so she doesn't feel bad even if they are sold cheaply.

It's just a small amount of money. The player just borrowed more than 400 credit points from the Chuanhuo House. Bai Fu is now very confident. She borrowed the money based on her ability, so she will naturally not repay it based on her ability.

"Very good, everything is ready, now we just have to wait for the fire house to take action."

Chuan Huoya moved faster than Bai Fu expected. This was because Lava was stimulated by her actions and thought she was going to drive away in the spaceship after selling the goods.

Now that this fine fat meat has arrived near his temporary stronghold, can he still sit back and watch them run away?

Lava mobilized a large number of people and left only a few close associates to look after the house. He was afraid that Bai Fu would run away and that someone would come to compete with him for business.

"Whether we can have enough alcohol, meat, and women in the next few months depends on this operation!"

Lava is full of appeal, and his shouts cause a group of thugs under his command to celebrate.

When he and his men hurriedly flew past the trading center on a single-person flying motorcycle, some vendors in the distribution center gathered together and whispered.

"Who is Chuan Huoya targeting again this time?"

"You know, as long as you don't come looking for me, I still have business to do."

"Damn, I really envy Lava. When he left the pirate group, I thought he was going to perish. Unexpectedly, he got involved with a slave tycoon and his new business was booming."

"He's too jumpy. Sooner or later, when the Star Network Community frees up its hands, it will take care of him."

"That being said, the Star Network Community has a lot of problems to deal with. Even if it frees up its hands, I'm afraid it won't be able to find him for a while."

Tsk tsk tsk.

Bai Fu, who was hiding in the dark, couldn't help but secretly marveled that Planet No. 3 in the mining area was indeed a place of chaos, and as expected there were not many good people to be found.

She watched the lava go away. Just now, Yulia, who she had disguised as Black Fu and several small Black Fu, showed up outside. Not surprisingly, she attracted the attention of the fire house.

You call me a country girl, right?

Today, I, Da Baifu, am going to show you the horror of a country girl like me!

On the Ancestral Star, I counterattacked from a mere village girl to become a queen. In the Star Sea, I might not be able to repeat this path.

Bai Fu called to Yulia and Anya, who were also disguised like her: "Let's go and steal the house!"

The three of them moved quickly.

With Little White Fu opening the way, they easily avoided all the sights on the road and reached the temporary location of the Fire House, which already seemed very empty at this time.

Bai Fu was not in a hurry to break in immediately. She was waiting for the lava side to make the first move. When the fighting there was fierce, she would have enough time to steal the spaceship and then transport the previously hidden supplies to the spaceship. .

This waiting time passed quickly.

It is said that the flying motorcycle the Fire House thugs ride on is extremely fast. After finding Heifu and the player, Lava immediately issued the order to attack.

Black Fu only inherited 85% of Bai Fu's basic attributes, but her strength must not be underestimated because of this. The consecration link from Yulia and the bonus of the true spirit summons made her inspiration attribute instantly increase from 322 to 371. After using the [Psychic Strengthening Potion (Yulia Version)] obtained from the [Death of the Society of Truth] mission, this value skyrocketed to 406 points again. However, this was not the limit. Black Fu opened her mind when she came up. The second stage of blessing increases the basic inspiration attribute by 20%.


This is Heifu's current inspiration attribute.

Facing the menacing lava, Heifu rushed forward without saying a word and unleashed a dark burn.

The basic panel damage of three consecutive hits is 2115. Taking into account various output damage bonuses, the panel damage of this hit is as high as more than 6000!

But panel damage is panel damage after all. After entering the starry sky, the biggest problem Bai Fu faced was that her opponents knew to guard against psychic strikes and had the means to guard against psychic strikes.

However, even if Lava wears equipment that weakens psychic damage, his body comes with a high damage reduction talent. He also turned on the infuriating barrier. When Heifu consumed 65% of the psychic value, he launched three consecutive Dark Burning After the blow landed on his body, a terrifying damage value of "-2921" floated above his head, which was known for his terrifying flesh.

With one blow, Lava, who did not dodge out of contempt, lost nearly half of his health!

"Fucking redneck!"

Lava went into a rage.

He never dreamed that he would be beaten by a village girl until he felt threatened by death.

"Kill her, no, capture her alive, she will definitely sell for a high price!"

The lava immediately regained its health, and other members of the Fire House rushed towards the player and Heifu from multiple directions.

These thugs have extraordinary strength, and one of them is an A-class superpower like Lava.

They thought it would be an easy battle, but they were wrong. The country bumpkins in their eyes showed a fearless spirit that shocked the interstellar elite.

No capture, only death!

The thugs in the Fire House were dumbfounded.

They came to capture slaves, but now these country bumpkins tried their best to fight with them, and committed suicide if they couldn't win. How can they play like this?

"It's bad, the money we borrowed can't be recovered!"

Lava's eyes were wide open: "Is it time to think about this? As long as we seize their spaceship, we won't lose. As for these people..."

Seeing that it would be impossible to capture Hei Fu alive for a while, he gritted his teeth and asked someone to take out the high-lethality weapons at the bottom of the box.

Since you are unwilling to be captured alive, I will fulfill your wish and send you on your way!

"Blow them up!"

The continuous bombings fell, submerging Hei Fu, Little Hei Fu, and the last few players.

At the same time, in the temporary base of the Fire House, Bai Fu rushed in first.

The people who stayed behind in the stronghold never dreamed that Bai Fu would come out, and they didn't expect Bai Fu to be so powerful. When they realized the danger and wanted to call Lava, Bai Fu and Yulia started a mixed doubles.

You have a sky burial, I have a sky burial, you have a spirit explosion, I have a superpower field, the two of them cooperated seamlessly, and beat the remaining fry to their knees in a few moves.

"If you don't want to die, open the door of the spaceship and start the spaceship."

Under the coercion of force and the enforcement of combat etiquette, Bai Fu successfully entered the spaceship of the Fire House. As she expected, this private spaceship is much more advanced than the cargo ship of Shattered Star.

After beating the useless thug to death with one punch, Bai Fu drove the spaceship to pick up Yulia's experimental equipment and the resurrected players and flew out of the Light Curtain Starport.

When the spaceship sank into the sky, Lava also happened to enter the spaceship of Shattered Star.

Looking at this spaceship whose interior decoration did not feel old at all, Lava's angry heart due to the injury finally calmed down.

"We stole a spaceship, so we finally made it back this time."

He laughed, and at this moment, a signal transmitter came into his sight.

"Who activated it?"

The people behind him looked at each other in bewilderment.

"It should have been activated before we came in."

Lava took two steps forward and turned off the signal transmitter. He called up the transmitter's transmission log and found that the message sent by the transmitter was "Shattered Star".

Somehow, he suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.

Shijing Planet, Star Harbor Observation Station.

At this moment, the observer on duty suddenly stood up excitedly.

"We found the spaceship that Shattered Star stole!"

PS: Thanks to Tang Xian for the reward

Putting out bowls to ask for votes~

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